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Sympathy and hypothesis.
Rinka came to visit me when she heard I couldn't move. But I'm not sick. I don't want to say why.

“Are you okay?”

Rinka seems to be seriously worried about me. I don't want to tell her. I don't want to say it, but I have no choice.

“... I’m fine. Dirk was just a bit too intense in many ways.”

“......... Oi! I don’t want to hear about such frank nightlife of a couple! It’s too much stimulation for me to handle!”

“No, I don't want to talk about it either! The reason is that you look like you're about to cry, Rinka! Rosarin is a very healthy child, she doesn't have any chronic illnesses!”

“... Ah, because Rin Neechan, I just… that’s good.”

Finally, Rinka seemed relieved and laughed.

“So, let's get down to business. We have gathered all of the Spirit Kings, so the seal on the extra dungeon can be lifted!”

“... Eh? What about Light and Darkness?”

Huh, I haven’t seen Spirit Kings of Light and Darkness before. Are they not needed?

“The Spirit Kings of Light and Darkness are so powerful that they support the world by sealing off most of their magic power so as not to upset the balance of the world. Therefore, the power of the Spirit Kings who gave me their blessings will be enough for the sealing of Rasdan.”

“I see……… n?”

I had a bad feeling just now. What was it?

“And so, now for the main issue. It’s actually convenient that you are bedridden at the moment.”


“This is just my hypothesis…”

Rinka began to narrate. The conclusion she drew from what only Rinka, a heavy user who has almost completed all the games made by Shiva, could know.

“Shiva… no, the Gods must had exhausted their powers? Perhaps the Spirit Kings of Light and Darkness are making up for that.”

“... Eh?”

“When I heard about your Revelation… it didn't feel right. Putting the near future aside, it’s getting difficult to predict the future long ahead, right?”

I nodded. I can predict the near future, but I can no longer predict the next few years.

“Maybe that was the Gods peeking into our memories.“


“I think that your Revelation is supposed to allow the Gods to share the memories of the future with you. I think that as a result of mistaking it for a prediction of the future, the Revelation mutated in that direction…”

“... I see.”

Rosalia's life, which she had been experiencing like a curse. Was it all real? If so, no wonder the experience felt that way.

“... Let’s go get the answer. Poppo-chan!”

“Kuruppo~ It’s nice to meet you, Rinka-sama. I was at the summoning place, but I would like to greet you again. I am Poppo-chan. I am the messenger who connects God and the Heroes. If you call Poppo-chan, I will come to you wherever you are."

“............ A pervert?”

Poppo-chan appeared in a gori-macho style with a pigeon full face. He still wears the same white tights.

“... What did Shiva stuff into your head this time?”

“No, I heard that she was a rotten girl, and I thought she might like me looking like this…”

I was stumped for a response. I froze so much that I couldn't even give a tsukkomi.

“... Poppo-chan.”


“Listen up, okay? The path of the rotten girls was not created in a day! Although I can see myself liking that outfit, you are lacking in shyness and ero!”

“What are you telling him, you stupid giiiirl!!”

My inner Shining Wizard exploded.

“Not good! Rinka, hear me ou……… the hell is this!? What the……… ahh, geez! Whatever!! Come with me, Rin Neechan, too!!”


I was taken away by Ten-chan (normal human style), who suddenly appeared from a spatial rift.

I can't keep up with the sudden development!

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84701417 


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