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Preparation for Dungeon Capture - The Rosenberg Residence
At the Rosenberg residence, we discussed the conquest of the Extra Dungeon. The participants included my parents, elder brother, Ark, Martha, and Geraldin-san, who happened to be home at the time. By the way, the reason the meeting wasn't scheduled earlier was due to father and brother's busy schedules.

"I'd like to go too, but my research is in a critical phase right now, and I have to manage the plants..."

"Don't push yourself, Niisama."

"Yeah. I'll sit this one out. Take care, and don't do anything reckless."

"Yes, Niisama.”

Elder brother muttered that my smile was making him uneasy. H-how rude! I won't do anything too reckless…… probably!

"It's okay! I'll be there!"


Geraldin-san spoke energetically. Well, there's no issue with his combat skills, but I have a feeling he’s a significant unknown factor in an unfamiliar dungeon.

"... You are taking him (Geraldin-san) with you?"

Elder brother was clearly worried.

"... I haven't decided yet."

"Nuah?! I'm going! I'm your sword and shield! … Can’t I go? Am I not good enough for you? My lord…... *whimper*...... *whine*......"


Stop it! Don't pull off the combo of a buff, tough guy with teary eyes, looking up with a whimper and a sad whine!!


Father, while wearing his usual expressionless face, seemed to be saying, "Aren't you going to take the pitiful him with you?". Well, that's how I interpreted it.

"... Alright. I'll take him. However, this time we're heading to an uncharted dungeon. Geraldin-san, I need you to promise not to run, not to act recklessly, not to wander off on your own, and not to tamper with things you find, and then I'll take you with me."

"Got it! I promise!"

"... Your conditions are like what you require of a small child."

Elder brother had a distant look in his eyes. Well, it's fine! It's Geraldin-san we're talking about! He was wagging his tail happily.

"Ojousama... We..."

"Martha and Ark, I want you to stay home and protect the house."

"... Alright."

"Leave it to us. It can't be helped, big sister. Mark is still young, after all."

"......... Ugh.”

Martha seemed like she wanted to go as well. She used to be an adventurer, so her adventurous spirit must be calling out to her. I took Martha's hand and made eye contact with her.

"Martha, I trust you wholeheartedly and depend on you, which is why I'm asking. Please, protect the Rosenberg family, my precious ones, while I'm away."

"You can count on me, this Martha! No matter what enemy comes, I will take care of them!!"

Yes, Martha seems to have regained her spirit, which is great.

"Ojousama, you're really good at handling my big sister."

I pretended not to hear Ark's muttering. Martha's combat abilities and her experience as an adventurer are genuinely valuable. However, I don't think it's necessary for her to come and leave her 5-year-old son Mark and her husband behind.

"Rosarin, don't push yourself too hard."

"That's right. While I believe that you, with Dirk-chan by your side, will be fine, you shouldn't overexert yourself."

"Yes, I'll be careful."

I was embraced by my parents. I felt a little embarrassed, and just then, my angels entered the room.

“”Oneesama, Welcome home.””

"I'm back, Lucius, Luciusle."

Lucius is my younger brother, and Luciusle is my younger sister. They both wore matching outfits. Lucius wore pants, while Luciusle wore a skirt.

"Oneesama, do you have time today?"

"Oneesama, Luciusle and Lucius have been learning to play musical instruments. We want you to listen, Oneesama.”

I mentally reviewed my upcoming schedule.

"Since you've asked, I'd love to listen."


"Let's get ready quickly!"


"Ojousama, Bocchama, please wait for me~”

Frantically chasing after the twins was Martha's son, Mark.

"Ah, Rosarin Ojousama. Good day to you."

"Hello, Mark. It seems Lucius and Luciusle want to play some music for me. I will be with them.”

"Is that so?"

Mark visibly breathed a sigh of relief. Not to the extent that I do, but the twins also get into various trouble, so Mark serves as their stopper. So-somehow, I’m sorry in advance!

“”Welcome to our room, Oneesama!””

"Since we're at it, let's have Mark join in."

"It's a song we all know, and he can play the tambourine."

Lucius and Lucille weren't ignoring Mark, it seemed like they were just being practical. Mark happily picked up the tambourine.

Lucius played the violin, Lucille played the flute, and Mark had the tambourine. They performed a medley of children's songs.

"You all did so well!"

The little ones blushed at our applause.

"It's nice that you got to hear it before you went to the dungeon, Ojousama. Once you're in the dungeon, you won't be out for a whole mon—”Ark, you fool!!”

Elder brother rushed to cover Ark's mouth, but it was too late.

“Oneesama, you are not back?"

"For a month... how many days is that? A lot?"


Comforting the sobbing little ones was quite a challenge. But, well, I couldn't keep it a secret, and it wasn't entirely Ark's fault. In the end, I managed to get permission to go by promising to have a sleepover once I returned from the dungeon.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92264818 


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