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Girls' night is fun, isn't it!
After trying various things, we planned a girls’ party.

“Poppo-chan, please tell Mystia to come to Rinka’s dream tonight.”


“Oh, it’s a girls’ party and a consultation on divine revelation, so men are not allowed.”

“I understand. If they come, I’ll make sure to tell them that they’ll be dealt with in kabaddi style by Rosarin-sama.”

“… That’s fine, but how do you think of me in your mind, Poppo-chan?”

“You are someone who should not be made an enemy, even at the cost of your life.”

Poppo-chan (handsome version) was serious.

“Clear eyes.”

“No hesitation, but… he’s right.”

“What do you mean, hey!”


I let Valkyrie rub its fist against Rinka and Ten-chan’s heads.


Poppo-chan looked away.

“Silver is eloquent and silence is golden.”


Minato-san talked leisurely and Inari-san burst out into laughter.

And then, Mystia came to Rinka’s dream.

“… How beautiful… wonderfully beautiful breasts!”

“Is that what you say when you first meet someone!?”

“I can’t help it. Mystia (breasts) are beautiful.”

“Kyaaa!? Don’t touch them!”

Before I knew it, I had touched them a little. Her breasts are still beautiful as ever.

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, I want to do it too.”

“You can’t do that!”

I was scolded normally.

“Let’s stop joking and get to the point.”

“The point? Oh, Rinka’s Revelation?”

“No, that’s just a side issue.”

“Oh my, really?”


I thought Rinka’s agreement was like a certain blue pocket monster, but I ignored it.

“I’ll ask you straight. How much has Shiva recovered from your point of view, Mystia? I don’t know what he was like before he weakened, so I’d like you to tell me.”

“Shiva… huh. Why are you asking me? Why don’t you ask him directly?”

“Shiva won’t tell me. He’s using his power to the limit with the expectation of disappearing.”

“… I see.”

Mystia looked down. Her sad expression was also beautiful.

“We gave up before Shiva. So we still have some leeway.”

Mystia began to speak. There is nothing but destruction in the future ahead. The demons will ravage the world, and it will become a land of death.

Despairing of a future that would not change even if repeated, the Gods gave up.

But only Shiva did not give up. He used a “game” in another world to find a human who could save this world. He had been thinking about how to save the world all along.

“And Shiva finally found you.”

Mystia laughed. Since she appeared, the world has gradually… but surely begun to change its shape, and no matter what she did, it was turning into a completely different shape from the future she has seen countless times.

“Shiva’s power was almost exhausted. But thanks to you, he was able to regain about 10% of his power.”

“... Shiva-san’s situation is more situation than I expected.”

“For now, I will scold him when we meet tomorrow.”


Rinka and Mystia froze. Their expressions were distorted.

“Ehh!? That’s where you should be thanking him! Why are you scolding him!? Poor guy!”

“He was hiding his illness even though we might be able to help him! Of course, I’m going to scold him! He’s improved somewhat this time, so it’s not an incurable disease!!”

“… That’s true.”

“You can’t agree! It could be the final blow for weakened Shiva-san!”

Although Mystia was honest and seemed to agree, Rinka stopped her.

“No, no, I’ll do it moderately.”

“Bullying is not cool!!”

“U, ufufu! Ahahaha!”

Mystia started laughing because of our silly exchange.

“I’m sorry. I thought it was hopeless… It’s been a long time since I’ve looked forward to the future like this… and had fun.”


“By the way, why did you want to ask me, specifically?”

“You are honest and easy to persuade… I thought you would talk to me if I used a straightforward approach because you are honest like that.”

“… You lied to her.”

There were other reasons… First of all, Shiva would probably hide it even if I asked him, considering the situation. Ingens is also a God of Knowledge, so he might try to deceive me somehow. Slength might tell me, but he’s not good at talking.

And since I said it was a “girls’ party”, no other gods could come in, so Mystia was the best choice.

“I’ve made up my mind. This Watase Rin… no, Rosarin Barton will save Shiva with all her might. What I’ve done so far was just a warm-up! You’ll see how serious I am!”

“… You sound like a villain or a demon lord.”

“Well, Rosalia was supposed to be a villainess, right? So it can’t be helped.”

Mystia gave a slightly off-the-mark opinion.

“No, that’s definitely irrelevant! There’s only Rin Neechnan here right now! Rosalia-chan has nothing to do with it!”

“Grrr, who said I’m the terrifying great demon lord?”

“Owowowow! I didn’t say that much!”

Rinka screamed as the girls’ party ended. We’ll talk about Rinka’s Revelation another day.

Now, I’m going to get serious!

Rosarin Barton! Here I goooo!!

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 411


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