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The Princess Released From the Cursed Orb
Talat's meal lasted for three days and three nights.

I asked if it was okay to eat that much, but it seems that magic stones are lumps of magic power, so eating them doesn’t cause stomach discomfort.

Although there might be a lack of magic power from not consuming them, the adverse effects of overconsumption are limited.

I was told that even if a monster of Talat's class eats more than ten dragon magic stones, it will not be considered overconsumption, so there's no need to worry about Talat's condition.

The problem was the woman who came out of the large magic stone called the Cursed Orb.

She looked slightly younger than 20 years old, had long pink hair, or rather peach-colored hair, and her skin was transparently white.

From the moment she appeared, Rumaja started contacting someone in a panic, but what was going on?

Anyway, the woman was freed from the Cursed Orb.

Now we just had to wait for her to wake up, but she was not waking up.
She was released yesterday morning, and it was almost evening today.
Could there be something wrong with her body?

"What's this, Lily and Talat are here too?"

"Oh, Rumaja. Yes, we came to check on her."

"Don't worry, she will wake up soon. There's no way this person would be done in by something like this."

"This person? Rumaja, do you know her?"

"Hm? Ah, she’s my (warewa)..."


Ah, the woman woke up.
She looked at us with a dazed expression.
Her eyes were the color of blood, like rubies.
It seems Rumaja knew who this person was, but who is she?

"Are you awake, Master Plum?"

"Mm, oh, isn't it Rumaja? Have you been well?"

"Yes. First, let me (atashi) report our recent situation."

Rumaja referred to herself as "atashi"!
And her way of speaking was very polite and normal!
So this person was Rumaja's master.

"… That's the situation of the past 20 years or so."

"Mhm. I’ve been missing for over 20 years?"

"Yes. The inquiry records I received only say that you disappeared in the garden of the Driennes family in the Driennes territory of the Darshe Principality."

"Mm. Now that you mention it, I think I saw people in black robes before I lost consciousness..."

"Black robes. The Inquisitors of the Gaze Church?"

"Hnh, I can't say for sure. There's no definitive proof. It would have been good if there was some evidence left."

"The fact that the inquiry reached me means that there was no trace. They might have thought you went off to visit a disciple on a whim."

"How rude… By the way, who are this girl and this spider monster?"

"Ah, I’m late in introducing them. The girl is Lily, and the spider monster is Talat. She’s a tamer and that’s her familiar."


"… Talat helped rescue you, Master. He freed you from the Cursed Orb you were imprisoned in."

"Oh my! I’m very sorry about that. I am Plum. The third daughter of the Blastie family of the Darshe Principality. Nice to meet you, Lily, Talat."

So, the woman is Plum and was taken away by the Inquisitors of the Gaze Church?
There are many things I don’t understand and it’s troubling.
I need them to explain more clearly.


Plum and Her Circumstances
Alright, let’s organize the situation.
The woman who was rescued from the Cursed Orb is named Plum.
She is the third daughter of Duke Blastie’s family in the Darshe Principality... so she's a noble?
She doesn’t seem like it at all, though.
Also, what is the Gaze Church?
And what are Inquisitors?

"... Hmm, it seems there are many things you don't understand."

"Well, it’s no wonder. Being suddenly bombarded with foreign terms would be confusing."

"Um, Plum... right?"

"What is it?"

"Um, are you a noble?"

"Technically, yes. I am from Duke Blastie’s family, one of the seven great Ducal families in the Darshe Principality, which is a vampire lineage. But you don't need to worry about that. Being overly formal would be troublesome."

"Then, excuse me. What is the Gaze Church?"

"That? It's the state religion of the religious nation Gaiza Theocracy. They denounce the elemental Gods as evil Gods and, um..."

"The Gaze Church defines the Celestial God Gaze as the only God, Master."

"Oh, that's right. By the way, the Inquisitors are essentially the nation's sabotage agents."

I see, I still don't really get it.
So, there’s a place called the Gaiza Theocracy, and Plum might have been kidnapped by their sabotage agents.
And Plum is a noble lady of the Darshe Principality... wait?

"Isn’t this a significant international issue?"

"You just realized that?"

"I'm sorry. Lily can be a bit slow at times..."

Is it okay to be having a leisurely conversation here?
But then again, she was missing for over 20 years, so the situation might not change even if we rush?
Hmm, I don’t know.

"Well, what should I do now?"

"I have already informed the Darshe Principality. The first report was sent three days ago, so any moment now..."

"There you are, my beloved daughter!"

Suddenly, a voice shouted, and an elegant middle-aged man emerged from the ground.
I don't really understand, but given the situation, it can't be helped.
What on earth is going on?

"You're being noisy, Father. To teleport all the way to a foreign country..."

"But I had to! Upon hearing that my daughter, who had been missing for over 20 years, was found!"

"You're the Duke of Darshe now. Please compose yourself."

"Y-Yes... And who is this girl and spider? Isn't that Rumaja over there? What about the girl and spider? The spider looks like a Frost Spider."

"The girl is Lily, and the spider is Talat. They are the ones who saved me."

"Oh my! My apologies! Though I did not know, it was impolite of me to behave rudely towards my daughter's benefactors. Please forgive me."

Hmm, this person also has high energy.
He must be extremely happy to have found his daughter.
Oh, I haven’t asked his name yet.

"No, please don’t worry about it. As introduced, my name is Lily. This is my familiar, the Frost Silk Spider Tarat. May I ask your name?"

"Oh! My apologies again! I forgot this was not the Darshe Principality. I am Sazaby Blastie, the Duke of the Darshe Principality. Nice to meet you, young lady."

Wow, a Duke.
I can’t keep up with all of this.
What should I do?


Darshe Principality’s Seventh Great Duke, Bastaraf
For the time being, since we couldn’t keep talking in the bedroom forever, we moved to the parlor.
There, we found an old man sipping tea.
The aroma... it's green tea.

“Hmm. Sazaby, have you found Lady Plum?”

“Yes, I did, Grandpa Bastaraf. I apologize for having you teleport all the way here.”

“Not at all. That girl is like a beloved granddaughter to me as well.”

The newly appeared old man was apparently called Bastaraf.
Since Lord Sazaby was speaking to him so familiarly, he must be from the Darshe Principality as well.

“Hm? Sazaby, who is the young girl behind you?”

“Oh, her? This is Lily, the one who rescued Plum.”

“I see, I see. My name is Bastaraf. I am the head of the Lich family, one of the Seven Great Ducal families of the Darshe Principality.”

“So, you’re a nobleman...”

“Yes, but there’s no need to be overly deferential to the nobles of the Darshe Principality. While being overly arrogant is also a problem, treating us as equals is sufficient. After living for thousands of years, there’s not much that can anger me.”

Thousands of years... that's on a completely different scale.
I’m only 16 years old (according to the Goddess’s setting).

After sitting down in the parlor, Lord Bastaraf himself brewed some green tea for us.
The warm green tea somehow soothes my heart.
People in this country are not used to the bitterness and find it hard to drink, but I’m fine with it.
In fact, if I said I wanted to import it privately, they would arrange it through the embassy. How lucky!

Soon after, Plum, who had changed clothes, came and told us about the events that had happened.
Although Lord Bastaraf said that most things wouldn't anger him, he was quite furious about this.

Is everything going to be alright...?

“Lord Bastaraf, do not be so hasty. We do not have conclusive evidence yet. If it turns out to be true, we need to thoroughly investigate how the Inquisitors infiltrated, but for now, that’s all we can do.”

“Hmm... I’ve lived for thousands of years, but I’ve only ever been tormented by the heretics of Gaze. There's nothing more troublesome than those who have misconstrued faith and no longer fear death. What should we do?”

“Grandpa Bastaraf, restoring order in our country comes first. I’m worried about Plum, so I’ll stay for a while. Can you return first and give the necessary orders?”

“Yes, that sounds best. I’ve already positioned the airborne troops in advance. But don’t strike first.”

“I’m not that foolish. This is just preparation in case they strike.”

“That’s good. Then, I will return. Oh, Lily. Here’s today’s tea. Since it’s already opened, drink it before it gets damp.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Mm. I’m glad to have gained another granddaughter. Farewell then.”

The area around Lord Bastaraf distorted, and his figure vanished.
This must be some form of teleportation magic.
I’d like to learn it myself. If I can, that is.

After Lord Bastaraf left, Rumaja summarized the potential actions the Kingdom might take.
Some of them were unbelievable, but considering the incompetence of the Knights, they weren’t out of the question.
We gathered the other adventurers who participated in the mission and discussed it again, but no one disagreed with Rumaja’s opinion.
Is the King of this country really that incompetent?

After a while, things got noisy outside, and a servant rushed into the parlor.
Something must have happened... or rather, Rumaja’s scenario was spot on.

“Lady Rumaja! The Royal Knights have come to capture you! They accuse you of stealing the Royal treasure!”

So, it’s the Royal treasure...
This means the Kingdom is definitely in the wrong.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108781340


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