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v2, Chapter 25

A Fallacious Bride (2)
After that, the uncomfortable tea meetings continued, and each time she would say something sarcastic about the taste of the tea, then she would say how she meant no offense.

“Shepherd, I think this tea is too bitter.”

“I see, sorry about that.”

“I wonder if you have any of those tea leaves you used to gift me? I remember you had a lovely pastry, too.”

What a brazen woman she is?
Shepherd is just wasting bait on a fish he's already caught!

“Ah, that…”

“Which reminds me, aren’t Dear Father and Lady Marie coming over today? I have been looking forward to meeting them.”


Why is she talking about that man and Marie?

“There is no person who doesn’t know Lady Marie at the Royal Academy. She is, after all, the most brilliant student at the academy since its inception. In the national male-female mock examinations, she has outstripped the male students with flying colors, and has been at the top of the class for three whole years. And she was a special student, too.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, the Royal Academy has equal testing for boys and girls, but special students who score less than 98 on average are expelled. I heard that she always got a perfect score. She is very talented.”

There is no way Marie was so brilliant.

“But, that girl…”

“And it is out of fashion nowadays for a woman to stay at home. Her Majesty said that women should devote themselves to study, and according to the rumors I heard… a certain member of the royal family was courting Lady Marie at that time.”


“However, the runner-up Lord Henry and first-placed Lady Marie were already recognized as an official couple, so he gave up in tears. There are rumors that the men fought a duel behind the scenes.”

What is she saying…

I never heard of this.

Why didn’t she say anything?
How much more can that stupid girl humiliate me?

It’s a sheer stupidity to choose a commoner over a royalty!

“You attended the Royal Academy, didn’t you, Shepherd? What class…”

“Oh, it’s so late already? I apologize, but I must be going now.”


“I have an important business meeting.”

I don't want to breathe the same air as this woman anymore.

“Oh my, a business meeting?”


“That’s unfortunate.”

It’s not unfortunate for me.
It’s a joke to take such a fallacious woman for a wife.

I have to do something!

However, at the tea party, the rumors were already circulating.

“Congratulations, Lady Dania.”

“I heard your son’s engagement has been decided.”

“To think he would score a Count’s daughter.”

It’s my bad luck that I had boasted to my closest friends that he was to marry that woman.

Rumors were already spreading not only in this territory but in the neighboring territories as well.

And then, on a certain day.

“Let’s divorce.”

My husband asked for a divorce.


v2, Chapter 26

“I want a divorce. My patience with you has run out.”

I was shocked to hear him say something so outrageous out of the blue.

“Why all of a sudden? This nonsense… is it to get my attention?”

“I can’t stand you anymore. Father-in-law is no longer around. There’s no trance of my beloved Marie and Henry at this mansion either. As for the citizens, I will explain everything to them, so you don't have to do anything.”

Who was this man who spoke without hesitation?
Was it Diaz, who always listened to me?

“You have a woman.”


“You are hiding a woman, and she seduced you. You are the worst. You are a lousy father, and a lousy lord. To abandon your wife for a mistress. Just disappear from my sight… it’s better you die in a ditch.”

Diaz blamed Shepherd for defending me.
No wonder.

He defended me even though his father's infidelity had brought this upon him.

“You can't think of any reason to leave you other than another woman... pathetic.”

“Hah? What else is there? Who in this Viscount family has allowed you to be treated so well? You are only the third son of a Baron and a failure. Thanks to whom do you think you have been able to get by?”

“I can't bear the thought of it. I didn't become your husband because I wanted to. My Father-in-law wanted me to be his son-in-law... and I have never loved you.”


“I tried to love you. All my life... but I have loved only the kindhearted Father-in-law, the lovely Marie, her husband Henry, and the citizens of this fief.”

He did not love me?
How can he say he did not love me?

“How could I love you? Someone like you who only loves herself… I could bear it if you only showed Marie a little more affection.”

“Bear it?”

“Yeah, but I no longer have to bear it now that you have driven Marie from this mansion, where you have trampled on my most precious treasure in the world. This house has been a prison for me.”

“You are a bastard! You're nothing to me! You're nothing!“

What a horrible thing to say!
He is the son-in-law of the Ranford, which is how he became a Viscount.

A mediocre, dull man, a son of a Baron, a mediocre man, to me!

“Oh, you will probably never see me again. At the wedding, you can just say that I died or that I cheated on you and eloped. However, I am but a stranger now to you guys… my only family is Marie and Henry.”

“You are the one who needs to stop the contact with us!”

I threw a vase, kicked him out, and gasped for breath.
I had to hide the fact that my husband left me before the wedding because it would be bad for our reputation.

I don't like the idea of Shepherd marrying that bratty bitch, but once they are married, I can re-educate her.

Or so I thought.

The next day, all the old servants came to submit their resignations.

Next chapter: I Will Abandon My Family! - v2 Chapter 27, Chapter 28


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