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Preparation for Dungeon Capture - Knights Order
Next, I informed the Knights Order that I would be absent for a while. Currently, in the Knights Order Commander's office were Jash, Rudolph-san, Dober-san, and Fizz. In fact, Fizz has become the Vice Commander.

"I wish I could go too, but there's work..."

"Your feelings are enough. Thank you, Fizz."

"Take care."

"If I were ten years younger, I'd abandon work and go with you."

“””Work on your tasks.”””

Rudolph-san, looking disappointed, was immediately scolded by me, Dober-san, and Fizz.

"Well, that's why I'm not going. Take care. So, what are you going to do about that?"

Rudolph-san pointed at me. To be precise, he pointed at 'it.'

And that was Jash, coiled around my waist. When I told him it was okay not to participate due to work, he stubbornly refused, saying he's worried about his Ojousama. What should I do?

"I don't want to keep waiting like I did during that Great Tsunami! I absolutely don't want to! Besides, if something troublesome happens on the way and the dungeon gets destroyed, or the castle becomes completely ruined because of you...!"

"... What are you so worried about, Jash?"

This is the first time Jash has been this stubborn, so I don't know what to do.

"Rosarin-san, please take Jash with you,"

Dober-san said gently

"Indeed, Jash is skilled, and it would be painful for him to leave him out. But this situation is different from the Dark Ages. Everyone can support each other properly. We'll be fine here. Oh, I do miss the time when the cacti were marching, though.”

"... That's true.”

Fizz chuckled. Indeed, those times with paperwork and the cactus parade were quite challenging.

"By the way, Rosarin-san, there's something I've been curious about for a while now.”


Dober-san said in a friendly tone. He dropped a tremendous bomb.

“Umm… will Jash-san (‘s life) be okay? If he sticks to you so much, the scent will………”

! ! ! ! ! !

This is ultra yabai!!

“Febreze!! Febreze!!”

I unintentionally asked for a certain antibacterial air freshener that is famous in Japan. No, it would be unnatural if I erased the smell, but I was confused about what to do.

Jash (‘s life) is in danger!!

"Calm down, Rosarin! If we talk to Dirk, he might... or might not understand the situation!"

"There are too many 'mights' in that! Even you, yourself, think it's a bad idea, Fizz!"

"............ I'm sorry.”

Fizz softly lowered his gaze. No, it's not your fault, Fizz!

"Even if it's a lie, please deny it!!"


"It's okay, Jash, I'll protect you!"

"... No, rather than troubling you... I'd rather die apologi—”Doooon’t!! Calm down! Killing because of jealousy doesn't make sense! Life is precious! Don't take it lightly! Live oooon!!!!”

"... What's going on?"


Unbelievable! Dirk has unexpectedly shown up here!

"A, awawawawa.”

Unlike me, who was too flustered to make any coherent remarks, Vice Commander Fizz, a reliable presence, stepped forward.

"... Dirk, calm down... If we talk... you might understand... or rather, we want you to understand that murder is a crime."

You need to clam down (unsettled).

Oops, I messed up. You need to calm down.

"Dirk-san, I do find it infuriating, but we must not resort to murder. Let's start by talking... no, maybe even torture... I mean, no, let's not..."

Wait a minute. Why did the discussion suddenly turn to torture?

"... Dirk, should we use the interrogation room?"

Don't allow it! Knight Commander!! Stop this! We don't need that kind of consideration!

"Dirk-sama... I am prepared."

Why does Jash have to sound like a criminal now!?

“”Why the hell is this turning into a discussion about torture!?"”

Dirk and I echoed each other. I clung to Dirk in my current state.

"Dirk, you wouldn't actually torture, right? You wouldn't, right?"

Dirk seemed to sniff my scent for a moment.

"... No, Jash-san just hugged you for a bit, right? I don't get it. It's Jash, you know? He's completely loyal to you, without a hint of ulterior motive, more so than anyone else. I don't understand the point of torturing someone like Jssh, especially when it comes to you, Rosarin.”

"Dirk-sama...! To hear you say that... Thank you! Thank you!"

"Dirk... I'm falling in love with you all over again!"

"...... Yeah."

Dirk blushed... Oh, how adorable! He hugged me tightly, saying it was ticklish when I nuzzled him. Ahh, I'm so happy!

"Your everyday actions are important, Knight Commander."

"That's right. Your everyday actions are important, Knight Commander."

"What are you two talking about? What do you want to say!?"

"Nothing? If anything, we were thinking that it would have been better if the Knight Commander had been scolded by Dirk... Not that we were thinking that. Last time, you abandoned your paperwork and met with the lady of the house during your rounds, no? Right, Vice Commander?"

"Yeah, if anything, it would have been nice if Dirk scolded you thoroughly for once... Not that we were thinking that. He piled a bunch of troublesome paperwork on us the other day, and it was almost at the last minute... Right, Dober-dono?"


They all laughed together.

Your eyes don't look like you're laughing, both of you!

"Speaking of which, there was a rumor that Miss Rosarin’s kiss would be the prize in a competition. That was apparently the Knight Commander’s idea.”

"Oh, that's because Rosarin is popular in the Knights Order."

"Hey... I already rejected that idea at the drinking party, and…—”Oh, really…”

That joke was a bad idea! I hurriedly tried to make up for it, but... there was a chill from Dirk...

Jash delivered the news with a sorrowful tone.

"Ojousama... what you are trying to do is counterproductive. It's like saying you are admitting that this was already discussed this with you.”

"T-That's true!"

"... Knight Commander."


"I haven't been on a dungeon expedition for a while. I'd like to train after a long time."

Dirk was wearing an extremely cheerful smile, but his eyes weren't smiling at all!

"............ I see."

And the Knight Commander was forced to accompany Dirk in his training until... no, even after he vomited. Dirk had reached inhuman levels, training without even breaking a sweat.

You must not anger Dirk. No, absolutely not!

On a side note, Dober-san watched this and chuckled, "Serves you right." Fizz was also visibly nervous. You must not anger Dober-san either. No, absolutely not!

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91810545 


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