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The way I write these things, I generally just time-skip to points of smut in the characters lives and wrap that in seeds that may, or may not blossom into smut in the future. I want to emphasise the ‘may not.’ Sometimes coombrain has me teasing something I probably won’t want to cash in on later.

As an aside, I saw Across the Spiderverse - holy shit. I don’t want to give spoilers away - it’s fucking incredible - but it even gave me some ideas for a mini-arc in this story!


Chapter 6

Peter had a coffee machine in both his office and his workshop at work, but the world-class baristas at his work just couldn’t be beat.

He strolled past a host of empty offices, their occupants either working elsewhere or having already left for the day.

All except one.

He paused, resisting the ebullient groan after taking a sip of his expresso, and watched as one of his coworkers sat slumped over her desk, her posture one of pure dejection and her face buried in her hands.

He felt bad that he didn’t know her full name - he just knew her as Williams. All he knew about her was that she was heading Stark Industries’ aerospace division and she was, apparently, struggling.

It wasn’t often one saw a struggling colleague at SI. Tony specifically hired the smartest people in the world and equipped them with world class AI to help them in all their endeavours.

But with greater scope comes greater problems, and pushing Humanity into the stars was no easy feat.

When he’d spoken to Tony about her, he seemed utterly unconcerned. ‘Just a snag,’ he’d called it with a shrug of his shoulders. When Peter asked why he didn’t help her, Tony had just rolled his eyes and asked if he’d appreciate it if he was constantly hanging over his shoulder, giving input on his own work.

Peter would, in fact, not like that very much at all.

Still, Peter felt bad watching her obviously struggle. Not out of some misguided sense of empathy - he’d been exactly where she was enough times to know pity was the last thing he’d want - but because he already had the answer to her woes, he just wasn’t sure he wanted the rest of the world to get their hands on his tech.

Space elevators were amazing, and he’d love to see such a megastructure one day, but he preferred his own solution.

Later that evening, getting close to finding out if Gwen would make it in time for their date, he’d gone to get another cup of coffee and spied Williams raging about in her office like the Hulk himself, scrunching up and throwing schematics all over the place while yeeting the contents of every surface in reach into the wall.

He decided it was time to finally intervene. He’d been there too, and in that mindset, productivity went out the window.

Williams was young, a few years younger than even him. She was slim and rather pretty, with dark skin and short, curly hair shaved down at the back. When she heard him enter her workspace, she turned to him with a wild look in her eyes that shifted into one of mortification.

She’d clearly thought she was alone.

‘Rough night?’

The mortification quickly shifted to annoyance. ‘What the hell do you want starboy?’

Peter grimaced at the nickname. He’d heard it bandied about the workplace a lot recently, and while some used it as an embarrassing term of endearment, most didn’t.

His inventions were currently taking the world by storm. His method for circumventing brain damage was one thing, but the symbiote inspired medical nanites had influential people whispering about Nobel prizes behind the scenes - that one just needed FDA approval. His life now consisted of three facets, Gwen, his work, and dodging meetings with world leaders that wanted to congratulate - read: schmooze with - him.

Thankfully, one of the benefits of working for Stark Industries was that Tony Stark himself was a rather incredible shield against such unwanted advances.

Still, his co-workers - particularly the ones struggling on their own projects - viewed him with far less…charity.

Instead of speaking and possibly setting the woman he barely knew off on another tirade, he only sighed, took out his phone and flicked his original anti-grav schematics over to her AI before leaving without saying a single word.

After all, why bother with building elevators if you could circumvent the need for them in the first place?

Not even five minutes after he’d left Williams, he was sitting at his desk sipping on his coffee and reading some reports - the sequencing trials were looking promising - when she stormed into his office looking far more furious than before he’d decided to help.

‘What the fuck is this?!’

Instead of answering, he took another sip of his coffee and stared at her over the rim of his cup. He might have been right where she was emotionally before, but he’d never lashed out at others because of his own failings.

Gwen had also told him his unimpressed look was rather effective. He channelled that at Williams with all of his being.

Realising her error, she closed her eyes and took several deep, calming breaths.

‘I don’t have time to waste indulging your, your magic bullshit, I -’

As she opened her eyes mid-tirade, she trailed off in shock at the inaudible drone hovering in front of her.

‘Abra Kadabra.’

Her wide eyes were flashing as she examined the drone and Peter frowned. He really needed to ask Pepper to hook him up with those contact scanners - they looked so handy.

Williams’ wide-eyed gaze then swivelled back to him. ‘You…you created anti-grav tech and told nobody?’

‘It would have defeated the purpose of why I’d invented it in the first place. I wasn’t exactly comfortable sharing that tech with the masses either - would you be?’

She was about to say something but clearly thought better of it. Tilting her head, she conceded the point. ‘I’ve…been dealing with a lot of spook-types lately. No, I wouldn’t even trust them with watering my plants.’

Peter snorted before taking another sip of his coffee, watching Williams eyeing Gabriel in awe.

‘And it works?’

Peter didn’t bother answering the pointless question. ‘Obviously, the power requirements for something like, say, a cargo ship are on a whole other level of magnitude.’

‘And it completely shields an area from the effects of gravity?’

Peter just pointed at the drone, his eyes going back to the reports he was scanning. ‘Look at its thrusters.’

He took Williams’ silence as her doing what he’d asked, and he also had faith she’d come to the correct conclusion.

‘There’s no way these ion thrusters should be able to keep this thing afloat, let alone give it locomotions, unless -’

He looked up from his report to see her staring at him with awe. It made him a little uncomfortable, if he was being honest. She eventually schooled her features though and looked at him with narrowed eyes. ‘Why show me this?’

Peter took another sip of his coffee, thinking about the best way to answer. Seeing her start to fidget, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. ‘Tony trusts and thinks highly of you, and I trust Tony. I’m hoping you’ll use my work for the good of humanity - and it’s not like I’m doing anything with the tech right now anyway. I’m too busy with my own projects’

Williams pulled at her curly hair in frustration and Peter discretely queried Karen to show him her file, it was getting a bit awkward not knowing her full name.

Rianna Williams, goes by Riri. Born to Demetrius and Ronnie…

‘What’s there to even do?!’ Riri cried in frustration. ‘The tech obviously works, we just need to scale it up for cargo ships and we’ll be building megastructures in space by the end of the year. You’ve just completely rendered me useless!’

Peter sighed, rubbing his eyes in irritation. Why did he even bother?

‘That drone is powered by a mini-arc reactor. What do you suppose the power requirements would be to shield something like, say, the Helicarrier?’

Williams took his words to heart, her earlier frustration and desperation long gone and replaced with excitement and determination - new avenues of R&D opening up before her and showing her a path that she’d only just recently thought closed to her.

‘Good, you have your heading, now kindly get out of my - hurgh!

Her hostility apparently long gone, the woman had stormed around his desk and enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. Well, it was basically a cuddle compared to what Gwen sometimes did to him, but its sheer surprise had completely caught him off-guard.

‘Thank-you,’ she said into his neck, her voice thick with emotion.

Okay, this is awkward…

Pete had stiffened at the unexpected contact and just awkwardly patted her on the back until she let go, her pretty face lit up with a mischievous smile. ‘All you men here are the same, a bunch of nerds that get all weird if a girl so much as touches them.’

I wonder if HR would have anything to say if the roles were reversed…

With that annoying thought in mind, he frowned. ‘I’ll have you know, my girlfriend is super hot, touches me all the time without weirding me out and is hanging above us as we speak trying to scare the ever loving bejeezus out of you.’

Riri’s eyes widened in horror and she jumped back as if burnt when they heard a sigh from right above them.

Pretty much every one of the higher-ups at SI knew about his girlfriend and her secret identity at this point - she came and went so often that she’d all but given up on any pretence of subtlety.

Besides, as amazing as he thought his girlfriend was, the Ghost Spider was relatively small-fry compared to the other titans of superherodom that frequented this Avengers base.

‘Can’t you just give me one?’ Gwen said with an annoyed sigh. ‘At least pretend to be scared?’


Gwen dropped to the floor beside him, her dematerialised mask letting him see her unamused expression. Her utter lack of concern about her secret identity in front of his colleague proving how much of a fixture she was around his work at this point.

‘Hands off my man, Williams,’ Gwen said, a smug grin on her beautiful features as she put a protective hand on his shoulder. She then looked the younger woman up and down with an appreciative eye and seemed to think better of it. ‘Unless…you interested in joining us in bed? You are pretty hot. Maybe I wouldn’t mind you two messing around at work if you let me play with that amazing ass of yours…’

She chuckled and Pete sighed when Riri just squeaked in mortification and ran out of the room in embarrassment, her dark skin saving her the indignity of a furiously blushing face.

‘It’s easy to act cool when the eggheads around here don’t even fight back,’ Gwen said with a chuckle after she’d left, her eyes trailing her all the way.

‘As one of the eggheads that has to work with her, can you not tease her? It’s going to be awkward as hell around here now.’

She looked down at him with a raised, pierced brow, a grin tugging at the corner of her lips. ‘Who’s teasing?’

Before he could sputter out a response, she sat in his lap, her arms resting on his shoulders and her lips right against his ear.

‘I’m your little Spider-slut, remember? Do you honestly think I wouldn’t want to give my man a threesome? Especially with someone so cute?’

Pete felt his cheeks, neck, ears and everything flush in embarrassment as Gwen chuckled sensuously and captured his lips in a heated kiss. When his brain finally unscrambled, he returned her embrace enthusiastically. He hoped her turning up meant their date was still on - it had been too long since they’d had some them time.

When she pulled back, Gwen leaned against his chest and traced her finger around his blushing cheek in playful circles. ‘That was a good thing you did.’

Shaking his head free of the cobwebs, he cleared his throat and shrugged. ‘We’ll see. Adapting and scaling up that tech is a lot easier said than done.’

‘I’m sure she’ll be fine,’ she said with a shrug. ‘Stark collects you super-geniuses like Pokemon cards.’

‘Oh?’ Pete said with a wide grin. ‘What does that make me?’

With a matching grin, Gwen shrugged. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t be caught dead dating anyone less than a first edition, shiny Charizard, Stud.’

Peter’s smile widened. ‘That’s…the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.’

Gwen giggled then leaned in to capture his lips in another kiss. When she pulled away and Peter opened his eyes, he gaped when he saw what she was wearing. She transformed her suit into an incredibly sexy, casual outfit of a green, super cropped Jets-branded sweatshirt, baggy, appropriately white sweatpants and sneakers. She topped off the outfit with a Jets trucker cap.

He gaped at her in awe. Gwen was always stylish and well-dressed, but he marvelled at how she made something so casual look so incredibly, effortlessly sexy.

‘We’re going?!’

Gwen smiled wide at the excitement in his tone. ‘I’ll need to go back out on patrol after, but I honestly need the break, and I feel like I’ve been neglecting you.’

Pete frowned, finally looking away from her abs to meet her twinkling gaze. She was squirming and twitching as he continuously traced the lines of her muscles, as ticklish as ever.

‘I don’t want you stressing. I don’t think that. Ever.’

‘Yeah?’ Gwen asked in a husky whisper, running her hands over his chest and leaning in to nibble on his chin. ‘Never?’

Pete tilted his head from side-to-side with a grin as he faux thought on it. ‘Well, not since we’ve been dating.’

‘Well,’ Gwen replied, her nose raised and her eyes twinkling. ‘It’s a good thing you’re stuck with me forever then, huh?’

Pete was rendered speechless by the enormity of her words, it felt like his heart would burst out of his chest and he’d been socked in the gut at once.

Gwen cackled at the look on his face then leaned in to kiss him again, saving him from any embarrassing, fumbling follow-up.

Before they left, Gwen held him back with a naughty look in her eyes. From a pocket, she pulled out a very familiar set of nipple clamps - the extra chain having been left at him. She materialised a choker - this time with no text - and held out the chain to him, biting her lip and grinning naughtily at him.

His eyes widened and his breath hitched.

‘Are you -’ his mouth suddenly felt drier than a desert. Licking his lips, he tried again, ‘Are you serious?’

She only nodded, lifting up her super cropped top to reveal she wore nothing underneath.

With shaking hands, he attached the ripper-tipped alligator clips to her pebbled nipples and tightened them until she whined, her thighs rubbing together with arousal, he then fed the lead chain up through her collar and clipped it onto the choker.

Now we’re ready,’ Gwen said in a teasing tone, taking his hand and leading him out of his office, two chains dangling and glistening conspicuously in the light from under her super revealing sweatshirt.


‘J - E - T - S! Jets! Jets! Jets!’

It was approaching half time and the duo were having a ball. Monday Night Football just had a different vibe to it as the teams played under the lights. There was just something magical about the experience.

Pete also couldn’t help but notice the sheer amount of attention Gwen was garnering. With the Jets having a rare season where they weren’t utterly useless and actually had a chance at making the playoffs, there was a lot of cheering and jubilation in the crowd.

Gwen was no different.

He’d also made a bit of a startling discovery.

As much as Gwen was an exhibitionist, he was an enabler. Every time she lifted her arms in cheer, more and more of her tits would get exposed, a few times even flashing nipples. Nearby puritans grimaced and glared at her in disapproval, while the keener-eyed amongst them had caught what the jewellery she was wearing really was.

The knowing looks they then sent him had his dick straining hard against his jeans.

She knows exactly what she’s doing.

So while plenty of people were hyper-focused on the jumbotron and what was happening on the field, there were an equal amount of men that split their attention between the game and the undeniable hottie in their midst.

Pete found it super distracting.

Not only did it fill him with pride that so many people were eyeing him with naked jealousy whenever Gwen would jump into his arms after a good play, but the looks she was getting were just turning him on like crazy.

Then, after a break in play, they snuggled in their seats and people watched.

‘Were you serious? Earlier, with Williams.’

Gwen looked up at him with a mischievous smile. ‘In what way?’

Pete blushed at her teasing tone. ‘In all ways. Would you have really wanted her to join us in bed? Are you actually into girls?’

‘Hmm,’ she hummed, tilting her head and snuggling up against his side. He could only hold his breath as he waited for her answer. The cheeky slut knew exactly what she was doing. Apparently deciding she’d tortured him enough, she grinned. ‘Maybe. Yes.’

‘Maybe? What -’

Before he could get out his question, Gwen squeezed his arm in excitement. ‘Pete, look!’

She motioned to the jumbotron and his blush went nuclear when he realised they were on the big screen as the crowd started cheering wildly.

Thank Christ you can’t really tell what she’s wearing when we’re sitting like this. May and Ben are probably watching at home!

The dreaded kiss-cam. He did not have good memories of the stupid thing. It was responsible for one of his worst ever memories. They’d been at a game when they were much younger, maybe eighteen or nineteen and they’d been picked out by the bored cameraman then too.

Gwen had only grinned and patted him on the head that time, the way a sister or friend might if they were teasing you. The laughter and good-natured boos had haunted his dreams for months after that.

This time though, Gwen apparently wanted to make up for her past actions. Turning her hat backwards, she leaned in without hesitation and captured his lips in a searing kiss, her tongue very obviously spearing into his mouth and duelling with his. As the crowd erupted in rapturous cheers and whistles, with several of the people around him slapping him on the back jovially, Gwen didn’t stop.

If anything, as if encouraged by the reaction, she deepened the kiss, her hand even snaking into his lap and rubbing his straining cock.

Please don’t let the camera catch that!

Long after the kiss-cam moved on, Gwen pulled back and smiled at him with flushed cheeks and shining eyes. ‘You’ve been owed that for far too long.’

‘What d’you mean?’ he asked, playing dumb as she turned her cap back around and snuggled up to his side.

She rolled her eyes and pinched him. ‘I should have just kissed you back then, even if we weren’t dating. You’re my best friend, what I did was…cruel. At the time I didn’t want to lead you on though.’

He smiled and pinched her back. ‘It’s fine, that led to where we are now - I wouldn’t change it for anything.’

Gwen grinned and pinched him again with a giggle. ‘Too bad it’s not a blow-job cam, that would have been so hot.’

Pete let out a surprised guffaw as play started up again. ‘You’re impossible. Ben and May are probably watching at home!’

‘Pu-lease. They just moved into that swanky mansion you bought them, they’re probably fucking on every surface they can find.’

Gwen laughed at his painful wince. ‘I’d rather not picture them as sexual creatures thank-you-very-much.’

‘Come on!’ Gwen teased. ‘They’re so hot though! Half the girls at school had a massive crush on Ben and don’t even get me started on what the guys were saying about May.’

She laughed again at his look of horror.

‘Oh my, that chiselled jaw, that strong chin, those steely eyes, I’m getting wet just thinking about it. He’s almost as hot as you.’

Pete laughed in disbelief and Gwen squealed as he started to tickle her. ‘Ahuh. Good save, you little slut.’

They calmed down after their antics earned a few dirty glares from their neighbours and went back to watching the game, still giggling uncontrollably and snuggling up to one another.

Then the Jets had to go and ruin the mood.

…they had a habit of doing that.

‘Come on Jamal!’ Gwen cursed in annoyance, their good mood almost entirely spent after watching how poor their team was playing. Again. ‘You can’t just let him through like that!’

Peter turned to her with a raised brow. ‘Jamal?’ he asked with amusement. ‘You on a first-name basis with any of our other players?’

She shot him a grin and with a mysterious smile. ‘Oh, maybe a few.’

He looked at her with a puzzled frown and tilted his head in confusion. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

She turned to give him her full attention, looking deep into his eyes for several moments before shrugging.

‘No more secrets, right?’

His eyes widened at the familiar mantra and his breath hitched when she leaned up to put her lips next to his ear.

‘Generally, I’m on a first name basis with most people I’ve fucked, Stud.’

When she pulled back, she grinned at his panicked look as he made sure no one around them had overheard her. Unlikely, given the raucous atmosphere, but her words still caused his pulse to quicken and his cock to stir - something that was arguably more shocking than the information itself.

Her cheeky grin turned to one of concern. He’d yet to say anything, he realised, instead staring at his girlfriend with wide-eyed shock, almost forgetting to breathe. Snapping out of it, he grabbed her hand and started leading her past the other fans and down the stairs into the bowels of the stadium.

Gwen’s look of concern had shifted to one of mischief when she’d finally made out the bulge in his jeans. When they descended the stairs into the stadium interior, Pete grunted when Gwen jumped on his back, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her lips against his ear again.

‘Did that turn you on, you naughty boy?’

Pete flushed, his girlfriend’s words oozing pure sex as she rubbed his chest and ground herself against his back. A part of him marvelled at how easily he was carrying her on his back - Gwen’s PT sessions having apparently worked wonders - but a bigger part of him was just scanning every corner of the stadium, looking for some place private where he could ravish his slutty girlfriend.

He only had to endure her teasing for another minute when he stopped at the sight of the men’s toilets. Shrugging, he carried her inside, thankful that there were only two other dudes facing the wall at the urinal. Gwen grimaced at the smell but Pete ignored it all and hurried into a cubical, shutting and locking the door behind them.

Gwen quietly giggled at his urgency. Hopping off his back, she allowed him to push her up against the wall after he closed the lid on the toilet and, with his front pressed against her back and his lips against her ear, he pulled out the team sheet on his phone and held it out before them.

‘How many?’ he asked gruffly. He was almost surprised by the sound of his own voice, thick with desire as it was.

If he was in any other mood, he’d have definitely made a Batman joke.

Gwen only moaned in approval at the rough treatment, grinding her ass against his crotch as she scrolled through the list of players until she stopped on a familiar face. Leandro Michaels, a handsome white guy and a wide receiver.

‘I’ve fucked Leo,’ she whispered excitedly, and Peter grunted, violently ripping down her sweatpants so he could get at her glistening pussy directly - of course she hadn’t materialised any panties.

‘Filthy slut,’ he cursed, but his words belied his obvious arousal, and Gwen’s knowing chuckle before she started speaking let him know she knew exactly what he was feeling.

I’m so fucked up.

‘We were at a club where pros like hanging out, MJ hooked up White from the Knicks and I hooked up with Leo.’ Gwen’s excitement was palpable, and Pete didn’t think it was just from his fingers sliding in and out of her. ‘They took us back to their hotel and they fucked us all night long.’

She moaned when Pete bit her ear lobe and spanked her toned ass. ‘Did he make you cum?’

‘Mhmmm,’ she moaned and giggled when he spanked her again. ‘I came so hard. They fucked us together in the living room, MJ and me were side-by-side, holding onto the couch as they railed us for hours.’

He couldn’t believe how much this was turning him on, especially now that Gwen was painting such a vivid picture for him. He wondered if they’d recorded it, if this little session was stored on her fabled hard drive.

‘Did he make you squirt?’

‘No daddy,’ she whimpered as he spanked her again. ‘Only you make me squirt.’

He grunted in approval and as she started scrolling on his phone again, Pete used the copious juices she was secreting to start teasing and lubing up her ass.

Gwen’s entire body shook with anticipation.

Pete also didn’t fail to notice how utterly silent the toilets had become. As much as she tried to muffle her moans, the spanks and her reaction to his fingers must have been audible over the general hum of the stadium.

When she got to Jamal Jones, she groaned deep as Pete slipped a finger in her back door. At this point, he didn’t even care who overheard - he doubted anyone would complain.

‘You know about this one,’ she whispered, her voice shaking with desire. ‘What you don’t know is that he had one of the biggest cocks I’ve ever had - the thing was as big as my forearm. He was careful with it, but he spread my little pussy so wide. It hurt so good.’

Gwen gasped when he buried the two fingers in her ass as deep as they would go, burying her face in her folded arms.

‘Was he bigger than me?’

He didn’t know what he was saying. Of course he was, judging by the description, so why did he ask? He had no idea, all he knew was that he wanted to hear Gwen say it.

Gwen stiffened at his question and looked back at him, her eyes wide. ‘You cock is so much better, Stud. I love it so much.’

‘That’s not what I asked,’ he said gruffly, pulling his fingers out of her ass and giving her her hardest spanking yet. She whimpered at the rough treatment, but one of the benefits of dating a superhero was that, if his girlfriend wasn’t into something, she could very easily and confidently let him know.

Gwen was as docile as a kitten at that moment.

After looking him in the eyes for several moments, she turned back around to bury her face in her arms. ‘So much bigger,’ she admitted, her voice muffled by her arms, and she groaned appreciatively when he sunk his fingers back into her ass. ‘He makes yours look tiny.’

Peter groaned and bit her ear lobe again. He didn’t know why he was urging her to say these things, all he knew was that he hadn’t been this turned on in a while.

His breath hitched when Gwen started scrolling again until she stopped on another black guy, this one hulking and with a cockshure grin on his face in the picture.

‘You fucked Johnson?’

‘Mhmm,’ Gwen hummed, very much enjoying his anal fingering. She only elaborated when Pete stilled his hand, the implication clear. ‘MJ and me, we fucked him together.’

He buried his face in the crook of her neck and groaned. ‘What do you mean?’

Gwen giggled. ‘We both had our eyes on him one night after a gig. She obviously had no idea who he was, but just wanted him because I wanted him.’

‘You girls are such sluts,’ Pete whispered in disbelief, earning an appreciative moan from his girlfriend.

‘Wait until you see the tapes,’ she teased and Peter groaned again. He’d thought about that very thing ever since their existence had been teased to him.

‘How was it?’ Pete said, urging her to continue and earning a breathy laugh from his girl.

‘He was bigger than you too,’ she admitted with a chuckle. ‘He told us either both of us had to go to his hotel, or neither of us would. So…we both did.’

With memories of her teasing of Riri earlier that night, and remembering her teasing answer from earlier, he licked his lips and asked his next question. ‘Did you and MJ do anything? Together?’

She laughed, apparently having expected the question. ‘He came a lot. We cleaned each other out while he watched and got himself ready to fuck us again.’

Peter grunted and put his phone away, Gwen’s breath hitching when she heard him pull down the zipper of his jeans. ‘Is that all?’

‘No,’ she admitted. ‘We kissed a lot, and I sucked on those big tits while she rode him and I rode his face.’

Peter whined while pumping his steel-hard shaft.

She turned to look at him again, her eyes wild with desire. ‘Can you blame me? Wouldn’t you? Don’t you want to suck on those huge tits? No secrets.’

Despite the parts of his mind not debilitated by his raging libido screaming at him not to answer, they made a promise. ‘I want to suck them,’ he admitted with a flush. ‘And fuck them.’

Gwen moaned but aside from locking her gaze with his, she gave no audible reaction. Her body had no secrets from him though.

She was as turned on by the thought as he was hearing her recount her sexploits.

Lining his cock up with her, he rubbed it up and down her drenched slit until it was covered in her juices. Gwen never broke eye contact, only gazing at him with eyes so blazing with lust, they almost glowed.

‘I can’t believe my girlfriend is such a filthy slut.’

Gwen’s eyes widened further and her breath hitched. ‘Are you going to punish your slutty girl, daddy?’

He breathed in heavily through his nose at the naughty tone of her reply, the corners of her lips twitching at his expectant reaction.

‘Was there anyone else?’

She whined as his slick cock circled her ass but didn’t push in like she so desperately wanted.

‘No,’ she admitted truthfully, before looking at him with a wide grin. ‘No one on the Jets anywaaaaaay-uuuuugh.’

She groaned deep and chuckled when he thrust deep into her ass during her final, erotic proclamation.

Gwen’s ass couldn’t compare to her tight, warm, slutty pussy, but there was something so perfect about fucking this dirty girl in the ass in a public toilet at a mostly filled stadium.

It also has to be half-time by now, and I barely heard a peep from anyone outside. We have an audience…

When he thrust in with a grunt, Pete followed it up by sliding his hands up her toned back and wrapped them around to her perky tits. His dextrous fingers found the screw on the clamps and he tightened, timing it with a deep, penetrative thrust.

Not as penetrative as the guy’s she fucked though, right Pete?

His dick throbbed with the thought as Gwen moaned loud and deep at the added pressure.

Still, no sound.

His little spider-slut had been a strong breeze away flashing the entire stadium, that must have been turning her on all night. She was likely even more turned on than him.

He kept his fingers playing with her tits as he sawed in and out of her, his girl giving breathy moans, now utterly uncaring about who overheard - if she ever really was.

‘Did you like fucking MJ?’ he asked in a gruff whisper as he leaned over her back, accompanying his question with another harsh thrust. Gwen grunted and nodded her head in the affirmative in lieu of answering verbally.

He’d always suspected Gwen was bi - she might have even let it slip in the past, but in between all the teasing, he’d had no way of knowing she was serious.

‘So that’s what you meant earlier?’ he asked after another thrust. ‘You weren’t teasing Williams?’

‘She’s so cute,’ Gwen moaned, her head tilting back and her eyes closed in bliss.

His girl was such an anal slut.

‘You want to fuck her?’

Her eyes opened and she tilted her head around further so she could stare into his soul. ‘I’d love it if we both fucked her. Maybe in celebration when she has a breakthrough on her projects. You can go down on her and I’ll eat that gorgeous ass - hnnng.’

The intensity of Pete’s thrusts increased. He’d always suspected that the threesome talk was just that - talk. He thought Gwen only brought it up to tease and titillate, but the thought that his girlfriend was genuinely interested in bringing other women into their bed drove him wild.

It’s not that he even had any real interested in fucking Riri or MJ - his girl was superior to them in every way - but the fact that some geek like him could be having threesomes with such gorgeous women was such an ego boost it spiked his arousal to unheard of levels.

‘You like that?’ Gwen chuckled throatily as his thrusts and spanks got more urgent. There was no way they’d last long with how turned on both of them were, and at that moment, Pete didn’t much care. ‘You like the - nng - idea of sucking Riri’s little pussy?’ she asked with a chuckle around grunts. ‘Or would you rather - nng - suck on MJ’s huge tits?’

He didn’t answer, his entire focus was on making Gwen cum before he did, and to that effect he reached around and started rubbing her clit while he slid in and out of her tight ass.

A part of him lamented, wishing she’d worn the clit clamp too. The thought of not only seeing the dangling chains from her nipples, but another, elegant, slim one leading down her toned abs and into her sweatpants and beyond?

He shuddered, having to force down his orgasm less he cum before Gwen, but it was a losing battle.

Gwen grunted, burying her face in her folded arms to muffle her cries as the intensity of Pete’s thrusts increased. They were both so turned on that the situation, and the dirty talk, had them quickly spilling over the edge.

Gwen bit her own forearm to muffle her cries as she came from being fucked in the ass while he played with her clit. Peter soon followed her into climax, hugging her toned body against his chest and unloading what felt like days worth of pent-up lust into his girl’s bowels.

They just stood there, basking in their post-orgasmic glow. The silence in the toilets was noticeably deafening and Gwen chuckled breathlessly.

‘It’s going to be pretty awkward when we leave,’ she whispered, turning her head and kissing his chin with a cheeky grin.

Pete only chuckled, burying his face in the nape of her neck. ‘Do you want me to clean you?’

Gwen’s breath hitched but she regrettably turned him down. ‘I think I rather like the idea of going on patrol with your cum in my ass, Stud.’

Pete groaned, squeezing her even tighter while running his hands all over her bare midriff. ‘I can’t believe you’re naked under this.’

Gwen chuckled and she pulled off his deflated cock with a shuddering gasp. They made themselves presentable and Gwen pulled the bill of her hat down to better cover her face - though she couldn’t hide her smug grin when they left the cubicle to raucous cheers, laughs and whistles.

Gwen linked her arm with his and, after washing their hands, they left the bathroom to watch the rest of the game, enjoying what little time they had left before she had to go back on patrol.

As much as he tried to concentrate on his hapless team however, all Peter could think about as he snuggled up with his girl was her tongue buried in his coworkers dark, meaty - of course he’d noticed - ass.



Saw ATSV as well, and wow what a movie, in fact its what led me to find this story. Loved this chapter and hope to see more soon


Lmao, woohoo! Free promo. The first one is what made me fall in love with Ghost Spider so it makes sense.


ATSV was great and yeah, it also made me look up fics with Spider Gwen. Pleasant surprise to find one where Peter is alive. Another good chapter!


Counting the seconds to the next release. Blue balling myself