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Japan, after a long time, was a crime scene.
Ten-chan took us away, and we came to my old home… Rin's house. The room was clean and tidy, as if Rinka had taken good care of it.

However, in the room, there was a disheveled man with a knife and a frightened woman.

What violence! What a daytime drama!? A kidnapping!? Rin's house is the scene of a tragedy!?

At any rate, I seized the man by the back of his neck.

“Damn it! Let me go!”

“No, no, I won't let go! You let go of the knife!”

“Nice, Rin Neechan!”

Ten-chan took the knife from the man. The man's eyes were bloodshot, but he seemed to have calmed down for now. But I don't want him to choke the woman or something, so I'm still holding him down for now.

“A-chan! Why are you trying to stab my Stepmother!?”

Eh? Ah, looking carefully, the woman who was almost stabbed was Rinka's stepmother. The man... who? I don't know. A-chan… A-chan, Rinka's friend? A-chan, he was a man!?

“Let go of me! This woman killed Rinka! She pushed her down!”

“No? A stranger bumped into me and I fell. Stepmother reached out to help, but she couldn't reach me in time.”

“Rinka-chan… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”

Futaba-san, Rinka's stepmother, sobbed.

“No, you did not do anything wrong. Don’t mind it.”

Rinka was patting Futaba-san. Yep! I don’t understand the situation very well!

“Rinka, explain!”

“Yep! A-chan was my classmate since middle school and Ten-chan’s boyfriend.”


Umm, A-chan and Ten-chan's eyes have turned into dead fish eyes. The girl that Ten-chan likes is you, no? How did you misunderstand that?

“The day I died, I was on my way home after playing with A-chan. I was walking and talking with my Stepmother when someone pushed me and I fell to my death. It wasn't my Stepmother who pushed me, but a stranger, and the stranger was just pushed by someone else in the crowd. No one was to blame.”

“That can’t be…”

A-chan got deflated. He’s not going to kill anymore, so I let him go.

“I’m so sorry, Rinka-chan. I am really, really sorry that I couldn’t save youuuu!!”

Futaba-san broke down in tears, and A-chan was mumbling to himself. It's soooo chaotic! It's a sobering horror! What are we going to do about this!!

“What do you want me to do about this, Ten-chan.”

“I, I thought Rin Neechan and Rinka could handle it... Atsushi was especially depressed after Rinka's death. He saw Rinka fall, and he regretted that he didn’t escort her home, and he became depressed and resentful that Futaba-san killed Rinka.”

“I see. Rinka, I leave this Atsu-kun fella to you.”

I changed into Rin form and spoke to Futaba-san.

“Long time no see, Futaba-san.”

“Rin… san!? Is this a dream!? What is going on!?”

“It is a dream. I came to see you.”

“......... I see. Right, it’s a dream, isn’t it?”

Futaba-san was convinced. Of course, when a dead person appears before you, you can't help but think it's a dream.

“Rinka told me everything. Thank you for respecting her wishes.”

“But, I… I couldn’t save her…! Somewhere deep inside, I must have thought that she was in my way! Otherwise, she wouldn’t get the bad end of the stick! I am the worst!”

“... That’s how Evil do. I know the effort you put into your relationship with her. Rinka, do you resent Futaba-san?”

“Not at all, I don’t. Take care of Otousan for me. Please be happy together with the child you are expecting… Okaasan.”

“Ua……… uaaaaaaaaaaahhh!”

I gently put Futaba-san, who had started crying again, to sleep with magic. I hope this helps somewhat.

“Rather, Rinka… if you are in this kind of trouble, just tell me!”

I chopped Rinka’s head.

“Ow! I didn't expect this kind of dramatic development, either! The most I could think about was whether A-chan would cry! There were so many things going on that I didn't have time to think about it!”


She has been summoned suddenly to another world, battling with the Spirit Kings and training… so I may not have given her time to think at all.

“...... Ow? Rinka… you… you are alive?”

Stunned, Atsu-kun touched Rinka.

“Warm… Rinka… Rinka…!!”

He embraced Rinka. The clinging embrace convinced me that he still loved her.

"A-chan… if you're going to hug someone, shouldn't it be your boyfriend (Ten-chan)? Well, I'm glad to see you again.”

“... I know I’m reaping what I sowed, but this is painful… if you are alive… why did you not come?”

“Well, I was being busy a hero in another world.”

Atsu-kun froze. Well, of course. Rinka… doesn’t fit the bill! He will think it’s a dream again! She really is smart, but stupid at the same time!

“... Rinka.”


“Your head?”

“I’m stupid, but not crazy. I was destined to die over here, but I was picked up by the Gods. So, technically, I’m not alive… I guess?”

Rinka moved away from Atsu-kun.

“Get along well with Ten-chan.”

“... No way! Don’t go! Don’t go, Rinka!!”

Atsu-kun clung to RInka.

“No, I have to…”

One hour later.

“As I said, I have things to do.”

“No! Don’t go!”

Atsu-kun handsome fella, who changed into a spoiled brat, and Rinka were unable to talk on the same page.

“My husband Dirk might be getting worried if we don’t return soon, so I’m going to force things here.”

“Eh? By force you me—”Kurarin! Emergency scramble!”

“OK~ Rosarin! Magical Girl Kuranosuke! Over the Rainbow!”



“Ojiisan, you are so cute!”

“Thank you☆Rinka! Now then, it’s time for you to emergency scramble as well! You’ve got to transform!”

“Ah, yes! Shining☆Illusion!! Connecting the worlds, saving the worlds! Magic Hero☆Lyrical Linker!!”

“......... Huh?”

Atsu-kun was stunned by the sudden appearance of Kurarin (a phantom) and Rinka, who has transformed herself with a wand. I know, right? Rinka's tolerance is too wide. She is totally unmoved by Kurarin.

“Come on, Linker! Let’s save the afflicted lamb!”

“Roger! Kurarin!”

“Well, that’s that. Ten-chan, transform us back.”

“Y, yeah. Got it.”

Ten-chan cut through space in a hurry. We returned home crisply.

Atsu-kun was fine, but Ten-chan had a lot of trouble.

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 405


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