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Gwen 18

‘Are you ready to leave, Master?’

Pete refused to give Cindy the satisfaction of seeing his flaming cheeks. No doubt on orders from her mistress, his bodyguard had taken to referring to him as Master whenever they were in private.

If that had been all, Pete could have probably overlooked it as a cute quirk of his number one fangirl.

Gwen’s slutty fingerprints were all over the girl though - their pet - so of course that wasn’t all.

Cindy had foregone her tactical outfit, or any pretence that she was his bodyguard at all at this point. Acting as more of a research assistant that was also tasked with protecting him, Cindy - or Gwen, rather - decided she should dress the part. This often just meant his stunning pet would be prancing about his office in the tightest of blouses and pencil skirts, her cleavage and gorgeous legs fully on display - the latter always enhanced by her sexy, stiletto heels.

He wasn’t sure how she was supposed to fight in those if it ever came down to it, but neither Gwen nor Nat were concerned - the traitors were far too busy laughing at his squirming.

That being said, he wasn’t some blushing virgin. Cindy was a knockout, sure, but just showing some skin wasn’t enough to ruffle his jimmies these days. His cunning bodyguard had noticed that too though and had taken to hopping up on his desk, her incredible - sometimes stocking-clad - legs brushing him whenever she needed to speak with him.

There’s only so much I can take…

Sighing, Pete checked the time and rubbed at his tired eyes. He’d been staring at his screen for too long again.

‘Yeah,’ he agreed around a yawn, standing and allowing Cindy to slip his jacket over his shoulder. ‘Let’s get out of here.’

Hey, if he was gonna have a sexy, fully grown woman as a willing and eager pet, he was going to take advantage of it! Besides, her shoulder rubs were out of this world.

Pete froze when he stepped out of his office and saw his mousy secretary still hunched over and typing away at her computer.

‘Felicia?’ Pete asked in surprise, looking at his watch and shaking his head in disapproval. ‘What are you still doing here? You work too hard.’

The cute woman smiled up at him and shrugged. ‘I like my work sir, and the closer we get to the IRI launching, the more I have to deal with irate politicians and aggrieved construction companies wanting a piece of you.’

Smiling, Pete reached into his pocket and pulled out his money-clip. Counting out ten Benjamins, he laid them on the wide-eyed woman’s desk. ‘Go home, buy yourself something nice and take your boyfriend out to dinner, on me. You deserve it for the headaches I’ve no doubt put you through over the past several months.’

‘Oh, no sir I couldn’t,’ she attempted to protest, her face a mask of distress.

‘You will,’ Pete affirmed, sliding the stack of bills her way with a kind smile. ‘I’m not asking. If you’re not out of the building in ten minutes I’ll have the guards escort you to the closest beauty spa and keep you there until Monday,’ he promised with an amused grin. ‘Have a good weekend.’

Felicia blushed but smiled up at him, nodding in thanks and holding the money to her chest gratefully.

As they left his secretary behind, Cindy waited until they were alone in the elevator before making her thoughts known.

‘How long are you going to keep toying with her, Master?’

Snorting in amusement, Pete sent a sidelong look at his bodyguard before chuckling. ‘Until I know what she wants. She might be a thief, but she does good work and good help is so hard to find these days.’

They were almost at the loop station before she spoke again. ‘Are you going to fuck her?’

Pete was shocked the first time Cindy had asked this about a beautiful woman in his orbit, the question having come so out of left field he’d been left a gaping, blushing mess.

This wasn’t the first woman she’d asked this about though. He genuinely found the hint of jealousy in her tone adorable at this point.

‘No, I’m not going to fuck her.’

‘B-because,’ she predictably followed up, ‘i-if you need someone to sate your carnal urges, and Mistress isn’t available, you can use my body. Master. Please.’

‘I’m aware Cindy, thank you.’ Again, he’d have been shocked by the blatant propositioning…if it had been the first time she’d done so.

Honestly, it was getting harder and harder to resist. With Cindy’s sheer sexuality and Gwen’s constant prodding, he fully expected to just break one day and bend his bodyguard over his desk.

If Gwen was the mastermind she thought she was, she’d cut me off completely. I wouldn’t last the week with this cheeky slut waving her ass in my face…

‘Given that you’re apparently feeling generous…’ Cindy continued, and Pete raised an eyebrow in curiosity. She’d never asked him for anything…other than his cock, he supposed. He didn’t think him flashing some cash would have caught her interest. ‘W-would it be possible to create a morphing suit for me? One that works like Mistress’?’

Pete’s eyes widened in surprise before he hummed thoughtfully. She was a woman, so the appeal was obvious, but he didn’t think that was why she was asking. ‘I could probably work something out for you and Miles,’ Pete thought aloud and he almost laughed as Cindy started to vibrate with excitement. ‘Understand, it won’t be like Gwen’s - your body can’t produce the nanites or energy it would need, but something like a bangle that has its own power-source and nanites…?’


‘Hm?’ Pete asked, pulled away from the schematic he was hastily drawing up with his AR lens.

‘I don’t want a bangle… I want a collar,’ Cindy clarified, her cheeks burning red with an adorable, excited smile on her face that completely contrasted with the lewdness of her request. ‘I’m your pet, after all…’

When the elevators opened up to the Loop Station, people were greeted to the sight of the famous Peter Parker blushing like a child, his bodyguard looking undeniably pleased with herself.

Quicker than he could have had his secretary make him a coffee, they emerged outside his building at Hudson Yards where they were greeted by the sight of a mob of reporters undeniably waiting for him.

Pete sighed wearily, praying for Nat to finish with his private stop beneath his building before turning to the frowning Cindy. ‘Something wrong?’

‘Not yet Master,’ she answered with a completely straight look on her face. ‘But I don’t like it.’

Sighing again, he nodded and strode towards his building with Cindy hot on his tail.

Better get it over with.

One of the most valuable lessons he’d picked up through his media training with Pepper was that it was better to give the media something to chew on than blank them entirely. They were going to write their stories regardless, taking control of the narrative and having them inadvertently work for you was almost always the preferred option.

Tony generally referred to them as the ‘Enemy of the People’, so his advice regarding them was less than helpful.

My opinion on that might change depending on how often they ambush me outside my home…

When they saw him and Cindy approaching, they all rushed towards him as one, amorphous blob.

‘Doctor Parker,’ one of them shouted, Pete honestly didn’t even look at who. The flashing bulbs of their cameras blinded him enough that he didn’t even try. ‘Any comment on Governor Hammer’s comments that you’re stealing jobs from good, hard-working Americans?’

Pete kept his face politely bland and looked in the general direction the voice had originated from before answering. ‘He said that?’ Pete asked with feigned surprise. ‘I was wondering why his popularity was tanking in the polls. The Americans I’m concerned with have waited their entire lives to have infrastructure on par with those of us blessed to live in technologically advanced, metropolitan centres. I can help them with that, so I will.’

They all started screaming again, hoping to get their questions answered. He picked out the one that suited his agenda best.

‘What about the people who you’ve put out of a job?’

‘If my providing basic infrastructural necessities so that my fellow rural Americans can have a chance to compete in this economy means these monopolistic, monolithic construction companies lose out on a few perpetually unfulfilled contracts, well…’ he shrugged nonchalantly, grinning wide and winking at the man who asked the question. ‘I don’t want to tell you guys how to do your job, but that smells rather fishy.’

‘Isn’t it a bit hypocritical to refer to the construction companies as monolithic and monopolistic when you yourself work for Stark Industries?’

Pete looked through the flashing bulbs to single out the reporter that had asked the question. She was a pretty enough young woman he felt he recognized but couldn’t quite place. ‘What does SI have to do with any of this?’ he asked with a puzzled frown. ‘I’m using my own money to fund this entire project and I haven’t once tried to hide that fact. Please do your research.’

As they all started screaming as one, Cindy stepped in front of him and waved them all away with a casual, dismissive air. ‘Doctor Parker won’t be answering any more questions, please move aside.’

His bodyguard then charged through the parting crowd of reporters, dragging him with her. His eyes narrowed when he saw her narrowed eyes and her head on a swivel. Once they’d cleared the group, the reporters apparently unwilling to actually start harassing him and continue to follow - no doubt thanks to the disastrous consequences of doing just that with Tony in the past - Cindy leaned in to whisper in his ear.

‘We’re about to have an incident. I want you to stay completely still and not freak out, okay?’ she grinned and winked at him. ‘You don’t want to look bad in front of the cameras after such a…domineering performance, master.’

Snorting, Pete just nodded and looked at his watch as if he didn’t have a care in the world. It was a lot easier to remain calm with both Cindy by his side and with the knowledge of the S.H.I.E.L.D snipers he knew were permanently posted around his building.

Cindy’s eyes were locked on a fixed spot amongst the gaggle of reporters, her hands by her side, palms out and ready to react. From precisely where she was looking, a nondescript middle-aged man burst out in a frenzy, his hand reaching for his coat pocket.

‘You ruined my life Parker!’ he screamed, his hand pulling out a beretta to level at his face. Proving her worth - before the weapon even lifted high enough to even give a hint of danger - Cindy had webbed the man’s entire hand and weapon both in the blink of an eye. In the next blink, Cindy had webbed the man’s arm against his body, giving him the appearance of being locked in a straight jacket.

Pete looked down at the man with disdain as Cindy slowly wrapped him in a cocoon of her webs. He saw the look in the man’s eyes as he burst from the crowd - this was no bereaved construction worker, this was a hired killer.

The reporters had screamed and scattered at first sight of the gun. Turning to Cindy, he asked, ‘Are we clear?’

Her face a mask of cold fury, she sent him a curt nod as she knelt over her prey with barely restrained violence in her eyes.

Walking over to his potential killer, Pete knelt down beside him and force-fed him a pill filled with his nanites. Seeing the smug look on the man’s face, Pete couldn’t help but grin. ‘That pill housed a potent dose of my nanites,’ he explained as the smug grin slowly slipped from the man’s features. ‘We wouldn’t want any accidents to happen before we could thoroughly question you, would we?’

Seeing the man work his jaw and bite down on something, Pete’s grin widened when the killer realised his cyanide pill was ineffective, his face paling.

Before he could try anything else, Cindy knocked him out with a swift chop to the neck.

‘You’ll handle everything from here?’

Cindy sent him a curt nod and scanned her surroundings once more. Two men in suits were hurrying to their position and he didn’t doubt an evac was already being organised before the police could get here.

‘Alright, I’ll leave it with you.’ He paused, seeing the adorably hopeful look in Cindy’s beautiful, brown eyes. Sighing wearily, he patted her on the head like the pet she was. ‘Good girl.’

The way her face lit up and her cheeks flushed… she looked like she was about to sprout a tail and start wagging it.

You attract the crazies Parker, get used to it.

He was escorted to his private elevator by one of the suits while Cindy conferred with the other S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Finally alone, he held out his hand and noticed it shaking uncontrollably, adrenaline causing his breaths to come in rapid pants. When he finally made it to his penthouse suite he was honestly unsurprised to see a grinning Tony already there before Gwen quickly wrapped him in a bone-crushing hug, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and rubbing soothing circles in his back.

When she released him enough so he wasn’t on the verge of suffocating, Tony grinned and handed him a wrapped package. ‘Every man should get a gift after surviving their first assassination attempt!’

Shaking his head and chuckling in disbelief at his mentor’s sheer audacity, the adrenaline pumping through his system slowly leaving him, Pete opened the package and raised his eyebrows in disbelief. It was a flat, beautifully carved and oiled wooden box that looked to be the perfect size to house a brand new tablet, or a thick hardback.

While beautiful, it was what was inside that took him aback.

‘Really?’ Pete asked with a raised brow as he took out the - admittedly beautiful - custom made Desert Eagle with his thumb and forefinger and held it up for inspection. It was surprisingly light, and the reason why was immediately apparent. The frame was made entirely out of vibranium - they were giving it away at this point - somehow forged to have a beautiful Damascus pattern, the black metal looking to shine with an inner blue light. The handle felt comfortable in his hand and was wrapped in a beautiful, grippy dark brown leather. ‘This is beautiful, you absolute gun-nut, but the recoil on this thing will do more damage to me than whoever I’m pointing it at.’

‘What recoil?’ Tony asked with a mysterious smirk, and Pete’s eyes widened when he realised what the man was implying.

Of course, Vibranium! It’ll completely absorb the recoil…this thing is dangerous…

As much as the man loved his guns, and his behaviour when it came to firearm safety generally too chill, he was giving Pete a serious look. ‘That weapon is a thing of beauty and will do some serious damage. Get Moon or Romanoff to teach you how to properly handle it and make sure you take it to the firing range.’

‘Are you okay?’ Gwen asked, her eyes lingering on the firearm with approval.

Sighing wearily, Pete nodded in affirmation. ‘Yeah, I was never in any real danger. Nat’s snipers would have had him covered before Cindy even sensed him, but I assume the goal was to take him in for, erm, questioning.’

‘Good,’ Gwen replied with a firm nod, her eyes burning with restrained fury. Someone was going to have a real bad time once Gwen got her hands on them. ‘Speaking of, where’s Cindy?’

‘She’s handling the assassin,’ Pete answered and looked over at the pensive Tony. ‘You think this is Hammer’s doing?’

Tony stood in silence for several moments with a frown on his face, examining his fingernails. ‘I don’t think so,’ he finally answered. ‘Hammer is many things, but stupid isn’t one of them. To try and have you killed after organising that stunt with the reporters - nicely handled by the way - isn’t his style.’

‘I don’t want to make assumptions before looking at the evidence, but my money’s on the mob,’ Gwen gritted out with a clenched jaw, her hand still rubbing circles into his back. ‘They’re the ones hit hardest by your IRI.’

‘Yeah,’ Pete allowed with a frown, ‘but which mob? I have guys all over the South at the moment.’ His frown grew deeper. ‘And now I’m starting to think I need to get more security for them.’

‘Already handled,’ Tony said with a wave of his hand.

‘I’ll start with orgs that work across state lines - there can’t be that many, Gwen mused while tapping her chin thoughtfully. ‘That’s generally how these guys operate. Kill off the competition…’

Gwen started and smiled when he smacked her ass. ‘You have your thread and you look like you’re about to start climbing the walls. Go pull at it, I’ll be fine.’

Smiling thinly, she leaned up on her toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips. ‘I’ll make them pay,’ she promised before slipping away into her lair.

‘You got a keeper there,’ Tony praised, grinning slyly. ‘When are you gonna make an honest woman out of her?’

Pete chuckled under his breath as Tony turned on his heel and ambled on out to the terrace. ‘As soon as you make Frost one!’

Tony spun around and pointed his finger at him warningly. He looked like he had a thousand comebacks on the tip of his tongue, scrapping each and every one the second they came to mind. ‘Watch it.’

Snorting, Pete grabbed a bottle of scotch and a glass and joined Tony on the terrace. When his mentor saw the bottle of alcohol in his hand Pete just shrugged. ‘A gift from Logan.’

Pete poured him a finger and Tony hummed in approval at the taste.

They both took a seat on the nearby armchairs, sighing in bliss as they sank into the plush, waterproof material. They just sat in silence and gazed at the Statue of Liberty in the distance, enjoying each other’s company.

Without breaking the serenity of the moment, Tony reached over and handed him an unlit cigar. Pete stared at it for several moments before shrugging, taking it and letting Tony light it for him.

No reason not to. I can just have the nanites reverse any damage…

He broke out into a coughing fit after inhaling too much smoke on his first drag and was forced to endure the indignity of Tony patting him on the back and chuckling under his breath, his own cigar lit and sitting comfortably between his lips.

‘I didn’t know you smoked Pete.’

The serenity was broken by Miles, who landed on the railing with his leg outstretched, looking between the two of them in what he assumed was confusion.

‘It’s a night of firsts, apparently,’ Pete admitted with a shrug, taking another drug and blowing a smoke cloud at Kid Arachnid.

No idea what Gwen’s on about - that’s such a cool name.

‘Are…you alright?’ Miles asked cautiously, lifting up his mask and hopping on the terrace to join them. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the railing and eyed him up and down curiously. ‘And where’s Gwen?’

Pete shrugged. ‘I’m fine, there was never any danger,’ Pete admitted after taking another drag. ‘And I’d give Gwen space if I were you - she’s feeling pretty murderous at the moment.’

‘Yeah… that’s probably a good idea.’

Pete felt the unseen tension leave his shoulders as the three of them just hung out and shot the shit. Eyes widening in hope as a brilliant idea came to him, Pete turned to Tony with a pleading stare.

‘You think Emma will get off my ass about the Hellfire for a while now?’ Pete asked, grinned sheepishly. ‘After tonight and all.’

Tony shrugged, eyeing him with a sly grin. ‘Do what you want, it’s your funeral.’

Pete groaned and Miles chuckled at his plight.

‘I don’t know why you keep dodging her. She actually likes you.’

‘Rude telepaths annoy the hell out of me.’

‘Then hurry up and find a way to block it, you little pussy.’

‘Hey, isn’t Emma Frost pretty, you know…connected?’ Miles asked, trying to be as delicate as possible with her boyfriend sitting right there. ‘Maybe she can find out who put the hit out on you?’

Tony just laughed as Pete let out a long, suffering groan of genuine pain and anguish.

I hate that he’s right…

They weren’t interrupted again until Pete’s phone rang an hour later. His eyebrows rose in surprise when he saw it was his Aunt.

She must have been busy, I thought she’d call way sooner.

Predictably, when he answered, May was in tears as she babbled incoherently on the end of the line. She didn’t calm down until he explained how he wasn’t ever in any danger and they’d been suspecting something like this to happen.

I’m sorry for taking so long to call,’ May apologised, her voice noticeably calmer but still sniffling. ‘We didn’t see the news until just now. I was on a date with your Uncle.’

‘That’s okay May, everything’s fine. How was your date?’

Pete frowned when her voice hitched in an incredibly strange way before she answered, her voice no longer morose but instead playful. ‘It was…lovely. I haven’t felt this satisfied and worn out since I was a young woman.

‘Oh God! Ewewewewew, why would you tell me that?! Ewewew!’

Hearing his aunt cackling madly, he held his phone away from his ear and yelled that he was hanging up.

Oh grow up honey, and stay safe. We love you.’

The boys were laughing at his expense while he tossed his phone into the nearby spa with a violent shudder - a part of him desperately wishing it wasn’t waterproof.

Maybe I really should go see Emma - see if she can delete that conversation from my mind…


Gwen’s phone dinging with a notification woke her up with a start the next…morning?

Frowning, she reached over to Pete’s side of the bed and found it empty, having to shield her eyes from the sun’s rays shining through the window. In her sleep deprived state, it took her several moments to even regain her bearings.

She didn’t remember going to bed last night, she’d been burning the midnight oil coordinating with Nat to try and track down the ones who’d put the hit on Peter.

Peter…he must have carried me to bed.

Groaning, she stretched and reached for her phone on the bedside table, hoping it was Natasha with an update. They’d narrowed down their suspects to three crime families operating out of Memphis, St. Louis and West Virginia.

The way she was feeling, she was tempted to just wipe them all out to make an example out of them.

No. You’re better than that… mostly.

Unlocking her phone, her sleepy eyes widened when she saw that it was May. She was about to ignore it for now and go back to sleep but the message was short and visible in the notification.

- Want to trade?

It took Gwen’s sleep-addled mind an unusual amount of time to parse the three simple words, but when it did, a spike of excitement shot through her core. She remembered the last time they’d traded.

- What are you offering?

Gwen bit her lip and grinned salaciously, all of a sudden energised as she watched the ellipses dance, waiting for May’s reply.

- Something new. Something exciting. Honestly, I just want to talk to someone about it, but fair is fair. I want something in return.

She punctuated her texts with plenty of blushing-face emojis and winking emojis.

Giggling, Gwen quickly sent back her reply.

- I need to know what I’m buying here. What are we talking about on the Spice Meter?

May’s immediate reply was several crying-laughing emojis, denoting the absurdity of their exchange. Her next reply though, like a true saleswoman, baited the hook rather exquisitely.

- If my last offering was a 3, this one is a 12.

‘Oh you cheeky slut,’ Gwen muttered under her breath before cackling at the woman’s sheer audacity. Thinking about it for just long enough to realise she desperately wanted to see what May thought was that spicy, Gwen grinned wide and sent back her reply with an attached video clip.

- Pete and I got a new pet. What do you think of her?

The clip - more full-length video - Gwen sent along with her message showed the fun she and Cindy had had on the terrace when she had properly broken their new pet in. All in glorious, incredibly high-definition.

May’s replies only consisted of blushing face after blushing face emojis as she no doubt watched through the entirety of the video. Each update, while adorable, only increased Gwen’s anticipation though.

- Wait, is that the bodyguard?!?!?!?!?!

Gwen barked out a laugh before replying in the affirmative.

- She’s got a massive crush on Pete, it’s honestly adorable. And, as you can see, fun.

Gwen tried hard not to feel offended by the next message, reminding herself that as much as she and May were friends, she was Pete’s defacto mother first.

- Does Peter know? I can’t imagine him…doing something like this.

- Oh he knows. Cindy and I are like a tag-team, trying to drive Pete crazy. That outfit you saw her wearing on the news? Pretty impractical for a bodyguard, wouldn’t you say?

Her only response was several more cry-laughing emojis.

- So…how was that compared to yours?

May’s reply was quick…and mind-blowing.

- You tell me…

Gwen hurriedly opened up the attached image and gasped.

‘No fucking way!’

The pic was relatively simple and grainy. It was a beautiful naked May, this time in a room she didn’t recognize - possibly a hotel - kneeling on the floor next to what she could only assume was an equally naked Ben’s cock.

Pretty tame, even boringly vanilla were it not for the fact that Ben’s cock was stuffed in a chastity device, his thick appendage shrunken down to fit inside the two-inch cage. May’s smile was wide and naughty, her hand held out and cupping his balls. She looked like an erotic game-show presenter showing-off Ben’s caged dick for the camera.

- WHAT?!

May only sent back line after line of blushing face emojis.

- WHAT?!?!?!?!??!

- Ben…really likes it when I take control. I’ve been a fuddy-duddy for so long he gets insanely turned on when I take charge and act like a dom. That pretty quickly led to putting him in chastity and teasing him.

- WOWOWOWOW. How long do you keep him locked up?! Wait, no, how long has this been going on?!

- LOL. The first time was in Sweden, we bought the cage from a sex shop. The longest? He’s been locked up for 3 days now…

- You utter savage! You’re such a slut! SO HOT!

Gwen pulled up the pic again in between reading and typing out messages. There was just something so erotic about seeing May and Ben, two people she’d have never pegged to be so adventurous, acting so raw and uninhibited. So naughty.

- Oh? You’re so impressed by that? You think the cage is enough for me to rate this a 12 on the Spice Meter?

Gwen’s eyes widened in shock. She watched the ellipses dancing for several minutes after that bombshell and still had no reply.

- What?! You can’t leave me hanging like that WTH?!

- Sorry. Why are these damn things so complicated?

Gwen laughed. There was just something so adorably boomer about May that only added to her sexual appeal.

When May finally sent her message, it was just another pic. Looking at the thumbnail, Gwen initially thought she’d made a mistake and sent the same one. Clicking on it however, the pic revealed itself to be a landscape one as opposed to the original and -


One half of the pic was the exact same as the original, obviously. May, kneeling on the floor in some hotel room and presenting Ben’s caged cock to the camera… on her other side was another man, brown-skinned and with a cock that wouldn’t look out of place in any of her sex tapes. May’s other hand was presenting it too, her fingers caressing a huge set of balls while the shaft hung almost halfway down her forearm. Soft.

- What are you doing right now?

Gwen had to endure several more texts of blushing faces before May finally answered that she was about to make herself some lunch. Thanks to Pete, May no longer had to work and instead spent her free time devoted to several charitable causes she was passionate about. It was hard and rewarding work, but it often left her with unexpected free time with nothing to do.

- Forget that. Come over. I’ll order us some food and you can show me the rest on the big screen. GIRLS…AFTERNOON?


May’s reply was sandwiched between countless cry-laughing emojis. Chuckling and shaking her head in disbelief, Gwen pulled the shocking pic up again and groaned with desire.

Holy shit, I didn’t know she had it in her.

She cackled at her own thoughts. Oh, she definitely had that in her.

The underground loop stations, while primarily for SI employees, were also just as often used by friends and family. A trip that would have needed any combination of car, taxi, bus, train and subway and well over an hour and a half instead took May fifteen minutes - and Gwen wouldn’t be surprised if most of that time was spent psyching herself up for what she was about to show Gwen.

When the elevator doors opened and a blushing May was revealed, Gwen squealed and brought the older woman into a - careful - hug after taking her coat. May was dressed in a knee-length sweater dress that contorted to her body beautifully and left nothing of her figure to the imagination. ‘Ohmygod you look great you absolute slut, come, I got us some sashimi from the Japanese restaurant downstairs.’

At her boisterous greeting, May’s blush deepened considerably, any notion that she took offence quickly put to bed by her naughty smile.

Given it was pretty cold out, they took their lunch by one of the fireplaces in the great room, the huge window wall giving them a breathtaking backdrop of the Hudson and Jersey as rain started to pour down from the dark grey clouds.

‘I can’t believe you kids can eat like this whenever you want,’ May groaned with delight as she devoured another bit of succulent, expertly prepared fish.

‘We aren’t supposed to be able to,’ Gwen gloated, winking at May. ‘They don’t do room service, but everyone loves Pete and will do anything for him - even run food up to his glutton of a girlfriend.’

They both giggled and returned to their meal.

‘So,’ Gwen prompted, her eyes twinkling. ‘I’m not gonna keep ignoring the elephant in the room. How did you and Ben get into chastity play and cuckolding?’

May’s blush quickly returned but rather than looking uncomfortable, she looked excited to discuss the subject. She thought about what to say for a few moments before unloading, clearly wanting to get this off her - magnificent - chest for a while.

‘It’s a rut thing, I think,’ May began with a thoughtful frown. ‘Our feelings for one another were never in question, but our sex lives had definitely become stale over the years. One night, after catching Ben masturbating to porn -’

‘Let me guess,’ Gwen interrupted with a grin. ‘Cuckold porn?’

Flushing, May grinned cheekily and nodded. ‘More or less. We had a frank discussion that night, no secrets or deflections. That’s when Ben told me that, though he still loved me more than ever, he was unsatisfied in the bedroom. He explained that he missed the times when we were young and adventurous, and he liked to imagine the women in the videos are…me, being a naughty, slutty wife.’

‘And what did you say?’ Gwen asked, practically on the edge of her seat. Seeing her younger friend’s obvious excitement had a clear, positive effect on May. She drew strength from it.

‘I was…hurt, at first, but I gave Ben the benefit of the doubt and spent a lot of time reflecting,’ she admitted with an embarrassed frown. ‘I guess I just didn’t feel young and sexy anymore -’

Hearing Gwen’s snort, May flushed and smiled with delight.

‘That was Ben’s reaction too,’ she admitted with a laugh. ‘It started small. Ben would always butter me up, encourage me to wear more revealing and sexier clothes. He’d reward me when I did and -’

‘Punish you when you didn’t?’

‘Not quite,’ May admitted, blushing adorably. ‘The system was more intuitive, less deliberate. He’d get horny and ravish me when I acted like a little slut, he’d not when I didn’t… Over time, I just started changing my behaviour naturally just to draw out the beast from Ben.’

They giggled at her description as May collected her thoughts.

‘What came next only felt natural. I started to feel sexy again. Confident. Powerful. It wasn’t enough to just dress sexy anymore, I started to act sexy,’ May explained, her blush deepening at Gwen’s rapt attention. ‘We started having sex in riskier places, recording ourselves - you knew that much. Things didn’t really change until one night, when I was feeling particularly horny, I started flirting with the cute waiter in front of Ben at the restaurant we were dining at.’

Gwen vibrated in her seat, her smile wide. ‘Oh you cheeky slut! How’d he react?’

May smiled impishly. ‘Ben wanted to take me out back and fuck me like a whore in the alley…but I refused. Insead, I kept flirting with the waiter while ignoring Ben completely.’

‘Oh I bet he went crazy.’

May didn’t answer but her wide, mysterious smile said enough.

‘Then was the trip to Sweden,’ she continued. ‘I kept flirting with men in front of him and denying Ben until he would literally throw me over his shoulder like a caveman and take me on the nearest flat surface.’

Gwen leaned back into the plush cushions of the couch and slipped her hand into her jeans. ‘God, I want to get my dildo. Do you mind? This is so hot I can’t help myself.’

May didn’t know whether to stare or look away, but she didn’t look displeased by her blatant exhibitionist display - if anything, it only spurred her on. ‘Be my guest,’ May teased coquettishly. ‘It’s only fair, I already, erm, handled myself when you sent me the video of yourself and the bodyguard.’

Gwen groaned in disbelief, popping open the buttons on her skinny jeans and rubbing her panty-clad lips over the sheer fabric. A wet-spot was noticeably forming and May seemed entranced by the sight.

Her cheeks flaming, May continued, her eyes still locked on Gwen’s pussy. ‘As fun as it was having Ben ravish me, I started to remember the videos he liked to watch. The cuckolding ones. I started to think that if this is how he acted after only a little bit of teasing…how would he react if he could do nothing about it?’

‘That’s when you guys bought the cage?’

Biting her lip, May nodded in affirmation. ‘Nothing really changed after that, not physically. I still dressed as sexy as possible, I still flirted with other men in front of Ben, but the knowledge that the only way he’d get to cum was if I allowed it took everything to the next level…’

‘And what was that?’ Gwen asked with bated breath.

May shot her a cheeky wink, it was so incongruous coming from the kind, sweet woman who’d been like a second mother to her growing up that it made everything even sexier. While May wasn’t touching herself like Gwen was, she was noticeably rubbing her thighs together, and her nipples were poking through her sweater dress like pencil erasers.

‘I started to tease him. I let Ben know that him being a naughty boy that needed to be caged was having a negative impact on me,’ she explained, all but panting at this point. ‘Why should I go without because he couldn’t control himself?’

Gwen held her breath, her eyes wide. She didn’t want to interrupt, this was one of the hottest stories she’d ever heard - primarily because of who was telling it. Chastity was always something that had fascinated her, but she’d deduced early that it would never be for Pete - she loved being able to experience it vicariously through May.

‘Ben told me I shouldn’t,’ May admitted, her cheeks flushed. ‘He said I deserved to get fucked as often as I wanted, that I was a naughty, slutty whore that needed seeing to.’

‘You are,’ Gwen groaned, her hand now in her panties and rubbing her pussy directly. ‘You so are.’

May bit her lip, her smile the naughtiest one yet. ‘Remember that waiter I told you about? Before we left that night he gave me his number… I used it.’

‘Oh you dirty slut.’

Giggling, May continued. ‘I thought I’d gone too far, that our game had crossed a line, but when Ben found out - Honey, I’ve never seen him so turned on - not even when we first started dating. He went down on me for hours. The things he called me, both beautiful and filthy, each one spurred me on further.’

‘Then what?’ Gwen asked impatiently, her hand having paused in her rubbing as May’s story stalled.

‘Well…then Alejandro met us at a hotel last night and this happened,’ she said, waving her phone at Gwen. Biting her lip, she grinned and shrugged. ‘I’m not a techy like you kids, I don’t know how you want to - hey!’

Gwen didn’t give May a chance to babble on further, she snapped the phone out of the woman’s hands and connected it to the nearby projector. May’s eyes widened when a huge, two-hundred inch screen descended from a hidden slit in the ceiling showing May’s mirrored home screen - blindingly bright despite the ample light in the room.

‘Do I just…?’

‘Just go to the images on your phone,’ Gwen explained with a patience she didn’t know she had. ‘Whatever you see on your phone will show on the screen.’

May giggled naughtily as she watched Gwen pleasure herself. ‘Oh I don’t know…’ she teased, her smile wide. ‘I think I’m feeling a little embarrassed now -’

‘May,’ Gwen interrupted in a deadly serious tone, ‘if you don’t show me the pics I’m going to tie you up naked and leave you in the lobby so everyone can see those amazing tits and that sexy ass of yours.’

Seeing her threat having the opposite effect, Gwen rolled her eyes and cackled. ‘Okay, scratch that you absolute slut. Keep slow-rolling me and I’ll accidentally show Pete the pics you sent me today.’

That stopped May dead in her tracks, her eyes widened and her face paled. ‘You wouldn’t dare.’

‘May, you should know me better than that by now,’ Gwen teased with a smug grin. ‘There’s very little I won’t do to get off - and tease Pete, to be fair.’

They stared into each other’s eyes for several seconds before both women broke and started giggling hysterically.

Without needing to be prompted, May pulled up the first pic and Gwen groaned with pure, animalistic lust. May was holding both Ben’s and the hung waiter’s cocks again, but this time, while still looking at the camera, she had her lips sealed around the tip of the huge, dark shaft as she suckled.

‘First time you’ve sucked a cock that big?’ Gwen asked without looking away from the erotic sight on the big screen in front of them.

‘Mhmm,’ May answered, her tone shaky and lusty as she no-doubt relived the erotic moment. ‘It was…harder than I thought it would be.’

They both giggled at the double entendre as May let Gwen take in the pic for several more moments before switching to the next one. It was a short clip.

As soon as May hit play, Gwen got to watch May jingling Ben’s caged cock - with the added bonus of making her big, beautiful tits shake enticingly - laughing at its pathetic state sexily while nuzzling the huge, dark cock affectionately.

‘Thank you so much for this, my love,’ the May in the video teased, looking up and out of frame no-doubt directly into his smouldering eyes. ‘Now I’ll get to know what a real one feels like.’

The clip then looped back to the beginning. Gwen groaned in both frustration and arousal before chancing a glance at the older woman. May’s eyes bored into her own, clearly enraptured by her reaction to the images on the screen.

‘Next?’ May teased and Gwen silently nodded, the corners of her mouth twitching in amusement. Gwen didn’t even bother to hide what she was doing anymore, she kicked her panties aside and spread her legs wide, running her hand up and down her glistening slit and waiting for the next, delicious morsel.

Things had finally progressed in the next pic. May’s lover was laying on the bed on his back, and she atop him, facing the camera and smiling wide with the waiter’s towering erection blocking the sight of her pussy. May’s legs were pressed tightly together and pointing directly at the ceiling in an impressive display of core strength for the older woman as she played with her lover’s huge cock, holding it against her.

As if to add a bit of extra spice, Ben was standing in the background, his hands behind his back and his pathetically caged cock proudly on display.

‘Tell me the truth,’ Gwen panted out, looking over at the clearly aroused May, ‘Who was more turned on at this point? Was this really all about Ben’s fantasy?’

Biting her lip and smiling naughtily, May flushed and answered truthfully. ‘The moment when I was comparing their cocks? Seeing how much bigger that boy’s one was? I wanted nothing more in the world than to have it in me - it was all I could think about.’ She flushed in shame before continuing, ‘In that moment, I completely forgot about Ben and his fantasy, I just wanted to… with that boy.’

‘That’s so hot,’ Gwen whined. ‘Don’t be embarrassed, just be honest with Ben and talk it out. He’ll probably love hearing you say that too.’

May smiled cheekily. ‘He did.’

Gwen groaned with lust at the next pic. Before, it had been clear they’d been using some kind of tripod to take the pictures. Now, Ben was the one in control of the camera. He was standing at one end of the bed aiming the lens down, capturing all of the action from his perspective.

His little caged cock dangling over May’s head, May’s beautiful face - her eyes wide and her lips open in a silent scream - her beautifully naked body shining with a alluring sheen, and the huge, dark cock sliding into her little pussy, her lips spread wide around the invading member.

‘I’d never felt so full,’ May admitted as Gwen slipped her fingers inside her own gushing pussy, the erotic sounds her hand made as she pumped them in and out sounding like thunderclaps in the otherwise silent room. ‘You had to be there to see the look in Ben’s eyes when he first put that cock in me - I’d never seen him so aroused.’

‘I think I get it,’ Gwen wheezed, laughing throatily as May flicked over to the next in the slideshow. It looked like the exact same pic, but instead this one was a clip. When May hit play, they were greeted to the sound of her wild moans as her young lover slid his huge dick in and out of her, her big tits jiggling with each thrusts and her hand reaching up to play with Ben’s caged cock.

‘Thank you my love,’ Past-May said with a strained voice. ‘It takes a big man to admit he’s not equipped enough to take care of his own wife.’

‘Holy shit!’ Gwen exclaimed and they both dissolved into a fit of giggles again as they watched May get fucked while teasing Ben.

The next in the slideshow was another clip. This time Ben held the camera right on his wife’s pussy so they all had a close-up of the huge cock plundering May’s depths.

The next one had May on her hands and knees as she was fucked from behind, her body jolting and jerking with the motions - Gwen paid special attention to her soft, rippling ass.

Ben knelt at her head and May looked up at the camera while smiling and licking his caged cock teasingly. Gwen could hear not only May’s and her lover’s moans and groans, but Ben’s noticeably deeper ones. She could also hear him chanting how much he loved her while calling her a slut over and over.

The next clip was noticeably longer at several minutes. Gwen groaned when May finally hit play. The camera was back on the tripod and on the side of the bed. May was still on her hands and knees getting ploughed from behind, the profile shot giving a spectacular view of her rippling ass and swaying tits as she was fucked by her young stud.

Said young stud had a tight grip on a handful of May’s long, wavy brunette locks, using it as a handle almost as he fucked her. May was forced to stare up at the ceiling as she was railed.

Ben had joined them on the bed, he was laying flat on his back under May, his face buried in her crotch while the young stud’s cock was fucking his wife mere millimeters away.

May’s voice was noticeably deeper and huskier as she described the scene. ‘I made him play with my clit while Alejandro fucked me,’ she said and Gwen forced herself to tear her gaze away from the erotic sight to look into her friend’s eyes. May wasn’t even paying attention to the action on the screen, far more fascinated with Gwen openly masturbating to the sight of her being a naughty hotwife.

It was as if she were drawing strength from Gwen’s reaction to their kinky play, and in turn earning some kind of validation for her actions.

The clip finally ended when May’s young lover - Alejandro, apparently - emptied in May’s eager pussy with a mighty roar.

‘I’ve never cum so many times while having sex,’ May confessed as the clip came to an end. Gwen stared at her in awe, feeling closer to this woman than she ever had before. ‘I said as much to Ben, that only turned him on more.’

At May’s impish grin, Gwen’s eyebrows rose in surprise and anticipation.

‘That didn’t mean I unlocked him though, but I still found a use for him.’

May hit play on one more clip and Gwen’s eyes widened in shock. May held the camera this time, aiming down the length of her body between the valley of her heavy, sagging breasts. She was sitting on Ben’s face, his eyes closed as his lips worked at her womanhood eagerly.

‘He cleaned me out like a good little cuck,’ May purred and Gwen groaned in disbelief, her hand working in overdrive as she watched the insanely erotic scene play out on the big screen. Both Past-May and she came undone at the same time, their moans of delight announcing their sudden and powerful orgasms.

After Gwen had recovered, she stared at the blushing May in awe.

‘Wow.’ She couldn’ muster much more, her pussy was still tingling from her recent orgasm and her brain still sex-addled. ‘Are you guys gonna do it again?’

May giggled and smiled wide. ‘Not any time soon,’ she admitted with a shrug. ‘We have enough material to keep us going for a while and I don’t want to be with the same man twice - does that sound weird?’

Gwen shook her head. ‘No, it makes sense. Especially if this is just a kink for you guys and not a lifestyle choice.’

‘Definitely the former,’ May confirmed with a nod. ‘The sex was great and all, but I’m much more looking forward to how Ben will be when I unlock him.’

‘And when will that be?’ Gwen asked with a wide smile.

May grinned conspiratorially and giggled. ‘When he begs.’

They hung out for the rest of the afternoon, trading war-stories and ideas for May to try to spice things up further without going too far. The entire episode was a welcome distraction from the events of yesterday and Gwen’s murderous, vengeance fuelled all-nighter.

When May decided to finally leave, it was dark out and the rain had finally stopped pouring.

Gwen followed behind the woman and came to a snap decision. They’d shared so much of each other at this point, it felt silly to have any more secrets.

‘Hey May?’ Gwen said, materialising her suit and getting the older woman’s attention. When she spun around, a wide smile on her face, May’s eyes widened in complete and utter shock. She froze for a split second, her smile turning strained before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and Gwen had to rush to catch her before she collapsed on the hardwood floor.

‘Well,’ she mused as she cradled the sexy hotwife in her arms. ‘That could have gone better…’



I can't wait to read a scene like this, but from Peter and Gwen


While Gwen will fuck another man soonish, it won't be quite like 'this.' I consider what May and Ben are doing here a cuckolding kink, while Pete and Gwen mostly just like watching the other have sex. Voyeurism or Stag/Vixen vs cuckolding.