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Chapter 5

Peter was interrupted when he felt Gwen approaching him. Looking up from his work, his eyes widened when he noted the time. No wonder it had been so quiet.

I swear I just had lunch.

‘How was your night?’ he asked, noting the pensive look on her face and shutting his laptop. He was getting pretty close to a breakthrough, he knew it, but staring at DNA sequences all day was making him go cross-eyed.

Tony had been badgering him lately about getting a hobby. Maybe he had a point.

Something to think on.

Seeing Gwen looking at him with a puzzled frown, he shook his head. ‘Sorry babe, say that again, I’m spacing out.’

It was his turn to frown when he noticed the strange smile on her face.


‘Nothing. You just called me babe for the first time.’

He blinked. He had?

Lifting his glasses, he rubbed at his tired eyes and sighed. ‘Sorry for being cringe. I think I might be working too much.’

‘No, it’s fine. I… kinda like it. You’ve never really called me a pet name before.’

When he grinned, she rolled her eyes, blowing her loose bang out of her eyes. ‘One you can call me in public.’

‘Well, it depends how horny you are,’ he joked and she only shook her head with a smile.

It totally slipped out. It felt so natural that I didn’t even notice. Probably a good thing?

‘Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to talk about,’ she said, now looking really excited. ‘I think I’ve made a breakthrough on the Kingpin case!’

‘Okay,’ Peter said, powering down his laptop and rolling away from his desk. ‘You have my attention.’

‘Everything is pointing to Fisk trying to legitimately get himself released from prison. I’ve even intercepted several communications between him and the FBI.’

He frowned as Gwen took the other seat in his office, resting her arms on its back and changing her suit so she was dressed in a more comfortable hoodie, short-shorts and flip-flops.

God she’s adorable!

‘Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty far-fetched. You got anything else?’

She leapt up off the chair and started pacing. ‘You know those secret bases I keep busting? The reason we haven’t been hearing about their misdeeds in the news is that they were never targeting innocent civilians. Digging deeper and using your incredible Spy-der-bot,’ he doffed an imaginary cap at the praise, ‘I found out that they’ve been targeting rival gangs and stirring the pot by implicating their targets’ natural enemies.’

‘What? Is he trying to start a gang war? How does that help him?’

‘Create chaos and make yourself the only solution, the lesser of two evils and all that.’ Seeing that he looked unconvinced, she groaned in frustration. ‘Don’t you get it?! When the city is burning, he’ll come in promising to put a leash on New York’s criminal underground.’

‘No, I get it, I just don’t think the FBI would ever go for it.’

‘Probably not,’ she agreed. The FBI had never cared about local cops being under siege, and they weren’t about to start now. ‘Unless he also offers them someone they want even more than him.’

‘What?’ Peter asked, looking genuinely confused. The Kingpin wasn’t only the most sophisticated and dangerous criminal in New York, but the entirety of the east coast. He was likely the most wanted, non-enhanced criminal in America. ‘Who?’

‘Matthew Murdock.’

‘That’s not possible,’ Peter answered immediately, his face turning to stone.

‘What do you mean? An up and coming, squeaky clean DA that had penetrated the government so deeply, he was this close to becoming mayor of New York?!’ she exclaimed, holding her pointer and thumb millimetres apart. ‘Then poof, when it came out he was secretly Fisk’s right hand, he gets disappeared. What if Fisk stashed him to use as an ace in the hole? He can’t have been the only corrupt official - imagine the intel he has in his head. The FBI would love him.’

‘This is starting to sound like you bending the evidence to suit your narrative.’

‘What do you mean?!’ she cried in frustration. ‘It all fits! And that’s why Kingpin didn’t just kill him, because he would want that intel too! Murdock was smart enough to not spill the beans.’

‘Trust me Gwen, some of your intel is old and inaccurate.’

She stopped her pacing and turned to him. They often had these little brainstorming sessions when Gwen’s investigations hit a wall, but the certainty with which he shot down her theory was unusual.

Of course it was. She’s operating under one, critical misconception.

She stared at him for several moments, silent and assessing. Not much could get past her perceptive gaze. ‘What aren’t you telling me?’

‘Matt Murdock is dead,’ he told her, dropping that bomb with such conviction and a sense of finality that Gwen actually took a step back in shock.

Then her look of shock turned to one of suspicion. ‘How could you possibly know that?’

‘First,’ Peter said, booting up his laptop again and typing strings of text into it at a rapid pace. ‘I want you to watch this video.’

He spun the laptop around so Gwen could see. On the screen there’s a crystal clear image of the big man, Wilson Fisk, himself sitting behind his ostentatious desk, his hands folded under his chin and looking at the person off-screen with a calculating gaze. The video was captured from a bug placed on Murdock’s shoulder, one he had no way of detecting with his laughably inadequate sensors.

Then Peter hit play.

‘We can’t get to the Commissioner’s daughter, she’s too well guarded. Untouchable,’ Matt Murdock’s cold, professional tone reported, the audio quality lacking and his tinny voice coming in over the laptop’s speaker. ‘She has a friend who’s a soft target though. A cripple. We can cut off his hands to send a message. If the Commissioner doesn’t back down then, we can get more…creative.’

Fisk in the video is silent for several moments. He wasn’t a man who suffered failure lightly, but Murdock was apparently a special case.

‘And what if this plan fails too?’

The image jostled as Murdock presumably shrugged. ‘Then we cut him up and send him to the girl piece by piece until she and the Commissioner break.’

Kingpin leaned back in his chair, his stony facade morphing into a cruel smile. ‘Do it. Report back to me when you’ve succeeded.’

Peter looked up at his girlfriend. Her eyes were wide and she was trembling, pure rage and hatred burning in her cold, blue eyes. She looked ready to kill.

Before she could do something stupid, he put a hand on her arm to calm her. ‘Gwen, that video is fake. I used Karen to alter what was said.’

For the first time in longer than he could remember, Gwen actually looked genuinely angry and hurt at him. ‘What?!’ she hissed, eyes narrowed. ‘Is this some kind of joke?! Why would you even -’

Before she could say or do something she’d later regret, Peter put a calming hand on her forearm again. She was about to flinch away before she thought better of it and took a deep, calming breath.

‘Remember what you’re feeling right now,’ he said, his voice calm and soothing. He typed more commands to Karen, reversing the alterations and turned the laptop to Gwen again. ‘Here’s what was really said.’

‘I’m sorry sir, I failed to get the girl. She was too well guarded. I encountered some kind of tech I didn’t understand and thought it best to retreat before exposing our hand too early.’

‘Tech?’ Gwen asked in confusion, and he hit pause. ‘When was this taken? What’s he talking about?’

‘Disable camouflage.’

Gwen jumped in surprise when three sleek and deadly looking drones seemingly appeared out of mid-air without even a whisper. They floated around her without making a sound, their method of locomotion arguably one of the most advanced technologies on the planet, and one he’d kept secret for years.

Gwen was looking at them in shock, running her hand along their sleek, black outer-casing with wonder. ‘I call them Gabriel, Michael and Samael - your guardian angels. I created them when things between your father and Fisk were starting to heat up,’ he explained as Gwen continued to examine their unassuming forms in awe, completely unaware how deadly the little machines were. ‘They saved your life. Samael was also the one that planted the bug on Murdoch so we could get that video.’

Gwen looked at the silently flying drones in wonder, circling them as they hovered, their innocuous forms utterly belying their terrifying capabilities. Gwen had calmed down some at their revelation, the curiosity in her eyes unmistakable. Instead, he motioned to the video once more.

He hit play again.

Fisk grunted in annoyance. ‘In this day and age, something like that is to be expected. No matter, George Stacy has been a thorn in my side for too long. No more threats, take him out. Do what you want with the girl later.’

They heard Murdock chuckling then, at first starting off soft and well-mannered, as if hearing an amusing jape at a charity ball. It quickly turned dark and demented however, disturbing Gwen greatly.

I’ll enjoy breaking the little cunt. No one escapes me. I’ll send her parts of her dear daddy, piece by piece. It’ll be glorious.’

Fisk grunted in amusement. ‘After you break her, give her to Alejandro. It’ll be a fitting end to the Stacys’ legacy.’

Gwen was utterly silent after the video stopped playing, her head bowed and her hands trembling.

‘The Alejandro they’re referring to is Alejandro Garnacho,’ he continued, pulling up his FBI file on his laptop. Gwen didn’t even bother asking how he had access to their database. His mug-shot was marked with a ‘deceased’ tag. ‘A known sex trafficker who used to partner with Fisk on numerous business dealings. After an anonymous tip however, the FBI raided his hideout and killed him when he resisted.’

‘Anonymous tip?’ Gwen asked, looking up at him with a raised brow. She saw right through him - it’s not like he was trying to be subtle.

He shrugged, but didn’t answer.

‘Fisk is normally much better at detecting and disabling any bugs on his people. That bug remained undetected because it wasn’t transmitting live. It works by recording everything it sees, then at a specific time every forty-eight hours sending all its data to Samael in one burst - had it been streaming its recording in real time, I…’

Gwen’s face snapped up, her eyes wide with shock at the implication.

‘I know Matt Murdock is dead, Gwen, because I’m the one who killed him.’

She collapsed into the nearby chair, taking the news far better than he’d ever hoped she would. She had a look of wariness in her eyes that could have hurt, but he wasn’t a child. It was a lot to absorb, after all.

He would give her the benefit of the doubt and could only hope she would do the same.

‘Five years ago… was that why you had trouble sleeping? I remember… you looked terrible for a long time…’

She was surprised when he snorted derisively. Her eyes widening even further when the snort turned into a dark and menacing chuckle. ‘Gwen, please don’t misunderstand. I felt nothing after killing that piece of garbage. I couldn’t sleep afterwards because I knew the only reason your dad was killed was because I was too much of a coward to kill Murdock when he first came for you,’ he said, his vision blurring as he shakily ran a hand through his hair. ‘That thought still keeps me up at night. Every time we go to the cemetery is like another dagger to the heart - it’s all my fault -’

Gwen launched herself off the chair and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug, her shoulders shaking as she silently wept for her beloved father.

‘When I saw that video, after your dad died, I went to a really dark place. I wanted to wipe them all out for hurting you. Before I was ready to make my move on Fisk, you’d already gotten him arrested,’ he chuckled again, darkly. ‘It’s pretty ironic, now that I think about it. The only reason he still breathes is because of the very prison he’s trying so desperately to get released from.’

They elapsed into a painful silence. He had no idea what turmoil Gwen was experiencing, what dark thoughts were swirling through her mind, and it hurt like he couldn’t believe that he couldn’t help her with them.

One positive, however, was that Gwen hadn’t condemned him for killing. He’d never regretted his actions, but he’d always secretly feared Gwen would shun him or turn him in if she ever found out, especially given her attitude towards corporal punishment.

Not only had she not said a word against him, she still held onto him like he was her lifeline, taking comfort in the warmth from his body as she sat in his lap.

Eventually, she stood and placed a kiss on his lips. ‘I’m not mad at you, not really, but I need some time to think.’

‘Of course,’ he nodded, a sad but understanding smile on his face. There was no way he’d be sleeping after this episode. It looked like he’d be pulling another all-nighter.

Before she could leave however, he called out to her. ‘You need to understand something Gwen. That wasn’t some kind of crime of rage or passion, it was cold-blooded murder. I’m proud of it, and if anyone came after you like that again? I’d kill them too.’

Her eyes widened again at the sheer callousness of his statement, but she eventually gave him a nod before leaving.

If she decided to break up with him after this, he could hardly blame her. But he meant every word he’d said, and whether they were together or not, if anyone came after Gwen Stacey, they’d have him to answer to.


The Ghost Spider observed the man in the laughable excuse of a prison cell. If there weren’t bars keeping him from leaving, one couldn’t be blamed for thinking they were looking at a suite in the Waldorf Astoria.

Not that it would matter for much longer. After she was sure that the cameras were playing the doctored video she’d fed them, and that there was no way they would be disturbed, she disabled her stealth, startling the Kingpin.

He looked up at her hanging from the ceiling, a cruel smirk on his unafraid features.

‘I didn’t know they allowed conjugal visits at this fine establishment.’

She didn’t reply like he’d hoped, obviously, as an annoyed frown marred his oversized features. She just stared at him for several moments, clearly unnerving him with her silence.

‘What would Vanessa say about that, I wonder?’

Rage erupted in his features so quickly that, had she not been expecting it, she may have retreated as he stood and flipped the table he had been sitting behind, scattering his dinner all over the floor.


She didn’t appear phased by his outburst, just continued to kneel on the ceiling and observe him. This man had been the cause for so much pain and heartache, and not just for her.

Peter was right.

Then, to Fisk’s shock, her mask dematerialised and showed her face to him.

His face scrunched in confusion before shifting to delight. ‘Stacy’s kid?’

She didn’t say anything, instead continuing to stare at him with a stone-cold expression. If the huge man before her knew what was to come, that cruel smirk would be long gone.

He chuckled darkly. ‘I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve here, but you’ve erred girl. That little cripple boyfriend of yours? He’s dead. Your slutty band-mates? I’ll have them sold to sex traffickers within the week. Your brave godfather? He’ll disappear. I’d threaten you with more, but I’ve already taken everything else from you,’ he boasted, his cruel smile twisted to look almost demonic.

Which made its abrupt vanishing even more amusing when she only smiled at him. ‘I know.’

Dropping from the ceiling, she approached him with sure, steady strides. The man readied himself for a fight, pushing up the sleeves of his orange jumpsuit and cocking his massive fist. When he swung, Gwen slipped underneath the strike, moved to his rear and swiftly climbed up his back.

‘No more holding back,’ she hissed in his ear as she wrapped her arm around his throat and choked him out, making sure not to leave any marks on his body but overpowering him easily with her enhanced, symbiote boosted strength.

Wilson Fisk was one of the strongest humans she had ever had the displeasure of meeting. Unenhanced, his colossal fists were able to crack stone and shatter bodies.

If she wanted, she could bench press a bus.



When Wilson Fisk came to, he felt a throbbing in his head and a pressure around his throat.

When he then felt his body failing to respond to him, he started to feel fear.

‘Guards!’ he roared, the fools on his payroll - usually posted outside his cell should he have need of them - nowhere in sight. When nobody came, he started to realise he might be in a bit of trouble.

Looking around, he spotted the fucking Stacy girl at his desk, a little gadget shining atop a piece of paper while she sat there and watched him. The little bitch looked bored.

‘You can scream all you like - nobody is coming.’

Looking down, his breath caught when he realised his neck was in a noose made of his bed linens while his body balanced precariously on a rickety chair - ironically maybe the only shabby piece of furniture in his cell, reserved for his visitors.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a situation he couldn’t extricate himself out of. It would take little effort to tear the flimsy linen off his throat and hop off the chair, but he found his body remarkably unresponsive.

‘That cripple boyfriend of mine made the neurotoxin that’s making it rather difficult for you to move. You’re paralysed below the neck. I’d be careful about struggling if I were you, else you might accidentally hang yourself.’

He felt sweat beading on his brow when he realised the truth of her words. His bulk, once his second greatest strength behind his calculating mind, was working against him in this regard. The Spider-bitch had perfectly balanced him so that he would remain safe so long as he didn’t move.

He would need to bide his time. For now.

‘It’s a rather ingenious concoction,’ the bitch said, a proud smile on her face. ‘It’ll have dissolved in your bloodstream long before they autopsy your corpse.’

The casual way with which she talked about his demise sent a shiver of fear through him. He’d always suspected the stupid girl had been pulling her punches when they clashed - should she really wish to do him harm, he doubted he stood much of a chance.

Which is why I employ Enhanced to be my bodyguards - where are the fools?!

‘Nobody is coming,’ the girl said, a small grin on her features as she gently blew on the sheet of paper that had previously had a gadget glowing over it. Grabbing it, she walked towards him and started to read.

‘My dearest Vanessa, It was never my intent for my business to bring you strife. Hopefully, with me gone, you will be safe. Forgive me. Love, Wilson.’

His eyes widened at the words and, when she showed him the sheet of paper, he paled. While he knew for a fact he’d never written such drivel, one couldn’t know that by looking at the hand-writing - a perfect match to his own.

And not many knew about his fiancee - those who did often ending up dead. The little bitch apparently knew as much about him as he knew about her. She confirmed as much.

‘You think you’re the only one who does research on their enemies?’

‘What do you want?’ Fisk ground out, the cloth around his throat and whatever poison the bitch had dosed him with making it hard to speak, but in business, he found most everyone had a price.

When her smile only grew, his mind started to work furiously.

‘So this is it then? You’re no better than me.’

Whatever reaction he’d been expecting, hysterical laughter was not one of them.

‘Sure,’ she said, calming down, any traces of mirth quickly leaving her features and being replaced by sadness. ‘Whatever dude. Me killing a mass murderer whose sole purpose in life seems to be breeding misery and chaos means I’m morally your equal - I can’t believe I let someone so stupid waste so much oxygen for so long. Peter’s been begging me to end you for years,’ she sneered, looking around at his opulent, gilded cage with disgust, ‘and because of some childish sense of morality, I’ve let you live in luxury while you still ruin countless lives.’

His breath caught when her eyes narrowed into slits.

‘No more.’

When she kicked the chair out from under him, all he could do was scream, wasting what little oxygen he had left as his own bulk - always one of his greatest assets - crushed his own wind pipe.


Later that night, or rather early the next morning, Peter lifted the covers of his bed as he watched the news - the latest on Wilson Fisk’s surprise suicide all anyone was talking about, conspiracy theories abounded, but nobody could make heads or tails of it.

Gwen’s invisibility faded and, after willing her suit into its comfy PJ form, she slipped into the bed beside him, her arms wrapped around his torso and her head in the crook of his neck as she needily sought out the comfort of his body’s warmth.

‘The letter was a nice touch.’

She grunted but didn’t otherwise reply, snuggling closer to him while her cold feet sent shivers down his spine as they rubbed against his own.

‘I can’t believe you cheated all these years - stalking me with invisible, inaudible robots so I couldn’t jump-scare you.’

He chuckled, pulling her close as mayoral candidate J. Jonah Jameson started moralising on the news. He quickly muted it before Gwen broke another of his TVs. ‘I have fail-safes wired into all of the tech I give you - including the symbiote that’s literally in your blood - I don’t need those three to know where you are at all times. Your entire body is like a beacon to my senses.’

She grunted, though it sounded far more amused this time instead of exhausted. ‘Creepy stalker.’

They basked in each others’ warmth and drew comfort from the companionable silence, Peter only unmuting the TV when the threat of imminent destruction by his girlfriend had passed. Eventually, Gwen started to tell him what happened, what she’d done. Throughout it all, he never let her go.

He was also secretly pleased with how his neurotoxin performed.

A spider-themed superhero needed venom. It always drove him mad that she never used it.

He kissed the top of her head when she was done recounting the night’s events, feeling no further comment was needed or necessary.

They lapsed into silence again until Gwen asked the question he’d been dreading as soon as she returned to his apartment.

‘Do you think my father would be disappointed?’

He sighed, taking his time to think of the most delicate way to word his answer to her loaded question. He figured honestly was the best policy.

‘Probably,’ he said, and he grunted when he felt Gwen wince at his side. ‘But you’re the one who ended the Kingpin’s reign of terror - not him. The world isn’t always kind to good people, which is why I believe those with power need to take the burden of responsibility on their shoulders to protect them.’

Gwen didn’t answer immediately, but he grinned when, after several moments, she snorted in amusement. ‘Did you read that in a fortune cookie?’

‘Uncle Ben, actually. Guy won’t shut up about power and responsibilities. I guess some of it stuck.’

She giggled and finally looked up at him, smiling. ‘Thanks Pete. I love you.’

‘Love you more, babe.’


Several hours later, Gwen slowly came to with an annoyed groan, something had interrupted a rather vivid and excellent sexy dream. It took her several moments for her foggy mind to clear and make sense of what she was feeling.

Several moments and a cheeky lick across the length of her labia.

When she felt the jolt of pleasure shoot up her spine, she looked down the length of her naked body and realised she hadn’t been dreaming at all.

And apparently Peter could do a lot more with the tech in her body than just observe.

Why is that so hot?

‘Peter!’ she exclaimed, her cheeks heating at the sight of her man looking up at her from her nethers, laying between her splayed legs and his face glistening with her juices. It felt so inappropriate after what had happened the previous night, but when he blew on then sucked in her hyper-sensitive clit, she only fell back against the pillow and groaned.

‘Figured you were in need of some pampering. Should I stop?’

She groaned when he went back to licking and suckling on her pussy, his finger now curled in her and rubbing her g-spot. She made to grab a pillow to muffle her embarrassing cries, but her eyes widened in alarm when her arms met solid resistance.

‘Oops,' her boyfriend chirped smugly as she boggled at the restraints around her wrists, her mind still slow and foggy as she came to full wakefulness. 'How did that get there?'

The bindings had almost no give, holding her wrists against the headboard and allowing her little movement.

Almost instinctively, her body acted on its own, kicking out with her legs in the hopes of quickly breaking free of her predicament. Her soon-to-be-dead boyfriend chuckled in amusement when her flailing found an equal amount of success, her ankles bound in a similar way to the bed posts.

She was completely tied and bound. Utterly helpless and at his mercy.

If she were a regular human.

With an equally smug grin, she flexed her muscles and pulled.

And aside from an ominous creaking nothing happened.

'Did you really think I'd bind your hands with rope?'

Eyes wide, she looked up at her wrists and, just as he'd implied, her hands were bound with a material that looked like steel wire, but knowing Peter, it was some novel alloy specifically designed for her to have no hope of breaking with her enhanced strength.

The wooden frame of the bed they were affixed to, though?

Her eyes widened again when the sturdy timber didn’t even splinter.

‘After you demolished my last bed, I had a talk with Doctor Foster - do you know her?’

She narrowed her eyes at him. Doctor Jane Foster was a beautiful astronomer in her late thirties that had a lab at Stark Industries. Of course she knew who she was. If her research into celestial bodies didn’t make her world-famous already, her relationship with the literal God of Thunder certainly did.

‘Right, well, we had a rather awkward but important conversation,’ Peter said, his eyes twinkling as he paused in his cunnilingus to gloat. A part of her didn’t much care for what he was saying and just wanted him to put his mouth to better use, but she also had to admit a larger part of her was curious where he was going with this. Especially when she saw him blush cutely. ‘I brought up the technicalities of her relationship with Thor, telling her I was in a similar boat, and asked her how she dealt with… collateral damage,’ he said, motioning to the bed.

She snorted in amusement as his blush deepend.

‘Naturally, your suave and charismatic boyfriend navigated that conversation like a pro -’


‘And when Jane finally understood what I was asking, she was eager to point me to Asgardian carpenters. Of course, right? Thor isn’t strong because he’s the God of Thunder, he’s strong because he’s Asgardian. So naturally, I used a mind-bending interstellar gateway like Amazon and ordered myself this brand new bed. You’ll find it quite impossible to break, especially with your symbiote abilities deactivated, my little Spider Slut.

She didn’t know why, but when she tested his claims again, straining with her full might and feeling the truth of his words, she felt her pulse quicken, her face heat up and her pussy tingle. The fact that he could so casually disable her suit didn’t even phase her, she had suspected as much after they’d talked about the dangers of her overexerting.

‘Keep trying to break free though. Please, seriously, the way your muscles flex when you strain is so hot.’

She chuckled breathlessly as she did as he asked, but no matter what she tried, she was bound and helpless.

And yet, paradoxically, she felt completely safe.

Love is a weird thing.

He would still pay for this, but she was more than willing to see what he had in store for her.

She moaned when, with his eyes twinkling in mirth, he went back to licking her pussy and rubbing her g-spot. She undulated as best she could and squealed in delight as his dextrous tongue did a number on her.

Peter had had plenty of time to practise since the first time he’d made her squirt. By now, he knew her body like he knew the periodic table of elements, and he showed it by taking great care to gently lead her along the path to a mind-blowing orgasm. He could have just sucked on her clit like a vacuum cleaner, and it would have likely gotten her there quicker, but the climax would have been not only less satisfying, but the journey less fun.

Still, there was only so much pleasure her body could endure before it succumbed. She closed her eyes and started to gasp out breaths when she felt her big O coming, her hips undulating, her pussy trying to mould itself against his glorious tongue.

‘I’m cumming!’ she cried, as she felt herself crest the ridge.

Then, impossibly, cruelly, bafflingly he stopped.

Her bleary eyes opened, wondering if she’d somehow blacked out and missed her own orgasm. Looking up and seeing the shit-eating grin on her boyfriend’s face though, she somehow doubted that. As her body calmed down from its near climax, she levelled an unimpressed stare at him.

‘Peter,’ she began, her voice deadly calm. ‘What are you doing?’

His infuriating grin only widened as he stood up from the bed and left her there, bound and helpless, the absence of his warmth already feeling like a hole in her heart.

‘I just remembered I forgot to brush my teeth and I’m rather thirsty. Be right back babe.’

Her eyes bugged out in shock when he just left. She heard the water running in the bathroom and finally allowed anger to take hold.

‘What the shit?! Get back here Parker!’ she hollered, futilely thrashing against her inescapable bindings in a blind rage.

When he eventually returned a few minutes later, the high of her nearly-orgasm having completely vanished, she had her eyes narrowed dangerously at him.

She had to admit though that it was rather hard to stay mad at him, especially when he was grinning at her so cutely with his naked body on full display for her.

Peter Parker, even with his disability, had never truly let his body go. He’d always been slim, but he’d never been fit.

Several months of PT with her though and he wasn’t so scrawny anymore. Swimming daily and weight-training every other day with a perfectly curated diet had given him a lean, swimmer’s build with legs slightly larger and more bulky than his arms.

It might be time to balance out his workouts. His upper body could do with some bulking.

Her breath hitched when he laid down between her legs again, his fingers slipping back into her drenched pussy while his tongue got re-acquainted with her lips.

She relaxed and allowed herself to sink into his absurdly comfortable bed now that he was back to pleasuring her. She deluded herself into thinking that the stunt he’d just pulled was an ill-advised prank and nothing more. She even allowed herself to think some sappy and emotional thoughts as she locked eyes with him, watching him play with her body with just as much skill as she played with her drums.

Then, just as her orgasm rapidly approached, he stopped. Again.

She was less surprised, but no less devastated. She looked at him with a betrayed look and the infuriating little shit had the gall to laugh at her.

‘I’m sorry, it’s just the look on your face is so adorable.’

She turned her head and pouted when he crawled up her body and made to kiss her. She then lifted her head when he followed her and what followed was an utterly childish game of her boyfriend seeking out her lips for a kiss and Gwen refusing to give him one.

Finally, he settled for her neck and startled to suckle. She moaned, in that moment starting to hate that he knew her body so well. After she’d calmed down, the suckling having turned her docile as a lamb, he leaned up and put his lips next to her ear.

‘You might hate this now, you might be threatening retribution in your mind, but I’m going to give you the greatest orgasm you’ve ever had,’ he hissed in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. ‘You’re going to cum so hard you’ll pass out from the pleasure overload. Then, when you and your slut friends trade war stories, you can tell them your man made you feel things they never will. You’ll tell them that they’ve never really had an orgasm before, not a real one. Not like the legendary one your man gave you.’

When he pulled back, his face no longer playful but deadly serious, she felt her heart skip a beat. Her eyes widened and her face lit up like she was a blushing virgin all over again.

When did Pete become hot?

She undoubtedly loved him, loved spending time with him, loved sharing things with him, but she’d always thought of him as a cute dork. Her cute dork.

She shivered. Now though? She felt herself gushing at his words, at what they promised. At the look of sheer envy on MJ’s face when she gloated about this to her.

Was it all talk though? He was clearly edging her, that much was obvious. If he kept this up long enough…

She bit her lip and shivered at the thought. This time, when he leaned down to kiss her, she allowed him to capture her lips and moaned into his mouth. She, the feared Ghost Spider, powerful superhero with enhanced speed and strength far beyond human capabilities had submitted to her beloved, dorky, normal, human boyfriend.

That turned her on almost as much as the promise of this legendary orgasm.

I’ll still get him back for this though.

He started up again, and this time she braced herself instead of whining or bitching. She moaned when his hooked finger rubbed against her g-spot, she hummed when his tongue lapped at her lips, and she almost squealed when he sneaked two fingers, soaked in her juices, in her back door.

Instead of wishing for it to end, hoping for an inevitable climax that wouldn’t come by Pete’s own admission, she relished in the feeling of his ministrations, hyper focusing on the waves of pleasure flowing through her body and not on her rapidly building climax.

She focused on the journey, and not the destination.

So when Peter stopped her again right when she was on the edge of collapse, she didn’t cry, she didn’t whine, she only opened her eyes and gazed at her beloved boyfriend, grasping at the warm, tingling sensations in her pussy and ass and holding onto them as long as possible.

She moaned and bucked as the pleasurable feelings hung around longer than expected, and she rode that mini-wave with delight as Peter walked off, putting around his apartment doing something or other. She only opened her eyes when she felt something poking at her lips, her high having passed but she was paradoxically feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Peter was holding out a straw for her, a kale smoothie in his hand. She greedily inhaled the drink, only slightly disappointed she wasn’t sucking on something else. She groaned in a different kind of delight when the delicious drink hit her parched throat and she quickly downed its contents.

‘You look so beautiful,’ Peter praised, running a hand along her face. Instead of describing what he was talking about, he grabbed his phone and snapped a pic of her, showing her what he saw.

She gasped at the picture. She looked like a mess. Her blonde hair was wild and all over the place, her eyes wide and adoring - embarrassingly - and her body was utterly drenched with sweat, the low light of the room glistening off her shiny skin and highlighting her athletic frame.

While some girls might be self-conscious about having such an athletic, not traditionally womanly physique, she wasn’t one of them. She was proud of her abs, her wide shoulders, her strong biceps and bulging quads and hamstrings. Especially knowing how turned on her boyfriend was by them.

He demonstrated that feeling by kissing her when she was done with her smoothie, then trailing said kisses down her neck and capturing her pierced nipples in his mouth. She whined, loving having her nipples played with and suckled on. He then went lower however and started licking her belly - she giggled at the sensations this time, and he grinned up at her, but that giggle quickly turned to a moan when he started running his tongue along the lines of her abs. Once done with them, he trailed his tongue down the v-groove of her pelvis and had to stop before he even reached her pussy, because she was about to cum again from his worshipping of her body alone.

As he allowed her to calm down, her breaths coming in heavy pants and her skin sticky with sweat, she moaned a different kind of moan when he started massaging her bound feet with his surprisingly strong hands.

‘Oh, Stud,’ she groaned, burying her face in her bicep, futilely trying to hide her expression. ‘What are you doing to me?’

‘Worshipping you,’ he promptly answered, earning a groan from her. ‘Maybe a little bit reminding you that you’re mine just as much as I’m yours. We’ve been a little busy lately. We’ve not spent as much time together as I’d like.’

She groaned but didn’t deny it. She’d been spending more and more time trying to uncover the Kingpin’s now ended plot and he’d been working hard at whatever secret projects he’d had going at work.

When her libido had finally calmed down again, and after Peter had finished her foot massage, he strolled over to his bedside table and opened the drawer. She laughed breathily when she saw a very familiar vibrator and bottles of lube.

‘Has someone been a naughty boy?’ she teased, grinning tiredly up at him as he pulled out the eight-inch, ridged vibe and started lubing it up.

‘Can’t have been that naughty, I virtually had to blow the dust off this thing,’ he teased as he moved around between her legs again and applied more lube to her ass, mixing in some of her copious juices as well.

When he finally slipped the vibrator in her, pushing firmly - but carefully - into the unyielding hole, she groaned long and deep when it popped through the ring of muscle, then she sucked in a breath and groaned again when he turned it on, the vibrations making her legs feel weak and causing her insides to go haywire.

Especially when he slipped his fingers in her pussy again, and this time actually started to kiss and lick her clit. She involuntarily bucked against her bindings when he pressed on the vibrating phallus through her vaginal wall, earning a chuckle from Peter.

‘You’re such an anal slut,’ he cooed and she whined. He was so right. She’d had many lovers in the past, very few of them were careful enough with her rosebud to make anal truly enjoyable. While Peter didn’t have the length and girth of some of her more memorable lovers, he had the knowledge of her body and the patience to make everything so much better.

He also had the secret, insurmountable advantage of Gwen loving him so much it made her heart feel like it was going to burst.

When he stopped this time, he left her panting and insensate for several disorienting moments before crawling up her body and kissing her - a kiss she hungrily and passionately returned.

A not insignificant part of her hated how she whined when he pulled away, but a larger part loved how she could be this vulnerable in front of him and paradoxically also feel so comforted and safe.

She couldn’t imagine allowing this with any of her previous lovers.

This cycle repeated itself countless times. She was so drenched in sweat and her own love juices she honestly felt a little gross, but Peter would still lovingly kiss and caress her between each edging, even bringing in a damp cloth to wipe her down when she started to feel a little…slimy.

When he went to the dreaded drawer again, Gwen felt herself throb with arousal. She heard a tinkling sound before she saw it. When Peter straddled her waist, he was holding what, at first glance, looked like a long, delicate silver chain.

When he unfolded the chain on her chest, she saw that there was a ring in which the chains extended from, four in total, with three of them ending in what looked like adjustable alligator clips with rubber-coated pinchers.

Her eyes steadily widened and her breath quickened as he methodically prepped the nipple and clit clamp set in front of her eyes. Like a torturer laying out his tools of the trade before his victim, Peter laid out the chain on her torso, getting her ready for what was to come.

‘I realised I haven’t bought you jewellery yet. Pretty crappy boyfriend, right?’ he joked, his voice soft and filled with mirth as he watched her excitement grow.

She didn’t even respond to him at this point, her entire focus zeroed in on the chains. They were cool on her skin, and just their sleight weight on her chest was enough to send delicious shivers down her spine.

He first grabbed the chain without a clamp on its end. While she’d at first thought the chain had nothing at its end, she now realised on closer inspection that it had a jewellery clasp.

‘It came with a choker, but I figured you could come up with something better, my little spider slut,’ he teased and she returned his grin. She didn’t bother wondering when or how he’d reactivated her symbiote, she just did as she was told. Closing her eyes, she imagined a black, leather choker around her neck with a matching clasp that would fit the clamp set. When she opened her eyes, it was to see Peter looking at her neck, his nostrils flaring and his eyes dark with lust.

She grinned. She’d materialised a choker like he’d requested, but had also made sure it had Daddy’s Little Spider Slut embroidered on it.

It seemed he approved.

‘Do you like it when I call you daddy?’ she asked, making sure to add a little southern belle drawl to her sexy question. He shuddered at her words as he affixed the chain to her choker.

He looked down at her, his grin strained. ‘You’re trouble.’

Her smile widened and then her entire body shivered when he held up the two clamps that were clearly meant to attach to her nipples. She whined when he affixed them, not out of pleasure, but more disappointment. She’d have hoped they would have been stronger.

‘I figured you might need something a little extra in the pressure department. Tell me when to stop,’ he said and she hummed in approval as, with a turn of the little screw on the side of the tiny clamp, she felt the pressure on her nipple start to ratchet up.

While biting her lip, she remained silent as the pressure steadily increased, Pete’s eyebrow rising further the longer he went. She was honestly shocked how such a little clamp could apply such force. When the pressure tipped over into being uncomfortable, she stopped him. With a cheeky grin, he gave the screw another quarter turn and left it there, right on the edge.

He did the same for her other nipple and when he was done, Gwen closed her eyes and basked in the delicious, stinging pain. Her nipples were throbbing in time with her heartbeat and it was glorious.

This is way better than a lame necklace or bracelet. Wouldn’t mind a ring though…

She shocked herself with the errant thought, and she bit her lip to mask the moan. Where had that come from? They’d only been dating a few months…

But we’ve been together for years!

She banished those thoughts, looking up at Peter with big, doe eyes as he opened and closed the teeth on the last clamp.

‘You ready?’

She smiled, still biting her lip sexily. ‘Yes daddy.’

She giggled when he closed his eyes and his entire body shivered in delight.

I still prefer Stud, but when we’re alone and feeling kinky? When I really want to get him going…?

She whimpered when he affixed the final clamp to her clit, making some adjustments to the chain so it didn’t hang loose. When he started turning this screw, her tolerance didn’t last nearly as long, and she started begging him to ease up rather quickly.

He still left it past the point she was comfortable with, but nowhere near as brutal as the bruising force on her nipples.

‘How’s that?’ he asked, looking mighty proud of himself.

‘Show me,’ she pleaded, squirming against her bonds and feeling how her pussy was leaking.

Grinning, he took another snap of her while standing above her on the bed and showed it to her.

‘New wallpaper, I think,’ he teased and she groaned when she saw the pic. Her hair definitely looked better in this one, and the clamp set somehow managed to look both elegant and naughty at the same time. She looked like how she felt though, exhausted and wrung out after hours of edging and teasing… but she didn’t hate it.

When she heard the sound of a message being sent, her eyes widened.

Seeing her look, he grinned. ‘I sent it to MJ. She seems to like that sort of thing.’

Gwen barked out a laugh and wasn’t surprised when a reply was quick in coming. Looking out the window, she guessed it was about mid-morning. With the amount of time Peter spent in the office lately, he doubted anyone would give him grief about his absence.

‘What did she say?’ she asked, curiously.

He snuggled up to her side and showed her his phone. MJ’s immediate reply was just a red-faced, sweaty emoji. She clearly thought it was hot. The screen showed she was penning another reply though.

‘Didn’t know you had it in you, Tiger. Colour me impressed.’

‘Looks like you’ve got a new admirer,’ Gwen teased as Peter’s cheeks flushed.

‘I wonder what she’ll think when I send her the video of you eventually cumming?’

With the delicious pressure being applied to her nipples and clit, and the naughty image that conjured in her mind, complete with MJ furiously fucking herself on her biggest dildo while she watched her cumming on repeat, Gwen whined and rubbed herself against Peter in desperation.

Laughing in delight, her man got back to his delicious, unforgivable, glorious and torturous work.


The trickiest part about edging his girlfriend for so long - aside from making it so worth it she forgot about any potential, humiliating or painful retribution - was knowing when, exactly, to let her cum.

He’d made a bit of a lie of omission when talking about his relationship with Jane Foster. Their bond was a strange one - one as peers that deeply respected the other’s work, one as co-workers who necessarily spent a lot of time together - particularly when working on Avengers related projects - and one of two people who were in a relationship with a superpowered individual.

It was Jane that had given him the idea for this little exercise.

When the topic of the bed Gwen had destroyed had embarrassingly come up, that had been the gateway to their strange, new, rather uncomfortable - at first - dynamic. A strictly platonic one, to be sure, but one where they were both rather open about the challenges and triumphs of their sex lives.

He imagined this is what having a platonic girlfriend was like, similar to the relationship Gwen had with MJ.

After he’d gotten over his initial embarrassment around the beautiful older woman, she’d shared what she’d done to curb her beau’s rather rambunctious tendencies, and how she’d trained him to be a more attentive and passionate lover.

The thought that he’d need to train Gwen in any way was a ludicrous one with her experience, and he’d intimated as much, but he had been curious about the kind of play they could get up to with him being so much stronger than she was. She’d grinned mysteriously at him and confided that when there was a will, there was a way.

And that was how they’d teamed up to design these bindings that would work on their lovers, fooling everyone around them by saying it was a tool in case Doctor Banner ever lost control for some reason, or if the Avengers ever went up against an enemy with his monstrous strength.

He doubted he’d fooled Tony for a second, if the wink he’d sent him was any indication.

While they couldn’t be sure the bindings would restrict the Hulk’s incredible powers, it sure as shit would work on Gwen, and even Thor.

What she had planned for them exactly he had no idea, but she had - taking great delight in his embarrassment - described to him the process of extended edging, and its benefits.

He had been able to think of nothing else ever since.

Not of Jane and Thor, gods no. He had enough self-esteem issues as it was. But the thought of Gwen, his little spider slut, bound and at his mercy?

That…held a strong appeal.

He’d been at it for hours now and, despite early turbulence, he reckoned everything had been a smashing success. Gwen seemed to have grown an appreciation for just receiving pleasure for pleasure’s sake and, while she still definitely awaited her promised, cataclysmic orgasm, seemed to be enjoying herself much more now.

Especially with how he constantly changed everything up after every few cycles.

He was running out of ideas now though and honestly? His jaw was starting to get pretty sore.

I think Gwen would actually punch me if she heard me bitching about that.

She groaned when he upped the pressure on her clamps a full turn and set the vibrator in her ass to a pleasurable fifty percent. She was starting to get a little loopy and unresponsive at this point as her superpowered stamina actually flagged, which made the entire exercise a lot less fun anyway.

When he slipped his fingers back into her and started rubbing her g-spot again, he had to hold her down as her hips arced off the bed in pleasure. His tongue licked at her poor, abused clit and her vulva both, making sure to give both equal attention as more, familiar waves of pleasure assaulted his beautiful girlfriend.

Gwen then settled into things with a pleased hum, her eyes closed and her hips gyrating against his mouth. She had been slowly growing accustomed to this dance, even enjoying his ministrations while knowing they would amount to nothing.

Not this time.

Pressing down on her mons, he started rubbing her g-spot with even more pressure. Not only would she cum hard, she’d likely drench him with her excretions.

C'est la vie.

Her gyrations started to get more urgent as her orgasm rapidly approached, her moans no longer able to be contained and her muscles straining against her bindings.

He had a pretty great view up the length of her body as she thrashed and moaned in delight, her body right on the cusp. She tensed, expecting him to stop at this point and prepare her for another torturous cycle.

Instead, as quickly as he could, he upped the power of the vibrator in her ass to maximum, its steady hum instantly ramping up to a numbing, loud buzzing. At the same time, he sucked on her clamped clit as hard as possible while also increasing the intensity of his fingering.

‘OH FUUUUUUCK!’ Gwen squealed in surprise, no force in the world able to stop her hips from rocketing upwards as her back arched in pleasure. He rocketed up her body and sidled up against her, his fingers still hooked in her pussy and rubbing her g-spot while his lips went to her ear.

‘Cum for me baby,’ he urged, hoping he didn’t sound lame as he lowered his voice several octaves. If Gwen thought as much, she clearly didn’t care. She buried her face in his neck and tensed. He winced in pain when she bit down to muffle her cries, but when she finally crested that perpetually evasive ridge, she let go. Arching her head back, she cried out her release in a long, undulating, victorious moan while her juices gushed out of her in an almighty deluge, reaching well beyond his bed and coating the far wall, the floor and then trickling onto the bed.

And it just kept on going, both her climax and her squirts. She shook next to him, basking in his presence while her body was assaulted with waves of euphoria. He didn’t stop either, hoping to prolong her pleasure for as long as possible, his fingers dancing over her clit while his lips suckled on her ear lobe in between whispering sweet nothings to her.

She trembled and moaned beside him for what felt like minutes, with him eventually swallowing her moans with kisses that lasted until he felt her body relax. Pulling back, he couldn’t help but grin proudly when he saw that she’d passed into a blissful slumber with one of the biggest smiles he’d ever seen on her face.

The events of the previous night were a distant memory.

He’d tried to extricate himself but Gwen was having none of it. The second she felt his body’s warmth start to leave her, she’d whine so adorably in her sleep she may as well have webbed him to the spot.

‘Karen, release the bindings.’

With an audible beep, Gwen’s arms and legs were once again free. As if sensing this, she unconsciously curled up into a ball and snuggled up against his chest. After pulling the blanket over their bodies, he pulled her right against his chest with one arm while, with the other, he fired off a quick clip to MJ.

He’d made sure his AI would be recording the proceedings from all possible angles. Was it strange and possibly immoral to have a sophisticated AI act as a cameraman for his sextapes? Maybe, but he’d obviously asked first and she didn’t mind.

Maybe I’m corrupting her.

He didn’t know why he enjoyed teasing MJ so much either. Maybe it was because he knew what she thought of him, and Gwen’s decision to settle down with someone with a regular-sized body and cock.

The clip was several minutes long, so he didn’t expect an instant response. Instead, he ran his fingers through Gwen’s tousled hair, admiring her choker and the clamps that were attached to it. He wondered if they could get away with her wearing the set in public under her clothes.

The thought turned him on more than he thought it would.

When his phone pinged a notification, he smirked when he read the text.

‘No one likes a show-off’

The message was quickly followed up by a more shocking one.

‘When’s my turn?’

He chuckled, his ego swelling at MJ’s flirting, and fired off another text.

‘When you get a boyfriend’

Her response to that was quick and predictable.

An angry-face emoji.

His eyebrow raised when that was quickly followed up by a devil-face emoji.

Then he nearly choked on his spit when the next message came through, followed by a string of ominous text.

‘You’re not the only one with naughty pics’

It was followed by another devil-face emoji.

The image, surprisingly and unexpectedly, had his dick throbbing. It wasn’t of MJ herself - that he had kinda expected and secretly wouldn’t have minded seeing. No, this picture was of Gwen, and judging from the hairstyle, it was taken a couple years ago when she wore her blonde hair long and kept neat with a headband, except for a straight fringe that covered her forehead.

He much preferred her current, more punky hairstyle.

He quickly banished the ludicrous, rambly thoughts, especially given the photo he was seeing.

In the picture, the younger Gwen stood in front of a mirror completely naked with her phone held up and covering half of her face. She was cheekily grinning at her reflection - or at MJ, probably - a naughty look in her one, visible eye.

Behind her stood a man he’d never seen before, but if he had to guess, he was some kind of athlete. He was huge, black and had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend’s pale, athletic body - one huge hand cupping a perky - at that time unpierced - tit while the other rested on her mons, covering her naked pussy.

Far from being distressed by his presence, she looked incredibly horny, gently resting her free hand over the one covering her pussy.

Why do I find this so hot?!

MJ wasn’t done torturing him. She quickly followed up the first pic with another, even more shocking one.

It was likely taken shortly after the previous one. Gwen was now on her knees, her phone still covering half of her face but she was turned slightly, her body more in profile. Her lover for that evening was standing behind her, his huge, dark, foot-long hog hanging obscenely over her shoulder and being held in his girlfriend’s tiny, pale hand. The ridiculous shaft looked like it would hang halfway down his tree-trunk of a thigh if she released it.

The picture told a story that Peter found insanely hot for reasons he couldn’t rightly explain. A story of a filthy little slut - his filthy little slut - showing off her catch for the evening to her equally slutty friend.

It reminded him of a fisherman holding aloft his prized catch, a twelve-foot marlin - instead of a twelve-inch cock - for the camera. Same energy.

The pics just kept coming, and his dick just kept getting harder.

The next one had Gwen standing before the mirror again, phone held aloft. This time her free hand was rubbing her clit while the dude’s massive cock peeked out from between her thighs, likely rubbing the length of his considerable shaft against her drenched lips.

‘What’s going on? Who’re you texting’?’ Gwen asked, her voice sleepy and positively adorable.

He debated on whether to say anything before binning that stupid thought immediately. They didn’t have secrets. Not anymore.

‘Just MJ being MJ,’ he snorted and showed her his phone. She instantly came to her senses when she saw the latest pic on his screen.

The next pic in the series was a short, five second clip. Gwen had handed her phone to her lover and he’d aimed it down where he was sliding in and out of her little pussy, his girlfriend’s incredible ass as eye-catching as her lover’s ridiculously huge, glistening, obsidian cock.

It was actually pretty impressive she could even fit that thing in her.

And hot.

‘That bitch!’ she hissed, as she scrolled up and looked at the pics she’d already sent, and what they were in response to, getting angrier and angrier with each one.

‘I was kind of asking for it,’ he said reasonably, and without the anger or jealousy he had honestly been expecting. ‘I sent her a clip of you cumming earlier. I guess she got a little jealous and is lashing out.’

‘She went too far,’ Gwen muttered through gritted teeth as she made to start deleting the pics. She froze when he sidled up to her, his painfully hard cock pressing against her back.

‘Don’t,’ he urged her, his tone firm. ‘I…I’m not angry, or even jealous. They’re really hot. My little Spider Slut.’

As his phone pinged several more times, she ground her ass against his rock-hard cock, turning around to look at him with a raised brow. ‘You like seeing your little slut get fucked, daddy?’

He buried his face in her hair, partly to muffle his groan and partly so he could hide his flaming cheeks.

She turned around in bed so she was facing him, her hand stroking his rock-hard cock, his phone momentarily forgotten.

‘I asked you a question,’ she insisted, her eyes boring into his. ‘Do you like seeing those pics? Did they excite you?’

He didn’t answer immediately, instead looking into her playful blue eyes with reverence.

‘I can’t really explain it. If I saw them before we started dating, they would have crushed me,’ he admitted with a groan as she steadily stroked his aching cock. He’d been hard and in need for so long he was thrusting against her grip in the hopes that he could finally cum himself.

‘But we are dating now, and you’re my man,’ she said softly and firmly, actually meaning it and somehow not sounding condescending or conciliatory.

He chuffed, brushing her long bang behind her ear as she smiled at him. ‘Right. So I don’t feel jealous. It’s pointless to feel hurt - this happened way before us. Instead I see the sexiest woman in the world being a little slut and… it’s just kind of hot? Like the best porn ever?’

‘Yeah?’ she teased, gently squeezing the head of his cock and earning a groan from him. ‘Is that all I am to you? Your little porn-star?’

‘My slutty little porn star,’ Peter repeated, burying his face in her neck as she giggled. She spun around, placing her back against his chest again, and reached for his phone, cackling at his totally manly whimper.

Grinning and scrolling through the message history, Gwen continued teasing him by rubbing her incredible ass against his cock while she found the initial clip he sent. She watched the clip with ragged, excited breaths as the Gwen on the phone’s screen thrashed about and screamed like a wild animal while in the throes of her earth-shattering orgasm.

‘Jesus, I can’t believe that’s me,’ she whined as she watched herself screeching like a banshee and squirting all over the place. ‘I don’t even remember squirting, or screaming. That meathead in the pics didn’t make me cum this hard stud, believe me.’

‘Yeah?’ Pete asked, pride swelling in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist while she scrolled down to the newer messages. ‘How hard did he make you cum?’

‘You wanna know?’ she teased, rubbing her ass against his cock. ‘Or do you wanna see?’

She opened the next attachment, another clip. Gwen was still bent over, but her lover was aiming the camera at the mirror so he could see his beautiful girlfriend’s face as he fucked her through her orgasm. She was moaning, her tone high-pitched and breathy as he pumped a load into her.

And he didn’t feel the least bit inferior. He’d made her cum way harder. And he did it every time they fucked.

Still, when she opened the last pic and it was a closeup of her pussy, a river of cum oozing out of her, he groaned and pulled her tight against him.

‘God, how are you real? You girls are such sluts.’

‘Would you have eaten that out of your mistress' pussy?’ she teased and she squealed when he spanked her ass. Hard. ‘Harder daddy.’

He groaned and did as she asked, earning more excited squeals from his girl.

When they’d calmed down, he watched her rapidly fire off a quick text with his phone to the likely eagerly awaiting MJ.

‘We’re having words later, skank. You’re lucky Pete isn’t the jealous type - like you. Enjoy trawling through the dumpsters trying to find a man even half as good.’

She ended the message with a winky, kissy face and he felt warmth bursting from his chest.

It just…felt really nice having a woman defending one’s honour. Especially when it was his woman. His little slut.

I can’t believe how much I love this woman.

She purred when he buried his face in her neck and started kissing her, blushing at his own sappy thoughts.

She turned to him so they were now face to face and lying on their sides, a sexy grin on her face as she dumped his phone somewhere over her shoulder, not caring a bit for her friend’s reply. ‘I can’t believe how jealous that skank is. I suppose it was a pretty decent orgasm,’ she teased, trying to affect an air of nonchalance.

‘Only decent, huh?’ he asked and she squealed when he started tickling her. She took it for a few seconds before suddenly remembering she was no longer bound and helpless.

She was no longer forced to put up with his delicious torture.

Their eyes widened simultaneously, first at Gwen noticing that fact and then Peter at noticing Gwen had noticed.

Then Gwen smirked.

Before he could make his futile attempt at escaping, before he could even blink, she had him pinned and straddled.

‘Now, what am I to do with you?’

She was looking at him like the spider looked at the fly. Smug and predatory.

‘You’ll realise I gave you a legendary orgasm and decide to reward me accordingly?’

Frankly, she hadn’t had time to think about the events from the previous night and their broader implications, so as far as he was concerned, it was mission accomplished.

She hummed as she considered him. ‘I suppose it was a pretty decent orgasm,’ she conceded, grinning at his indignant look. Looking down at her own body, she hummed in approval at the nipple and clit clamps - she looked surprised that she’d forgotten they were even still attached to her. She reached up to the choker around her neck and ran her fingers blindly along the inscription.

‘Daddy’s little spider slut,’ she cooed, then giggled when she felt him throb against her. ‘Do you like that, Stud? You like it when I call you daddy?’

He liked it very much, especially when she said it while trying to look all innocent and cute.

Leaning down, she pressed her lips against his and he returned her affections with relish.

Until he felt something warm and rubbery smack against his face. Opening his eyes, he saw the dildo he had been fucking her with for hours.

‘Maybe I should return the favour?’

He shrugged, genuinely unfazed by her threat.

‘Go for it, if that’s what you want. Fair’s fair, and it’s not like you haven’t played back there already.’’

She closed her eyes and groaned softly at his words, grinding her pussy against his aching and desperately-in-need-of-attention cock.

‘None of my old hook-ups would have been man enough to even joke about letting me do that,’ she purred, rubbing her body against him. ‘You’re so sexy.’

His face flushed as this ten of a woman praised him so earnestly. He might still have some self-esteem issues, but he figured hanging out with his girl would slowly cure him of that.

Instead of escalating though, Gwen just flopped down against his chest and snuggled, intertwining her legs with his and getting comfortable. He pulled the blanket over them again and, despite wanting to get his own rocks off, he felt content with just snuggling and sleeping the day away.

Gwen was apparently of a like mind with him, and the duo watched the muted news on his TV for over half an hour before either of them next spoke.

‘There’s going to be a huge gang war now with the power vacuum left by Fisk.’

He grunted in acknowledgement, sighing wearily but not refuting the claim. ‘And we’ll be here to make sure it doesn’t affect the innocent. Or else. Right?’

She remained silent for several tense moments before turning her head and looking into his cold eyes, her resolve like iron, and gave him a resolute nod.

I’m sorry to ruin this tender moment, but Peter, you might want to clean the carpet before it stains.’

At Karen’s unexpected, tension-breaking interruption and Gwen’s subsequently flaming face, he couldn’t help it. He burst out into gut-wrenching, belly-aching laughter.

Gwen was not as amused.

Weird that.

He never did get his rocks off. Gwen regretfully rushing out to deal with superhero issues with promises that she’d make it up to him. Thankfully, he had a new stash of porn he could jack off to later, starring the most beautiful woman in the world.

Man, I’m so messed up.


Ike Vann

Great chapter. Can't wait for more.

Ike Vann

Gotta admit, didn't expect Peter to the one to kill someone wothout being spider-man. Not to mention his admittance of killing for gwen gave her the resolve to kill the kingpin.

Ike Vann

When you mentiined Peter had an average dick seze compared to the jocks gwen were fucking, I thought maybe between 8 to 10 inches NOT 12 inches or above. You went with hentai dick size. Hell Peter could have been 8in and would be considered average.

Ike Vann

Why is MJ so jealous? She seemed jealous in the previous chapter even before she saw the pics and sex video Peter sent her. So, is she jealous of Gwen sex life or the fact she's in a commited relationship?


It's a complicated mix of emotions, or I guess, all of the above? Pete's monopolizing the already limited time she had with her best friend, they're not slutting it up anymore, the time she does get to spend with Gwen she's all gaga over Pete, she's a little jealous that Gwen seems so happy and she's less so, etc etc. She also just enjoys teasing Pete. She won't always be so petty, though. Well, she'll mature. A bit.


Pretty much. It's hard to keep track of everything tbh, but from memory he's normal human average length-wise (5-6in) and above average girth-wise. The guys the girls pick up generally range from 8 to 'foot-long' at the top end - the top end being utterly unrealistic in reality - at least if we're judging by porn I guess, I can't claim to be an expert like Gwen and MJ ;)

Ike Vann

The talk Peter had with Jane Foster about ways to handle their stronger lovers in bed must have been akward and embarrassing for Pete. I laugh jyst imagining it. Now my queston is, why doesn't he just make himself a Nano Tech Symbiote, like he did for Qwen? He'd be able to better keep up with her in the bedroom without worry, not to mention the even kinker sex they could have. Or would injection himself with nanites be dangerous for him?


The main, honest reason? Because I don't want Pete to be Spiderman. But as they are, they'd kill him anyway. Gwen's 'enhanced' body is powering them. Other 'enhanced' people can run a version of the symbiote nanites to different degrees - you do not need to be a superhero specifically to be considered 'enhanced.' This will be relevant later.


Amazing doesn't even begin to cover it, this chapter was the best. I only wish there was a one liner or something that Gwen or MJ had about Peters photography skills lol