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Chapter 31

Tags: Cheating, Cuckolding, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Anal, Denial, Squirting

Despite working at SI for a while now, Pete had never been to a weapons demonstration. 

It shouldn't have come as a surprise that his work in Africa would be put at risk from opportunistic gangs and militias, in fact, it wasn't. That was why he had the weapons installed in the first place, worried as he was for the safety of the undefended, newly built towns and cities. 

They'd just never seen action. Until now. 

He, Harry and Ororo stood atop the newly constructed town hall and watched the steadily growing dust cloud on the horizon. The local police had already set up a barricade along the road into their new town, but Pete knew they wouldn't be necessary. 

He'd assessed the newly built particle beam turrets himself, after all.

Looking out over the landscape, he couldn't help smiling with pride. Not only had a newly built town sprung up in a matter of months in the village of Turkana - with a school, hospital and all manner of qualities of life previously unknown in this part of the world - but so had a body of water the size of Lake Tahoe.

Turkana wasn't the only town in the area either, several more had been built surrounding the new lake, providing not only fresh drinking water for their inhabitants, but a source of food and means for irrigation.

Nor was this lake the only one they’d manufactured in Kenya and the other dry countries they operated in. 

Turning, he eyed his companions. Harry looked relaxed as he stared out at the quickly approaching gang, dressed similarly to him in a white shirt, khaki chinos, loafers and large, aviator sunglasses. A light sports coat was draped over his forearm and he leaned against the ledge of the building they stood atop, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed in thought.

Ororo’s posture put her in sharp contrast to them. She was dressed in a loose, traditional robe with a headscarf covering her shock of white hair and most of her face, allowing her to remain incognito in the country of her birth - a necessity, if only for convenience, given the people of Kenya still revered her as a god. Her posture was tense, alert, ready to unleash a storm's fury should any harm come to her people. 

That won't be necessary of course, but it’s not like my words will calm her.

Harry's gaze shifted out to the lake, and he once again shook his head in disbelief. Pete did his best to hide his smug grin, he really did, but when Harry caught it, his friend’s eyes narrowed and he huffed in amusement. 

‘Alright Parker, how’d you do it?’ He asked in exasperation, showing his mind wasn’t even on the converging criminals but instead the miracle of the huge lake not fifty feet away. ‘I would have thought for sure you guys toed icebergs over, but we’re freaking land-locked.’

Instead of answering straight away, Pete grinned and popped a local candy in his mouth, humming in approval as the sweet taste coated his tongue. Noticing Harry’s eyebrow twitch in annoyance, his grin widened and he took pity on the man.

‘I’m impressed, didn’t think you’d last this long without asking.’

‘Don’t be a smart-ass.’

Pete snorted in amusement and leaned on the ledge next to Harry. ‘We scanned underground until we found a suitably large reservoir. Then we drilled deep and used pumps to bring the water to the surface.’ His hand waved at the huge body of water behind him and shrugged. ‘I’m grossly simplifying the complexity of the process, but that’s essentially it.’

Harry’s brows creased in confusion. ‘But why though?’ He winced when he realised what that must have sounded like, but Ororo was barely paying them any attention. ‘Wouldn’t it have just been easier to build desalination plants on the coast?’

‘It would have,’ Pete allowed, crossing his own arms and sigh wearily. ‘If our only concern was for clean drinking water for the locals. What you don’t know is that we’ve seeded the clouds and used brand new atmospheric ionising tech to induce frequent rainfall.’

‘You’re changing the climate?’ Harry asked in complete shock, pushing up the glasses that had slipped down his face. With another quick look at Storm, he leaned in close and whispered in disbelief. ‘But why? Don’t get me wrong, that’s incredible, and I’d love to know what the fuck you mean by atmospheric ionizing tech, but what’s the point? The soil here isn’t even worth anything.’

Pete’s smile widened and he looked out over the eerily quiet village. An hour ago, it had been full of hustle and bustle, children running around laughing and squealing while their parents did their best to provide for them. Now though, with the oncoming threat, they’d retreated back into their new homes and barricaded themselves within.

Through Ororo, he’d told them that won’t be necessary, but he understood. It’s a lot easier to say that when you don't have anything to lose.

‘Soil Synthesizers.’

Harry froze. ‘What?’

Pete gave a last look out over the newly created farmland in the distance and turned back to his friend with a proud grin. ‘My nanites,’ he began. ‘They can break down existing, poor soil and enrich it with essential nutrients and microbial life.’ Harry was staring at him as if he’d grown a second head. ‘Oh, they’re also smart enough to genetically engineer biota that can thrive in whatever climate they’re introduced to. It should be ideal for agriculture.’

Pete couldn’t help the thrill of excitement at seeing his look of sheer disbelief, not that he blamed him. What Pete had just described might as well have been straight out of science fiction.

‘Pete…tell me how this all,’ he began, waving his hand to encompass the lake and the new town, ‘isn’t just terra forming?’

When Pete just answered with a conspiratorial grin, Harry’s mouth dropped open in shock.

‘Holy shit…’

‘Incoming,’ Ororo informed them with a tense voice that barely contained her fury, breaking the momentary silence.

Despite the tense situation, Pete couldn’t help but smile when he felt a single raindrop hit his face. Tilting his head back, his smile grew as he felt another.

I love my job.

Rain. Actual rain, in one of the driest regions in the world. No longer would these people need to rely on the negligent coastal elite for basic necessities.

Harry was equally unconcerned with the gangs, even as their Jeeps skidded to a stop and over a dozen armed men spilled out. ‘Don’t worry your highness,’ he said in a soothing tone, his infamous easy smile firmly in place. ‘Nobody’s in danger, well,’ he paused, amending his statement. ‘Nobody who doesn’t deserve it.’

Storm stiffly turned to Harry, and though her face was covered, her eyes were a brilliant, shining white that took his breath away. Pete idly wondered how many souls had the misfortune of that being the last thing they ever saw.

Or maybe fortune…?

The wind noticeably picked up around them and lightning crackled in the natural storm clouds above. Pete frowned in consternation and turned to her in annoyance.

Calm down,’ he snapped. ‘Your powers might mess with the ionisers in the atmosphere. Just watch.’

Storm shifted her terrifying gaze to him, and after a brief, intense, staring war where Pete didn’t flinch away, she let out a slow, steady sigh, her white eyes bleeding out to reveal her natural, striking blue.

‘I…apologise. This is…hard for me.’

Pete strolled over to her side and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. ‘Relax Ororo, even if there were some kind of unlikely, catastrophic error -’

Oi!’ Harry interrupted indignantly, but Pete ignored him.

‘- no harm will come to your people. Watch.

The men rushed from their Jeeps towards the barricade, and Pete felt Ororo tense, ready to take flight when, before they could even raise their guns, the sounds of mechanical whirring filled the air. All around them, from atop each tall building, Oscorp’s new Particle Beam Turrets came to life and took aim at the approaching gang members.

Before they could even raise their guns, a beam of violet light shot out from seven different sources, instantly vaporising everything they came into contact with, both human and vehicle alike. 

Before any of the locals could even be put at risk, what appeared to be a light show at a rave completely, brutally neutralised the threat.

They watched as the local police stumbled around in shock, backing away from the now burning pile of scrap, but otherwise unharmed.

‘Good work, Harry,’ Pete praised, breaking the tense silence. He felt Ororo sag with relief beside him and he turned to his friend with a forced smile. ‘They performed above expectations. I think you’ve got a winner on your hands.’

Harry snorted and clapped a hand on his shoulder in thanks. ‘I should still go inspect the other sites while I’m out here to make sure everything’s kosher. Pete. Your Highness, pleasure doing business.’ With another pat on his shoulder and a nod towards Storm, Harry quickly left, his nearby jet already audibly powering up as it awaited its passenger.

Though Ororo had returned Harry’s gesture, she didn’t say a word as she examined the wreckage on the outskirts of town. Pete’s mood only improved though as the rains picked up and started to soak them.

Harry’s not wrong… imagine what we could do in the Sahara? Fuck that, what about the Moon. MARS?!

He could barely contain his excitement.

Using his AR lens, Pete took a slow, panning shot of the new town, the rainfall breaking the crystal-like surface of the lake and reflecting the sun off their new roads. He sent it to Gwen along with a before shot that highlighted the contrast, back before they’d even started working. The differences were truly remarkable, and this was just one of the many sites they’d worked on.

It didn’t even show the underground Loop Stations, irrigation or sewage systems.

He didn’t need to wait long for a reply, her chibi avatar filling the corner of his vision with its mouth and eyes open wide in shock.

Gwen: That’s the same place?!

Pete grinned, slightly surprised by the quick reply. Either his girl was out into the early morning hours patrolling, or they’d pulled an all-nighter in the recording studio again. It didn’t even occur to him that she had a guest over - not that he’d object or thought it was beyond her, she’d have just asked him first. And sent him pictures.

Pete: Sorry for waking you.

Pete: Give it twenty years and this place will look like the Congo. They’ll probably call me racist and problematic for that too.

Gwen: You didn’t wake me, just got back from patrolling after another recording session.

Then her chibi avatar returned, rolling around on the floor laughing.

Gwen: How dare you perpetuate your forebearer’s colonialist attitudes, white saviour scum?!

Pete snorted in amusement and Ororo turned to stare at him. Though the headscarf only left her eyes uncovered, he could still make out a cocked brow. He mimed a phone and mouthed Gwen’s name and she nodded in understanding.

Pete: T'Challa? Is that you?

The joke wasn’t entirely fair. Though he doubted the Black Panther was his biggest fan, it was his ambassador that often piped up in the media, trying to besmirch his name and motives.

The asshole definitely let it happen though.

Gwen appreciated the joke though, replying with more laughter from her avatar.

Later, they were grabbing a bite to eat after the town had recovered from the shock of the attack. Pete hummed in approval at the simple, yet delicious meal, accompanied with a tall glass of perfectly clean, chilled water. The meat was incredibly tender and the sauce it was drizzled in was delicious and flavourful, the real star of the show for Pete though was the ugali. It was similar to some kind of bread, but its texture and flavour was unique and went really well with the sauce.

He sighed in contentment after he scraped his plate clean with the ugali, leaning back in his chair and eyeing his host appreciatively.

Ororo had seemed incredibly pleased with the work they’d done when she first laid eyes on it, ecstatic even. Ever since the attack though, she’d remained quiet and only nibbled at her meal.

Pete idly wondered if that had more to do with not wanting to reveal her face.

I thought she’d be happy…

‘You’ve been quiet for a while,’ he noted in a soft voice. ‘Is this not what you wanted?’

Ororo shook her head as if startling herself out of her funk.

‘When I first requisitioned you to undergo this project… I thought you would build roads, schools, hospitals maybe and possibly even a power plant… but this…?’

She sounded genuinely emotional and Pete started to feel uncomfortable.

‘I…might have gone a little overboard. That’s kinda my thing,’ he admitted with a bashful smile. ‘In my defence, I’m incredibly motivated by spite. Your subjects could have done this years ago if they really wanted to. I’ve seen their tech, it’s not that much inferior to ours.’

He smiled wide as his words brought out a beautiful, musical laugh from the Queen of Wakanda, the corners of her eyes crinkled in amusement yet the emotion behind them shone through more powerfully than the particle weapons they’d just violently demonstrated.

She has such beautiful eyes…

He didn’t know if it was the obscuring headscarf that accentuated them even more, or if the unusual combination of dark skin and blue eyes was just captivating to him. When she pinned him with her gaze however, Pete suddenly found it hard to breathe.

I feel sorry for her students…

‘Walk with me.’

Pete quickly followed behind Ororo as they strolled through the new town. She was getting noticeably emotional as she happily watched the local children laughing, squealing and splashing about in puddles of water outside of their new school

As one, they all stopped and turned to him with wide smiles and Pete genuinely felt stunlocked as they waved happily at him. Clearing his throat, he awkwardly returned the gesture with a kind smile as he and Ororo rounded the building and headed towards the X-Jet.

They had dozens more towns to take in.

Before they could get far however, Pete felt a tugging on his arm and he stopped. Turning to Ororo, his breath caught in his throat when he saw her beautiful eyes drilling into him.

‘You have no idea how much this means to me, Peter.’

His cheeks flushed red and he laughed awkwardly. ‘Ah, this is nothing. Wait until you see the crops they can grow here now. The farmers wouldn’t let me touch their soil in the US, here though…

Ororo had unwrapped her headscarf as he spoke, her shock of curly white hair done in a low, sensible bun as she continued to stare deep into his eyes. He trailed off as he returned her stare, at a loss for words.

Before he knew what was happening, she’d shoved him up against the nearby wall and closed the gap between them, capturing his lips in a searing, passionate kiss, one hand on his broad chest and the other wrapped around the small of his back.

Pete’s eyes widened in shock and he stiffened before sighing and melting into her embrace, his arms coming up to wrap against the Queen of Wakanda’s slim waist.

Of fucking COURSE Gwen was right…

Pete: Ororo is kissing me.

Gwen: HAH

Pete: Shut up.


Ororo deepened the kiss, mewling into his mouth as her powerful body undulated against his, her ample breasts squished against his chest. She was somehow both soft, and hard. Cool, yet passionate. Even her kiss was somehow regal and assured, her lips soft and delicious.

When she finally pulled away, her eyes darkened with passion and lust, she licked her lips and looked away with shame. ‘I…should not have done that. You…have a partner. I… it was despicable of me, I apologise.’

Pete grinned and noted with amusement that she made no mention of her own partner.

Pete’s heart went out to her as she turned away, looking genuinely miserable at what she considered to be a massive faux pas. Putting a finger under her chin, he lifted her head so her beautiful eyes were gazing directly into his own once more.

‘Hey…Gwen and I don’t have secrets…’

Seeing her look of confusion, Pete tapped his temple right by his eye socket, his pupils noticeably flashing as his HUD shone in his vision. Ororo’s eyes widened in shock and he grinned.

‘She’s screaming at me to grab your…erm, behind. She’s, uh, quite the fan.’

‘Truly?’ Ororo asked, her eyebrows raised in surprise and her lips twitching in amusement. It was adorable how her beautiful eyes gleamed with excitement, like a child who’d been caught doing something wrong but was completely unrepentant. 

Coming from her, such a dignified, beautiful and regal presence, it was all the more titillating. Especially given her body was still pressed tightly against his, her lips inches from his.

When Pete wrapped his hands around her narrow waist and spun them around, pressing Ororo’s back against the freshly-built concrete building, she sucked in an excited breath and bit her plump lip sexily.

‘We…have an understanding,’ he elaborated, his voice barely above a whisper. ‘We both like to watch.’ 

‘Oh,’ she muttered, her eyes widening in surprise. The sound was faint, as were the mewls when Pete tugged her headscarf aside so he could start kissing and nibbling at her neck. ‘I…I’ve never been watched,’ she admitted breathlessly, her excitement evident. ‘Is she watching right now?’

‘No,’ he admitted, between licks and kisses as Ororo’s breathing became more laboured. ‘I wouldn’t do that to you.’ He paused, then looked directly into her eyes, his fiery gaze no doubt conveying his sincerity. ‘Not without your permission.’

‘Scandalous,’ she gasped, but didn’t tell him to stop, her breaths coming in excited pants. ‘I’ve…I’ve never done something like this before.’

She was saying it as if to explain away her actions, to let him know she wasn’t normally this kind of woman.

He didn’t believe her.

‘That’s a shame. You’re too beautiful not to be watched,’ Pete growled directly into her ear, and he delighted in her full-body shudder, and her shaky inhale of breath. He was kissing her collarbone now, having brushed her flowing clothes aside to have access - he was slowly making his way towards her impressive, mouth-watering cleavage. Before he exposed his prize however, he looked up at the older, gorgeous woman with a cheeky grin. ‘Or do you mean you’ve never cheated on your husband before?’

As his tongue slipped between her heavy breasts, licking at her cleavage, Ororo tilted her head back and chuckled breathlessly. Pete felt himself throb with desire when her next utterance didn’t hold even the slightest bit of shame.

Both.’ She paused, threading her fingers in his messy hair and tilting his head up to stare into her eyes. She was biting her lip, the look on her face utterly adorable. ‘Does…would Gwen like to watch?’

‘Yes,’ he immediately answered with a knowing chuckle. ‘Would you let her?’

She looked embarrassed, but somehow pleased at the same time. ‘It would only be fair,’ she admitted with a breathy titter. ‘She is lending me her man, after all…’

Pete shot forward and captured her lips in a searing, passionate kiss, his fingers working at her flowing robes and discarding her no-nonsense bra. He groaned into her mouth, their tongues duelling passionately before slowly pulling back. His lustful gaze raking over his prize, he grinned at the enchanting woman.

‘You’re about to become her favourite person in the world.’

She screwed her eyes shut and groaned, the way she bit her lip absolutely driving him wild. ‘This is so wrong… yet I cannot deny how excited I am.’

Pete chuckled darkly and quickly shot Gwen a link. He knew she’d open it in a nanosecond, and when she did, she would be seeing what he was seeing.

Namely, a pair of dark, heavy breasts, their large, dark nipples erect and begging to be suckled on.


Pete: She’s pretty excited to have you watch, actually. She said thanks for lending her your man. I feel so used!

Gwen: Tell her she can have you whenever she wants as long as she lets me see those incredible tits.

‘Is she watching?’ Ororo asked breathlessly and Pete stared up at her with an amused smirk.

Gwen: God she’s so fucking beautiful. Is she bi? Ask her Pete! ASK HER!

‘Yeah, she’s watching,’ he admitted with a deep chuckle, darting forward to plant a kiss on her delicate nose. ‘She’s also screaming at me to ask you if you’re bi. She’s…pretty enamoured with you.’

Ororo had sucked in an excited breath at his question, her eyes smouldering and her body trembling with need. Biting her lip, she looked away in embarrassment.

‘My first lover was a woman…’

Gwen: OMG I’m gonna fucking die. I -

The weird thing about texting with their AR lenses was that they didn’t actually type them out like you would with classic smartphones, the software mostly interpreted what you were thinking and translated that into text. It took a while to get used to, but it often left to…humorous situations.

Pete went back to kissing Ororo, unable to handle how cute the older woman was. This time though, he had a handful of her heavy breast, groping and pinching at her delectable nipples.

Gwen: Holy shit I just came…

And that explains the random, disconnected text…

‘Gwen’s really excited,’ Pete purred, taking her ear lobe between his lips and suckling. ‘She wants to fuck you so bad, not as much as I do though…’

Language,’ she groaned, her eyes screwed shut as he kissed his way down her neck and finally captured one of her pebbled nipples between his lips. He switched the feed to the drones so Gwen had a better view of the action, but Pete couldn’t help but chuckling at her reflexive reprimand.

Too fucking cute.

His groan was muffled as Ororo whimpered and massaged his scalp, as if in thanks for his suckling on her thick, dark nipples. While she was distracted with what he was doing with his mouth though, his fingers danced down her toned belly, past a neatly trimmed tuft of soft, white hair and over her slick and glistening lips. He felt them quivering at his touch, and Ororo’s hands tightened in his messy locks as he teased her entrance. 

‘Yes,’ she moaned breathlessly and he looked up to see Ororo’s head tilted back and leaning against the concrete wall, her eyes screwed shut. ‘Touch me Peter, please.’

Gwen: How the fuck does she make your basic ass name sound so sexy? 

Pete grinned but otherwise didn't answer, his focus entirely on giving the Queen of Wakanda as much pleasure as possible.

Who knew when he'd have royalty at his mercy like this again? 

He would milk this for all it was worth, and give Gwen so much material she'd rub her poor pussy raw.

Ohhhhhh, yes, yes!’

While he still suckled on Ororo's delectable nipples, he hooked his fingers and slipped them inside. He didn't attack her g-spot directly, instead, he teased it like he did her exposed clit with his thumb. He brushed against them, taking his time and enjoying the look of the striking woman's features twisted in pleasure. 

I get the feeling she's the slow, passionate type rather than the hard, fast and dirty… Let's see if she appreciates how slow I take it though. 

As much as Pete would have preferred to just feast on her nipples all day, there was plenty of time for that later. 

He'd rather mess with her a little. 

With his drenched hand still working her nethers, his gentle, persistent movements creating embarrassing, highly audible schlicking sounds, Pete rose and nuzzled the side of Ororo’s face, his lips right next to her sensitive ear. 

‘You're such a naughty girl,’ Pete cooed, his voice as deep and gravelly as he could manage. Ororo shuddered as the sensation caused her body to quiver in delight. ‘All one of the locals would have to do is round the corner, and they'd see the woman they all revere writhing against the wall, like putty in my hands.’

His words were having a noticeable effect. Ororo’s adorable mewling increased and she nuzzled him in turn, while her womanhood clamped down around his fingers like a vice.

‘Imagine if one of them took a picture. What would your in-laws think? Your subjects? You'd be shamed, scorned, they'd hate you, but you don't care, do you?’ 

Ororo’s moans grew more intense and breathless and Pete fought the urge to cackle like an evil villain. She'd wrapped her arms around his chest and was holding onto him for dear life, the pleasure making her knees shake and wobble like a newly born deer.

Gently, he turned her around so her face was pressed sideways against the concrete wall, only inches from his own, her naked, thick, gorgeous ass exposed to the elements and anyone that decided to round the building. 

One of his hands was trapped between the wall and her body, his fingers still audibly pumping in and out of her, while the other spread her thick cheeks and revealed her tight rosebud. He circled and toyed with it with his index finger, her reaction telling.

Not as telling as Gwen, who was incredibly vociferous in her appreciation of the new view and anal teasing. 

Ororo bucked and whined, her beautiful, crystal-blue eyes wide with disbelief and desire as he played with her forbidden hole.

She's so pure, like an innocent school teach- I'm such a dumbass.

Thankful that he hadn't spoken the words out loud, he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her plump lips.

‘Have you ever had anyone back here…?’

Her eyes still wide and her breaths coming in ragged, needy pants, she hastily shook her head in the negative and Pete chuckled, closing the distance and capturing her lips again. 

When he pulled back, he only did so so he could put his lips next to her ear again. 

‘Well that's no good. I'm sure a naughty queen like you would love it.’

She was close, he could feel it. The way she moaned, the amount she trembled, the tightness with which she squeezed down both with her hands on his arm, and her womanhood on his fingers. 

But…they had a long day ahead of them. 

With an impish grin, Pete pulled his fingers out of Ororo's gushing womanhood and stepped back, bending down to pick up her discarded robes.

‘Wha-?’ she muttered with such innocence and confusion Pete genuinely felt guilty, as if he'd kicked a puppy. ‘W-why?’

Pete held out a hand and Ororo hesitantly reached out to take it before he started strolling towards where he knew the X-Jet to be, a completely naked Queen of Wakanda strolling beside him on shaky legs. 

‘We've got a long day ahead, your highness,’ he teased, his eyes devouring her gorgeous, naked form. She wore nothing save for some wrist bangles and her thigh-high, lace-up flat sandals that only accentuated her powerful dancer's legs.

And her wedding ring, of course. 

‘I thought -’

Pete grinned wide and pulled her naked body close. The fact that she didn't even seem concerned with her nakedness or make an effort to wrest her clothes from his hand was incredibly hot to him. 

‘Oh, I'm definitely going to fuck you, Ororo,’ he teased, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. ‘But we shouldn't let pleasure get in the way of our work, right?’

Gwen: This is so much more entertaining when I'm not on the receiving end. 

Gwen: BTW I'm gonna fuck you so hard when you get home. Make room in your schedule. You're not leaving the bed for two days. Minimum. 

With that ominous and sexy promise lingering in the back of his mind, Pete guided Ororo up the ramp to the X-Jet just as a group of kids rounded the building in a gaggle of giggling joy.

They stopped and stared, their mouths dropping open in shock as they saw Ororo hurriedly ascend the last few steps into the cockpit and out of sight. 

When Pete just winked at them as the hatch slowly closed, the giggling started up again. 

Pete found Ororo in the pilot's seat, her head bowed in embarrassment. 

‘Those children saw me…’ she muttered in shock as the engines revved up. There was no accusation in her tone, but she didn't sound pleased either. ‘How utterly shameful.’

‘Yeah?’ Pete asked gently as he reached down over the seat and buried his hand in her womanhood, pulling his glistening fingers away with a knowing chuckle. ‘Truly shameful.’

She smiled impishly and turned to him, biting her lower lip. ‘You are a bad man, Peter Parker.’

‘And you're a bad wife, your highness…’

The rest of the day was spent hopping from one newly built site to another in the X-Jet, crossing over into the other countries after they'd visited every town in Kenya. Pete continued playing with and teasing Ororo while never letting her cum, and while she never demanded him finish what he started, he noticed she was getting increasingly frantic after every stop they made.

The proof of his excellent, miraculous, life-saving work had her emotional, while his teasing had her delirious with lust - especially since he never returned her clothes - except for her headscarf, which she used to tame her wild, white curls rather than cover her face. 

It wasn't as if she stayed in the jet either, and while she didn't blatantly walk around in the nude, there were several close calls and even a few times where she'd been spotted.

Those instances had done a better job of driving her wild than all of his edging of her combined.

Pete: I think we've found your kindred spirit.

Pete was surprised when Gwen didn't immediately respond. She'd been providing a running commentary of their illicit behaviour for the entire day, enjoying the action seemingly as much as even Ororo was. 

Gwen: Just came again…

Gwen: I've cum so many times my pussy hurts…

Her messages were accompanied by a chibi Gwen animation that was passed out on the floor. Thankfully, she didn't make it explicit like she normally did, the absolute degenerate that she was. 

Pete: Don't pass out just yet babe. You're gonna miss the finale…

While he didn't get a response, Pete didn't need one. He could feel Gwen's anticipation from here. 

They'd just finished their final inspection at the newly built town in Tanzania, with one of the buildings having a spacious enough roof to hold the X-Jet. The view of the newly built lake and the freshly constructed buildings never got old, especially for Ororo. 

It was late and the Sun had long since dipped over the horizon, which was probably why she felt so comfortable standing by the ledge completely naked and staring down at the locals with a wide smile gracing her beautiful features, despite the relatively balmy weather.

At least it wasn’t as cold as some of the higher altitude sights they’d been to. 

The IRI will keep going until these places are proper cities, with the infrastructure and public transport to match. It'll be incredible to see…

‘Look at you,’ Pete purred, sidling up behind the naked Ororo, cupping her heavy breasts and kissing her neck. ‘Not an ounce of shame, sitting out here as naked as a jaybird…’

She shuddered, her head tilting back as she gave him easy access to her slender throat. He took advantage, leaning around to suckle while continuing to grope and grind against her. 

‘We are - mmh - less concerned with nudity in this - hnn - in this part of the w-world.’

Fuck her accent is so cute. 

‘That so?’ he continued to tease, one hand trailing down to cup her smouldering womanhood. He'd become well acquainted with her nethers over the course of the day, and he felt he could play with it as well as his girlfriend played her drums.’

Ororo chuckled throatily as she ground back against him, her large, soft ass feeling incredible against his groin. 

‘You can only tease me so much Peter,’ she reprimanded playfully, gasping in delight when he carefully pinched her nipples. ‘I have grown accustomed to your wicked ways. You brute, you scoundrel.’

She’d grown more adventurous since they began their little game, more an eager participant than a guilty adulteress. Ororo thought he meant to keep teasing her, and despite how much of a pleasant surprise it had been to find out the woman enjoyed his edging, he really, really wanted to be inside her.

He pressed his lips against the back of her neck and Ororo froze, sucking in a startled breath when he silently slipped himself out of his khaki chinos and sank into her drenched core.

Oooooooh.’ Her moan was equal parts surprise and delight, her back arching while her hands held the steel rail in a white-knucked grip. ‘Oh y-you naughty boy!’

Pete groaned and sank in all the way until his groin was pressed against her thick, toned ass. Ororo was tight, a fact that was made even more remarkable by the fact that her womanhood gripped him like a needy, velvety vice. He said as much to Gwen, keeping up a running commentary and making sure she experienced everything he was through their texts.

She very much appreciated it.

‘What would your students say if they saw you now?’ Pete teased, his voice thick with desire and lust after minutes of silently plundering her depths. ‘Their stern and regal Mrs Munroe, bent over a railing and being fucked in public?’

Her mouth hung open and she turned to stare at him with wide eyes, her body rocking with the rhythm of his thrusts. She was struggling to form coherent words after an entire day of edging and titillating exhibitionist play, but he could tell by how she squeezed him that she took a perverse delight in his words.

‘Y-you’re so baaaad,’ she cried softly, refusing to look away as he bent down to capture her lips in a searing kiss. While Ororo had never been his teacher, there was something deep inside him that relished in the thought that she was someone’s teacher. He was living the fantasy many a young man had harboured, even if they never had any attractive teachers to lust over.

Between Jane and Ororo…I’m starting to think I might have a thing for older, brilliant women…

‘What about your husband?’ he urged, and Ororo’s walls gripped him the tightest yet, her body freezing in shock that he had the audacity to bring T’Challa up in this situation. ‘He’d be devastated, furious…humiliated. We’ve not exactly been discreet…’

As if to prove his point, he angled his thrust just so and ripped a surprised, delighted squeal from his beautiful lover, one that travelled across the night air. She’d attempted to stifle it, but it was too late - if someone was awake and nearby, there was no way they hadn’t heard her.

‘You’re terrible,’ she gasped and cried, still refusing to break his stare while her words carried none of the heat that they implied. ‘Utterly barbaric… b-but -’ She paused, screwing her eyes shut and letting out a barely muffled, delighted moan - it was long, deep and soulful and Pete was tempted to set it as his notification tone. When her eyes snapped back open, she was staring at him with a look bordering on adoration, biting her lip as he continued to fuck her. He could hear her heavy breasts impacting against her chest on the swing back, it sounded wet. Sweaty. ‘I - oooh - I d-don’t think he’ll m-mind. He hasn’t looked at me the w-way - mmnh - the way you do in, i-in a long time.’

Pete leaned forward to growl directly into her ear, ripping a shudder and delighted squeal from his lover. ‘Then he’s an idiot.’

Ororo didn’t deny it and Pete picked up the pace of his thrusts, one hand reaching around to start rubbing her clit while the other pressed down on her lower back. He really wanted to grab her heavy, swaying tits, but he thought Gwen might actually rip his dick off if he deprived her of the glorious sight with his grubby mitts.

Ooooh, yes, yes, YES!’ Ororo cried, her moans increasing in volume so much Pete wondered if she secretly wanted to be caught. Pete himself groaned, relishing in the feeling of her lips squeezing tight down on his shaft, almost refusing to let him go each time he tried to pull out.

She was beautiful, her musical moans addicting.

Gwen: I’m so fucking jealous of you right now.

Pete: That’s okay, I’m sure you’ll get to fuck ROYALTY some day too.

This time, Pete was the one to send his girlfriend a chibi, animated avatar, a smugly grinning and winking one.

Gwen: …you’re going to pay for that, Stud.

Worth it.

The smug thought barely had a chance to percolate when Ororo let out a surprise squeal, her body jolting in pleasure.

‘I’m - oooooh - I’m - aaah!’

The poor woman nearly cried when he quickly pulled out, but her tears were misplaced. Dropping to his knees, Pete slipped his fingers inside her hooked down and started rubbing her g-spot directly while he buried his face in her meaty ass, his tongue poking out and teasing her rosebud.

Ooh you dirty, dirty - mmnh - b-boy! Aaah, yes, yes, Peter, right there - ooooh!’

He felt a surge of desire and pride swell up in his chest at making the regal, beautiful woman moan and cry for him like this. He wanted more though, he wanted Ororo to come undone.

He kept at it, applying increasing pressure and rubbing her g-spot while teasing his tongue into her rear door, getting her ready for round two while simultaneously bringing round one to a spectacular, mind-numbing finish.

Ororo’s moans were beyond masking at this point, her voice bouncing off the newly erected concrete walls like they were in a bathroom. He thought he spied some movement on a nearby rooftop, but he didn’t pay it any mind, he was focused entirely on this gorgeous woman’s pleasure.

When he finally slipped his tongue inside her rear end, Ororo finally came. Explosively.

Oooooooooooh y-yesssss!

Her body started to shake and spasm, and with another surprised squeal, she shot out a torrent of fluids from her nethers and completely drenched his face. He didn’t stop rubbing, and each of her body’s jerks was accompanied by a satisfying squirt that completely ruined his white shirt.

When her orgasm had subsided, she all-but collapsed against the railing and Pete stood, running his hand over her slick, sweaty back.

‘How was that…?’

Mmm,’ she moaned, almost purred. ‘Very, very worth the wait… It’s been so long…’

Pete chuckled and kissed her shoulder. ‘I’m glad you enjoyed it…’

Ororo sucked in an excited breath when he gently turned her over, her arms spread wide and holding herself up on the railing either side of her while her heavy breasts sagged deliciously on her chest. She was looking at him with impish delight and more than a hint of adoration, especially when she noted he’d silently slipped out of his clothes.

Biting her lip, she eyed his muscular physique appreciatively before her blue eyes trailed down to his painfully hard erection. ‘Is that for me, Mister Parker?’

Pete huffed out a laugh and gave himself a few, eager tugs. ‘Certainly.’

She shuddered when he collected more of her excreted juices directly from the source and slathered his manhood with them. When Ororo realised what he was doing, her eyes widened and she let out a nervous titter.

‘O-oh… oh my. I had assumed you were joking…’

‘Just relax,’ Pete soothed, smiling and bending down to capture her lips in a tender kiss. ‘I’ll be gentle. Some girls even prefer this.’

She smiled shyly, her eyes never leaving his now glistening shaft. ‘Some girls?’ she asked in amusement. ‘Like Gwen?’

‘Yes,’ he confirmed with a cheeky wink.

Gwen: This is the best porn I’ve ever fucking watched…

Snorting in amusement, Ororo’s eyebrows raised when she caught the sound. ‘Gwen’s still enjoying the show,’ Pete explained with a grin as he hooked his arms under her powerful legs and lifted. When Ororo felt his slick head gently pressing against her rosebud, her breathing became more ragged and her eyes widened. It looked as if her heart were trying to beat its way out of her chest.

‘Breathe,’ Pete coached softly, his voice soothing and calm. He took the lead, sucking in a big, lungful of air before letting it out slowly. Ororo had tensed, but the breathing exercise quickly had her relaxing, even as Pete was gently applying more and more pressure on her rosebud as he worked to slip through her tight sphincter.

He felt the moment her body relaxed, and Ororo’s mouth dropped open in surprise as he gently slipped inside her. She tensed again, and though Pete was through the initial ring of muscle, he stopped pushing, admiring the faint signs of muscle beneath her skin, and her breasts rapidly rising and falling with her breath.

‘It feels strange,’ she admitted breathlessly and Pete smiled in encouragement.

‘Good strange or bad strange?’

She huffed out a laugh, her eyes going to the point of their union and eyeing his thick, veiny member disappearing in her nethers. ‘I am not sure.’

‘We should probably run some more tests then,’ he teased, quietly, earning a breathless giggle from his lover. Feeling the moment her body relaxed once more, Pete gently continued easing himself into her.

This time, her reaction was different. She was biting her lip, and though she still watched what she could through the valley of her splayed breasts, she looked excited rather than nervous, her breaths coming in ragged pants.

Pete would always prefer regular, vaginal penetrative sex to anal, but there was just something so inherently satisfying about fucking a queen in the ass - someone as dignified and refined as Ororo - that he could feel himself getting extra excited.

When he bottomed out entirely, his groin pressed against her meaty ass and his cock fully enveloped in her warmth, Pete let out a relieved, pleased sigh. Ororo was panting as if she’d just finished a workout, and her canal was squeezing him as if she was instinctively trying to milk him with her ass.

If she keeps that up, she will.

‘How’s that?’ Pete asked gently, staring up into Ororo’s wide eyes. She didn’t look uncomfortable or uncertain anymore either, rather, she looked excited and giddy, as if she were doing something that she wasn’t supposed to.

Well…she’s cheating on her husband, I guess that makes sense.

‘D-definitely good strange,’ she admitted with an adorably girlish chuckle. Given Pete was doing a majority of the work holding up her body weight, she unhooked one of her arms from the railing and reached out to between her legs, quivering when she added clitoral stimulation to the feelings in her anus.

‘You good to keep going…?’

Biting her lip, she looked up into his eyes with a naughty smile and nodded. She was honestly so beautiful he could barely stand it. He let out a shuddering sigh when he slowly pulled out, and a victorious groan when he sank all the way back in. Ororo’s head lolled back and she groaned with him, her voice once more echoing off the nearby concrete.

Pete kept up his steady and deep thrusting, continuing to support her weight as Ororo moaned, groaned and gently toyed with her hyper-sensitive clit, and though the sensations as the erotic sight were enough to eventually bring him over the edge, the fact that the Queen of Wakanda was moaning and groaning with bliss, completely unconcerned if she were discovered and totally given over to pleasure, was honestly the second hottest thing about the experience.

Second to watching her gorgeous body tense and jiggle every time his pelvis crashed against hers, her heavy breasts swaying enticingly as they gyrated with the motions.

‘I’m gonna cum,’ Pete warned gruffly, his teeth clenched. Ororo stopped playing with herself and reached over to grab one of his wrists to get his attention. Looking down, her eyes were adorably wide and she was biting her lip naughtily. 

‘In me,’ she requested breathlessly. ‘Finish in me, Peter.’

Gwen: Holy shit that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.

Pete: No kidding…

Nodding shakily, Pete picked up the tempo of his thrusts and when his climax finally hit, he buried himself to the hilt and bent down, wrapping both arms around Ororo’s waist and capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She swallowed his animalistic moans and groans as his body jerked, unleashing jet after jet of ejaculate into her highness’ royal anus.

Ororo completely let go of the railing and wrapped both arms around his broad shoulders, squealing as she no doubt felt herself filled with warmth.

With a grunt at the slight exertion, Pete stood straight, pulling Ororo with him as they continued kissing. They moaned into each other’s mouths, their tongues duelling ferociously. Eventually though, they both felt it when he slipped out of her, and they quietly pulled apart.

They stared into each other’s eyes as they regained their breaths. Ororo’s, unrelated to her powers, were electric, her warm huffs of breath washing over him.

Then they both froze as they heard a barely audible plop.

Pete’s smile was wide and Ororo looked away in embarrassment as he chuckled.

‘Did you hear that?’ Pete asked, doing his best to control his laughter.

Ororo squeezed him tighter with both her arms and legs and slapped his chest, failing to hide her amusement too.

‘I seem to be leaking you troublesome boy.’

He couldn’t help it, he broke out into a fit of giggles and Ororo just rolled her eyes at his childishness, a fond smile gracing her features.

‘If you’re quite done, perhaps we could adjourn to the Jet so that I may clean myself?’

‘Of course, your highness,’ Pete acquiesced with a cheeky grin, turning and carrying her back into the invisible X-Jet. This time, when he turned, he definitely caught someone spying on them from a nearby rooftop. ‘And don’t worry about cleaning yourself, your highness, your lowly manservant will take care of that for you.’

Ororo sucked in a startled breath as the implication of his words settled in, and she buried her face in his neck in embarrassment.

‘I’m not sure what I like more,’ she mumbled, her voice muffled by his flesh. ‘The thought of what you just implied…or you referring to yourself as my manservant.’

Pete barked out a laugh and gently lowered the beautiful, older woman down on a nearby bench, dropping to his knees as he spread her powerful legs wide. He saw his seed leaking out of his rosebud and he stared up into her wide eyes, a wicked grin on his lips.

‘Ready for round two?’


They didn’t return home until early in the morning US time, but Ororo didn’t let him disembark without a long, passionate kiss and more effusive thanks and praise.

‘You thanked me plenty already, Ororo.’

She’d laughed and slapped his chest, then his ass as he turned to disembark outside his building. It was still early enough that the traffic outside Hudson Yards was relatively sparse, and it was a sign of the times that an invisible jet that disgorged a single passenger barely registered on the weird-shit-o-metre.

As he took the elevator up to his penthouse, Pete felt his excitement and trepidation mounting. He made a conscious effort to not seek his girlfriend out through his nanites or other surveillance tech.

She’d earned this one.

When the doors to his penthouse pinged open, he was greeted with complete and utter silence. Knowing better and still refusing to seek Gwen out, Pete silently adjourned to his bedroom, dropping his bag and jacket down by the bed with a tired sigh.

They’d barely hit the ground when he felt several soft impacts on his chest and he was unceremoniously yanked up towards the ceiling.

What he hadn’t noticed when he walked into his bedroom was the elaborate web Gwen had set up covering the entire upper portions of their bedroom. It looked like the entire ceiling and several feet below it were covered in her webs. He’d been tossed against one of those webs and Gwen immediately got to wrapping him up tighter than Ororo’s asshole.

He grinned at the thought, doubly so when he spied the feverish look on Gwen’s determined features. She was completely naked save for her turquoise ballerina slippers, her arms like a blur as she webbed him up.

When their eyes met, Pete was glad he’d cleared up three days in his schedule, especially when she materialised a thick dildo out of nanites and licked it like a crazed anime villain, her tongue unnaturally long and almost serpentine.

‘Wait, wait, wait, wait -’

Instead of answering, Gwen just raised an eyebrow expectantly and Pete grinned.

‘I just wanted to say… royal anal really is the bes-’

He didn’t even get to finish his cocky sentence before Gwen had webbed his mouth shut, her eyes narrowed dangerously. He could feel the jealousy roiling off her in waves, unhelped by his muffled, borderline hysterical laughter.

‘That wasn’t very nice,’ she hissed playfully and, with a thoughtful look towards the dildo in her hand, she grinned sultrily at him and sent more nanites into it. It grew in both girth and length and Pete groaned with desire and phantom pain. ‘Not only do I have to reclaim my man, apparently I need to teach him a lesson.’

Pete's laughter only increased and, with an annoyed huff, she webbed his eyes shut too.

‘How are your eyes grinning at me smugly?!’

Pet felt himself being manhandled, and despite being unable to see his beautiful girlfriend, he couldn’t help it as his body quivered with desire. Thoughts of his magical evening making love to a beautiful woman and cucking a rival mixing with the anticipation of what Gwen was about to put him through…

Worth it.


Ike Vann

Didn't expect Ororo to be the shy innocent type when Peter finally got to her. Still, I really enjoyed this chapter, both the lemon and seeing what Peter's done in africa.

Ike Vann

Will the Wakandans try to sabotage or destroy the villages to ruin Peters reputation?


It's funny you say this, I just think of her as normal amidst a cast of crazy nymphos

Olmstead (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 02:41:41 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.
2024-05-23 00:16:38 I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.

I have to say, this one is among my favorites. If I didn't know any better, the dynamic between these two almost approached the romantic? or perhaps another word, it certainly felt charged.


One sided, for sure. Ororo is neglected and frustrated not just sexually, but emotionally.


That's such a shame, hopefully she at least finds herself fulfilled in some way by Peter. Again, thank you for the wonderful chapter.


Would be really funny if someone filmed them and the media picks it up. Especially the Wakandans reaction.