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Chapter 18: Reviving Old Kinks, pt 2

Fandom: Harry Potter

Tags: Chastity, Femdom, Oral, SPH, Teasing, Denial, CFNM, Prostate Massage

Cast: Astoria Malfoy - Chloë Grace Moretz 

Harry pinched at his crotch uncomfortably as he finished his latest set of deadlifts at the gym. Working out while wearing a chastity cage had always been difficult for him - for some reason, when his blood started pumping, he’d frequently start to get hard.

Obviously, that wasn’t really ideal when one was locked up by their beautiful wife.

Daphne had adhered to his boundaries and stipulations for their new kinky play perfectly. Almost too perfectly. He shouldn’t have been surprised that a lawyer would twist the words of a contract to her benefit, especially when she’d done so to an almost cruel, deliberate and exacting precision.

He’d asked her to take a lover no more than once a month, no fewer than once in every six. There was no stipulation in their contract that she had to take a lover whenever he put on the cage, only if she did, he would be in one.

His devious, sexy, perfect wife had completely played him.

And I bloody love her for it.

It had been almost five months since his wife had first cuckolded him, but she’d locked him in his cage countless times since, each time without taking a lover.

She’d impishly explained to him - as if it were her kink instead of his - that there’d be no fun in it if he could expect to find a well-hung bull at home every time he was put in his cage. It’s the anticipation that would drive him wild, the not knowing when his wife would bring another man home that would bring him the ultimate pleasure.

That’s what I get for marrying such a brilliant woman.

Not that he was complaining. It was torturous, to an extent, but it was a delicious kind of torture. Whenever he had his cage on, he was like prey in the woods, the barest hint of a sniff of a hunter in the forest enough to send all his senses into overdrive.

Was his wife home two minutes later than expected? 

His face would heat up with excitement and arousal, his cock throbbing as it tried, and failed, to harden within its miniscule cage.


When Daphne would read a letter without letting him see its contents, a naughty smirk on her lip?

Delirium, his mind driving him crazy with the potential contents of what were likely simple court documents. 

After coming home from work and undressing out of her classy, perfectly cut, classy outfit, only to reveal her lace knickers in the pocket of her blazer instead of where they should be? 

Pure, unbridled ecstasy.

She’d mastered the teasing and denial aspect of cuckold play so quickly and expertly that Harry often felt like a puppet dancing on the palm of her hand, her devious smirk driving him mad with lust and making him fall in love with her all over again.

Then, when she inevitably unlocked him… the sex was indescribable. The tables would turn and he’d punish her for driving him so crazy. Harry had been immensely uncomfortable raising a hand against his wife in the beginning, but seeing her reaction, her cries of ecstasy as he pushed the boat out further and further, allowed him to grow in confidence in both himself and his wife’s ability to take some serious punishment.

He’d never had any complaints about their sex life, but experiencing what they had now had him wondering if he’d just been ignorant and setting the bar too low.

Unwilling to shower at the gym while still locked in his cage, Harry used magic to clean himself and apparated home with a silent pop.

He froze, his ears straining when, through the front door, he heard his wife’s cultured, high-class voice coming from the living room - she was talking to someone. It was faint, so he could barely make out the words, but when the talking turned to quiet laughter, it felt as if a jolt of electricity shot through his body, his cock straining against its confines.

His hands shaking, he left his gym bag at the door and kicked off his shoes before stumbling into the living room and freezing.

Daphne wasn’t alone, sure, but their guest wasn’t who he’d been expecting.

Or hoping.

Astoria Malfoy, his sister-in-law, was sitting in one of the two armchairs by their fireplace. She looked up at him and smiled in greeting, her beautiful, cherubic features catching him off-guard not because of how pretty she looked, but because he’d been expecting someone far less…feminine.

‘Hello Harry.’

She had the same posh accent as her older sister, except her voice always seemed ethereal to him, even a little airy. She reminded him of Luna in that way, a bit.

‘Astoria,’ he nodded in greeting, careful to keep his voice as neutral as possible as they exchanged pleasantries. Especially with his wife grinning deviously and sexily at him out of her sister’s line-of-sight. ‘How’ve you been?’

His wicked wife knew what he’d been thinking - hoping - when he heard her talking and laughing in the living room. She knew, and she relished in his disappointment.

It was all he could do to not visibly shudder as he felt his knees go weak.

‘Dear, do you mind putting on a pot of tea for us please?’

It was even harder to disguise his reaction to her demand. Sure, she’d asked it pleasantly enough, and Astoria wouldn’t know any different, but the look in his wife’s crystal blue eyes when she gave her order almost made him whimper. He was nervous and excited.

Being treated like a house elf while he was locked up was nothing new to them…but he wasn’t exactly dressed for the role. Judging by the look of amusement on his wife’s beautiful features though, and her widening smile, she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Nodding stiffly, he bent down to plant a kiss on his wife’s plump lips and made to leave, heading towards the kitchen. Predictably, she stopped him in his tracks with a clearing of her throat.

‘Harry, my love…’ he stopped dead in his tracks, his heart threatening to beat its way out of his chest, before turning, robotically with a forced smile. ‘You’ve forgotten your uniform.’

There it was, and as the words passed her lips, Harry felt an entire swarm of snitches fluttering about in his stomach.

Astoria was looking between the two of them with a bewildered expression. No doubt she could sense the odd undertones of their exchange, but she had no idea what was going on.

‘...here?’ he all but croaked out, and his wife’s smile widened, her eyes alight with delight. She shrugged, giving him a look that screamed ‘we have a safe word for a reason.’

He understood…and he didn’t use it.

With a final look at his beautiful, confused sister-in-law, he screwed his eyes shut and started to undress - starting with his upper half first.

…better to start with a good first impression.

Harry ignored Astoria’s shocked gasp as he exposed his naked, muscular torso before moving to his trousers, his hands trembling so much with excitement and arousal that he could barely manage it.

When his trousers and pants hit the floor, Astoria rewarded him with another gasp - this time for an entirely different reason. Almost hesitantly opening his eyes, he flushed when he saw Astoria gaping at his red, aching privates, the cage they were straining against not letting him expand beyond its two-inch length.

‘O-oh my…’

For some reason, her shock had him flushing like a virgin.

At least she didn’t reel back in disgust…

While Astoria continued to gape at him incredulously, his wife cleared her throat again, getting his attention.

‘Well?’ she asked with a devious grin and an arch of her eyebrows. ‘Go and prepare us some tea…cuck.’

Harry’s entire body shuddered in pleasure at her dominant, commanding tone. Harry didn’t even try to hide his degeneracy in front of Astoria any more. He’d been figuratively and literally stripped bare, what point was there in keeping up the facade?

‘Y-yes mistress,’ he breathed out reverently, gazing at his wife with all the love and adoration that was threatening to burst out of his chest. Daphne rewarded him with a beautiful smile and he had to reach for the nearby couch for support, lest his knees completely give out on him.

No need to make myself look like an even bigger tit.

In all his experience with this kind of play, he’d never been exposed like this. Not to someone who wasn’t intimately involved in the proceedings. Not to someone from his real life, someone who wasn’t living in the fantasy land that was his deranged, perverted psyche.

Obediently, he stumbled towards the kitchen to do as his mistress had bade him, his mind a whirl of lust and desire.

I love that woman so fucking much…


‘What in the bloody hell was that?’ Astoria hissed at her smug, smirking sister the moment Harry had disappeared into the kitchen.

She wanted to flog her when, instead of answering, her smirk only grew and she sank back deeper into her plush armchair, crossing one stocking-clad leg over the other.


Astoria had thought she’d grown out of her brat phase. She’d thought she’d matured and learned to control her vitriolic emotions.

How was she supposed to stay the composed, quintessential pureblood wife when confronted with that though?!

‘You asked how we keep our love life fresh and exciting,’ Daphne answered with a careless shrug, her hand reaching out and motioning to the kitchen. ‘There’s your answer. We indulge in our kinks - it lets us change things up as often as we like.’

Astoria just gaped at her sister in disbelief.

Had she ever truly known her? She’d had no idea she was such a deviant.

‘And this is yours?’ she asked incredulously. ‘Treating your husband like a common house elf? Humiliating him? What was that you called him? Cuck? And what was that thing on his…er, privates?’

Daphne’s smile grew progressively wider with each of Astoria’s questions, and it wasn’t until she’d snapped her mouth shut that she’d realised she let her excitement get the better of her. Inhaling deeply, she forced herself to calm before mirroring her sister’s pose, sinking back into the armchair and crossing one leg over the other.

Astoria flushed at her sister’s knowing smile.

‘First,’ Daphne began. ‘This is Harry’s kink, not mine, though I’ve come to quite enjoy it, personally.’ Her sister’s correction crumpled up her faux composure and tossed it out the window like a piece of errant garbage. She thought that might be the end of the surprises for that evening…she was spectacularly wrong. ‘Well, to be exact, Harry’s kink is watching me shag other men - that’s what cuck, or cuckold means. What you saw before is an evolution of that - as I said, we like to keep things fresh.’

Astoria gaped at her like a fish, her next question coming out in a whispered hiss. ‘You cheat on your husband?!’

‘Because Harry wants me to,’ she, again, corrected. ‘And we don’t consider it cheating. I do it with his blessing and permission. I’ve also only done it once, despite Harry wanting me to do so more often - I found that he really gets off on the anticipation of the act just as much as the act itself.’

As she continued to gape at the stranger wearing her sister’s face as a mask, Daphne explained the events that led them to here. Astoria’s expression softened when she learned about how Harry’s previous marriage had ended, then her face erupted in crimson when Daphne described her first time cuckolding her husband.

When she finished, Astoria was no better off than she had been before.

‘Close your mouth dear, it’s unseemly,’ Daphne reprimanded like their mother used to when they were children, her voice filled with amusement. Instinctually, Astoria’s mouth silently snapped closed and she swallowed thickly.

Harry finally rejoined them and Astoria heard him before she saw him, the tea pot and cups shaking on the silver tray as he trembled in fear.

No, not fear…excitement.

Astoria watched with fascination as her naked brother-in-law, his face pointed at the ground and as red as her own, put down the tray and poured them each a cup of tea with trembling hands. Astoria couldn’t believe this was the Harry Potter, the slayer of You-Know-Who and bane to dark wizards and witches the world over.

Swallowing thickly, she used her brother-in-law’s reaction to shamelessly ogle his naked body. He was a truly impressive physical specimen, his slim body covered in thick corded muscles that made her want to lick her suddenly dry lips. Then her eyes dropped to his groin and she became even more fascinated.

She didn’t know they could be that…small.

Is the device a…punishment, of sorts?

Daphne noticed her stare and grinned. ‘It’s called a chastity cage - we have curses that achieve similar results. It not only stops him from having penetrative sex, but it won’t even let him get an erection - the cage is bound to the ring behind his testes.’

Astoria, somehow more embarrassed than Harry was by all this, couldn’t smother her fascination even if she wanted to. ‘Doesn’t it…hurt?’

It looked like Harry was about to answer, but Daphne cut him off with a raise of her delicate eyebrow and he obediently stilled. Instead, he finished pouring their tea and stood there awkwardly, his caged member just…dangling there for them to ogle.

‘It can ache a little, especially when he’s aroused like he is now,’ Daphne continued to explain, snapping her fingers like he was a dog and pointing to the empty space between their armchairs. With a brilliant flush on his pale cheeks, Harry bowed his head obediently and scurried around the table to stand where his wife commanded him to. Astoria’s tea paused on its journey to her lips when Harry’s muscular body turned and he revealed his perfect bum to her.

So hard…

When he was in position, he stood between them like a soldier on guard duty, his arms folded behind his back and his caged member mere inches from their faces. Astoria was finally able to stop staring at it long enough to gaze up into his beautiful, emerald eyes. Harry was still trembling with excitement, his breath coming in heavy, ragged pants.

Looking back down at his privates, she started in surprise when she noticed a thin stream of his excitement drooling out of his tiny, caged member.

Any doubts Astoria had regarding whether this was actually Harry’s perverted kink, or that he was very much enjoying himself, were instantly dispelled at the sight of the glistening strand of precum.

‘If this is Harry’s kink, what exactly do you get out of this?’ Astoria asked dubiously, unable to take her eyes off Harry’s small penis - a fact, she noted, didn’t concern him overmuch. ‘Other than the obvious…’

She was genuinely surprised by how much she was interested in the answer, so much so that she even managed to pull her eyes away from her brother-in-law to gaze at her grinning sister who’d just taken a sip of her tea.

‘I like to think of it as our kink,’ Daphne corrected, sitting her saucer down on her thigh. ‘It was originally his thing, sure, but we both partake, and if we’re both not enjoying ourselves, what’s the point?’

Astoria wasn’t sure how she felt about this. ‘So you enjoyed taking another lover then?’

Her sister’s smile turned positively vulpine. ‘He was very gifted,’ she admitted impishly, reaching back with a free hand to fondle her husband’s balls. Harry trembled at the touch, screwing his eyes shut and whimpering softly, but his arms remained folded behind his back, his impressive chest puffed out. ‘Much more gifted than you, isn’t that right, my love?’

‘Y-yes, Mistress,’ Harry answered with a quavering voice as his wife continued to play with his testes.

‘Yes what dear?’

‘H-he was much bigger than me Mistress,’ Harry wheezed in what Astoria would have normally assumed to be a crushingly humiliating admission, were it not for Harry’s flushed cheeks and excited panting.

Is the humiliation…exciting him? Is this what his kink really means?

‘Good boy,’ Daphne praised, continuing to gently pat his scrotum before turning back to her sister. ‘And while that was a whole lot of fun, afterwards -’ This time, Daphne was the one who shuddered, her eyes fluttering closed as she clearly recalled a fond memory. ‘Harry was an absolute beast afterwards. Truly inspired. It was honestly the best sex I’ve ever had.’

Astoria frowned at her words and, unable to help herself, her gaze switched back to Harry’s…unimpressive privates dubiously.

Daphne chuckled, correctly interpreting the look. ‘Go on, ask your question. I think you’ve seen by now you won’t hurt his feelings…’

Astoria’s cheeks burned crimson but, screwing up her courage, she did as her sister bade.

There’s a lot of that going on right now…

‘He looks rather…small.’ She winced as the words left her mouth, but that was nothing compared to Harry’s reaction. Her brother-in-law groaned deep and low, his head lolling back as his body shuddered in bliss. ‘I mean no offence Harry but Daphne, are you perhaps…exaggerating?’

Her already flushed cheeks turned a shade darker at Harry’s almost orgasmic wail and Daphne reached up with a fond smile, pinching his caged member between her index finger and thumb. ‘Harry loves it when people make fun of his little penis, don’t you darling?’

‘Y-yes Mistress…’

Astoria couldn’t help it. Even with his thoroughly unimpressive privates shamelessly bared for all to see, the reverential tone he used to address his wife and his incredibly fit body were doing things to her, sinful things. She was feeling things no respectable pureblood wife should be feeling.

She adjusted herself in her seat, uncrossing and crossing her legs again. Daphne smiled at her in amusement but didn’t otherwise comment.

‘Don’t let the cage fool you, he may look tiny -’ She jiggled his cage for emphasis, the lock tinkling against the steel harness and ringing out in the otherwise silent room. ‘And compared to some of my past lovers, he is, but he knows how to use what he has very well, trust me.’ Daphne turned to look up at her husband with a loving smile, her fingers now grazing the inside of his powerful thigh. ‘Darling, would you give me a massage please? My feet are sore.’

‘Of course, Mistress.’

Astoria’s breath grew heavy, her chest burning with jealousy as her sister’s naked, hunky husband rounded their armchairs, sat on the coffee table facing Daphne and put one of her outstretched feet in his lap. 

Harry at first admired the stocking-clad leg, his fingers running up and down the silky material and her powerful calves, before setting her ankle on his knee. Cradling her delicate foot in his hand, he pressed both thumbs into the balls of her feet and Daphne instantly melted, groaning in bliss as she sank into her plush armchair.

Draco would never do that for me…

Indeed, her husband would bristle at the mere thought, saying such things were the province of servants or house elves.

Biting her lip, Astoria struggled to keep the naughty, intrusive thoughts from corrupting her. Her sister’s orgasmic groans were bad enough, but watching Harry’s beefy arm muscles bulge as he put real effort into pleasing Daphne was…quite fetching. 

Daphne sank deeper and deeper into her chair, and Astoria wondered if her sister had forgotten she was even there. Honestly, she wouldn’t even blame her. Finally, when Harry put her foot down and picked up the other, Daphne turned to her with a dreamy smile. ‘Harry gives the absolute best foot rubs,’ she purred then grinned impishly. ‘I’d offer his services to you, but I don’t think you’re ready for that yet.’

Astoria’s face flushed a brilliant crimson. Not so much at the scandalous suggestion, but at the insistence that she would, indeed, eventually succumb to temptation regardless of her wishes.

Hearing Daphne’s cries as Harry started working on her other foot, her flush only deepened, Daphne’s expression only growing more smug as she witnessed the turmoil on her face.

She has a reason to feel smug… I’d feel that way too if I had such a gorgeous manservant catering to my every whim…

Daphne luxuriated in the foot massage until she blinked and forcibly tried to regain her senses. ‘What were we talking about earlier?’ Her voice came out in a lazy, pleasure-filled drawl, her cloudy eyes clearing. ‘Oh, yes of course, if you have to ask whether you’ve ever had an orgasm, sweet sister, you’ve never had an orgasm.’

Daphne!’ Astoria screeched hysterically, her face once more burning crimson. Her sister only raised an amused eyebrow at her, before looking between her and Harry.

‘You’re going to act embarrassed? After you’ve seen Harry like this?’ She emphasised her question by using the foot Harry wasn’t massaging to gently prod at his low-hanging bollocks. Harry moaned at the contact, his eyes screwing shut and his body shuddering at the feeling of the silky material against his most-sensitive parts. Grinning at Harry’s response to her touch, Daphne turned back to her sister. ‘Stop acting like a child, you’re a woman-grown now. Act like it.’

This time her flush was for an entirely different reason. She wanted to argue, to get angry and lash out, but that would only be proving her sister right.

Besides, she’s right. I feel silly getting embarrassed when Harry is sitting there like that…

Still, she couldn’t quite contain her immature need to lash out after so much teasing. So she did, her target utterly undeserving.

‘Well, judging by your husband’s equipment, you’re hardly in a position to judge, sister. Draco is much larger.’

Rather than bristle at the thinly veiled insult, Harry shuddered once more as Daphne went back to prodding his bollocks with her dainty foot.

‘You hear that, cuck?’ Daphne cooed in delight, a sultry smile gracing her features. ‘Draco’s penis is bigger than yours -’

‘Much, much bigger,’ Astoria added, hoping to twist the knife even more. Boys all cared about such things, right?

She didn’t know why she was defending and talking up her neglectful husband given the reason she had visited today was to complain about him. She chalked it up to her sometimes ruinous, competitive nature - especially when it came to her older sister.

Astoria felt a twinge of guilt however when Harry didn’t even try to defend himself, instead sliding forward as his massage migrated to Daphne’s powerful calves and hamstrings. That guilt turned into a powerful spike of jealousy as she watched her smug sister melt into a puddle of goo right before her eyes.

‘How could I judge?’ Daphne purred facetiously, glancing over in her direction once more. ‘Based on your impeccable knowledge and worldly experience, Harry must be terrible in bed, yes? His penis is tiny, after all.’

Astoria swallowed thickly and licked at her suddenly dry lips. She’d meant to get a cheap shot at her brother-in-law, but no matter what she or Daphne said to degenerate him, he seemed to relish in it. He was like a Dementor, but instead of growing more powerful by feeding off negative emotions, Harry did so by dining on his own humiliation.

Either his confidence was truly unassailable…or he genuinely got sexual gratification at being humiliated?

She didn’t even consider that the truth may lie somewhere in the middle.

‘Does Draco ever touch you like this?’ 

Astoria pursed her lips at the no-so-innocent question. Daphne damn-well knew the answer already. Unable to help herself, her beautiful features twisted into a scowl and she glared at her smug sister.

Daphne hummed in amusement, clearly expecting her response. Then a wicked grin twisted her features and Astoria gasped in shock at what happened next.

‘Has he ever done this?’

At this point, Harry had Daphne's long leg over his shoulder as he worked on her thigh and hamstring. Her other foot slipped over his other shoulder and, hooking her ankles together behind Harry’s head, she pulled him down gently to the floor and even closer until his face disappeared up her skirt.

‘W-what are you -?’

Daphne didn’t bother answering, instead, addressing Harry directly. ‘Service me, cuck.’ 

This time, Daphne spat the strange word out with vitriol, as if she were calling him a mudblood. She saw Harry shuddering in pleasure at the ‘cruel’ treatment, but she also saw the fondness and love in her sister’s eyes.

‘Y-yes Mistress.’

This really is just a game to them… one they’re both enjoying…

Astoria couldn't even remember a time Draco looked at her the way Harry did her sister, or vice versa.

After Harry's muffled acquiescence, Daphne inhaled sharply, her fingers gripping the armrest of her seat like a vice and her back arching in bliss. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she groaned with pleasure as wet, sucking sounds came from between her legs.

‘Are you mad?!’ Astoria hissed, her face as red as the plush carpet. ‘You've made your point!’

‘No, I haven't,’ Daphne disagreed with a low groan, her voice slurring in pleasure as her hips bucked and her skirt started to ride up her hips, slowly revealing more. ‘You d-don't even understand what you're - nnh - what you're missing out on…you come h-here, sounding like a - ooh - like a virgin talking about p-penis size as if it's r-relevant…’

Astoria felt as if she'd just taken a big shot of fire whiskey. Everything felt too hot, her cheeks, her ears, the back of her neck…in between her legs. She swallowed thickly as she watched her sister writhe in pleasure, her skirt finally pooling around her waist and revealing not only Daphne's naked, bald and glistening womanhood, but Harry's tongue prodding at and licking around her clit, his large hands gently massaging the insides of her thighs. 

She'd read about such acts, obviously - what sexually frustrated wife wouldn't? - but she'd never experienced the apparent toe-curling pleasure her sister was currently experiencing. She'd thought this act existed strictly in the world of erotica and pornography - not for real people. 

Maybe Daphne was right, maybe she just was woefully ignorant.

Astoria was in two minds. Part of her wanted to stand and leave, partly in embarrassment and partly because if she stayed around these two maniacs any longer…she may do something she’d regret.

Or even worse… not regret. 

Unfortunately, a larger part of her - dominated and controlled by the growing warmth and tingling in her core - was terribly fascinated and curious. 

And though Harry's penis did look pathetically small…his body was remarkably fetching. She’d never admit it out loud, but she suspected a large part of her arousal stemmed from hungrily watching the muscles in her brother-in-law’s back and shoulders bulge and flex. 

He's so attractive…

It didn't hurt that whatever he was doing had Daphne moaning louder than she ever had during intercourse. Said moaning grew louder and more intense when Harry started to use his hands. 

Astoria watched, her hands subconsciously pressed against her core, as Harry's lips sealed themselves around Daphne's clit. His hand then started to hammer back and forth like a woodpecker, penetrating Daphne over and over with two hooked fingers.

Her sister was biting her lip to stifle the soft moans that were coming with increasing regularity, her hands threaded in her husband's hair. 

‘Does…does he have to use his mouth to make you orgasm?’

That would certainly make sense, given Astoria had never felt one’s pleasurable caress…

‘No,’ her sister refuted, letting out a louder moan after she'd forced her answer out. ‘I’d - nnh - I'd have Harry shag me to p-prove it, but he can't while caged…’

Astoria leaned over her armrest to get a better look. She was fascinated by what Harry was doing with his tongue, with how much attention and care he was paying to her sister’s pleasure button. Then there was his fingers - he’d started with a gentle thrusting, her sister’s womanhood making wet, squelching sounds each time, but his tempo had gradually increased.

There was nothing gentle about his thrusting now. The sounds Daphne’s vagina were making with every thrust were considerably wetter, with her excitement now even starting to splash all over Harry’s glistening hand. 

Daphne startled her out of her reverie by addressing her with a breathless voice.

‘You - you can touch him i-if you want,’ she panted. ‘I know you w-want - nnh - want to.’

She really did, and Astoria hated how the look on her face must have made that fact blatantly obvious.

Her eyes never leaving Harry’s glistening hand and her sister’s gushing core, she slowly stood and rounded the coffee table, taking a seat on the edge so she was directly behind her kneeling brother-in-law.

From this angle, she couldn’t even see his penis. His testes looked large, red and inflated, and though she could see the shiny, steel ring that surrounded them, they blocked his tiny member from view.

She frowned in sympathy. Daphne had said this didn’t hurt hun, and Harry certainly didn’t sound like he was in pain, but Astoria couldn’t help feeling the cage looked incredibly uncomfortable.

I want to see the cage up close…

Without thinking, Astoria gently cupped his balls - professionally, as if he were a pet or farm animal and she, its handler - and lifted them out of the way so she could get a better look at his cute, dangling, caged member. 

She did not expect Harry’s reaction.

Her brother-in-law froze completely, sucking in a shocked gasp before letting out a groan so deep and loud Astoria briefly thought she’d accidentally hurt him. She ripped her hand away as if she’d been burnt and turned to frown at her chuckling, red-faced sister in confusion.

‘He’s very sensitive, Stori. My cuck has been locked in his cage since Monday.’

The proclamation earned them another, softer groan before Harry went back to pleasuring his eager mistress.

Astoria, on the other hand, grimaced in disgust, taking out her wand and clasting a cleaning charm on her hand. ‘Eew, that sounds…unsanitary.’ 

Daphne’s head lolled back and she laughed breathlessly. Astoria didn’t think what she’d said was that funny, and wondered if she’d perhaps missed a joke. When Daphne finally stopped her cackling, she’d sunk further into her armchair, her breathing becoming more rapid and her moans more urgent.

‘There’s - hah, oh, oh, mmnh - t-there’s cleaning charms.’

Oh. She probably should have considered that. While what her sister and her husband did was…unusual, at no point did it come off as needlessly cruel.

Biting her lip, she gripped Harry’s testes again and pulled them up to get another view of his cute, dangling penis. Harry’s reaction was less visceral this time, but he still groaned and shuddered as her cool fingers touched his privates.

Astoria smiled wide at the sight that greeted her, Harry’s two-inch caged penis flailing around with his intense movements looked so adorably, ridiculously cute, especially when compared to his over-sized, inflamed testes. The sight was so absurd that she couldn’t help but giggle, especially when the lock on the cage caused it to jingle like a little bell.

Harry groaned again and Astoria looked over at Daphne in confusion. Her sister’s pale face was flushed crimson, her eyes glazed over and beads of sweat coated her forehead. Still, she smiled and answered her unasked question.

‘He likes it when you laugh at it.’

So weird!

Blushing, Astoria released Harry’s bollocks and instead put her hands a far more flattering feature of his. Harry’s bum was pure perfection - tight and muscular, it felt like a thin layer of soft skin over solid steel. Feeling positively naughty, she grinned like an imp and bit her lip as she groped his behind without repercussions.

No, if anything, when Astoria looked up at her sister, she looked pleased by her daring actions.

Her friends had told her - in hushed, conspiratorial whispers - about the times they’d done likewise when confronted with male strippers. She wondered if they felt like she did now, naughty and adventurous.

She’d compared Harry to her husband several times unfavourably that evening, the size differences between their penises…substantial. However, while she’d never call her husband fat…he was soft, maybe a tiny bit on the pudgy side with no visible definition anywhere on a body that had seen no physical exertion in years.

Harry was the complete opposite, his body shredded and his muscles deliciously bulging. Astoria had heard about art classes where the prospective artists would draw nude models to better understand the human body. Harry reminded her of what she imagined those models to look like, his body a work of art.

Biting her lip, she cupped his narrow waist before letting her hands slowly glide up his sides. They flared out, giving his torso a perfect V-shape. This time, Astoria groaned as she felt his rippling muscles writhing under his skin as he continued to pump his hand in and out of his wife.

Looking up, Astoria quickly shied away from her gaze when she noticed Daphne watching her with a knowing smirk on her lips, a smirk that was quickly replaced with an open-mouthed silent scream, her entire body convulsing.

Astoria gaped in shock and then her sister was no longer silent. With a surprised squeal, her body jerked again, and again and again as a torrent of juices shot out of her squelching womanhood and coated her eager husband. Harry didn’t pull away or even stop his ministrations, if his thrusting fingers before had sounded wet, they now sounded like he was fingering a bowl of jelly.

Daphne’s moans sounded positively euphoric, her eyes screwed shut and her hands gripping her husband’s black hair in a death grip as she writhed against his lips.

Is this an…orgasm? I’ve NEVER reacted like that…

While Harry’s ministrations never died down, her sister’s moans eventually did. She still shook, her body twitching and writhing in pleasure, but aside from some heavy breathing, it looked as if her sister had returned to herself.

‘He’ll keep going until I tell him to stop,’ she slurred, pride and a smug satisfaction clear in her tone. ‘They’ll only get better from here…’

They?’ she whispered in shock, understanding what her sister meant but not believing it.

You can have multiple orgasms?!

Astoria had never reacted like that when making love to her husband, even with his massive penis and boastful skills in the bedroom. If anything, Astoria often felt pain, not pleasure.

It was quickly apparent to her that something was very wrong in the bedroom at Malfoy Manor.

‘Want to see something funny?’

She was drawn out of her doom spiral by her sister’s amused voice. Astoria perked up and cautiously nodded - knowing her sister like she did, she didn’t put it past her for her idea of funny to be…decidedly not so.

‘Put your finger in your - nnh -  in your mouth, make sure it’s r-really wet.’

Astoria stared at her sister as if she’d grown a second head. Had her orgasm cooked her brain? At her insisted nod however, Astoria sighed and did as she was told, ready for the inevitable, unfunny prank.

Instead, Daphne leaned forward over Harry’s back and cupped her husband’s bum cheeks, spreading them wide and exposing his anus. Astoria grimaced in disgust when her sister dribbled a line of spittle into Harry’s crack and used her finger to guide it in and around his hole.

‘Put your finger in here,’ Daphne urged and Astoria’s grimace turned to outright revulsion.

‘What?’ she gaped, reacting as if she’d been slapped. ‘No! That’s disgusting!’

‘Just do it,’ her sister urged, her tone thick with impatience and annoyance. ‘Like this.’ She demonstrated by holding out a finger that curled down slightly and thrusting it back and forth. ‘It’ll feel really tight at first, but once you slip past his sphincter, you’ll glide right in.’

‘I’m not putting my finger in his bum!’

Daphne growled in frustration, her body still twitching and convulsing with pleasure from her husband’s ministrations. She blindly reached for her wand resting on the nearby lamp table and Astoria flinched, briefly wondering if her sister would force the issue. Seeing her look of fear, Daphne glared at her reproachfully before aiming the wand at her husband’s anus and casting a silent spell. The tip of the wand lit up and Harry jerked in surprise, but otherwise, there was no visible reaction.

Then Astoria caught a citrusy whiff coming from Harry’s rear end and her eyes widened in surprise.

‘There, he’s now extra clean, now do it.’

Blushing furiously, Astoria wilted under her sister’s annoyed glare and finally relented. She’d always been weak to peer pressure, especially if the peer in question was her sister.

Having said that, the only reason she even entertained this ridiculous request instead of standing and storming out was her damned curiosity. She’d learned a lot that evening, more than she’d ever thought possible, and Daphne wasn’t one to steer her wrong. Generally.

Grimacing, she pointed her index finger at Harry’s bum and did as her sister commanded, wincing as her nail came into contact with the spongy flesh. Just as Daphne said, Harry’s anus initially felt unyielding, but yield it eventually did, her finger sliding in surprisingly easily to the first knuckle.

Harry barely responded to this violation and Astoria had a sneaking suspicion that he was no stranger to this kind of…penetration.

Astoria couldn’t believe it, she’d built up Harry Potter as some kind of sage or godly wizard in her mind. A colossus that her sister had somehow bewitched and ensnared with her feminine wiles, a match she’d always been a little envious of.

Everything she’d seen that night had shattered the perfect, heroic image she had in her mind. Harry Potter was just a man… a perverted, dirty man with a small penis.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing,’ she whined, grimacing as she gently sank her finger deeper. It was warm in there, and she advanced as if she would encounter a smelly turd at any second.

‘Make sure you keep a downward pressure,’ Daphne coached in a soothing tone, her voice still a little shaky from pleasure but somehow still poised and dignified. ‘You’ll know when to stop.’

‘How -?’ The words had barely left her lips when Harry jerked violently and groaned deeply, wantonly, her finger having barely passed the second knuckle. Astoria jerked her hand back out as if she’d been burnt and gaped at her sister in wide-eyed shock. ‘What -?!’

Daphne smiled knowingly and, reaching over, gently grabbed her wrist and pulled it back towards Harry’s bum. ‘It’s called a prostate massage - women aren’t the only ones who can be fingered. Keep applying varying amounts of pressure on the spot, press it like a button, and watch what happens.’ 

Her disgust long forgotten, Astoria let her curiosity and fascination take over, slipping her finger back inside and mirroring what she’d done earlier to provoke Harry’s violent reaction. This time, she paid more attention to what she was feeling, pressing more firmly down as she inched her way forward.

Eventually, she felt…something, a spongy mass somewhere inside. Harry certainly felt it too, because the second she came into contact with it again, he jerked and groaned in ecstasy into her sister’s womanhood.

‘That’s it,’ Daphne encouraged with a moan and excited grin. Apparently Harry’s pleasure had inspired him to redouble his efforts and it was having a noticeable effect on Daphne. Astoria didn't pay them much mind, even when Daphne reached over and started to rub Harry’s testes and tug at his tiny, caged penis with her index finger and thumb. She was like a child with a new toy, poking and prodding it and watching with fascination as Harry writhed beneath her.

I’m doing this to him… I’m making him moan… just by using the tip of my finger?

Her mind teased her with fantasies of doing likewise to her husband, of having him writhing and gasping in pleasure beneath her. That dream quickly slipped through her fingers like grains of sand though as reality quickly dispelled such notions.

If Astoria ever tried sticking her finger in her husband’s bum… she genuinely feared his reaction.

Harry’s moaning grew in intensity along with Daphne’s, his gasps and sighs making her feel… a certain way. Biting her lip, she not only increased the downward pressure, but she started to vary it up, pressing down along to the beat of her favourite song.

Her reward for this task… well, Astoria wouldn’t exactly call it funny, but she understood why her sister had. Harry gasped louder than he had before, his back arching before he buried his face in his wife’s lap and whimpered. Daphne chuckled and looked over at her, her smirk devious.

‘Grab his dick, Stori, milk him.’

She didn’t even question whether she should be touching another man’s penis, she was too curious. Brushing his testes aside with her free hand, she did as her sister commanded and pinched the small cage while continuing to apply pressure on Harry’s prostate.

With a final shudder and a groan that resonated in her core, Harry jerked and Astoria squealed as semen started to shoot out of his cage and splatter on the floor. With each jerk of Harry’s muscular body, another jet of semen would fire out to join the first. Astoria watched with fascination as a truly ridiculous, almost comical amount of semen shot out of her brother-in-law’s tiny penis until a decent puddle pooled on the carpet beneath them.

Astoria looked up at her grinning sister with stunned disbelief.

‘Isn’t he adorable?’ she teased, rubbing his back and petting his shrunken testes as if he were a prized hound. ‘You’re free to come and milk him whenever you like, sweet sister.’

Her face so red she was starting to feel faint, Astoria left shortly after without even a backwards glance at Daphne and her…cuckold.

She had… a lot to think about.


Later, after eating her to several more toe-curling, gushing orgasms, Harry collapsed onto the armchair beside her looking as spent as she felt, his handsome face covered in her juices.

She silently reached for him and they wordlessly clasped hands, basking in the companionable silence until Daphne couldn't take it anymore.

‘I'm sorry,’ she whispered tiredly, standing from her armchair on unsteady legs and collapsing into her husband's lap with a groan.

Harry didn't reply, her brilliant husband just wrapping his arms around her waist and waiting patiently for her to get whatever she wanted to say off her chest. 

‘I should have asked you first. That was very much a spur of the moment thing. Astoria was confiding in me that she'd never had an orgasm before, then all of a sudden, there you are…’ she smiled down at him and softly pressed her lips against his. ‘Beautiful and horny… I felt inspired.’

He snorted and squeezed her tighter. ‘I could tell.’

She whined and buried her face in the crook of his neck, her following words muffled. ‘I think my perverted husband has corrupted me…’

His eyebrows rose. ‘And what's that supposed to mean?’

Daphne grinned impishly and readjusted herself in his lap as she had access to his cage. Pulling the key from the chain around her neck, she bent down and unlocked him. Harry sighed with relief when she slipped the cage off him, then shuddered when she palmed his rapidly hardening shaft. 

‘We'll talk about it later. Now…’ she purred, slipping to the carpeted floor between his legs. ‘I just want to spend the rest of the evening spoiling my incredible husband.’

Harry groaned then hissed when she slipped his hard cock into her mouth and took him to the hilt. He pulled her hair out of its professional bun and threaded his fingers in her blonde tresses, massaging her scalp as she tried to reward him. 

I love him so much…

Even when she was deep-throating his steel-hard cock, his first priority was to give her pleasure. 

She moaned with her mouth and throat filled with her husband's member, the vibrations earning her a groan that originated from deep within Harry's chest. 

Astoria could only wish she was so lucky. If she behaves herself…I might even give her a taste.

It was just an errant thought, a passing fleet of fancy, but Daphne hadn't expected the powerful twinge in her core that had accompanied it. 

Looking up at her husband through heavily lidded eyes, she made sure her love for him was crystal clear. She didn't want a relationship like her sister's, where such things were taken for granted.

If either of them even feel that way about each other anymore…

She pulled off her husband's cock with a gasp, a line of spittle connecting his crown and her plump lips. She kissed his tip then ran the tip of her tongue along the thick vein that snaked along his length.

‘Did you organise your time off?’

Harry nodded lethargically as he watched her continue to play with his shaft. Their anniversary was fast approaching and they'd decided to spend a week in paradise to celebrate. ‘Robards was pissed.’

Daphne snorted dismissively, angry on her husband's behalf. ‘Useless cunt is probably annoyed he'll actually have to do his job for once, instead of foisting everything off on you.’

She knew Harry loved it when she got angry on his behalf, and when she got angry, she had quite the potty mouth. 

‘Regardless, we're free to enjoy our week in paradise.’

‘Excellent,’ she purred, licking the entire length of her husband's shaft before earning another euphoric groan when she swallowed him to the hilt once more. 

She had big plans for their trip.

Harry had been incredibly patient with her, and she'd been looking forward to this trip to reward him with what he so desperately wanted from her. 

Harry shuddered with excitement and anticipation when he saw the look of pure sex in his wife’s smokey eyes.

I promise, my love, it'll be a trip to remember…



I love the dynamic between Harry and Daphne. Its so filthy and perverted yet also loving and wholesome. You strike a perfect balance. I can't wait to see where this goes.