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Chapter 17: Her Dirty Little Perv

Fandom: Bleach

Tags: Voyeurism, Jealousy, Cam Girl, Exhibitionism, Sex on Stream, Cum Eating, Happy Ending

Kurosaki Ichigo returned to his apartment after a long day of classes with an exhausted yawn.

An entire chapter of his life was swiftly coming to an end, six years of medical schooling at Todai Ika, six years of a pretty depressing, solitary existence.

Well, with one exception…

The recent years would have been infinitely more tolerable had his girlfriend, Orihime, not broken up with him after being accepted to Tsuji Chiori, the culinary school on the other side of the country. Last he heard from his sisters, she’d returned to Karakura and opened up a pretty popular patisserie and had even asked after him.

Usually a willing victim of his little sisters’ scheming and machinations, he’d quickly put them in their place and told them in no uncertain terms to stay out of his love life when they’d tried to play…re-matchmaker.

Orihime had bailed on him the second adversity had reared its ugly head in their relationship, he had no interest in testing the waters again right when he was about to enter another six years of his training, his residency likely to be even more gruelling than his schooling had been.

After that brief, if depressing trip down memory lane, he had just enough time to put down his bag and hang up his coat before his roommate rounded the corner, an amused smirk playing on her lips and her golden eyes twinkling mischievously. She was twirling a familiar keychain around a slender finger, her long, purple hair done up in a sporty pony-tail and an… uncomfortable amount of her milk-chocolate skin on display in her tiny, lycra workout outfit.

At least, it would have been an uncomfortable amount when he’d first met her, but the beautiful woman, his ever-present teacher in all-things combat, had been a part of his life for far too long. He’d say he’d gained an immunity to her charms, but that would be a bold-faced lie. Instead, it’d be more accurate to say he’d gained the ability to stare at her without his brain drooling out of his ears or his face threatening to explode in heat.

When his eyes lingered on her perfect body a little too long, her coy smile only widened and she cocked one enticingly wide hip at him.

‘Not tonight,’ he groaned, his palm raising to rub at his face in an effort to hide his rosy cheeks. Even if he had somewhat acclimated to Yoruichi’s charms, she could still embarrass him with a simple, mischievous grin. ‘I’m exhausted.’

‘That’s what you said the last two times you blew me off,’ she dismissed him carelessly, stalking towards him like a panther. ‘I’ll always applaud your diligence when it comes to your school work, but I refuse to let your skills atrophy - it’s time to train.’

With another exhausted sigh, Ichigo nevertheless nodded and scurried off to his room to get changed into something more comfortable…and durable.

Todai wasn’t so far from his dad’s home that he’d needed to move into his own place, but with his sisters growing older and wanting their own spaces, and the tedious, hour-long commute that would have been necessary to get from one side of Tokyo to the other every day, he’d made the decision - despite his kid sisters’ tears.

As annoying as his overbearing old man could often be, he’d supported his son one-hundred percent, taking care of his schooling and living expenses so he could instead focus on his studies, and not needing to work to pay for them.

Ichigo secretly suspected Isshin was glad to be rid of him, mostly so that he could supplant his son as his daughters’ favourite.

Ichigo grinned.

Well that plan backfired spectacularly.

His not so little sisters hung onto his arms like locusts every time he visited, peppering him with questions and complaining that he didn’t visit them more, even the aloof Karin. Ishin would often cry to his deceased wife’s portrait in the corner as the girls lavished the attention he so desperately craved on their big brother instead of him.

While his expenses had been mostly taken care of by his father, that wasn’t just for the benefit of his studies, his old man had made sure his combat skills wouldn’t atrophy either with the help of his old friends, Urahara and Yoruichi.

Urahara, the enigmatic mad scientist, had gone so far as to build another underground training room near his new school while Yoruichi had moved in with him as a live-in sparring partner. While their bouts had grown less frequent as the years passed, with school eating up more and more of his time, she never let up on the intensity. Their sparring sessions these days were as intense as some of the toughest battles he’d ever fought.

The new training room was located in the basement of the Urahara Cafe. While Ichigo had been stunned the man had opened up an entirely new business just so they could have a conveniently placed training ground, by all accounts, the cafe was immensely popular amongst the student population. And successful.

With Ichigo ready, both he and Yoruichi climbed out the window and flashed towards the cafe at speeds mortals couldn’t ever comprehend - which was nice, because Ichigo didn’t want to deal with the local gossip mongers spotting the beautiful and barely clothed Yoruichi leaving Loner Ichigo’s apartment.

The fact that they hadn’t already he could only assume was a miracle.

Descending into the training ground below the cafe, they stood ten metres apart from one another and stretched, limbering up their bodies for the fight to come. Now that he’d pushed past his exhaustion, adrenaline was pumping through his veins. He was amped to spar with his teacher, foregoing calling his blade and instead wanting to focus on his speed, reflexes and hand-to-hand combat.

He silently watched Yoruichi stretching, the skimpy workout outfit doing very little to hide her…generous curves or athletic, shredded body. Some of the poses felt deliberately provocative, and when he caught flashes of amused, amber eyes, he knew she was screwing with him.

‘I don’t even know why you bother anymore,’ he drawled, his head flicking towards her. ‘How much money do you waste on those workout outfits anyway?’

He’d put air quotations around the word outfit and Yoruichi flashed him her pearly whites.

‘I bother because you’re still a child and freak out every time you see my tits.’

He blushed at being so accurately and viciously called out.

‘Or maybe you could actually, you know, control your spiritual energy better so it stops shredding your clothes when you use Shunko?’

Her teasing smirk vanished and she gave him the stink-eye.

‘You’re the last person that gets to lecture me on control, Ichigo.’ Her deadpan delivery had him smirking this time, knowing he’d finally gotten under her skin.

Yoruichi’s control, or lack thereof, when she used her Raijin Senkei form had always been a sore subject, especially for someone who prided herself on it. Over the last half decade of training, she’d worked hard to curb her feral instincts when she assumed the form though, rather than the energy itself.

Which was fair enough, if he were being honest with himself. He knew from personal experience how much it sucked to lose control of one’s mental faculties when pulling out one’s trump cards.

He very much doubted the exhibitionist gave a single shit if people saw her naked body, after all. She wasn’t lying when she said the clothes were for his benefit alone.

Before he could reply, Yoruichi gritted her teeth and grunted as lightning-aspected spiritual energy exploded from her body. Ichigo had a brief glimpse of delicious, dark nipples before they were covered by a thin stream of spiritual energy, ditto her privates. She then crouched low, her arms and legs completely covered in the energy and ending in wickedly sharp claws while ears and a tail of the very same energy sprouted from her head and rear.

As…hot as Yoruichi looked when she assumed her ultimate form, Ichigo knew from personal experience that it wasn’t for show. Her speed and power, already frighteningly immense, increased to levels that matched his own while each strike would send paralysing blasts of lightning-aspected energy pulsing through his system.

Ichigo breathed in heavily through his nostrils as Yoruichi didn’t immediately launch herself at him, but instead continued to stretch. Though she’d improved over the years and had far better control of her mental faculties in this bestial form, her movements were still remarkably feline in nature. Standing in profile to him, she executed a stretch that every cat-owner the world over would instantly recognise, her legs and arms ramrod straight and her torso virtually perpendicular to the ground, she purred as bones creaked and lightning crackled and Ichigo swallowed thickly, his eyes zeroing in on her heavy, freely dangling breasts and powerful thighs.

It took him an uncomfortable moment to realise Yoruichi was watching him stare at her, a wicked smile on her lips. He blushed under her scrutiny, reluctantly looking away.

She’s going to be the death of me… but what a way to go…

Yeah, so he might have a bit of a crush on his sensei. Not that he’d ever make a move, he didn’t think he could handle hearing her mocking laughter if someone so much younger than her tried.

‘You want a minute to take care of that, boyo?’ she teased, her head flicking towards his groin as she stood, her hands on her hips and her lips curled in a wicked, fang-toothed grin.

Instead of answering, Ichigo drowned out his embarrassment by calling upon his own dense, monstrous spiritual energy, relishing in the brief widening of his sensei’s eyes before he was instantly upon her, fists and claws flying.

Later, returning to his apartment in the early hours of the morning, Yoruichi, dressed only in his jacket, hung it up on the nearby coat rack, heedless of her nakedness.

Or the effect it had on him.

Ichigo stood stock-still, his eyes wide as he first marvelled at her heavy, swaying tits before his focus shifted to her powerful, muscular behind as she walked away from him.

Before she could disappear around the corner and into her room, she turned back to him with an amused, laid-back grin. ‘Great spar, Ichigo.’

Her whispered, honeyed words lingered in the air long after she was gone, his mind in turmoil after the glimpse of perfection he’d been gifted.

Now matter how many times Yoruichi would flaunt her nakedness at him, he didn’t think he’d ever get used to it. She was the most beautiful woman most people ever laid eyes on, and she damn well knew it, delighting in teasing others - especially him - with tantalising glimpses, if only just to see their ridiculous reactions.

After a quick shower, Ichigo lay in bed and stared aimlessly at the ceiling, his mind unable to let go of the image of Yoruichi’s perfect, naked form.

Slowly, he turned to the box of tissues on his bedside table and cursed, freeing his raging erection from his boxers and taking it in hand.

She knows damn well what she’s doing…


Another gruelling week of classes later, Ichigo came home to an unexpected - possibly unpleasant - surprise.

Home earlier than normal, he began organising dinner. Knocking on Yoruichi’s door, he stepped inside when she beckoned him in and stopped dead in his tracks.

In the years she’d been rooming with him, Yoruichi had made her bedroom her own. Often finding herself with free time during the day while he was away with classes, she’d gotten into gaming. Ichigo had found her wonder at the new medium adorable, though a little jealousy had wormed its way past his defences when she’d dropped huge amounts of money on a beefy PC and all the latest consoles.

She was sitting in front of said beefy PC right then, almost naked save for some risque lingerie.

Seeing her in such a state of undress was practically modest for her given that she usually lounged around her room naked. What had caused him to gape in shock however was the recording DSLR camera, the mic and the ring light over the PC.

‘What…what the fuck?’

He’d texted her, asking what she wanted for dinner before entering her room, so she answered as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

‘Dumplings sound good, Ichigo.’

Dumplings… Yoruichi, are you streaming?’

She shrugged nonchalantly, looking over at him with a deadpan stare. ‘I had nothing I wanted to play right now, so I figured I’d pick up another hobby.’ She incorrectly interpreted his agitation. ‘Don’t worry, the mic’s muted.’

‘...Hobby?’ he asked in disbelief, his eyes wide.

‘Ayup,’ she confirmed, leaning back in her chair and palming a heavy breast over the sexy bra. ‘Camgirl - you can’t honestly say you’re surprised. Ichigo…it’s like you don’t even know me.’

His face flushed crimson and he pointed at the PC. ‘Are you streaming right now?!’

Grinning, her gaze flicked to her second monitor before turning back to him. ‘Sure am, I’ve got a thousand viewers too. Honestly, this kinda feels like cheating, it’s like I’m printing money here…’

Turning back to her chat, she grinned when she read a donation message. ‘Tsk, naughty boys.’ Ichigo almost swallowed his tongue when the hand groping her tit slipped underneath her bra to fondle it directly while her other hand disappeared between her legs. She moaned, as she touched herself right in front of him.

Her gaze flicked back to him and, seeing he was about to freak out, she rolled her eyes. ‘Oh grow up Ichigo, it’s just sex, and what I do in the privacy of my own room is none of your business. Dumplings will be fine.’

Swallowing and recognising a dismissal when he heard it, he quietly shut the door and left Yoruichi to her new hobby, his guts churning with jealous angst and his mind in turmoil.

Their meal came promptly, and Ichigo left his roommates’ by her door. The food tasted like ash in his mouth, all he could focus on was Yoruichi's voice trailing through the thin walls; laughter as she interacted with her chat, and quiet moans as she performed for them.

Why am I acting like this? The hell is wrong with me?

Though he spoke the words in his own mind, he secretly knew the answer. After years spent living together, and even longer as mentor and student, Ichigo had grown fond of his sensei.

And isn't that the understatement of the century…

Even calling it a crush seemed insignificant. It was more than that, and he'd been taking her presence for granted. She'd been such a permanent fixture in his life, he'd never considered she'd just…move on.

He'd also never considered their relationship could be more than student and teacher, or friends. Sure, he might have secretly wanted more, but she was more than a century older than him. He may as well have been a child in her eyes, no better than her annoying siscon brother.

Tired of his self imposed pity party and unable to help himself, Ichigo grabbed his laptop and opened the internet browser. It took him a good ten minutes searching the most popular cam girl sights and sorting by most watched - because there was no chance any woman on these websites could match his roommate for sheer sex appeal - before he found her.

He created an account and opened Yoruichi's stream, his breath catching in his throat when her beautiful, nearly naked form filled his screen. She was biting her bottom lip sexily, her golden eyes flitting between the camera and her second monitor while her hand disappeared into the front of her panties, the movement beneath the fabric leaving little doubt in his mind what her fingers were doing.

Yoruichi was breathtakingly beautiful, something her chat took great pains to continuously remind her about with compliments and donations. Ichigo had met countless beauties in his twenty-five years of life but, in his opinion, none could hold a candle to the chocolate-skinned goddess of flash.

The fact that Yoruichi knew this too and took great pleasure in flaunting it only made her sexier in his eyes, even if he’d never admitted it out loud.

Ichigo had tried to resist, but couldn't help staring whenever she shoved those big, perfect tits in his face - and he paid for each innocent ogling with merciless teasing.

Now though, with a wall and the internet between them, Ichigo could stare to his heart's content.

When one bold chatter donated seventy five thousand yen in the hopes that Yoruichi would flash them her naked breasts, Ichigo almost gave himself away by barking out an incredulous laugh.

One didn't need to pay Yoruichi to get naked…

With a sly smile, the chocolate-skinned beauty flipped the cups of her bra down and exposed a very familiar pair of tits capped with dark, rock-hard nipples with a sultry chuckle.

A pair of tits that had graced and haunted his dreams for almost a decade.

She groped and squeezed her heavy tits for the viewers before, to his utter amazement, she flipped her cups back up and covered up once more with a sultry chuckle. 

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised. The only thing Yoruichi loves more than showing off her body is teasing people with it.

‘Did you get your money's worth, Shingoku-san?’

Her smile widened and she bit her lip as chat exploded with activity and donations.

As Yoruichi reached for the cups of her bra once more, Ichigo eyed his tissue box and cursed.

He ignored the queasy feeling in his gut and relished in the opportunity for consequence-free ogling.

I'm such a fucking coward… I'd rather sit here and jack off to her in private than go over there and confess…

He'd never felt more pathetic in his entire life.

That didn't stop him from jacking off like a horny monkey though.


Over the next few weeks, watching Yoruichi's streams in secret had become his favourite pastime.

His days looked like this; He'd go to school, do his homework and research in the library, come home and, after a quick dinner and if they weren't scheduled to spar, he'd lock himself in his bedroom and switch on his roommate's stream.

They never spoke about it again, her new job a constant elephant in the room. That being said, she'd thrown herself into her new streaming career and was noticeably having a lot of fun with it.

Her streams had also grown a lot and become a lot more…risque too.

She'd bought a binaural mic and tried some ASMR streams, outfits to do some erotic roleplay and even a whole host of sex toys she gleefully used in front of her viewers.

His dick still hadn't recovered after her first masturbation session, his eyes glued to the huge toy siding in and out of her naked, glistening womanhood, the hand of her other hand playing with her exposed clit.

He was going through tissue boxes at an alarming rate…

Finally, on a night they were scheduled to spar, the situation escalated beyond his wildest dreams.

Or nightmares, as it turned out.

When he knocked on her bedroom door, his eyebrows rose in surprise when her eyes widened and she cursed, genuine remorse on her features.

He only barely noticed the emotion, his attention far more focused on the sexy, purple, lace teddy she was wearing and the shadow of her dark nipples clearly visible through the sheer fabric.

‘Shit, sorry Ichigo, I forgot about our training. I've got a date tonight, let's reschedule and go tomorrow, yeah?’

She hurried back into her room and slammed the door in his face after Ichigo nodded in understanding.

He didn't know how long he just stood there like an idiot, the world spinning around him in a nauseating cascade. He hadn't expected the news to hurt as much as it did, but Yoruichi would have done less damage if she'd just punched him in the gut with her full strength.

What did you think, you idiot? That she'd wait around forever?

He needed to get out of his apartment and, after quickly getting changed and catching the train, he was at a bar, drinking. Alone.

The bar was classy and upscale, the ambiance soothing and the music soft. Not even its relaxing atmosphere, the clinking of ice in glasses and the gentle hum of whispered conversation could still the torrent of emotions waging wars in his heart.

They could have been blaring heavy metal music and Ichigo still wouldn't have noticed.

As he sipped at his second glass of whiskey, he sorted through his tumultuous thoughts.

His reaction to hearing Yoruichi had a date had been… extreme. It didn't help that she was dressed the way she was, letting him know the true nature of said date.

This is ridiculous. We've been living together for years, did I seriously expect her to have been celibate this entire time…?

Still, it was one thing to know or suspect something, it was quite another to have it shoved in his face.

The ache in his heart was a very real concern though. Ichigo had to admit to himself that his intentions towards his gorgeous roommate far eclipsed those of a silly, childhood crush. He had…feelings for Yoruichi, powerful ones.

That only made the queasiness in his gut intensify as he imagined what she was up to in that very moment.

Then he winced as he imagined her look of sympathy if he ever poured out his heart to her, their years of friendship the only thing stopping her instinctual mocking laughter as a child confessed to her.

Oh God… how many hopeless idiots has she had to turn down in the past… I’d just be another statistic…

Unable to help himself, he reached into his pocket for his phone and subconsciously opened up Yoruichi's stream. It had become muscle memory at this point, and he hadn't even realised he'd done it until he heard her teasing voice over his phone's shitty speakers.

Several of the patrons snapped their heads in his direction in irritation as his phone disturbed the peace. He fumbled for his Bluetooth buds and stuffed them in his ears to silence the speakers…and immediately regretted it.

‘Oh-ho, Zack wasn't lying, he's a very big boy.’

Ichigo couldn't look away from his phone’s screen even if he wanted to. Sitting at the foot of her bed and facing the camera by her PC, Yoruichi was joined by a white guy he vaguely recognised as an international student at Toudai. Still dressed in her sexy teddy, they sat hip to hip, but the man was leaning back and supporting himself on his hands with his belt and jeans unbuckled. 

Yoruichi was nuzzling his neck, planting kisses along his jaw while her hand disappeared into his jeans, the writhing fabric leaving little doubt what she was doing.

The stranger groaned in pleasure and Yoruichi chuckled throatily. Ichigo felt like he was going to be sick but, paradoxically, his cock throbbed in his pants.

It was tragically ironic that he was at a bar while watching this, because there was a confusing cocktail of emotions roiling in his gut. Jealousy, angst, sorrow, rage, arousal…but most notable was self-hatred.

His face flush, he breathed heavily through his nose as he watched on helplessly like a pathetic loser.

If I wasn't such a bitch, that could be ME in the room with Yoruichi. She clearly doesn't have any hang ups about age, at least for hook-ups…

His thoughts continued to spiral, the alcohol in his system fuelling his anger and depression.

Who is this guy, anyway? Why him? And why is he messing with MY girl -?

The thought instantly brought him up short.


He knew the answer though, always had. He wanted Yoruichi more than he'd wanted anyone else, more than even his ex. They were friends, comrades in arms, roommates…why couldn't they be lovers?

Realising he was getting strange looks from the other patrons, he swallowed the rest of his whiskey and paid up. He had to get home.

While on the train, he stuffed his phone in his pocket, not wanting strangers to see what he'd been watching. 

That didn't stop the stream's audio from playing in the background though. He could have easily silenced it, but he didn't. Instead, he tortured himself by listening to smacking lips and both masculine and feminine, muffled moans and groans.

As queasy as he felt, he had a noticeable bulge in the front of his jeans and he had to cross his legs to hide his shame.

It was a good thing he did because what Yoruichi said next threatened to have him tearing a hole in his pants.

Mmm, what do you guys wanna see next?’ Ichigo waited with bated breath as Yoruichi no doubt read her rapidfire chat. Then, she chuckled. ‘Why am I not surprised? What do you think, Zack? Want to go down on me?’

Ichigo barely heard the guy's excited affirmation, his guts churning as he first heard the rustle of cloth before Yoruichi sighed in bliss.

‘Mmm, yesss,’ she purred, her husky voice smooth like liquid honey. ‘Use your fingers - hook them - oooooh, just like that.’

Her sultry words were like a dagger to the heart, but again, he couldn't remember a time he'd ever been harder or more turned on.

Was it the weeks I spent watching her streams training my brain to find this hot…? Or do I just get turned on hearing my girl with someone else?

Ichigo didn't know the answer, he didn't think he wanted to know.

With Yoruichi's sultry gasps and moans as an ever present companion, Ichigo rushed home and snuck silently into his bedroom through the window. A part of him didn't even care if someone looked up and spotted him, though he'd been cautious.

He cast the stream onto his TV and quickly removed all his clothes, a silent, piteous groan escaping his lips at the sight that greeted him.

Yoruichi's partner, Zack, was on the floor at the foot of the bed, his face buried in her nethers and his fingers pumping in and out of her. Yoruichi was grinding her pussy against his lips, and there was a picture in picture view of what she could see, her phone aimed down to get a second, more titillating view of the action.

She had her powerful legs hooked over his shoulders, her teddy riding up over her hips as her lover kissed and licked her clit, two fingers thrusting in and out of her gushing womanhood.

He was so hard it hurt, so turned on it was pathetic. He barely pumped his shaft a few times before Ichigo was already on the verge of cumming.

He forcibly released his dick, breathing deeply and stalling his imminent climax. It was a close thing.

Yoruichi was apparently done taking inputs from her chat and instead was totally immersed with her co-star. After several more torturous minutes of watching her getting eaten out, she decided to switch things up.

Come up here,’ she commanded, her voice breathy and thick with lust. Ichigo both heard her voice from his earbuds and through the wall, it was a strange sensation.

Zack didn't need to be told twice and he eagerly accepted the phone when Yoruichi handed it to him. He then obediently lifted his hips when the chocolate-skinned goddess of flash slipped to the floor and started tugging at his jeans.

When Zack’s cock sprang free, the jealousy Ichigo was feeling sky-rocketed to all-new heights.

Ichigo had always been confident with his endowment, being well above average at seven inches, having confirmed this with brief glimpses of the competition in changing rooms and onsen. Then Chad had joined their school and he was introduced to what a true big cock looked like.

The cock that flopped out and hit the grinning Yoruichi in the face wasn't as large as his best friend's, but it was still considerably larger than his own endowment. 

Nine inches, if he had to guess, and really girthy. It throbbed angrily with thick veins pulsing up and down the shaft. Yoruichi licked her lips as if she'd just been served a bowl of cream, earning herself a thrilled groan from her partner when she kissed his crown.

‘Oi,’ she reprimanded, amusement thick in her tone, ‘hold the camera up, the viewers want to see.’

Obediently and with cheeks flush with arousal, Zack held the phone up and aimed it down towards his towering member, Yoruichi's heavily lidded golden eyes staring up at him with arousal, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. 

Her dark hands contrasted deliciously with his pale, veiny cock, so long that one focused on the upper half of his length and the other the lower, stroking him with a corkscrew-like motion.

You like that?’ she whispered and he nodded shakily, his breaths coming in ragged pants. ‘Good boy. Do you want me to suck your dick, baby?’

As Zack desperately nodded, Ichigo had to bite his first to mask his tortured groan.

Why did I find that so fucking hot?!

With another sultry chuckle, Yoruichi bent down and captured his large head between her dark lips.

The view from the main camera was hot, but limiting. It showed Yoruichi's back, and her thick ass perched on her heels. She was kneeling between her lover's spread legs and her head was bobbing as she blew him, her purple ponytail distracting.

The view from the camera phone held by Zack was much hotter. Yoruichi’s mouth was spread wide around his member, her lips gliding up and down the glistening shaft as she bobbed up and down. It was her eyes that made Ichigo’s breach catch though, they were pure molten gold and stared directly into his soul.

Zack and he shared a skin tone and their members were of a similar girth. If Ichigo turned off his mind he could imagine this was how Yoruichi would look if she were sucking his cock.

With that thought, he bit his fist to stifle another groan and erupted all over his naked chest. He caught his breath as the pleasurable sensations died down, his eyes glued to the erotic sight on the screen. With Yoruichi as inspiration, it didn’t take long for him to be hard again.

Yoruichi pulled out every trick in the book, playing with his balls, focusing on his head and doing wondrous things with her tongue. She even shocked everyone by deep-throating Zack’s massive member, her lips quirking at the corners as she attempted to smirk despite the girthy member splitting her mouth wide.

When he came, Zack gripped Yoruichi’s ponytail, his hips jerking as he unleashed jet after jet of cum into her mouth. When he was done, Yoruichi pulled off the glistening member with a satisfied gasp, a trail of cum leaking out from the corner of her mouth that she licked up with a cheeky grin.

Naturally, chat was going insane.

She ignored them.

Zack had collapsed on her bed and was supporting himself on his elbows while looking down at the gorgeous woman between his legs, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to control his breathing. Though he’d just emptied a hefty load down her throat, his imposing cock already showed signs of life as it hung heavily off the edge of the bed. He still held her phone and was pointing it at his lover.

Yoruichi stood and stretched languidly, groaning as the bones in her back popped.

‘Ready for round two, Stud?’

Not trusting his voice, Yoruichi grinned like the cat that got the canary when Zack hurriedly and eagerly nodded. Zack, her chat and even Ichigo lost it when she lifted her teddy up and over her head and casually tossed it aside, revealing her naked body in all its glory. Yoruichi’s grin widened at Zack’s stupefied expression, her hand resting on her cocked hip as she looked down at and posed for him.

‘You’re so beautiful.’

Yoruichi’s chuckle was almost mocking. ‘Save it for your girlfriend, Cassanova.’

Ichigo felt sick. Ichigo was turned on like crazy. The competing emotions were driving him mad and, despite it all, he couldn’t look away, even when Yoruichi joined Zack on the bed and crawled over his body. Her gorgeous face dominated the phone camera screen and, unable to stomach seeing her cheerful expression, he switched to the main feed and gulped at the view. Her powerful ass and hamstrings featured prominently, with Zack’s once again towering erection standing tall and brushing against her glistening lips.

‘Oh?’ Yoruichi started with a faux startled look as Zack’s member touched her. ‘Is that for me?’

‘All for you,’ he whispered reverently, his free hand reaching down and palming Yoruichi's meaty ass. He spread one of the cheeks, instantly cementing himself as a hero to chat by exposing not only more of Yoruichi’s glistening pussy, but her rosebud too.

‘Mmm,’ she purred as her hips twirled and gyrated in a sensual dance. ‘I think I like the sound of that…’

Before Zack could come up with another reply, Yoruichi reached back and, with her fingers brushing the crown of her lover’s member, she guided it into her eager and desperate womanhood. His wide head spread her lips wide and she moaned with bliss as she impaled herself on his cock.

He couldn’t help it, with his eyes glued to the screen, Ichigo started jacking off again. He felt sick to his stomach, but the sight of Yoruichi’s perfect, chocolate ass bouncing on that huge cock did something to him.

It was honestly the hottest and most depressing thing he’d ever seen.

Yoruichi bowed her head and moaned, her ponytail falling over her shoulder as she bounced on and fucked her new lover.

Lose the phone,’ she groaned without looking up at Zack. ‘Play with my tits.’

Zack didn’t need to be told twice. The second screen on the stream died as he locked the phone and tossed it aside. A second pale hand appeared on Yoruichi’s ass and she groaned with bliss. Ichigo could no longer see, but he imagined Zack had taken one of his lover’s dark, flailing nipples in his mouth and suckled.

Ichigo lost track of time as he watched them fuck, Yoruichi’s gyrating ass almost hypnotising him into a trance. Every time she bottomed out on her lover’s huge shaft, her skin would ripple with the impact and she’d groan in pleasure.

He’d never heard her like this. Yoruichi had always been so laid-back and chill, hearing her moaning in the throes of passion fucked with him in a way that everything else up until that point had yet to manage. He was seeing a side to her that he’d never seen before, and it was at the hands of another man.

Eventually, they changed things up, giggling like horny children. Yoruichi spun around on her hands and knees, facing the camera with a sultry smile. Zack knelt behind her, his hand on her hip while the other guided his large member into her eager pussy.

When he sank in, Yoruichi’s back arched, her head lolled back and she groaned with bliss, her heavy tits hanging low and swaying back and forth with the motions. Ichigo grunted, another orgasm somehow taking him by surprise and he released his cock as it spewed another load all over his chest.

It wasn’t the image on the screen that had triggered the surprise climax - though watching Yoruichi’s pendulous, teardrop shaped tits hanging low and swaying back and forth was an incredible sight - it had been the sounds. He’d heard Yoruichi’s muffled groan through the wall dividing their room before he heard it in his earbuds, and it just made everything feel more real.

Zack picked up the pace of his fucking and Yoruichi gripped the sheets tightly as her body rocked back and forth with the impact of his thrusts. Her body shuddered and she moaned every time he bottomed out inside her and she was biting her lips sexily, her molten gold eyes staring directly into his soul.

‘Spank me,’ she gritted out between grunts and moans and Zack was eager to comply. Once again, Ichigo heard the sharp crack through their wall before he heard it in his earbuds, followed quickly by a deep, guttural groan. ‘Again!’

As he continued to watch his crush fuck the stranger, Ichigo winced at how sore his cock felt. He’d cum several times already, and still he kept stroking. His heart was in turmoil, but he couldn’t look away, the sight of Yoruichi in the throes of passion without doubt the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

They changed positions one more time with Zack lying flat on his back and Yoruichi mounting him reverse cowgirl, facing her camera and her enraptured audience.

At this point her skin was slick with sweat, the ring light making it glow with a brilliant sheen. She bounced on Zack’s huge cock, her tits flopping all over the place uncontrollably as she screwed her eyes shut and just focused on the motions, and her obvious pleasure.


‘In me!’ Yoruichi cried, her eyes still screwed shut and her bottom lip between her teeth. She no longer bounced and instead impaled herself as deep as she could manage, her hips gyrating in sensual circular motions as she tried to milk her lover for all he was worth.

When Zack came, his balls noticeably pulsed, his hips thrust off the bed and he gave off a victorious warcry. And why wouldn’t he? He was filling the womb of the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen with his warm seed and, as a result, she was shaking and cumming atop him, her hand furiously rubbing her clit as she brought herself simultaneously over the edge too.

When their climaxes had subsided, Yoruichi flopped down onto the bed against Zack’s chest, the both of them letting out breathless chuckles as they looked deep into each other’s eyes.

Zack then started as he saw the clock hanging on the wall. ‘Shit, it’s that late already?!’

Yoruichi followed his gaze and chuckled softly, rolling off her spent lover and propping herself up on her elbows. ‘Time flies when you’re having fun…’

He cursed again and leapt off the bed, gathering his clothes as he dressed as quickly as possible. While hopping around on one foot as he pulled his jeans on, he bent down and placed a tender kiss on Yoruichi’s lips.

Somehow, that action alone sickened him more than anything else he’d seen that night.

‘Sorry for fucking and running, but I’ve gotta be up early tomorrow for an exam, otherwise -’

Yoruichi waved him off before he could continue. ‘Relax, you’re not my boyfriend,’ she joked mockingly and Zack grinned bashfully. ‘You’ll see yourself out?’

He nodded and bent down for another kiss, this time, it lingered and they moaned into each other’s mouths. With a final look at the clock, he started to back out of the room, his eyes staring at Yoruichi’s languidly resting form in disbelief.

‘Goddamn, you’re so beautiful.’

Yoruichi grinned but didn’t answer, watching as he left and listening for the door to their apartment to shut behind him. Finally, Yoruichi turned back to the camera and her chat and smiled wickedly.

‘Well, I hope you all enjoyed the show. I’ll be busy for the next few days, but I’ve another surprise planned for next week.’ She stood and made her way towards her computer, a sultry grin on her lips as her tits swayed with every step. ‘See you then!’

Ichigo sighed when the screen went blank as she ended the stream.

He lay on his bed in the darkness, his chest covered in his own cum and his mind in turmoil. The woman he loved was literally feet away and he’d never felt lonelier in his entire life.

He gritted his teeth and raged against the self-pity that threatened to overwhelm him.

That could have been him, he could have been the one fucking the woman of his dreams. He’d been a pussy though, a complete bitch. He’d been too much of a coward to make a move and now he’d missed his chance.

No. I didn’t miss anything. That’s more loser talk.

He refused to give up without a fight.

His face set in his patented scowl, he launched himself off his bed, banged open the door to his room and stormed into Yoruichi’s without knocking, not even bothering to stop and clothe himself. Yoruichi spun when she heard her door slam open, a wicked grin on her lips, but her eyes widened when she saw the state of him. Completely naked, thick strands of cum sliding down his broad, muscular chest and a still hard cock.

Her eyes raked over his form with disbelief, but she didn’t shy away. She stood tall and proud, a sexy grin on her pretty lips. All he could think about was the anguish he’d experienced over the past several hours, and Yoruichi didn’t even seem to care.

Something in him snapped.

Before he could talk himself out of it, he bent down and threw the woman over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. He couldn’t stay in this room, it still reeked of sex, of the man that had fucked his woman. Storming back to his room, he tossed her down on his bed and she landed with a yelp, her sexy grin still in place. She rested on her elbows and stared up at him, her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

He froze.

Yoruichi’s smirk widened. ‘Didn’t think that far ahead, did you, boyo?’

Ichigo grit his teeth in annoyance at the condescending nickname while Yoruichi’s eyes raked over his body appreciatively, stopping at his still hard, angrily throbbing cock.

‘Or maybe you’ve finally started to listen to your other head?’

In for a penny.

He remembered what she said to her stream earlier, just before ending it.

‘Cancel whatever you’ve got planned for next week,’ he commanded, his voice like steel. ‘No one else is coming to fuck you, you’re mine.’

A small part of his mind was screaming at him internally, raging at him. What the hell was he doing, saying. He sounded like an utter maniac, a complete psychopath.

He let none of this show on his face however. He did everything in his power to remain stoic, she needed to understand he was serious.

Yoruichi’s face had gone blank as he spoke, her eyebrows disappearing into her hairline. Her neutral expression shifted into one of fond amusement though as she regarded him. ‘Is that right?’

She didn’t sound angry at his words, if anything, she sounded amused. He didn’t know which was worse. Before he could talk himself out of it, he joined her on the bed, grabbing her wrists and pinning her arms above her head as he captured her lips in a heated, passionate kiss. He poured years of pent-up feelings into their shared embrace, and he almost wept when she groaned into his mouth, her powerful legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him tightly against her, his hard cock grinding against her smouldering core.

He winced at the salty taste on her lips, but now that he was kissing the woman he loved, there was no way he was backing away. He deepened the kiss, his tongue snaking into her mouth while his free hand played with her body. He earned himself a delicious whimper when he pinched her nipple, then a breathy sigh when he cupped her thigh, his fingers tracing over the tribal tattoo that took up a majority of its surface.

Far too soon for his liking, they broke their kiss and stared deeply into each other’s eyes. He couldn’t help the butterflies going crazy in his gut at seeing the pleased smile on her lips - she didn’t mock him or laugh, she didn’t immediately kick his ass or put him in a choke hold. She looked…smug.

He could work with that.

‘About time you manned up,’ she whispered huskily in his ear, causing his entire body to shudder with delight. She chuckled softly, easily breaking his grip on her wrists so she could embrace him fully and pull him close. ‘You broke sooner than I thought you would - I thought you’d just keep jacking off in your room like a little bitch until I invited someone you knew over. I was thinking maybe Renji, or one of your old school friends…’

He growled at her words and she cackled madly, her heels pressing into his butt and pulling him even closer, her lips still against his ear.

‘Your mouth says one thing, but your cock is telling me something else…’

He blushed in embarrassment. He was…messed up. The thought of one of his friends coming here to fuck his girl right under his nose made him feel sick to his stomach…but his cock somehow throbbed with desire.

Before he could think better of it, Ichigo reached up and wrapped a large hand around her throat. Yoruichi’s eyes widened in alarm but he didn’t squeeze, instead, he leant down and put his own lips against her ear.

‘You’re mine, you understand? My woman.’

Yoruichi’s title as a master of hand-to-hand combat wasn’t just for show. She demonstrated this by flipping them over with minimal effort, her hand around his throat and her lips inches from his.

‘You want to be my man, Ichigo?’ she purred with a delighted, amused grin, her breasts smooshed against his chest and her nethers grinding against his. Ichigo considered the fact that his brain hadn’t melted out of his ears to be a win at this point. 

Realising she was waiting for an answer, he stared deep into her golden eyes with all the conviction he could muster and nodded in confirmation, his lips pressed into a thin line.

If she rejected him now, he didn’t know if he’d be able to handle it.

Not her, not again…

His eyes widened in delight when she hummed in approval, her lips spread in a smug grin and her back arched in victory. Doing so put her tits right in his face, and it took a godly amount of will not to just reach up and fulfil a long held fantasy by suckling on the delectable, dark bud.

‘Good,’ she purred, her voice husky and sensual. Then, her grin widened. ‘I feel like I should make you work for it a little more though… years of outrageous flirting,’ she pouted adorably, sticking out her bottom lip like a child. ‘My ego is a little bruised.’

The revelation that her teasing had been more than just that was honestly a bit more than he could handle at this point.

‘You made this annoyingly hard for me,’ she continued, sensually writhing atop him in such a way that, had her nipples been dipped in ink, they’d be drawing circles on his chest. ‘If you want me to be your woman…I have a condition.’

He resisted the urge to scream ‘anything!’ and just listened as patiently as he could.

That is… not patiently at all. Yoruichi chuckled at his nervous fidgeting before she started to crawl up his body. Ichigo’s eyes widened when he suddenly found his face filled with the sight of Yoruichi’s gaping, inflamed pussy, still raw from her recent fucking.

After a quick glance, he returned to staring deeply into her eyes as her fingers played with her glistening womanhood. She was biting her lip and, with a soft exhale, her entire body seemed to relax before a stream of familiar, pearly white liquid started to ooze out of her pussy.

His eyes flicked back down and he watched the thick river of cum start to slowly empty from her womb, gravity doing its thing. Ichigo’s eyes widened in shock, half disgust and half fascination as visible proof that she’d fucked another was literally shoved in his face.

‘If you want me to be your woman…clean me,’ she commanded, though not with her usual laid back voice. She sounded excited, her eyes wild with lust and her breath coming in ragged pants. ‘After you clean me, then you can claim me. I’ll be yours…and you’ll be mine.’

Talk about a headfuck.

His guts roiled with disgust at the monumental task she was asking of him, but they were also doing repeated backflips at the promised reward. He’d dreamt of this for literally years and he was so close.

Suck it up Ichigo, don’t stumble when you’re at the fucking finish line!

Screwing his eyes shut, Ichigo’s lips sought out her core and he sealed them around her gaping opening, his tongue slipping inside and slurping like he was drinking the world’s most disgusting smoothie.

He started when he heard Yoruichi’s rapturous moan, far more excited and lusty than any she’d let out during her recent performance.

Though they’d never done anything sexual before tonight, they’d been in close contact many times before during their spars. Never had he been so consumed and surrounded by her presence, her thighs practically wrapped around his head and her hands tangled in his hair, forcing his lips deeper against her leaking womanhood.

‘Oooh fuck, that’s a good boy, just like that,’ she whispered as he cleaned her. He jolted in surprise when he felt her cool hand wrap around his throbbing cock and start to stroke while he worked. ‘Look how hard you are baby -’ he suddenly decided he very much liked it when she called him baby. He would do unspeakable things for her as long as she addressed him as such in the future. ‘Did you enjoy the show, you filthy pervert?’

She giggled, not needing him to answer with her hand on his cock the way it was. With her previous gig at Soul Society, Yoruichi was a master of interrogation - she didn’t need any of that experience to ascertain his true feelings, his throbbing cock giving him away like a traitor.

Though his vision was filled with her nethers and her powerful thighs, he could hear the amused fondness in her tone.

‘Such a naughty boy,’ she purred. ‘You liked watching me get fucked, didn’t you?’

He grunted in pain when her grip in his hair tightened, but he didn’t answer. He honestly couldn’t, but even if he could, he wasn’t sure of the answer himself.

‘He was pretty big, bigger than you, did that turn you on?’ she teased, and his cock throbbed away like the traitor it was. ‘Did you like watching my little pussy spread around that huge cock?’

His growl was animalistic and Yoruichi cackled, grinding her pussy against his mouth and moaning with delight.

She actually came while he cleaned her, her rapturous cries encouraging him and spurring him on.

When no more cum leaked from her womanhood, Ichigo spun them around again until he lay atop her, his lips crashing against hers. Yoruichi eagerly returned the kiss, moaning into his mouth as she reached around and took two handfuls of his muscular behind.

When they finally needed to breathe, they reluctantly pulled apart and Ichigo rested his forehead against his mentor’s, his cheeks flushed crimson.

‘I’m a coward.’


Gathering his courage, his cheeks turned even redder when her golden eyes fluttered open and stared deep into his own. He wasn’t a poet, or a wordsmith, but he said the words in his heart, the words he should have said years ago.

‘I love you,’ he whispered. He hurriedly continued when her eyes only widened in shock, her grip around him slackening, but didn’t otherwise respond. ‘I should have told you sooner. I didn’t think you’d feel the same way, I thought you’d just laugh at me, or distance yourself, or -’

Her teasing grin melted away and she sighed in annoyance. Ichigo’s stomach sank, terrified she was about to reject him until she spoke her next words with a pout.

‘Wow, way to spoil the mood.’

She didn’t pull away though, if anything, she nuzzled against his broad chest tighter. Seeing his pathetic, pouty expression and his doleful eyes, she sighed again and stared up at the ceiling as if begging for patience.

‘Idiot,’ she cursed, without any real heat. ‘Did you really think I followed your stupid ass to university just to make sure your skills would remain sharp? Like I give a shit! Only you would be dense enough to believe something so ridiculous -’

Seeing his eyes go wide, she grinned impishly at him and bent down to bite his nipple, her teeth flashing in a sexy smile as she did so.

‘You’ve always been mine,’ she whispered, her voice soft and loving. ‘I just had to wait until you finally pulled your head out of your ass and realised it for yourself.’

Seeing the doleful look in his eyes hadn’t vanished at her assurance, she sighed fondly and bit his nipple again, earning a pained grunt. ‘Fine, so needy, sheesh… I love you too. Happy?’

She laughed and squealed in delight when he suddenly attacked her, his lips suddenly all over her face as he kissed her like an excited puppy.

Pressing her lips to his ear, she purred the sexiest three words he’d ever heard in his entire life.

‘Claim me, lover.’

So he did. They made passionate love at first, but as their lust boiled over, it turned into furious animal fucking, their supernatural stamina meaning they could go for hours.

Afterwards, they spooned, Ichigo’s muscular arms wrapped comfortably around his girlfriend’s lithe, powerful body, one hand gripped a tit and the other, its fingers tracing the lines of her abs. Yoruichi snuggled against him like a kitten, a contented smile on her face as the sun’s rays finally peeked through the window.

Suddenly, before either of them drifted off, Yoruichi sighed forlornly and snuggled even tighter against his chest. ‘It’s a shame,’ she teased, amusement and mischief clear in her tone. ‘Given how many tissue boxes you’ve gone through recently, I think you’d have really liked next week’s show. Too bad I’ll have to cancel…unless…?’

He could feel her wicked grin when his grip on her tit tightened and his utterly spent cock twitched against her world-class ass.

‘Always knew you were a dirty little perv,’ she teased, one hand resting over his and the other reaching back between them to authoritatively grab his cock. ‘My dirty little perv.’


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