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Hope everyone enjoys, I didn't have much time to proofread this one - please point out any errors or inconsistencies on discord or in the comments and I'll fix asap.

Gwen next week.

Chapter 6

Toys, pillows and much of his well-toiled dinner littered the floor, their house looked like it had been hit by a hurricane. One could be forgiven if they’d assumed a gaggle of pixies had stormed through and smashed the place up.

It was worse, so much worse. An ever-curious five-year old and a hyperactive three-year old.

Ron was sitting on his plush armchair by the fireplace, his eyes closed and his face set in a sere mask, relishing his well-earned respite after putting the little terrors to sleep.

Naturally, there was no way his moment of peace could last. A glowing, silvery honey-badger flew into the room uninvited and shattered any semblance of calm with an aggressiveness its real-life counterpart could be proud of.

‘Granger!’ he hollered, speaking with his boss’ cultured voice. He had no real issues with Humphrey Wilson, he’d been the one who had initially gleaned his supreme knowledge of Quidditch, his talent for conveying that to others, and had given him a job. He’d risen quickly at the Prophet after that, all the way up to his current, lofty position of editor-in-chief for all things sport.

Thankfully for both him and his wife, it was a job he could mostly do from home, organising his team of editors and writers through Floo calls and patronus messenger spells while listening to games on the Wireless, or, more recently, taking his kids to go and watch them himself.

It was a pretty sweet gig that led to a pretty charmed life, but it often led his boss to believe he was fine with being hailed at all-hours of the day or night.

‘What’s this I keep hearing about Krum signing for Puddlemore?’ the staunch Montrose fan whined, no-doubt news that the greatest seeker to have ever lived moving to his most hated rivals causing him physical pain. ‘Why aren’t we covering it?! The Global murdered us in sales yesterday!’

He was also a businessman.

‘Because it’s not true,’ Ron answered automatically, his eyes still closed and his voice still affecting forced serenity as he now tried to fight off a headache.

That caused Wilson, or his messenger, to pause. ‘It’s not?’ he asked, a not-so-subtle hint of hope in his voice. Ron smirked.

‘I asked him, he said it was all nonsense,’ Ron contonied, remembering with a grin how he’d dismissed the rumour out of hand, saying that they couldn’t afford him.

He was no fan of Puddlemere either, their rich owner having come in like a flash cunt, raining galleons on the team and trying to buy the league.


‘You spoke to Victor Krum?!’ Wilson asked incredulously and Ron had to fight an annoyed grimace. Magical sports wasn’t like the muggle variety that he so envied, where the press had unfettered access to the talent, but the man could at least give him some credit. He had countless contacts with players all over Europe.

‘Wilson, you let me worry about the back pages. You just focus on getting us donations from the wealthy and beautiful,’ Ron snapped, sounding as tired as he felt. It was no secret that the philanderer had countless notches on his bedpost, most of them influential, sexually dissatisfied wives of the wealthy and powerful.

At least, it was no secret amongst his colleagues.

Wilson was apparently very good at his job.

‘You spoke to Krum?’ the badger asked again, awe clearly evident in his tone, apparently having heard nothing he’d said. ‘And you didn’t get an interview?!’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘He’s an old friend of my wife’s, I’ve known him since Hogwarts. I’m not going to badger him about an interview when I know damn well he’s got nothing interesting to say.’

The silence from the patronus was as funny as it was expected. Wilson had been badgering him to introduce him to the recently appointed Minister for ages now, the womaniser’s naked interest in his wife as blatant as his true reason for wanting a meeting.

He’d have been annoyed if he wasn’t so turned on by the idea. Besides, he’d have to get used to people openly lusting after his wife now. She was gorgeous, and now she was the most powerful and influential person in the country.

He’d be insulted if the man didn’t want to shag his wife.

‘Friend of your wife’s, you say?’

Ron rolled his eyes in annoyance. The man was as subtle as a nesting Dragon.

Good night, Wilson,’ he said forcefully, ending the charm with a wave of his wand. With another wave and several flicks, the house started to clean itself - not for the first time, he mentally cursed his mother for making them do this by hand growing up.

As he watched the toys march their way back to their places, and the bits of dinner smeared against the timber floor vanish, his fireplace burst to life in an explosion of emerald flame, his wife’s beautiful face materialising in the embers.

‘You missed them,’ Ron said apologetically. ‘I put them down half an hour ago.’

His wife cursed. ‘Sorry love, a meeting with the ambassador of Egypt ran late. How were they?’

‘Terrors,’ Ron answered with a grin. ‘Are you sure we don’t need an exorcist?’

His wife’s laughter was a soothing balm he hadn’t known he’d needed until he heard it and his exhaustion just melted away.

‘They still giving you trouble about the tomb raiders?’

Hermione’s snort of disgust was all the answer he needed. ‘Kings said they’re the ones hiring them en masse, they just want to pin it on someone else because people at home are catching on to their bullshit - they see me as an easy patsy.’

‘Minister Granger!’ Ron gasped, his hand going to his heart in mock horror. ‘Language!

She laughed again. ‘Oh sod-off, I was never that bad.’

Her tone was infectious and he found himself at ease despite himself, sinking deeper into the plush armchair. His wife was like that, and he imagined that was part of what made her such an excellent politician.

‘You’re the best husband ever,’ she confessed out of the blue, and he felt his heart thud in his chest at the earnestness of her words, and at the thick emotion she infused them with. ‘I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you.’

Ron felt like a tit as his eyes started to sting. He laughed, the exclamation sounding embarrassingly watery to his ears. ‘You’re not half bad yourself - you know, for a bird.’

His wife’s sultry laughter this time did the opposite of relax, it went straight to his cock. ‘Ooh, I’m going to make you pay for that, Mister Granger.’

‘When will you be home?’ he asked, his tone thick with lust, his mind conjuring images of his wife bent over in their shower, water cascading down her glorious, curvy body, her big tits hanging low and her bum rippling as his hips crashed into her over and over for as long as his knees would allow.

It had been too long.

‘Not for a while yet, I’m afraid,’ she said with an annoyed sigh. ‘It’s round-the-clock here. I’ve got the Brazillians in half an hour, then the Argentinians after them…’

Ron knew what he was signing up for when they’d decided she would campaign in earnest. Rather than be upset at their limited time together, especially as she sorted out the transfer of power, he was proud of his wife.

‘And what’ll you do for the next half-hour?’ he asked in a leading tone, his voice thick with lust as he unzipped his trousers.

‘Oh I don’t know,’ she said airily, the teasing tone causing him to perk up in more ways than one. ‘Jefferson has been working on a report all day that he’s been ever so desperate to show me. It would be plain rude not to… entertain him.’

He shuddered, intense arousal and burning jealousy warring in his gut, the images that had been assaulting his mind now shifting to be more…degenerate in nature. For some reason, he couldn’t stop imagining his boss fucking his wife in her office at that very moment while she held a floo call with him, the two giggling in private at his expense the moment she ended the enchantment.

His cock hardened into steel.

She laughed throatily at his silence. Jefferson was one of her paramours, very talented with his mouth and eager to please, according to Hermione. She often teased him with stories of the lad sitting under her desk while she held important meetings and they never failed to drive him wild.

‘You’re the sexiest woman alive.’

His voice sounded rough to his ears, like gravel and sandpaper. His wife’s delighted laughter let him know his arousal was transmitted loud and clear.

He saw her head turn before she looked back at him, a wicked smile on her face. ‘That’s him now. I’d tell you not to wait up, but then who’d clean me?’

She ended the call, her teasing laughter still echoing in the once-again silent room.

Her fiery visage had barely faded when he’d pulled his dick out and started to wank. He quickly lost himself in his degenerate sexual fantasies, each of them starring his wife, none of them featuring him.

‘Is this how you greet all your Floo calls, you naughty boy?’

Ron wasn’t sure where the girlish scream had originated, because it certainly couldn’t be from his mouth. His ears, now flaming and crimson with humiliation, strained as he made sure that mysteriously missing banshee hadn’t woken the kids.

Pleased they were still fast asleep, he turned to the fireplace with an annoyed glare. Cho’s laughter was so intense, she was now gasping for breath.

‘Alright, alright, calm your tits Chang. It wasn’t that funny.’

‘Your face!’ She gasped, and though he couldn’t make out the details through her fiery visage, he imagined there were genuine tears in her eyes.

Palming his face, he didn’t even bother tucking himself back in as he sank back into his chair.

‘Hello to you too, miss player of the year,’ Ron greeted with genuine warmth - his embarrassment quickly discarded. It had been a while since they’d seen her, the season having come down to the wire and, while they’d ultimately lost out on winning the league by a hair’s breadth, everyone knew that was only because they’d had a string of unfortunate injuries with their chasers while their opponents, Puddlemere United, had enough money and players to field four elite teams.

It was utter bollocks. He had several writers constantly penning op eds about how the league should limit spending in some way that were incredibly popular. He hoped they did something about it.

‘Are the kids down?’ Cho asked, a wicked note mixed with her genuine warmth at hearing from him.

‘They are, Rose is always asking about when her godmother will come see them.’

She sighed. ‘Hopefully soon now that the season is over. Are you alone? I’ll pop over.’

‘No,’ Ron answered sardonically. ‘I often make it a habit of wanking for guests.’

She laughed again and with another explosion of flame, the beautiful Seeker stumbled out of their fireplace looking incredibly sexy in a too-tight tee and tiny boy-shorts. Clearly her nightwear, the outfit did an incredible job of highlighting her gorgeous, athletic figure.

‘Hermione here?’ she asks, her eyes trained on his still-hard cock as she sat on the armrest of his chair. Her proximity caused his cock to throb, his arousal having not magically disappeared, even though she’d scared him half-to-death.

‘She’s still at the Ministry,’ Ron answered, his face flushed at having the gorgeous woman so close and staring at his bits. ‘She’s working round-the-clock at the moment, you know how it is.’

She grinned and slid into his lap. ‘Is that why you were having a wank, you dirty boy?’ she teased, his breath hitching as her warm breath tickled his ear. ‘Feeling a bit neglected?’

He wet his suddenly too-dry lips, his heart almost leaping out of his chest as she grabbed his throbbing cock. He saw no need to lie to her, she was as part of their kinky play as his wife at this point.

‘She - she told me she was entertaining one of her paramours,’ he grunted out as Cho nibbled on his ear and stroked his cock, her breathy, delighted chuckle doing wondrous things to him.

‘Ah, so it’s one of those nights then?’ she teased, leaning in even closer and wrapping an arm around his neck. ‘How does that make you feel? You, being stuck at home and looking after the kids while your wife is out cucking you with one of her super-hot boy toys?’ She pulled back and grinned at the look on his face. ‘Do you think they’re laughing at you?’

He grunted, shutting his eyes and shuddering with pure need. In times past, he’d have cum on the spot from her wicked ministrations, but he’d been wanking too much lately - it took a lot more than that. Cho pouted when she realised that very fact and pulled back.

‘You’re no fun.’

Ron only chuckled and shrugged. ‘Maybe you just need some new material?’

She didn’t smile or scoff at his joke. She was looking at him speculatively. ‘You don’t seem as upset as I’d thought you’d be at,’ she motioned to the room around her, and to the fireplace, ‘this.’

While the phrase seemed utterly nonsensical, he knew exactly what she meant. His parents and siblings had intimated the same.

‘We knew it was coming,’ he said with a shrug and a tired sigh, running his hand down his suddenly heavy eyes - he didn’t think Cho would appreciate it if he fell asleep with her on his lap. ‘And I’m supporting her one-hundred percent. It helps that I can work from home and I have mum if things get real dicey.’

She was still looking at him speculatively, but it took on a different meaning as she started to sensually grind in his lap. It was sometimes easy to forget that his wife’s best friend, the woman he’d known since his school days, was a Quidditch superstar. Looking up at her in her skimpy night clothes as she gazed at him with her lidded, almond-shaped eyes, biting her lip and rubbing her toned bum against his aching cock brought that into stark relief.

Despite his thoughts about wanking too much, if she kept that up, he’d cum all over her.

‘You know, with the amount of loads I’ve seen you suck out of our pussies,’ she teased with a grin, her grinding intensifying, ‘I sometimes forget you can be kind of hot too - especially when you say stuff like that.’

He grinned, hiding his embarrassingly pleased flush with another joke. ‘Hormones acting up Chang? You in the market for a super-dad like me?’

She didn’t bat an eye, like he’d expected, her grin only widened. ‘Maybe,’ she shockingly admitted, before leaning down, briefly pressing her strawberry-flavoured lips to his before putting them next to his ear. ‘But why buy the cow when I can get the milk for free?’

The implication of her words caused starbursts in his vision, her constant teasing and grinding, his wife’s unseen naughty adventures at the office, and now her outrageous and salacious comment - it was all too much. Cho laughed as he came all over her, soiling both his trousers and her skimpy boy-shorts.

It was a load much smaller than usual.

Fuck, I need to stop wanking like a monkey all the time.

‘That reminds me,’ Cho said, not standing up or even bothering to clean herself. ‘What are we doing for Hermione’s birthday?’

‘You’ll be free?’ he asked, eyebrows raised. His wife’s birthday was on the next Monday but he’d made plans for them that weekend. He hadn’t expected Cho to be able to join them in any kind of festivities at all, but with what he had planned, he could easily bring along a plus-one.

She raised her arms and shrugged, a giddy smile on her face. ‘We’ve all got a month off before we’re expected back at training. I figured I could spend some of my free time with you lot, catch up with the kids and all, before kidnapping a Scandinavian masseuse and absconding to some muggle sex resort somewhere for the rest of my free time.’

She snorted, but smiled fondly at her. ‘The kids’ll love seeing you. I’m taking her to dinner on Saturday, why don’t you join us? We can make it into a big celebration, the Minister and the Player of the Year.’

‘Will anyone else be joining us?’

‘Oh blimey, can you two just stop?’ Cho groaned with audible pain. ‘Married friends are the worst. Just because you married your Hogwarts sweetheart doesn’t mean the rest of us have to. Besides, Seamus is dating that bint from that place, isn’t he?’

‘They broke up a bit ago,’ he teased with a grin. Neither him or Hermione thought they would ever end up together, but it was so fun teasing her and getting her worked up. Especially for him. Cho got…wicked when she got annoyed.

‘Regardless, it’s not happening,’ she sneered. ‘He wants a good little wife to pop out kids and have dinner ready when he comes home from his boring job - I almost fell asleep even saying that.’

‘He wants a monogamous wife.’

‘That’s even worse!’ Cho exclaimed, shivering with disgust. ‘Could you imagine? Ugh - why can’t he be more like you?’

Ron didn’t care to admit how much that sentiment pleased him. ‘I’ll make sure to pass on the sentiment - he still takes the piss for having shagged my wife and eating his cum.’

‘Oh, you’re a much bigger man than he is,’ she teased, sliding back and pinching his shrivelled, spent cock between two elegant, calloused fingers with glee. ‘Even with your little baby dick.’

He shuddered and she giggled at his visible reaction, her fingers now gently squeezing his bollocks.

‘So, what’s the plan for Saturday?’

She hadn’t stopped playing with him, and he was finding it hard to concentrate, especially when a slim finger started circling his bum.

‘It’s a surprise. Don’t tell Hermione you’re coming, that’ll be a surprise too, she’ll love it,’ he said in a breathy tone, gasping when Cho grinned and slipped her wet finger inside him.

‘Hmm, sounds like fun. What should I wear?’ she teased, very much enjoying his body’s reaction to whatever she did to him. While she kept fingering him, she’d used her free hand to slip inside his shirt and start pinching his nipples.

It took him a while to gather the wits to answer, and when he did Cho was grinding herself against his thigh and grinning down at him smugly.

‘S-sexy,’ he groaned, eyes closed as he luxuriated in her caresses. ‘Dress sexy. Like you’re,’ he groaned again as she pressed a finger against his prostate, ‘like you’re going to the club.’

Cho didn’t answer, instead, she bit her lip and slid down to the floor, her eyes heavily lidded and locked on his own as she took his slowly hardening cock in her mouth.

He couldn’t wait for Saturday.


Hermione, far from being disappointed that their date night had an unexpected third wheel, was ecstatic to see her best friend again. While the two exchanged excited hugs and congratulations for each others’ recent achievements, Ron had to pinch his thigh to stop himself from getting an embarrassing boner.

His gorgeous wife wore a white, long-sleeved bodycon dress that not only showed off her incredible legs, but also left most of her cleavage utterly bare all the way down to her belly-button. Thin, golden chains criss-crossed over the expanse of naked flesh while also holding the dress together as she gleefully showed off the breasts she’d earned through motherhood.

Cho wore a similarly skimpy dress, her athletic frame encased in an equally delightful bodycon number made instead of skintight, maroon leather. While the cleavage was only moderately exposed, Cho’s entire back was left bare.

Both women looked incredible - he couldn’t wait to see the looks on their faces when he surprised them later that evening.

‘So, where to?’ his wife asked, latching onto his arm while Cho, a sexy grin on her face, took his other.

He pulled out a rope from his pocket and held it out for them. Their eyebrows raised, they grabbed onto the portkey and with a quick uttering of the activation word, they were whisked away to a classy restaurant in Barcelona with a gorgeous view of the sunset over the ocean.

He relished in the envious looks the other patrons sent his way, both women choosing to glue themselves to his sides instead of equally space themselves out around the small table.

Both women were just ecstatic to see each other again, their busy lives making that incredibly hard as of late. It might have looked odd to his jealous onlookers that he only sat there, letting the women talk and laugh amongst themselves, but the cheeky slags were each running a hand up and down the insides of his thighs, teasing him while showing absolutely no outward sign of their naughty behaviour.

After their delicious meal, and a few minutes to allow his rock-hard cock to calm down, they left the restaurant with wide smiles and full bellies. His mother had the kids until tomorrow, so they were in no rush to get home. He’d even booked a suite so they could stay in the gorgeous city overnight.

‘Let’s go dancing!’ Cho exclaimed and Hermione laughed, not much of a dancer herself, but very much enjoying her friend’s enthusiasm. The jealous looks continued to be shot at him like stunners, the girls plastering themselves against him as they led him down the street.

‘Eh, I’ve got a better idea,’ Ron teased, speaking up for the first time in a while and surprising the two women when he led them into a nearby, deserted alley.

‘Oh no!’ his wife faux exclaimed. ‘Are you taking us back here to have your wicked way with us? Whatever will we do Cho?’

‘You’re an utter beast!’ Cho accused and the women collapsed into a fit of giggles.

‘Hold tight,’ he instructed them out of the blue and, their eyes widening in surprise, he wrapped an arm around each of their waists and apparated to a previously scoped-out secluded spot on the other side of the city.

After a relatively quiet pop, the girls regained their footing to find themselves in the shadows of a large building, unnoticed by the nearby muggles.

‘Where are we?’ Hermione asked, having taken longer than the athletic and dextrous Cho to regain her feet.

‘We’re on the other side of the city,’ Ron explained and took both of their hands. ‘Come on, this is your surprise. Follow me.’

Both women gasped when, as they rounded a corner, they found themselves before a gorgeous, large, gothic-style building with two massive and imposing bouncers barring the entrance and a line of tipsy women queued up around the block, waiting to get in.

A local colleague of his had recommended this place, having brought his wife here and earning himself a truly colossal amount of brownie points.

He planned on earning way more.

Cho and Hermione exchanged bewildered looks as he confidently walked right up to the unimpressed bouncers and leaned in to whisper something into the bigger ones’ ear, slipping a hundred-euro note in his pocket and tapping his chest as he said the name he was told to mention.

Without so much as batting an eye, the man smiled wide, unclasped the rope and motioned them inside, welcoming them in Spanish.

Taking the women’s hands again, he ignored the dirty glares being sent their way and led them inside.

‘What is this?’ Hermione asked, unable to hide her curiosity. Cho looked equally as curious, but both women were clever, he was sure they had inklings.

‘Well, tonight is about celebrating you guys, right?’ he asked, leading them through the dark entry hallway and towards the thumping, bass-heavy speakers further inside. ‘So I figured I’d treat you both to something a little better than a regular night club - something a bit more discreet where you both won’t run the risk of being recognized.’

After passing through a few more curtains and doors, the music getting progressively louder with each barrier they passed, they made it into the club proper. The first thing he noticed was that the music was so loud he was worried he’d get some kind of hearing damage - he very much doubted that was the first thing the ladies noticed.

Neon lights shone, smoke was being shot out everywhere and, on the myriad stages surrounded by screaming, sloshed women were dozens of incredibly fit and dancing naked men.

‘You brought us to a strip club?!’ His wife leaned in and screamed into his ear, her voice barely audible over the loud music, her eyes wide with shock. Cho, however, smiled wide. She pressed herself against his side and licked the shell of his ear before kissing the corner of his lips.

He barely heard her praise at all, but her appreciative cupping of his bollocks through his trousers said plenty.

Hermione, seeing his reaction to what Cho had done and, apparently, agreeing with the sentiment, covered Cho’s hand with her own and squeezed before leaning in to give him a passionate kiss.

Looks like I did good. This isn’t the surprise though…

Linking elbows with him, the women both led him to a table with a great vantage point of most of the stages. Ron smiled as he watched his wife and Cho perv, rate and flirt with the dancers and wait staff. The blokes coming over to top up their drinks wore only g-strings, vests, collars and cuffs while the dancers were all mostly either naked or in g-strings, swinging their dicks around for the ladies’ enjoyment.

He watched with a grin as the Minister of Magic cackled and groped the grinning waiter’s obscene bulge as he refilled her drink and winked before walking away.

‘I swear, every strip club I’ve ever been to they cut off your hands if you so much as look at the dancers wrong.’

Hermione smirked and Cho laughed. ‘No one’s stopping you copping a feel Ronnie boy!’

‘You’re hilarious.’

The women laughed and clinked glasses before going back to their ogling.

Cho had put up a spell that muffled the sound a tad around their table so they could hear each other speak. It helped in that he got a lot of enjoyment hearing the women rank and critique each dancer.

The Scottswoman definitely preferred them lean and shredded, the swimmer-builds, while his wife only had eyes for the beefcakes, the ones with muscles on their muscles.

Needless to say, both of them drooled whenever they saw a huge cock dangling between a dancer’s legs, no matter the build.

He watched them with a perpetual smile on their face as they spent the next hour just having a blast. They drank a lot - too much, really - but Ron, ever the amazing husband, kept passing them anti-intoxicant potions on the sly mixed with cool bottles of water. It kept them from getting too drunk and ruining their evening while also keeping them tipsy enough to enjoy themselves.

Eventually, Hermione finally remembered he was there and looked back at him nursing his drink with a guilty look on her face. Waving her off, he was just happy that she didn’t look as stressed as she had over the past few months.

Smiling at him, she leaned over to Cho and whispered something in her ear. The woman in question’s almond-shaped eyes widened before she cackled and turned to him with a cheeky grin.

Just as he was about to ask them what the joke was, his eyes widened in shock as Cho slipped under the table. Hermione shuffled over until she was sitting next to him in their booth and hugged his arm to her chest, disguising his start when Cho started to unzip his trousers.

Looking down, he saw the tipsy Quidditch pro smiling up at him, her cheeks flushed as she fished out his hard cock and slipped it into her warm mouth without so much as a by-your-leave. Ron groaned, the sounds thankfully muffled by the music, as his head rocked back and thunked against the wood panelling lining the walls.

His wife leaned into him, her lips pressed against his ear as she slipped a hand into his shirt and started to gently pinch his nipples. ‘You’re the best husband a woman could ask for,’ she purred, praising and playing with him as her best friend blew him under the table. He groaned again as she started to lick and kiss his neck as Cho throated him, not taking long at all to fill her mouth with his seed.

Panting, his heart thundering in his chest, he looked down to see Cho looking up at him, her mouth open wide to show off her well-earned bounty.

Naturally, she did not swallow.

She slit out from under the table and plastered herself to his other side, her eyes dancing with desire and mirth.

He didn’t even think of fighting it when she kissed him, passing his own cum into his mouth with her tongue. Surprisingly, when he passed his cum back to her during their heated kiss, Cho pulled away and smirked. His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline when she then leaned across him and instead kissed his wife, his cum visibly passing between each of them until there was none left.

Done and looking supremely amused by the dazed look on his face, Ron shook his head at them and grinned. ‘Wow, you guys haven’t even had your proper surprise yet.’

Seeing their look of confusion, he grinned wider and raised his hand to summon one of the nearly-naked waitstaff. He had been tipping well so he didn’t have to hold his hand up for long.

‘Would you like more drinks?’ the handsome bloke yelled in a thick, Spanish accent barely audible over the music.

In his capacity as the editor-in-chief for the Daily Prophet’s sports pages, he not only covered the British leagues, but every league around Europe. He’d picked up several languages to help him coordinate with all his writers both foreign and domestic.

I want to buy some private time for these lovely ladies,’ he began, suppressing his smirk at both the waiter’s and Cho’s shocked expressions. ‘Who’s available and has the biggest dick?

Quickly getting over his surprise, the water nodded with a placid look on his face. He figured he got such requests often enough that it was routine at this point.

Riyad is the one you are looking for. He will be over shortly.’

‘Will I be able to watch?’ he raised his hand and asked before he walked off. This time the waiter was unable to hide a small smirk but he nodded nevertheless. ‘Two-thousand Euros for the hour.

He’d been expecting the steep price so he only nodded while giving the bloke his last tip of the night, a fifty-euro note in his g-string.

It’s fun acting like a rich twat.

As the waiter left with a bounce in his step, he turned to see both women looking at him with naked desire in their eyes.

‘I didn’t know you could speak Spanish!’ Cho exclaimed, grinning and rubbing his abs. ‘That’s so hot!’

Hermione, obviously knowing this already, was rubbing his thigh. ‘What did he say?’

He grinned. ‘You’re the Minister now luv, don’t you think it’s time you learned another language?’

‘Hah!’ Cho crowed, smiling wide. ‘How is it that Ron knows something you don’t?!’

‘Because he’s brilliant,’ she answered without the slightest hint of jealousy or competitiveness as she started kissing his neck and fondling his balls. He groaned, his hands wrapped tightly around both of their waists as he saw a tall, buff bloke with dark, olive skin and even darker eyes approach their table.

‘Hold your praises until you see your surprise,’ he groaned, motioning to the, admittedly, handsome bloke.

Both Cho and Hermione turned to where he was motioning and gasped. The man looked to be North African, his skin glistening with oils and each muscle toned to perfection.

His tiny g-string looked to be struggling to contain a truly prodigious cock, too. Both Cho and Hermione’s eyes were locked on it and they eyed him hungrily.

Ron threw the man a money-clip with the required payment, the man catching it without even blinking and clipping it onto his insignificant pants.

I’ve always wanted to do that…

The women looked at him with wide eyes as the man motions towards the back of the club. Seeing their looks of confusion, Ron grinned and took pity on them.

‘I paid for some time with Riyad here. He’s asking us to follow him to a private room.’

Their eyes widened and, turning to look at the incredibly handsome man hungrily, they both turned back to him with equal looks of shock. Hermione was the first to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss his brain out before slipping out of the booth and following the man. Cho did likewise, whispering how hot he was in his ear before following her friend with a giddy bounce to her step.

His cock throbbed as, for the first time that night, Hermioen and Cho hung off another man’s arms as he led them into a quieter part of the club, through a thick curtain to a door in a dark hallway. He opened it for them and they all slipped in without incident.

The room was a small and intimate space, three by three metres with drapes lining three of the four walls, the fourth having a floor-to-ceiling mirror along its entire length. The man motioned for the women to take a seat on the large, plush, leather couch along one of the walls while Ron took a seat in an armchair by the door, content to just watch.

Hermione looked between the dancer and him with wide, anticipatory eyes, her fingers gripping her thighs so tightly her skin was pinking, likely to stop herself from being overly amorous with the man.

‘What are the…rules here?’

The man looked to him in confusion, clearly not speaking a word of English. Ron just grinned.

‘I paid for anything goes,’ he explained to the giddy women as they vibrated in their sears with delight. ‘Do whatever you want with him.’

He repeated himself in Spanish for the man’s benefit and he turned to the girls with a charming smile, nodding before skipping over to the other corner of the room and messing with the in-built sound system. Soft, sensual music he didn’t recognize started playing over some invisible speakers, and the man started to undulate his perfectly sculpted body for his beautiful audience’s benefit.

Clearly, he was an amazing dancer, his body moving so smoothly it was almost unnatural. The women, while appreciative, only had eyes for his crotch though, and the man wasn’t blind to that fact.

Smirking, he turned his back to them, Hermione and Cho licking their lips and running their hands over his slick, v-shaped back and his meaty bum. He turned and looked over his shoulder coquettishly and he smiled, ‘Help?’

The girls looked at each other and exchanged excited giggles, their eyes dark with desire. Dropping to their knees on the carpet, Ron throbbed when each took a big of his g-string between their teeth before dragging it down his long, thick legs.

Even aside from these two sluts being his wife and her best friend, Ron was watching the Minister of Magic and an international Quidditch superstar acting like complete sluts. He laughed thinking how much money Wilson would give him just for a photo of the two famous women at that moment.

He was so hard he was just about bursting out of his trousers.

His mirth faded when he saw the bloke’s dark, long, thick cock flop out of his lowered g-string. ‘Bloody hell,’ he muttered in disbelief. The women hadn’t heard his exclamation, completely lost to their own lust, but the bloke had and just smirked knowingly at him.

He’d seen his wife with plenty of endowed men at this point, but this bloke was on a whole other level. His cock hung halfway down his thick thigh and was thicker around than his wrist.

When he turned back to the women, they both let out audible groans and, without the slightest hint of hesitation, started stroking different sections of his lengthy shaft.

They didn’t wait long to escalate. When the dancer threaded his hands in their silky hair, Cho nudged Hermione with her shoulder and held out the huge cock to her with a grin. His wife, with only a brief look in his direction and a cheeky wink, opened wide and stuck her tongue out as Cho gently fed the obscene shaft into her eagerly awaiting mouth.

Hermione was groaning needily around the thick cock bumping against the back of her throat, a distressing amount of it still outside of her mouth. As if sensing his thoughts, Cho looked over at him and smirked as she played with the daner’s bollocks.

Ron was so turned on he felt short of breath, his cheeks flush and his gut knotted with jealousy. It had been a hot minute since he’d seen his missus with another man, they’d both just been so busy with the kids and with work. She had her lovers that she liked to tease him about, but it felt like ages since he’d just been able to watch her being such a naughty slag.

He had almost forgotten how much it drove him wild - the jealousy, hurt, arousal, ride, all of it mixing into a powerful cocktail of emotions that he’d long since become addicted to.

Hermione was sliding back and forth on the shaft, trying to cram as much of it into her throat as possible as drool leaked out from around the tight seal her lips had on the cock. The slurping sounds, the groans of need and Cho’s sinful laughter, it was just all so hot.

That’s the mother of my children.

She just squatted there as the bloke slowly and carefully fucked her throat with his unwieldy tool, her legs spread wide and her white, lace knickers damp with her arousal. Cho sat up on the couch behind her, kneading her shoulders and whispering sinful, encouraging words into her ear.

His wife had all but forgotten he was even there, her eyes gazing up with adoration at the bloke she was servicing while Cho kept shooting him knowing, taunting gazes.

As much as he loved watching his wife with other men, he couldn’t deny Cho’s frequent teasing and egging on had had an equally massive role to play in developing this kink for him. She was almost as much a part of it as his wife was.

When he shamelessly pulled out his own cock and started to wank, Cho’s wicked grin only spurred him on.

His wife tried to throat as much of the obscene cock as she could, pushing deeper and deeper until she almost gagged with only a half of it inside. She pulled off with a relieved gasp, the bloke’s hard shaft glistening with her saliva and pointing out hard and proud. His wife panted with relief, drawing in some much needed breath as she nuzzled her new favourite toy with a cheeky grin.

Cho must have been insanely turned on by the whole scene, because she wasn’t messing about. She got up on the couch, her arms resting on the backrest and pulled her leather dress up, exposing that she wasn’t wearing any knickers, her glistening pussy drenched and waving at the stripper enticingly.

The man needed no translation, clearly well-versed in ‘horny slut.’ With a purr, he gently extricated himself from his wife’s tender caresses and shuffled over to Cho’s eagerly awaiting pussy, running the head of his cock all around her puffy, eager and glistening pussy teasingly until she whined with need.

He chuckled deeply and Cho squealed when he then penetrated her without much more fanfare. Hermione bit her lip sexily and watched as he gently eased his massive tool in and out of her groaning best friend before finally remembering her husband. She looked over to him and smiled at the sight of him slowly stroking himself.

She looked like an angel in her sexy white dress as she stood and strolled over to him, her eyes devouring his far inferior cock with such hunger that his ego couldn’t help feeling assuaged. Sitting in his lap, she took his cock from his grasp and leaned in to whisper into his ear.

‘Thank you for this,’ she purred, kissing the side of his face and neck. Ron closed his eyes, his groans joining Cho’s as his wife stroked his achingly hard cock and continued to kiss and whisper sinful things into his ear. ‘Did you like seeing his big cock in my throat? It’s so much bigger than this little boy cock.’

Ron groaned, his face flushed and his hands squeezing her plump bum. It had been so long since they’d been intimate - the work and kids always keeping them apart - so when she rose herself on his lap, pushed her knickers aside and slid down on a cock hilariously smaller than the one stuffing her best friend, he almost made a tit of himself by crying with both relief and love for this woman.

‘I love you so much,’ Hermione moaned, making him feel better by saying so with a voice equally thick with emotion. As he felt his eyes stinging, he buried his face in her chest and held her tight against him, groaning as she rode him.

‘It’s been so long,’ he almost whined, holding her so tight as if worried she’d disappear.

‘I know, I’m so sorry baby,’ she cooed, holding him equally as tightly and riding him with a slow, steady rhythm, their intimate moment slightly, humorously ruined by Cho’s exultant cries of ecstasy. ‘I promise I’ll make more time for you.’

‘How many blokes have you shagged at the office while I’ve been stuck at home and looking after the kids?’ he asked, grunting and pulling her hard down on his cock. Hermione’s head flew back and she let out a long, guttural groan, her pussy fluttering around him.

Her reaction said everything, but her answer still drove him wild.

‘I’ve several paramours,’ she panted, looking down at him with heavily lidded eyes, biting her lip and grinning at him sexily. ‘Each of them very attentive to their Minister, and ever so eager to please.’

His cock throbbed with every utterance and she laughed throatily. Leaning in, her teeth scraped against his chin, her smile positively wicked.

‘Their cocks are so much bigger than yours too baby,’ she cooed, still gently riding him. ‘Do you forgive me for leaving you at home while they take care of me? It’s your fault, after all.’

Ron almost came on the spot, Hermione’s delighted laughter just about finishing the job as she slowed and allowed him to calm down. He’d known she was shagging someone at the office, but several people? People weren’t blind, he wondered how many knew his wife was cuckolding him?

Why does that turn me on so much?!

‘What about Hope?’ Hermione teased, sounding supremely proud and clearly loving the effect her words, and Cho’s guttural groans were having on him. ‘Is the little tart still coming over and helping with the kids?’

Ron chuckled, the laughter sounding strained to his ears as the stripper picked up the pace with Cho, her orgasm near.

‘She does help me with the kids,’ he confirmed with a cheeky wink. ‘Amongst other things. You’ve created a monster.’

Hermione’s chuckle turned into a moan as she slowed down her riding, her arms resting on his shoulders, her forehead against his. She was clearly in no hurry to reach a climax like her best friend, saving herself for the main event.

As Cho screamed, shook and convulsed through an apparently earth-shattering orgasm, holding onto the couch for dear life as Riyad fucked her mercilessly, Ron grunted then whined piteously when Hermione pulled off his cock. Standing, she looked down at him with an amused smirk as he bucked, his inferior cock as hard as steel and still looking pathetic compared to the monster the dancer carefully pulled out of the delirious Scotswoman.

His wife turned her back to him and looked over her shoulder with a cheeky smile.

‘Unzip me, husband,’ she said with a mocking smile. ‘I don’t want this beautiful man to ruin my dress when he fucks me.’

His cock throbbed, his desire shooting through the roof as he did as his sexy wife asked, the task rendered unexpectedly difficult as his hands shook with excitement.

With a shrug of her shoulders, Ron was easily able to pull the still-tight dress to the floor. The chesty garment hadn’t allowed for a bra, so with the dress gone, his wife stood there looking absolutely gorgeous in just her damp, white, lace knickers and stiletto heels, her hands on her hips as the stripper turned to face her.

His battering ram of a cock was slick with Cho’s juices, his dark eyes locked on his wife’s milk-filled tits.

Like a greyhound off the blocks, the stripper’s arm snapped out and pulled Hermione to him. His wife laughed and squealed as he picked her up with ease, his lips latching on to a hard nipple and suckling before placing her on the couch next to her well fucked and still recovering best friend.

The stripper took a seat himself, his cock looking monolithic as it towered in his lap. Hermione scrambled onto his lap, her back to Ron and, while moving her knickers aside, her thick bum jiggling with her movements, the stripper guided his shaft until his knob was kissing Hermione’s lips. While maintaining eye-contact with her husband, she lowered herself, her pussy spreading wide to accommodate him and her mouth open in a silent scream of shock.

He barely noticed Cho walking over to him on shaky, unsteady legs, kicking off her heels before she stumbled and hurt herself. A sheen of sweat caused her skin to glisten in the dim light, but he only really paid her any attention when she shimmied out of her dress and plopped in his lap, her toned back pressed against his front as they both watched his wife shag the incredibly endowed stripper, her meaty bum rising and falling as she steadily bounced on half of his shaft.

He was so thick it looked like Hermione’s lips didn’t want to let him go every time she moved.

‘I can’t stop thinking about how that’s the Minister of Magic fucking that bloke,’ Cho muttered groggily, giggling at the absurdity of the thought.

She then turned around, straddling him and blocking his view. He whined piteously and Cho chuckled knowingly, though he could still very much hear Hermione’s guttural moans as the bloke reshaped her insides. The sounds caused his cock to continue throbbing with desire.

It was almost a surprise when Cho grabbed his shaft and slipped it inside of her, burying his face in her tits as she started to ride him. She cackled, ‘I can barely feel you, little cuck.’

Naturally, it was utter nonsense. While she definitely felt loose and a little sloppy, Cho still moaned as he gripped her toned ass hard and thrust up into her, capturing her lips in a heated snog.

Seamus still often asked him how he could handle his wife stepping out on him all the time. Having the ability to shag women like Cho and Hope semi-regularly certainly helped soothe his ego.

Just as his amazing wife planned, the cheeky slag.

As if hearing his thoughts, the stripper did something that caused his wife to squeal, her moan long, undulating and completely uninhibited. He wanted to say she’d cum, it certainly sounded like it, but that’s not what she normally sounded like when she came on his dick.

Cho was blocking any attempts he made to see what was going on, laughing and smirking down at him knowingly. She bounced in his lap and he eventually gave up, content with shagging the beautiful woman and suckling on her perky tits until a hand with a very familiar wedding ring rested on her shoulder.

Cho stopped and looked back as his wife whispered something into her ear, her almond-shaped eyes steadily widening with both shock and glee.

‘What?’ he asked warily as Cho and his wife looked down at him with heavily-lidded, lusty gazes, the latter doing the sexy, lip-bitey thing.

‘Tonight is about us, right?’ Cho asked, swivelling her hips and gently riding him again. As he nodded, Hermione walked around her side and leaned in until her lips were pressed against his ear.

‘Play along like a good little cuck and I’ll make it so worth your while.’

Well…that sounds ominous…

Cho leaned forward, pressing herself tightly against him, her chin resting on his shoulder as she vibrated with excitement, then Hermione moved aside too to reveal the stripper looming large over them, his hand stroking his imposing cock. Ron’s eyes widened and he instinctively palmed Cho’s toned bum, pulled the cheeks apart as he anticipated what was to come.

I don’t get it, why is she so excited? I don’t care how much of a slut Cho is, he’s gonna tear her apart if he goes in her bum!

Then…he got it.

With his cock still sheathed in Cho’s warm, gushing pussy, he felt a foreign pressure as something, no, someone else join him.

Ron’s eyes widened with shock and he felt a wave of revulsion roll over him when realisation truly hit him, his face flushing with anger and embarrassment - why had they done this?! Before he could object, Cho muffled her guttural moan by capturing his lips in a heated, passionate kiss, her arms wrapped around his head and her body pressed tightly against his.

His wife came back around, her entire body flush with desire, her eyes dark with lust as she crouched next to him, her fingers massaging his nipples and her lips against his ear.

‘Let it happen,’ she pleaded, taking the lobe of his ear between her teeth. ‘This is so hot baby, you won’t regret it, I promise!’

Ron calmed down, memories of how his wife had rewarded him for being a good boy in the past flooding his mind’s eye and causing his cock to surge, and Cho to throw her head back and moan anew.

He very much doubted Cho hadn’t had a bloke as big as this guy before, and he doubted even more that his own inferior girth made much of a difference. He figured her reaction was one born out of pure arousal at the situation alone.

He turned to see his wife alternating staring at Cho’s doubly impaled pussy with awe and desire before turning to gaze at him reverently. His eyes quickly dropped to her big, still-flushed tits and their hard nipples, his lips puckered very much like his baby boy’s as they swayed with her movements. His wife smirked knowingly and palmed one, bringing it up to his mouth so he could suckle and help take his mind on what was happening elsewhere.

It had been too long. He loved his wife’s tits - especially after giving birth twice.

Honestly, he had little else to do. He just sat there, his cock buried as deep as it could go in Cho’s overly stretched womanhood while another cock - he still shuddered at the feeling of it - slid against him as he thrust in and out. Cho proved that this was more than another way for the women to cuck and humiliate him by moaning with glee every time Riyad shoved his obscene member in, forcing Ron’s cock to grind and press hard against the roof of her pussy.

Cho said as much to Hermione in a breathless, nearly incoherent running commentary that had the bottom of his guts falling out when he saw the look of need in his wife’s eyes.

Hermione leaned in again, her lips pressed against his ear. ‘You’re so hot, the best husband ever, I love you so much.’

It was a little embarrassing how much the endearing words made this all the more bearable.

‘Do you feel how big he is?’ she asked in a breathless, sinful whisper, as he continued to suckle on her incredible tits. ‘Do you understand why big dicks matter now? Feel how tight it is in there? Hear how Cho reacts every time you grind against her g-spot?’

Ron flushed with embarrassment and his guts roiled with inferiority and arousal - mostly because the answer to most of her questions was a resounding yes.

When the bloke finally unloaded in her, after almost ten minutes of this and Cho cumming several times on their cocks, screaming in his ear like a hoarse banshee, he shivered with equal parts disgust and desire. He felt the cum oozing around his cock as the stripper continued to slowly thrust his huge member in and out, the warm, slick feeling and the women’s wanton moans embarrassingly triggering his own climax, his own seed joining the comparative deluge that Riyad had unloaded in her.

Cho laughed huskily, her body limp like a soggy noodle as the stripper slowly pulled out of her, dragging his cock against Ron’s own one last time as he vacated the space for the first time in tens of minutes. This had the added benefit of letting him feel how loose she was now. He wasn’t really touching her walls now, she was nowhere near as tight as she usually was.

She’d been stretched by a larger, superior cock. As had his wife.

Cho obviously noticed too and laughed huskily in his ear, not missing the opportunity to tease him. ‘Are you even still in me?’

Before he could come up with a witty answer, Cho pulled him to the ground, her body vibrating with excitement as she kneeled over his face, her almost-shaped eyes wide and her lips stretched in a gleeful smile.

There was… a lot. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d cleaned the woman of seed that wasn’t his own and the stripper had a load that matched the size of his prodigious cock. Cho threaded her hands through his ginger locks as she muttered things like ‘eat that cum, cuck,’ over and over.

She’d cum with a quieter, shuddering orgasm again before he was done, her eyes rolling as she leaned back and supported herself on his knees while he finished up. He kept his eyes locked on her toned body, her perky tits and her understated abs as her body shook with pleasurable aftershocks.

When Cho finally got off his face on wobbly legs, he finally saw what his wife had been up to. He groaned when he saw her kneeling on the floor, the stripper’s large cock sandwiched between her big tits and his knob in her mouth as she worked him back to full hardness.

He didn’t take long, and Ron wouldn’t be surprised if he had medical help in that regard. Noticing this, Hermione stood and knelt on the couch, her gorgeous bum pointing out towards the room, her pussy dripping and her lips still looking inflamed from earlier.

Again, this needed no translation.

His wife moaned with bliss as he slid back into her. Cho took his old seat, apparently content to just gently touch herself as she regained her energy. Ron instead sat on the couch not even a foot from them, his eyes bouncing between her large, rocking tits and the jiggling of her bum every time his thighs crashed into her, or when he’d forcefully pause to press his knob against her cervix.

She liked that a lot.

She finally opened her eyes, as if to look for him, and they widened when she noticed he’d been sitting right next to her all along. She pulled him close, her smile wide and lovingly kissed him. ‘That was so hot,’ she praised, referencing his performance from earlier. ‘So brave. Thank you for not freaking out luv.’

His face flushed as she nuzzled it, holding onto him as the stripper continued to rail into her unheeded, drawing out continuous, sensual moans and groans.

‘I only let it happen because it’s your guys’ night, don’t get used to it,’ he chuffed, still annoyed but hoping his wife would make good on her word and make it worth it. She smiled at his obstinance and kissed him again, her entire body rocking with the force of the other man’s thrusts.

‘You’re so sexy when you do things to please me, my beloved little cuck.’

He flushed with equal parts pleasure at being praised, and embarrassment from having that feeling in the first place. His wife continued to lovingly embrace and kiss him as another man shagged her, the moment oddly intimate in the little cocoon she’d made with her arms around his neck.

If he ignored the sounds of slapping flesh, and his wife’s groans, he could almost fool himself into believing it was just the two of them in their own little world.


Still, he closed his eyes and lost himself in his wife’s embrace. Tonight had been really fun and seeing both Hermione and Cho unwind after recent stresses was really nice.

His wife pulled back, looking deep into his eyes while biting her lip sexily. He didn’t realise something was amiss until he felt a cool sensation on his knob. Looking down in shock, he saw his wife’s wedding ring sitting there innocently before it started to dissolve and cage him in a familiar, golden cage.

Cho, who had been watching the proceedings curiously, leapt to her feet and rushed over both to block the stripper’s sight of the clearly magical phenomenon and to gape with awe and the sheer ridiculousness of her best friend turning her wedding ring into a chastity cage.

They’d only used it a handful of times since their honeymoon, never in front of others and more for their dom sub play, but seeing it coalesce brought back delicious, sinful memories of a week away in paradise, turbocharging his libido.

‘Bloody hell,’ Cho whispered in awe, pinching and shaking his caged cock with glee. ‘This is so much hotter than the one we made at Hogwarts.’

The longer the two played with it, the more believable its miraculous appearance would be to the muggle still shagging his wife.

‘Lay down babe,’ Hermione bade him, her voice thick with lust and groaning as she gently extricated herself from her lover. Shrugging, he did as he was asked, flushing when the stripper eyed his caged cock with surprise.

No doubt, he had already rationalised its sudden appearance in his own mind more believably than any lie of theirs could explain.

Hermione shot him a naughty grin and his breath hitched when she crawled over his body until her inflamed pussy was right in his face, her long, wavy hair dangling over his caged cock.

He heard as well as felt the girls giggling and playing with his tiny, caged dick, the sensations and humiliation both causing waves of delicious pleasure to shoot through his body. Unable to control himself, he leaned up and sucked his wife’s engorged clit into his eager mouth, but he was surprised when she roughly shook him off and barked at him.


He shouldn’t have been surprised by what happened next. He gulped as a huge shaft invaded his vision, the dark appendage somehow looking even bigger and more intimidating now that it was so close and he was caged himself.

He fought feelings of jealousy and inadequacy as Cho and Hermione continued to giggle and play with his caged guy, actually chatting about the magic behind it while he was forced to gaze at Riyad’s huge cock, glistening with his wife’s juices while his distressingly bulbous knob ran up and down her gaping slit to collect even more.

He had a front row seat as the stripper teased his wife, thrusting only his knob inside and parting her lips wider with just his head than he ever could. She whined, begging him to fuck her amidst the backdrop of Cho’s wicked, delighted laughter. His wife’s best friend pinch and shook his caged cock, the jingling of bells that accompanied the action somehow making the situation even more embarrassing, as if reminding everyone in the room how pathetic he was just by that sound alone.

And despite it all, he couldn’t deny how insanely turned on he was, even when the stripper finally sunk into his wife again, her lips stretching obscenely as she moaned long and loud, sounding both delighted and ecstatic.

He just lay there, mesmerised by the sight of the huge cock sliding in and out of the pussy he was so familiar with, the one that birthed his children. The contrast between his wife’s pale skin and the impossibly dark shaft so erotic that he did something he normally wouldn’t have ever dreamed of.

Time to put some more credit in the bank.

As he lay there, watching the cock barely make it halfway into his wife, pressing gently against her cervix and ripping a delighted moan from her, before being forced to pull out and start over, again and again, he steeled himself.

Screwing his eyes shut and wincing internally, he leaned up and sucked in the engorged clit that looked so lonely and unattended. He tried not to think about the huge cock that was so perilously close to his mouth and instead focused on his wife. She’d frozen in shock, he imagined with her mouth open wide in a silent scream.

Then it wasn’t so silent.

The moan she’d unleashed every time this incredibly hung stripper pressed into her couldn’t compare to the one she let out under the dual assault, knowing her husband was licking her clit while another man shagged her.

It was more an animalistic groan, one filled with shock and delight and even silencing the ever teasing, ever mocking Cho.

He winced and tried not to think about what the soft, meaty slaps against his head were as his tongue went into overdrive, Hermione’s delirious cries the most erotic he’d ever heard.

If he wasn’t caged, he was sure only the slightest breath on his willie would be enough to have him cumming all over himself.

He loved driving his wife wild, their entirety of their sex-life revolving around unlocking her inhibitions and bringing her as much pleasure as possible, even from the start.

The stripper shagged her until he came inside her, his wife climaxing countless times under the dual assault, though her cries having died out since into more stupefied grunts and groans. Throughout that whole time, Ron only released his wife’s clit when he heard the lad gasp out loud as he started to empty inside her. He pulled back and watched as his heavy balls pulsed as they shot jet after jet of cum into his wife’s protected womb, each ejaculation earning a delirious whine from his almost catatonic wife.

When he pulled out, a thick, globule of cum oozing out instantly and splattering on his face, Hermione spun about and was quick to feed him her pussy. Cho was so turned on she practically lept at and assaulted the man as he cleaned his wife’s inflamed and slutty womanhood.

Any misgivings he may have had about what had happened that night died as Hermione looked down at him with wide eyed shock and a smidge of pride. She ran her hands through his hair and chanted over and over how much she loved him, thanking him and extolling about how he was the greatest husband of all time.

He could live with that.


Later that night, they stumbled into a nearby hotel with a gorgeous view of the cityscape around them, an expensive bottle of wine stuffed in the fridge - a gift for his mother for looking after the kids.

Even after an hour with the talented and hung stripper, and despite their noticeably tender gait, they both still looked incredibly randy and had wide smiles on their flushed faces. They hadn’t let go of his arms since they’d left the private room, nuzzling their cheeks against him affectionately as they made their way to their hotel.

The door had barely shut behind them when the women both dropped to their knees, pulling his trousers and pants with them. Ron’s eyes widened as his caged cock jiggled free, Hermione quickly recalling her ring with a silent command as his shaft grew rapidly with its renewed freedom.

‘You’re not getting any sleep tonight, stud,’ Cho promised him, eagerly taking his cock in her mouth and sucking him all the way to the base.

He almost came on the spot when his wife spanked him hard and kissed reddened cheeks lovingly. ‘Do you think your mother would mind watching the kids all of tomorrow too?’

His eyes widened and he let out an embarrassing squeak when she slipped her wet, wiggly tongue in his bum.

Looking over at the nearby floor-to-ceiling mirror he hadn’t noticed until that very moment, he couldn’t help chuckling and the stupidly goofy and pleased look on his face. Running his hands through both of their silky locks, his knees felt weak at the raw looks of desire in their eyes as they looked up at him reverently, gratitude and lust shining brightly in those dark orbs.

Yeah. Definitely worth it.

As one of the best Quidditch players in the world deep-throated him and played with his balls, and the Minister of Magic, the most beautiful woman in the world, tongued his bum, he couldn’t help thinking that he was the luckiest bloke in the world.


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