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Chapter 17

It was date night, but rather than going out, Pete and Gwen had decided to spend it alone in their new home enjoying each other’s company.

They’d played some games, watched some anime and now, with a call to the incredible Italian restaurant downstairs - its head chef thinking the absolute world of Pete - they even had a Michelin star quality dinner delivered to their front door.

Pete greeted the waiter at the elevator and accepted the trolley with their dinner, giving the kid a generous tip and a wink.

Grabbing a drink for himself, he rolled the cart into the family room. He didn’t even need to get plates and cutlery, Guiseppi had provided everything - even a bottle of wine in an ice-bucket and two glasses.

Not that he drank, but Gwen would certainly enjoy it.

‘It’s hilarious how both utterly stacked and completely useless our kitchen is,’ Gwen joked as she eyed the food with ravenous hunger.

‘I wouldn’t say useless,’ Pete said with a grin, setting out the antipasti platter, a fresh, steaming loaf of garlic bread and a caprese salad. ‘I’d be more than happy to have you cooking home meals for me - just make sure you’re in a naked apron. I will literally eat anything you make me in a naked apron. Even your,’ he shuddered in faux disgust, ‘salads.

Gwen gasped with mock outrage, her eyes wide in disbelief with a hand over her heart. ‘Are you saying I should get in the kitchen?!’

Pete barked out a laugh and threw an olive at her head. Gwen's eyes twinkling with mirth, her tongue snapped out like a frog's, caught the olive then sucked it into her mouth. With a look that held all kinds of sinful promise, her jaw worked for a moment before her tongue slid back out and produced the pip.

'I have the most confused boner right now.'

Gwen cackled and pulled him down into the couch next to her. Taking his earlobe between her teeth, she whispered huskily in his ear.

'Oh I'll get in the kitchen alright, and wear the naked apron,' she purred, sending delightful shivers down his spine. 'But you can bet your cute ass that I'll be at the most inappropriate time possible. Maybe I'll have our pet join me, make you look like a real degenerate.'

Pete sucked in a shuddering breath, his cock trying to tear a hole in his sweats. He had no idea how Gwen had done whatever she'd done with Cindy… but he'd be lying if he said the end result didn't turn him on like crazy.

Cindy was weird, and definitely a massive fangirl, but she was also smoking hot and, according to Gwen, secretly into cosplay.

A dangerous, exciting combination, especially for a woman who willingly and gleefully put herself under their control for some reason.

'Can you not? At least wait until we finish eating,' he joked with an uncomfortable chuckle, trying to dislodge his smugly grinning girl with a kick but finding it futile. Hooking her leg over his, they both dug into their world-class dinner while watching the news - they were talking about the Well again.

'Noticed anyone perving yet?' He asked conversationally. 'I swear you've spent more hours doing yoga out there over the past few weeks than you have in your entire life.'

Gwen snorted, eyeing him playfully as she swallowed another crunchy bite of her salad. 'Just one,' she joked, squeezing him with her legs before pouting. 'I swear, I'm this close to installing a huge, neon arrow pointing to the terrace on the building. I can’t believe they’re respecting our privacy!’

‘How rude of them,’ Pete agreed, breaking under Gwen’s annoyed glare. ‘Why don’t you just invite the girls over and get naked in the spa if it bothers you so much. I swear there’s nothing louder in the world than a group of screaming and laughing women.’

Gwen laughed and shoved him. ‘That might actually be a fun idea - I think I’m corrupting you.’

‘Our first pet as a couple is a grown-ass woman,’ he quipped sarcastically. ‘I think we’re long past corrupting and well into corrupted.’

Riri was progressing nicely with the Well. The press - or the public in general - weren't allowed anywhere near the base while it was under construction. Instead of situating themselves at the perimeter like their colleagues at other stations had, the reporter and her crew had made the clever decision to drive several hundred miles out, the tip of the half-built structure still visible even accounting for the curvature of the Earth.

The Well itself was essentially a huge spherical tube that nullified the effects of gravity within and reached one hundred miles up into the thermosphere. At ten miles in diameter at the base, and, currently, fifty miles tall, it was already - comfortably - the largest structure ever built by humanity.

'Jesus,' Gwen muttered in awe as a montage showing stills of the under-construction, blue-black monolith played on their huge TV.

'I know,' Pete replied with a proud smile, rubbing Gwen's thigh.

'I don't even understand how it's physically possible,' she muttered in disbelief, entranced by the images on the screen. 'I know skyscrapers are designed to be flexible, but this thing is going to be literally hundreds of times bigger, how doesn't it break under its own weight?'

'Short answer?' Pete asked and Gwen nodded as she swallowed a bite of her carbonara, her eyes not leaving the screen. 'Vibranium is a cheat-code. It's why I'm not Wakanda's biggest fan -' He pointedly ignored Gwen's amused snort at the comical understatement. 'It absorbs all forms of kinetic energy and uses it to strengthen itself. Wind, sound, vibrations, kinetic weapons - everything.'

She looked at him with a raised brow, the corners of her lips twitching. 'Sounds OP.'

Pete chuckled and poked her in her side. 'Yeah, you could say that.'

Gwen made to poke him back but he put on his most pathetic expression possible, his bottom lip sticking out in a pout and whimpered, ‘No, don’t! I’m sore!’

Gwen just burst out laughing and squeezed him tighter with the leg still bouncing atop his thigh.

‘This is probably a stupid question, but I’ve always been super curious,’ Gwen interrupted the report after swallowing down another fork of her carbonara. ‘What happens to the Well when we eventually build ships that don’t need it? I mean, it’s just a matter of time, right?’

‘It’s not a stupid question,’ he replied and they shared a smile. ‘Honestly, you’d be surprised how few people have actually thought about it at SI, and they’re supposed to be geniuses.’

Seeing her raised brow, he swallowed then shrugged. ‘There’s lots of things we can use it for, but to understand that, you need to understand what the Well is. Not only can it negate gravity within, but it can enhance it, reverse it, enhance and reverse it…’

‘Wait, so why not just use it to reverse gravity now, get ships to terminal velocity and slingshot them out into space?’ She frowned when she saw his growing smile. ‘Is that a stupid question?’

‘I’m not smiling because it’s a stupid question, I’m smiling because I love it when you talk nerdy to me,’ he joked, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his lap. ‘You’re speaking my love language, Ms Stacy.’

‘I can tell,’ she replied with a laugh, grinding her ass against his aching cock.

‘The simple answer is energy,’ he answered, putting his plate aside and nuzzling his face into Gwen’s back. ‘It’s much easier to negate gravity than it is to enhance it, let alone reversing it. Even if we don’t get to that point, there’s loads of cool things we can do with the Well. Forgetting about fun touristy things, it can be used as a space dock, we can mine huge asteroids in there, defence, obviously, experiments - the list goes on.’

The news continued on in the background while they chatted, at some point eventually cutting to an older black gentleman screaming angrily at the person asking him questions.

‘Ugh,’ Gwen muttered in disgust, motioning her head to the TV. ‘The Ambassador from Wakanda is going off again. I don’t get it, what leg do they even have to stand on? Are they suggesting you stole all that ore?’

‘They’ve never revealed how much they have in reserve, and we’re not letting people see where we’re getting it from or how we’re transporting it.’

Gwen frowned. ‘They won’t do anything drastic, will they?’

Pete snorted in amusement. ‘I wish they would.’ Seeing Gwen turn and raise her eyebrow at him, he elaborated. ‘Banner is there with Riri, and I’ve got you - assuming you think you could take T'Challa?’

‘I’d stomp his ass into the ground,’ Gwen confirmed with supreme confidence.

‘Hell yeah.’

They bumped fists and focused on finishing their dinner. Pete couldn’t wait for the gelato.

After they finished eating, Gwen threw away the trash and they both washed the plates and cutlery before putting everything back on the cart and sending it back down to the restaurant. When Gwen said she was going to freshen up, Pete strolled out onto the terrace and just marvelled at the view in peace.

‘Movie night?’

Turning back to the door, his cock throbbed with desire when he was greeted with a naked Gwen holding her trusty laptop. Nodding eagerly, he chased after her back to the family room as Gwen took her time choosing a video.

‘I don’t think we’ve watched this one before,’ she purred, sending the video to the TV and snuggling up to his side, her hand slipping into his sweats and gripping his aching cock and balls. Pete sucked in a sharp breath when Gwen nibbled on his throat then traced his carotid artery with her tongue.

The video faded in and past-Gwen was walking down a busy street bracketed by two shockingly - identically - good-looking men. Twins. He’d always figured that if he had a twin, he’d try to dress and style himself as individually as possible, to separate himself.

Not these guys.

Both had pale skin and were a head taller than Gwen with identically styled dark-brown hair that looked straight out of one of those black and white portraits at a hairdresser’s. Their jaws looked like they’d been carved out of granite, their eyes a piercing grey and each had such perfectly manicured five o’clock shadows that, in Pete’s opinion, it looked unnatural. Almost drawn on.

Both wore pale pink, skinny satin shirts that showed off their bulging muscles and tattoo sleeves - he idly wondered if the tattoos were identical too - and equally skinny white slacks.

Gwen herself looked like she’d just come from a gig, dressed in a tight, tartan shirt and skintight, black leather pants. HIlariously, she also wore a pair of stylish, circular-shaped shades even though it looked to be the middle of the night.

He could usually tell when the videos were filmed based on Gwen’s hairstyle - what surprised him about this one however was that she was sporting her current hairstyle, the asymmetric undercut, though the bang was only at her jaw and not as long as it was now.

‘When was this?’

Gwen put her lips to his ear. ‘About two weeks before you dumped me,’ she purred.

He looked at her in surprise. ‘You cheated on Derek?’

‘Why?’ Gwen asked in a teasing tone, her eyes heavily lidded. She squeezed his aching shaft and bit her lip hungrily. ‘Does that turn you on?’

Pete groaned and buried his face in Gwen’s hair. ‘It, nnh, certainly doesn’t surprise me,’ he grunted out with a whimper as Gwen started suckling on his throat. ‘You are a little slut.’

She giggled, the sound muffled by the lips still pressed against him. ‘Derek was less a boyfriend and more a… talented, repeating fuck-buddy. Neither of us was all that bothered with being faithful.’

He didn’t know why, but the thought of Gwen running around and getting pounded behind her boyfriend-not-boyfriend’s back really turned him on. Gwen giggled, feeling his reaction but saying nothing.

The video followed the trio down the street, MJ revealing herself as she spoke to Gwen from behind the camera.

‘We picked them up after one of our shows,’ Gwen narrated as the trio veered into a building and MJ followed. One of the twins had a hand around Gwen’s shoulder while the other had his cupping her exquisite ass. ‘I don’t even remember their names,’ she admitted with an embarrassed giggle. ‘But just look at them - all they had to do was bat their eyelashes at us and our ovaries practically exploded.’

Pete started panting, breathing heavily through his nostrils as Gwen pulled out his cock and started to stroke him while snuggled up against his side. ‘Let’s play a game - do you think their cocks are bigger, or smaller than yours?’

One of the girls had done an amateurish editing job on this one, because the second they entered the elevator, the screen faded to black only to fade back in back in what Pete guessed was the twins’ room.

‘Womp womp, too slow,’ Gwen teased as the video faded back in and she was kneeling between two sets of perfectly manscaped legs that proved the twins never skipped leg day.

Speaking of legs…

Past-Gwen’s shirt was unbuttoned, her glasses askew and her makeup smudged, but what stole all the attention was the two mammoth dicks she was cradling with the tips of her fingers as she faced and smiled at the camera.

Past-MJ and Gwen had a teasing back-and-forth where the redhead urged her friend to suck the pale shafts and Gwen pretended like she was uncertain. Naturally, Gwen quickly caved, but instead of spinning around, she remained kneeling and facing the camera, turning her head one way to suck a huge cock before coming back up for air after fifteen or so seconds and switching to the other.

‘Do you think you could have held the camera as steady if you were the one filming?’ Gwen teased, after several minutes of intense silence while stroking his cock, her thumb playing with his head. ‘Or would you have your little dick out and be fapping away?’

Pete’s head flew back and he bit his fist to muffle his animalistic groan, the erotic images Gwen’s slutty teasing conjured in his mind causing his dick to throb with desire.

Naturally, Gwen felt this.

‘Ooh, you like the sound of that? Dirty boy,’ she teased, before going back to kissing his neck.

He loved it when she did this. Snuggled up into his side as she was, he was overwhelmed by her presence, her scent and her body. It was like he was overdosing on Gwen, but this was a drug he wanted to keep taking until the day he died. Her teasing words, which once upon a time might have caused untold angst in his heart, only served to add further fuel onto the raging inferno of his desire.

A part of him was still scared to admit it out loud, but he genuinely did fantasise about being in MJ’s position, being the one to film Gwen being a horny slut. But as each day went by, that fear, that reticence shrank as his self-confidence, libido and love for Gwen grew.

The hypothetical became less a threat for him to dread, and more a fantasy and bit of fun he and Gwen could experience together.

As if reading his thoughts, Gwen giggled, the sound muffled by his neck as she started to add a corkscrew motion to her stroking. Pete grunted, hugging her tighter against him as he felt his muscles relax, his end near.

On the screen, the twins started to undress Gwen - not as easy a feat as one would expect given those leather pants. Her shirt and black bra went easy enough, her pierced, pebbled nipples finally revealed to Pete, the twins and MJ. The piercings reflected the light from the camera and drew the eye of one of the twins, who bent down to suckle while the other unbuttoned Gwen’s pants.

‘Why’d you keep the glasses on?’ Pete asked with a wheezy chuckle, yelping when Gwen poked him in the side.

‘Because they look cool - shut up.’

He laughed again, spurred on by how much difficulty the guy was having removing the leather pants.

‘How’d you even get those on?’ he teased, kissing the top of Gwen’s head. ‘No shot they stretch enough to fit over your fat ass - yeow!

Laughing, Gwen stopped stroking him and started poking his sides instead. ‘You dare insult my ass?!’

‘Excuse me!’ Pete exclaimed, futilely trying to bat away her dagger like fingers. ‘I am your ass’ biggest fan!’

‘It’s not fat,’ she snapped back, raising her nose up and crossing her arms indignantly. ‘It’s toned. Muscled.’

Pete pulled Gwen up into his lap so she was straddling him, her face in the crook of his neck and their chests pressed together. He grabbed two solid handfuls of her ass and squeezed as tight as he could, groaning as he felt both her hard muscles, and the pliable layer of fat seeping between his fingers.

‘I’m sorry baby,’ he cooed.

‘No you’re not,’ she pouted like a child, her hands snaking between them and reaching for his cock again. Their little distraction had been enough to stall his onrushing orgasm, but Gwen couldn’t be denied.

Watching the screen over their shoulder, the guy had somehow gotten the pants off his girl and had her laid out on the carpet, her head resting in his brother’s lap. Past-Gwen had one pale, giant cock teasing her entrance while the other rested against the side of her face - that one, she stroked idly with one hand, the other playing with her nipple as she looked down with excitement.

‘Thanks to you, I don’t have to worry about tight leather pants again,’ Gwen purred and he felt her lower half shift, the naked skin of her ass that he’d been squeezing turning into black leather.

Huh, never really thought of that…would certainly come in handy when she tries to dress me in those tight pants in the future…

Past-Gwen groaned as the cock teasing her pussy started edging inside her, her delicate lips spreading like a blooming flower around the plum-sized head as the guy - clearly cognizant of his girth and knowing how to properly use it - gently eased his way in.

‘How does my little pussy look with that huge cock sinking into me?’ Gwen asked, her back to the screen, her lips and teeth focused on giving him painful, embarrassing love bites all over his neck.

‘Not little anymore,’ he gasped out a laugh as Gwen bit down harder and Past-Gwen let out a guttural groan. Any noises she was making were quickly muffled when she turned her head sideways and took the other cock in her eager mouth.

He watched as the guy fucked her with slow, measured strokes, his huge cock thrusting a good seven inches in, bottoming out and pressing against her cervix before pulling out again to restart the process anew. Gwen seemed to be enjoying it, her back was arched and despite having a mouth full of meat, she kept groaning and screaming.

‘It’s hard to describe how good it feels to have a huge cock pressing against your cervix,’ Gwen teased, biting his ear lobe. ‘Not that you’d understand, you can barely reach…’

Pete arched his back and groaned. He could feel his orgasm rapidly approaching and Gwen’s giggling as she teased him definitely sped things along.

Their reverie was broken however when the phone rang, shattering the atmosphere and bringing them back to reality.

‘What the hell is that?!’ Gwen asked, leaping off him like, well, a spider and looking around wildly. Her reaction was understandable - neither of their ring tones sounded like the old-school telephone that was blaring out through the speakers in their penthouse.

‘I’m sorry for the interruption,’ Madam Web spoke in a prim tone over the speaker. ‘That is the landline. Security at the front desk is calling for you.’

‘We have a landline? Who has landlines?’

‘It’s so they can contact anyone in the building in case of emergency,’ Pete explained with a groan, getting up and hurrying over to one of the storerooms near the elevator lobby where he remembered the phone to be. ‘Hello?’

Doctor Parker?’ a burly voice spoke from the other end in a hushed tone. He recognized it as one of Natasha’s guys - she must have them acting as the building’s security. ‘Doctor Foster is here to see you - were you expecting her?’

‘No,’ he answered in confusion, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. ‘But you can send her up, that’s okay, Thanks Jerry.’

‘No problem sir and, uh… she doesn’t look okay. She’s been crying. Thought you should be prepared for that.

‘Thanks for the heads up. Have a good night,’ he said sincerely, hanging up and frowning in concern. ‘Web, could you please organise a pizza for Johnson and whoever he’s working with?’

How very kind of you Peter, consider it done.’

‘What is it?’ Gwen asked with a concerned frown as she strolled over to him, she’d rematerialised the comfy clothes she’d been chilling in all day and, with a knee-wobbling shudder from him, she tucked his sensitive dick back in his pants with a grin.

‘Jane’s here,’ he said with a frown as he returned to his senses. ‘Something’s wrong.’

Gwen’s playful smile turned concerned on a dime. ‘Do you know what it could be?’

‘No,’ he admitted with a slow shake of the head. ‘I haven’t seen her in a while. She hasn’t been around lately.’

Frowning, she took his hand and led him over to the elevator lobby as they waited for their friend to arrive.

When the doors slid open, they saw Jane standing there looking small and vulnerable. She tried to put on an apologetic smile but her eyes were red-rimmed and her breath hitched when she started to talk.

‘I d-didn’t know where else to go,’ she tried to explain and Gwen shushed her. Pete rushed into the elevator and took her jacket while Gwen wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder.

‘What’s wrong?’ Gwen said in a caring and soothing voice, completely at odds with the teasing one she’d been using just moments ago.

‘S-sorry for intruding, but T-Thor and I b-broke up and I just wanted someone to talk to and I didn’t know w-where else to go and -’

Seeing she was tearing up again, Gwen shushed her and led Jane into the family room.

Pete had never been in this situation before, but he’d seen it happen enough on TV that he felt he had a good idea where to start. Slipping away into the kitchen, he grabbed a couple of glasses and a bottle of red before searching through his fridge. He almost cheered when their ‘useless’ kitchen came through, a brand new tub of vanilla ice-cream in their freezer and a bottle of chocolate sauce in the pantry.

He was about to scoop some out into a bowl but thought better of it. Ripping open the lid, he poured a liberal amount of the sauce in the tub and stuck a tablespoon in the ice-cream before taking it and the wine back into the family room.

Jane was standing by the window with Gwen over her shoulder rubbing soothing circles into her back, marvelling at the view they had of the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges - or of Manhattan in general.

Both women turned when they heard him and Jane actually laughed when he helplessly held out the alcohol and ice-cream.

‘Where did you learn about women?’ she teased, the amused smile looking much better on her beautiful face than the misery that had been there before. ‘Sex and the City?’

Gwen seemed amused too and he frowned, suddenly feeling stupid. ‘Oh, I’ll, uh, put it back -’

Before he could turn around, Gwen shot out an arm and webbed everything out of his hands. ‘She didn’t say that,’ she teased and both women giggled as they sat on the couch and dug into the ice-cream. Rolling his eyes, Pete poured them both a glass of wine and took his previous seat next to Gwen.

He was a bit self-conscious that the room might smell of sex, but if Jane noticed, she certainly didn’t say anything.

Gwen and Jane attacked the ice-cream like it owed them money, with Jane explaining in-between bites that she’d been on Asgard for the past couple of weeks trying to patch things up with Thor.

Apparently Thor had been rather lax in his responsibilities to the Nine Realms - Midgard excluded - and it had been noticed. Discontent had been growing amongst the other realms and, with the disappearance of Loki, and Odin’s declining mental state, a lot of that responsibility was falling on Thor’s broad, beleaguered shoulders.

When Thor had asked Jane to come and live with him on Asgard permanently, to forget about her career, family and friends and make a new life on his world…there had understandably been some friction.

‘He really said that?’ Gwen asked in disbelief, devouring another spoon of ice-cream. ‘What a cunt.’

Pete’s soda went up his nose at the unexpected and inappropriate remark. Jane gave Gwen a disapproving look but the corners of her lips were twitching in a vain attempt to hide her amusement, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

‘No comment.’

Gwen turned to him with a grin. ‘Here’s your first proper lesson about women, Pete. When we’re in this kind of mood, we don’t want your opinion. Just nod your cute little head and say mean things about whatever or whoever is affecting us.’

Both women giggled and went back to attacking the ice cream.

His nasal cavity recovering from the burn from the soda, Pete cleared his throat and frowned. ‘That sucks. I didn’t know there was a lot of trouble in the other realms.’

‘Apparently it’s pretty bad,’ Jane explained with a guilty frown. ‘It’s why Thor hasn’t been around much on Midgard lately. They’ve been under constant attack lately by some mysterious cosmic enemies that he refuses to elaborate on. Thor’s been needing to defend them all as well as play ambassador - normally Loki’s job.’

‘And Loki’s gone missing…’

Jane spooned another mouthful of ice-cream and shoved it in her mouth, her bottom lip quivering.

‘I’ve known Thor has been struggling with the responsibilities of leadership for a while now, that’s he’s…not handling it well. I feel like a terrible person, a terrible girlfriend - maybe if I’d supported him better I -’

‘That’s horseshit,’ Gwen dismissed Jane’s concerns with a wave of her hand, before she could spiral. ‘You’re not his mother, and how exactly does dropping everything you’ve worked for to move to Asgard even help Thor, or solve his problems?’

Seeing Jane ready to object, Gwen held up her hand. ‘Thor’s an Avenger. If he wanted help, he should have come to us -’

‘Humble-brag,’ Pete interrupted in a sing-song, earning an embarrassed flush from Gwen and a poke to the ribs that had Jane giggling.

‘He should have asked us, but this is the first I’m hearing of it - Pete, has Tony said anything?’

‘Why are you asking me?’ he asked with a too-innocent tone. ‘It’s not like I’m an Avenger - yeow!’

‘Stop being an idiot!’ she snapped, her entire face up to the tips of her ears red at the teasing. It was rare Pete could find something to tease Gwen about that wouldn’t just bounce off her like water off a duck’s back, but her fangirling about being an Avenger was definitely one of them.

Seeing Jane looking way more relaxed and watching them with a fond and amused smile on her face, he considered it job done. ‘Fine, fine. No. Tony’s said nothing. First I’m hearing of any troubles too. To me, it sounds like, as a leader, Thor stumbled at the first hurdle. Delegation and asking for help - then again, I don’t want to go in too hard. I don’t know what Asgardian politics are like.’

Apparently my opinions are okay as long as they agree with them. I’m learning so much about women!

Gwen turned back to Jane with a smile. ‘Ultimately, that’s unimportant. You shouldn’t have to choose between love and your career, no matter who your partner is.’

Hearing Pete’s snort of amusement, Gwen turned to him robotically with a forced smile on her face. ‘Have something to add? Dear?’

‘Sorry,’ he apologised sheepishly. ‘What you just said, it just reminded me of how we got together.’

Gwen’s eyes widened and she flushed again before waving him off. ‘That’s not even remotely similar!’

Pete laughed and Gwen started poking him again, glaring daggers at him. Slapping her hands away and wrapping her up in a tight hug, Pete grinned. ‘Oh I dunno, I had to choose between love and career too,’ he said, winking at Jane. ‘Don’t worry, if my experience is anything to go by, Thor will come crawling back to you within the month.’

Gwen was doing an impressive impersonation of a tomato. ‘I did not crawl!’

Ignoring Gwen, he turned to the grinning and highly amused Jane. ‘She literally woke me up in the middle of the night and sexually assaulted me,’ he explained with a faux shiver as if shaking off bad memories. ‘Mind, I was still a cripple at the time.’

‘Stop making me sound like a rapist!’

‘I mean… if the shoe quacks like a duck…’

‘That doesn’t even make any sense!’

Their byplay was interrupted by Jane’s hysterical laughter, a different, nicer kind of tears streaming down her face. ‘Thanks Peter,’ she said with a fond smile and a relieved sigh, gulping down the last of her wine. ‘I really needed that.’

Gwen poured her another glass and Jane slapped her knees, finally looking around the place she’d been sitting in over the last hour. ‘Wow…is it too late to switch fields? Jesus Peter, this place is incredible…’

‘Thanks,’ Pete said with a modest smile. ‘I really love the views at sunset, you should come by some day to see them. It’ll make you fall in love with Manhattan, I promise.’

‘I should be thanking both of you, I feel a lot better now,’ Jane said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear self-consciously. ‘What were you two watching before I interrupted you anyway?’

‘No don’t -!’

Pete’s attempts were futile. Too late he realised what Jane was doing as she reached for the remote and switched on the TV. Naturally, his superpowered girlfriend with the godly reflexes could have stopped her, but why would Gwen do that? She’d have to have some kind of shame for that to even be on the cards.

While Pete looked on in horror as the TV slowly switched on, Gwen just watched with glee, her legs crossed and looking like the most relaxed person on earth, despite what was about to be revealed.

The video resumed playing from where they’d left off. MJ pointing the camera down at Gwen, her naked body and impaled pussy fully on display as one twin fucked her with long, controlled thrusts as she stroked and sucked the cock of the other.

Jane gaped at the video, frozen in shock while Pete palmed his face, unwilling to look at her and see the older woman’s reaction. Gwen sounded like the cat who’d caught the canary. ‘We were having a bit of a movie night,’ she explained in a supremely smug and self-satisfied tone. ‘A vintage from the days before Pete and I got together.’

She’s doing this because of the Avengers teasing, isn’t she?

Gwen just cackled as Jane fumbled the controller in her shock, her attempts to switch the TV back off hilariously failing. Gwen webbed it before she fumbled and launched the remote across the room and accidentally broke something.

‘I, uh…’

Gwen looked supremely pleased now that it was Pete and Jane that were blushing in embarrassment.

‘I didn’t mean to interrupt you kids, I should, uh, go. Yeah, I should go, um, sorry for the uh -’

‘What’s with the rush?’ Gwen asked with a cheeky grin and Pete just groaned into his hands, knowing his girlfriend well enough at this point to know exactly where this was going. He tried to squeeze her thigh, to get her to stop, but not only did she not bat an eye at the puny amount of pressure, she completely ignored him. ‘You’re more than welcome to stay and watch - I’m not shy.’

‘I gathered that,’ Jane replied with red cheeks as Gwen’s ecstatic moans filled the room, the girl in question looked completely unperturbed.

Gwen, with great relish, retold the setup to the video, from their successful gig, to picking up the model twins and to what they were seeing now. She was doing so as if it was the most normal thing in the world, except Jane was clearly getting hot under the collar, and not just because of what she was seeing on the screen. Gwen was very obviously playing with his dick under the blanket Pete had hastily thrown over himself when he felt his girlfriend’s hand creeping towards his groin.

The few seconds he’d had Gwen flushing in embarrassment were a distant memory at this point, the true master of debauchery amongst them blatantly playing with his dick in front of their friend. His face grew progressively redder every time Jane looked between them and the screen in stunned silence - though the fact that Jane was clearly also aroused by what was happening didn’t help.

I blame the fucking wine.

‘I’m not gonna lie, you kinda did interrupt us in the middle of something tonight,’ Gwen said, now stroking his dick, the blanket noticeably pumping up and down over his groin. She held out her free hand and, with a saucy grin, materialised a pink, rubber dildo the exact shape and size of his own dick and tossed it to the stunned older woman. ‘I’m gonna finish what we started earlier. Feel free to enjoy yourself - you could probably use some, ahem, relaxation.’

Before Pete could react, Gwen ripped the blanket away from his lap with a magician-like flourish. Pete buried his face in the crook of his elbow and let out a pained, mortified groan as his sweats went next, then she tore everything off his upper-half with contemptuous ease.

He kept his gaze on the TV, refusing to acknowledge how horny the situation was making him as Gwen gently pulled him forward and pressed his legs back over the back of the sofa. As much as he tried not to think about how Jane had a perfect view of his naked ass, cock and balls in such a vulnerable position, she made that impossible by commenting.

‘Wow, I, um, didn’t know you were so flexible Peter…’

Gwen giggled, her hand running appreciatively over his tight ass. ‘We worked on it for a while - this is one of my favourite positions, you see.’

Pete sucked in an excited breath and whimpered when his girlfriend followed that up by gently rimming him with her tongue and stroking the shaft that was pointed directly at his face, as hard as a steel rod. He could see the upper half of her face, her eyes twinkling merrily as she stared down at him.

He could see Jane too if he just looked to his left, but he didn’t think he had the courage to do so. A part of him was also worried what he might see - he didn’t think it a coincidence that Gwen was pointing his shaft directly at his face.

Unable to help himself, his crush on the beautiful woman long known to both himself and his girlfriend at this point, Pete cautiously looked over and saw Jane watching the video with red cheeks, her breath coming in ragged pants. She had the soles of her feet up on the edge of the coffee table as she, almost cautiously, rubbed his replica cock over her still-covered womanhood.

As if sensing his scrutiny, Jane looked away from the TV and directly into his eyes, both of their breaths hitching as if they were caught in the act of doing something naughty. Jane had incredibly expressive eyes - they’d shown her profound sadness when she first arrived, they’d then shown her love and appreciation when they’d calmed and soothed her.

Now, they showed how undeniably horny she was.

Gwen chose that exact moment to slip two fingers into him, seeking out and pressing up against his prostate. Pete’s eyes widened with surprise and Jane’s with even more arousal as he groaned at his girlfriend’s touch.

‘Good boy,’ Gwen cooed, her tongue now licking his taint as she fingered him.

Jane finally broke eye contact, and when she stood Pete thought she was just quietly going to slip out and leave them to it - a thought that he found surprisingly disappointing - instead, his cock throbbed with desire when she unbuttoned her jeans and started shimmying out of them, her panties still shielding her modesty.

After kicking them away, she sat back down on the couch and refused to look back at them, her eyes glued to the screen where past-Gwen was getting pounded by the twins. As the moans coming from the speakers increased in intensity, Jane pulled her panties aside and started teasing her delicate lips directly with the head of the rubber phallus.

Her gaze flicked back to them. She started and quickly looked away again when she realised they were both paying her rapt attention.

‘You two shouldn’t be looking at me like that,’ she whimpered, her eyes glued to the screen and her breaths coming in ever-increasing, excited pants. ‘I’m old enough to be your mother.’

‘Can’t help it,’ Gwen admitted with a careless shrug. ‘You’re too sexy for your own good.’

Jane blushed all the way to the tips of her ears and ducked her head in embarrassment, but the slight, pleased smile on her lips belied her true feelings on the matter.

They lapsed into silence once more, only past-Gwen’s and her model lovers’ ecstatic moans providing an erotic backdrop to the kinky situation. Jane, her gaze still flipping between the screen and them, was running the dildo up and down her glistening lips and almost absentmindedly dipping it in her womanhood each time she passed it.

With each pass she slid it in deeper and deeper until, with a moan that almost made him come undone right there, she slid it inside her completely, her eyes shut in bliss.

‘Hey Jane,’ Gwen prodded cheekily, instantly setting off alarm bells in Pete’s mind with her tone. The older woman turned to them, her cheeks flush and her eyes glazed over with lust. She looked a little self-conscious, but she didn’t stop thrusting the dildo into her womanhood, her delectable lips spreading around the thick rubber-phallus beautifully. ‘I hope you like that dildo - it’s an exact replica of Pete’s dick.’

‘Jesus Christ Gwen!’ Pete exclaimed in shock, his voice breaking embarrassingly as Gwen cackled with glee. Jane…did not react as he expected. She was smiling, and biting her lip sexily as she watched them.

‘Well…it feels very nice.’

‘Hear that Stud?’ Gwen asked as a ridiculous thrill of excitement shot through him. ‘She likes your dick. You’re welcome.’

Pete threw his forearm over his eyes, as if he could escape his mortification in darkness. He groaned in pain however when Gwen gently slapped his balls.

‘Don’t be rude - don’t you think Jane’s pussy is beautiful? Why are you looking away?’

Jane chuckled breathily as she watched them. ‘This feels like I’m back in college…’

Gwen looked over at the beautiful woman with a wide smile when she heard that. ‘Ooh, I can’t wait to hear that story.’

Jane bit her lip and smiled wide, the expression looking positively naughty. ‘Maybe if you get a few more drinks in me.’

‘Whoo! Girls night out, can’t wait!’

Jane’s smile widened as she looked back at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she moaned every time the dildo bottomed out. Pete, already blushing up a storm at this point, felt his face grow even hotter.

She’s so beautiful…

He nearly came several times as Jane eye-fucked him while fucking herself with his replicated cock. Gwen made sure he wouldn’t though with either a tap on his balls or by gripping his shaft in a vice-like grip.

‘Hey Jane?’ Gwen prodded, her voice soothing and sensual. They’d all given up on watching the video at this point and were instead just watching each other, a convoluted mutual masturbation session. ‘Why don’t you come over here?’

Pete sucked in an excited breath when Jane didn’t immediately refuse. After a moment of silent deliberation, her eyes smouldering with lust, she hurriedly stood and joined them on their side of the couch.

A part of him was disappointed she didn’t disrobe further - he’d have very much liked to see her big, naked breasts - but a bigger part of him was just stunlocked when Jane’s face joined Gwen’s peeking out from over his ass.

‘Look at his face,’ Gwen teased, her smile wide. ‘It’s honestly adorable how much of a crush he has on you.’

‘And you’re okay with that?’ Jane asked, her tone a mixture of amused and curious. Gwen laughed and Pete’s eyes almost bugged out in shock when Gwen leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss on Jane’s soft lips.

‘He’s not the only one with a crush…’

Jane blushed prettily and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, clearly thrown off-balance by Gwen’s forwardness.

‘Still got the dildo?’ Gwen asked and Jane produced it with a grin, twirling it around like she was at a bachelorette party. Smiling wide, Gwen spread his cheeks and motioned to his winking asshole. ‘Put it in.’

Jane’s smile froze and her eyes widened. ‘W-what? Really?!’

Pete felt his lust skyrocket when Gwen just motioned to his ass again. ‘He loves it, I’ve trained him well. Don’t worry, just do it.’

Looking down at him for confirmation, if his deep blush didn’t give him away, his excited panting and shaky nod was enough to push her over the edge. Biting her lip, Pete gasped and shuddered when Jane started to gently circle the head of the glistening shaft around his already-prepared back door. The woman’s eyes were locked with his as she teased him, the situation so hot he felt he could cum at any moment.

If Gwen lets me…

‘You probably shouldn’t go in dry though, yeah?’ Gwen prompted as the head circled closer and closer to his anus. Jane froze before smiling naughtily and turning to Gwen with a wicked grin.

‘You’re so bad.’

‘C’mon, let loose,’ Gwen egged her on with a grin. ‘You deserve it.’

‘Oh God,’ Jane groaned in disbelief, but regardless of her words, she leaned over his ass and started to gather moisture in her mouth. Pete gasped and groaned when she puckered her lips and released a string of her saliva directly into his ass, the wet feeling making him jerk and moan.

‘You better make sure it’s properly in there,’ Gwen goaded, virtually panting in lust herself as she spoke, clearly just as excited as them. Jane looked between the two of them and ran her hand over his ass. His skin tingled wherever she touched and she leaned over further, locking her eyes with his.

‘Is this what you want Peter?’ she asked him with a sensual purr and he almost came right there. ‘Do you want me to finger you? I need to hear you say it.’

His face almost ready to combust, he nodded shakily, his eyes wide with lust. ‘P-please.’

‘Please what?’ Jane teased, her smile teasing as Gwen giggled in approval.

‘Put your finger in me.’

‘Just my finger?’ Jane prodded and Pete groaned when she slipped her digit in with ease. Screwing his eyes shut, he gasped when Gwen lightly tapped him on the balls again.

‘Don’t cum yet big guy, we haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet.’

‘Fuck me,’ Pete begged, his voice shaky and weak, his eyes wide with lust. ‘Please.’

Jane bit her lip at the sound of his voice and slipped a second finger inside him, scissoring them and opening him up wider.

‘I’ve never done this before,’ Jane admitted conversationally to Gwen while fingering his ass. Spreading her fingers wide, she dribbled out even more saliva and let it slip into his ass unimpeded.

‘Pete’s a real anal slut,’ Gwen confirmed with mirth. ‘You’re in for a real treat.’

With bated breath, Jane slowly removed her fingers and replaced them with the dildo. He felt his sphincter close around the tip and Jane giggled in disbelief. Again, she locked eyes with him as she pressed down on the dildo, sheathing it in him relatively easily and in one, easy thrust.

How is my life fucking real?!

‘How does it feel, honey?’ Jane asked in a gentle tone, almost motherly. It only made the situation hotter.

Blushing up a storm, Pete nodded and groaned. ‘It feels good,’ he admitted with a gasp and a moan. ‘Real good.’

While Jane gently fucked his ass with the dildo, Gwen started stroking his cock again. Apparently willing to finally help him over the edge, Gwen sucked his dick into her warm mouth, deep-throating him with practised ease.

Emboldened by the sight, Jane brought her face closer too and started to kiss and lick his balls while still thrusting the dildo.

His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head, the pleasure out of this world. ‘Oh fuuuuuck.’

Both women giggled at his reaction, Gwen’s muffled by his shaft and only adding to his pleasure.

Gwen could have smacked his nuts with a sledgehammer in that moment - nothing was stopping him from cumming.

‘Cumming!’ he cried, holding the back of his knees and crying out in bliss. Starbursts went off behind his eyes and his entire body started to shake, pleasure flooding every inch of his being.

When he came back down to earth, he was laying on the couch with a no-doubt stupid, pleasure-drunk look on his face, his feet back on the carpet and both women between his legs. Gwen’s lips were still sealed around his flagging shaft, but she quickly dislodged herself with a naughty grin, keeping her lips sealed.

Both Pete and Jane’s eyes widened when Gwen threaded her hand into Jane’s messy bun and pulled her close, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Pete groaned at the erotic sight, his hand going straight to his hyper-sensitive and reawakening cock as his girlfriend visibly passed his seed into Jane’s willing and eager mouth.

‘Jesus fucking Christ,’ Pete gasped as the women pulled apart, remnants of his cum on their lips. Jane locked eyes with him and visibly swallowed and Pete swore that was one of the hottest sights he’d ever seen.

‘Do you want Pete to return the favour?’ Gwen asked, wrapping her arms around the woman’s waist and suckling on her ear.

Rendered speechless, Jane just nodded, her eyes still locked with his. Pete felt a thrill of excitement shoot through him at the raw desire in her brown eyes.

Gwen gently laid her down on the couch beside him and started to unbutton her shirt, just as eager to get at the beautiful woman as he was. Pete stood, stretching out his sore back and watching the action with growing arousal.

When Gwen spread Jane’s shirt open, Pete sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth as her heavy breasts were revealed, clad in a rather unflattering bra concerned more with supporting their weight than looking sexy. Pete was stroking his rapidly hardening cock as Jane eyed them both with embarrassment.

‘If I’d known, I -’

Chuckling, Gwen shushed her. ‘It’s okay, we’ll just have to get rid of it.’

Instead of doing it herself, Gwen looked up at him with a wink and motioned to Jane’s chest with a wide smile.

Feeling like a kid at Christmas, Pete knelt down beside Gwen and reached for the clasp in the middle. With a simple, anticlimactic click, the heroically struggling material sprung apart and revealed Jane’s breasts in all their glory.

They were of a similar size and heft to MJ’s tits, but where the redhead had small, pink nipples, Jane’s were darker, the areola similar in size to jar lids.

Pete licked his lips, having to physically hold himself back from burying his face in the pair of tits he’d arguably fantasised about the most other than Gwen’s. ‘You’re gorgeous,’ he whispered reverently, blushing and looking up to meet her gaze when he realised he’d verbalised his thoughts.

Thankfully, Jane looked incredibly pleased by the compliment. She was bracketing her heavy tits with her arms, pressing them together and emphasising their size even more.

‘C’mon Pete, don’t just stare,’ Gwen teased, bumping him with her hip. ‘Give me a hand here.’

Pete watched as Gwen leaned down and captured one of Jane’s pebbled nipples between her teeth, biting on it gently and earning a pleased moan from the brunette. Pete almost tripped over himself in his haste to get down and do likewise, cupping the free heavy tit and bringing it to his eager mouth.

Jane groaned sultrily under the dual assault. She wrapped an arm around each of them and held them to her chest, clearly pleased with what they were doing and not wanting them to stop.

When Gwen grabbed his wrist and led it to Jane’s pussy, he didn’t resist. His hand glided down her flat tummy and through the thin, soft patch of hair on her pubic mound before reaching her glistening lips. When Jane felt his hand exploring her womanhood, his fingers teasing her labia, she gasped, the tight grip she had on his hair almost painful.

When he slipped a hooked finger inside and started to gently rub her g-spot, her entire body convulsed and she whimpered adorably. ‘Yes! Yes Peter, right there!’

‘Don’t worry babe,’ Gwen teased, pausing her suckling of Jane’s nipple, ‘He knows exactly what he’s doing, just close your eyes and enjoy the ride.’

‘Yes, yes,’ Jane panted as Pete started to apply increasing pressure against her g-spot, the thrusting of his fingers steadily picking up speed. His free hand was still playing with her tit, loving how soft and malleable it felt in his hand, and how the boobflesh seeped out from between his fingers when he squeezed.

He almost loved it as much as the look on Jane’s face as she felt an epic orgasm rapidly approaching.

Gwen slid down Jane’s body like a snake, trailing kisses down the valley of her breasts, her abdomen and her pubic mound before finally reaching her protruding clit. Her tongue ran laps around the sensitive nub of flesh, and Jane started to buck anew, whimpering and begging them to touch it while Pete remained focused on her g-spot.

When Gwen finally kissed then sucked on Jane’s clit, her mouth opened in a silent scream, her back arching as pleasure shot through her core like a white-hot lance of euphoria. ‘Cum for us,’ Pete urged, Jane’s gushing womanhood making wet, squelching sounds with each of his hand motions.

‘Something’s coming!’ Jane warned, screwing her eyes shut and bucking her hips wildly.

‘Let go,’ Pete urged, applying yet more pressure against Jane’s g-spot. ‘Let it all out.’

‘I’m, I’m - oooooooooh!

Pete didn’t stop fingering Jane, even when her hips bucked off the couch and she started squirting all over their ten-thousand dollar coffee table.

Eh, it adds character.

Jane’s body shook and convulsed as she rode out her orgasm, Gwen’s suckling on her tits and Pete’s strumming of her clit prolonging her pleasure for as long as she could manage.

Pete and Gwen shot each other supremely satisfied smiles as Jane recovered from her epic orgasm, her breath coming in ragged pants.

She sounds like she’s just run a marathon.

Finally, Jane broke the silence, her voice a pleasure-drunk slur. ‘Haven’t done that since college either…’

Gwen barked out a laugh before cupping the side of his face affectionately.

‘I trained him well.’



Do you have no plans to continue your DxD story?


Unsure yet, but I've just finished doing a DxD chapter for Muliversal. If I go back to my other stories, it'll be when I run out of juice for Gwen.