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Strategy Meeting (1)
The nobility of the Capital, including the clerical and provincial nobility, were gathered in the grand hall by Prime Minister Sylberg, where they were informed of a Royal decree from Big brother Roland, the acting regent.

Recently, there had been rumors within the castle of a potential clash with the Elfast Magic Kingdom, so the nobles were not overly shocked.

However, the reality of war preparations and doubts about the Kingdom’s chances of victory made many anxious.

After dispersing from the hall, the nobles returned to their respective departments to issue orders for the war.
Consequently, the Royal Castle swiftly geared up for conflict with the Elfast Magic Kingdom.

The Royal knights dispatched messengers to all the provincial nobles within the Kingdom, and the entire Kingdom was soon tinted with the colors of war.

During this time, negotiations were conducted between the diplomats of the Kingdom of Critonia and the envoys of the Elfast Magic Kingdom.
The Kingdom firmly refused to hand over Aria, continuing to protect her against the demands of the Magic Kingdom.

In response, the envoy from the Magic Kingdom threatened that opposing the Magic Kingdom would lead to significant losses for Critonia.
The Kingdom’s diplomats replied that they were prepared for war, leading to a breakdown in negotiations.

Twenty days later, an envoy from the Elfast Magic Kingdom arrived and declared war on the Kingdom of Critonia.

Brother Roland, sister Emilia, my Brother Adel, myself, Prime Minister Sylberg, Commander Bamberg of the Royal Knights, Captain Lyshiria of the Royal Guard, and the Chief of the Security Corps gathered in a meeting room within the castle to discuss the response to the Magic Kingdom.

We each took our seats in the circular arrangement, quietly gazing at Brother Roland.
He looked at each of us, nodded deeply, and then spoke slowly.

"We have received a declaration of war from the Elfast Magic Kingdom. As a Kingdom, we intend to face this war without retreating an inch. However, this choice does not mean we aim for a full-scale war with the Magic Kingdom. Keeping that in mind, let us discuss our strategies for the battle."

Upon hearing Brother Roland's words, the room fell silent.
In this stillness, Commander Bamberg of the Royal Knights stood up from his chair.

"If it comes to a full-scale war with the Magic Kingdom, we will need to mobilize the private armies of the Kingdom’s lords. However, I do not believe the Magic Kingdom will commit to a full-scale war from the outset. Therefore, it is prudent to have the lords on the Kingdom's west side ready to deploy at any time, and for the Royal Knights to handle the initial confrontation as the Kingdom's army."

The Royal Knights number about ten thousand soldiers.

Usually, half of them, five thousand, are mobilized for war, while the other half remains to guard the Capital and the castle.
However, if necessary, the full ten thousand soldiers can be mobilized.

It is unclear how large a scale of war the Elfast Magic Kingdom envisions, but if the enemy’s numbers are within ten thousand, the Royal Knights can manage it.
It's a sound plan.

Once Commander Bamberg took his seat, Captain Lyshiria stood up next.

"The number of soldiers might suffice, but the issue lies with the Magic Kingdom’s Court Magicians and Royal Magicians. If these two groups launch a long-range magic attack on our main camp, it could be catastrophic. Therefore, the Royal Guard wish to participate and act as a shield for the main camp."

The Elfast Magic Kingdom has two magic military units.

The Court Magicians Corps, the Magic Kingdom's most elite unit, is composed of magicians skilled in powerful magic attacks using magic circles.
They are known for their large-scale magic attacks involving group chanting and magic circles, rumored to be capable of destroying an entire city.

Executing such large-scale magic requires considerable time and personnel, so it's rarely used in battles.

The Court Magicians Corps has fewer than a hundred magicians due to its elite nature.

The Royal Magicians Corps consists of lesser magicians who cannot perform such powerful magic and cannot attack from a great distance, but their numbers exceed five hundred.

In comparison, the Court Magicians Corps' magic is akin to artillery, while the Royal Magicians Corps' magic is more like handguns.
Either way, for Critonia, which lacks its own magic corps, they are formidable opponents. Lyshiria’s caution is understandable.

Once Lyshiria was seated, I slowly stood up, placing my hands on the table.

"We in the Royal family have anticipated a clash with the Elfast Magic Kingdom and prepared accordingly. We have developed new weapons, transforming magic vehicles into magic tanks. Currently, we have sixty magic vehicles. Twenty are deployed to the Kingdom's east as a deterrent to the Bardhain Empire, and forty are planned for the initial battle against the Magic Kingdom."

Hearing my words, the room buzzed with surprise.

Only my Royal siblings and Prime Minister Sylberg knew about the magic tanks, so it's no wonder the others were shocked.


Strategy Meeting (2)
We were strategizing for the initial battle against the Elfast Magic Kingdom in the castle’s conference room.

Commander Bamberg of the Royal Knights glared at me sharply.

“Could you explain what a magic tank is? If it hinders the actions of the Royal Knights, we will have no choice but to reject its use.”

“A magic tank is a modified metal magic vehicle designed to traverse any rough terrain. It is equipped with wind magic circles on its front, sides, and top, constantly creating wind barriers to block arrows and magic attacks. The vehicle’s weapon is a wind magic circle mounted at the front, capable of blowing away boulders twenty meters ahead with the push of a button.”

The mechanism of the wind barrier on the magic tanks was devised by Emmy.

The magic tanks have windows on all sides, but lacking a suitable glass substitute, they remain open holes.
If targeted by archers or magicians, those inside would be in danger.
To counter this, the wind barrier was conceived after much consideration.

Commander Bamberg’s eyebrows twitched.

“The wind barrier on the magic tanks might hinder the movement of our troops in a melee. How do you plan to deploy the magic tanks?”

“The magic tanks are not meant for use in chaotic skirmishes. They are intended to disrupt or annihilate the enemy vanguard at the onset of the battle, break through the enemy’s center, and assault their main camp.”

“Hold on. You plan to end the initial battle with a magic tank charge? No matter how powerful they are, this is a reckless plan. Why do you think the Royal Knights exist on the battlefield?”

Commander Bamberg slammed his fist on the table, veins bulging on his forehead.

Perhaps he thought the Royal Knights were being mocked.

While Commander Bamberg's temper is always quick to flare, I continued without concern.

“War is not about counting the number of enemy soldiers killed. Especially in the initial clash with the Magic Kingdom, I want to avoid a quagmire of chaotic fighting. Such a scenario would result in many casualties on both sides and leave a lingering resentment, potentially escalating into a full-scale war. I want to avoid that.”

“I understand Prince Ian’s concerns, but wars are not so easily decided. Isn’t it too reckless to aim solely for the main camp with just the magic tanks?”

Lyshiria looked at me worriedly.

I nodded deeply and spread my hands.

“It’s not as reckless as it sounds. The magic tanks are made of metal, so they can’t be easily damaged by swords or spears, and they are protected from arrows and magic attacks by the wind barrier. The wheels are modified with tracks, so they won’t topple even on rough terrain, and they can move five times faster than a carriage, making them unstoppable. Simply put, no one can stop the moving magic tanks.”

From my past life in Japan, I know that tanks dominated land battles.
It’s challenging to convey this image to everyone.

As I cheerfully explained, Commander Bamberg twisted his face in disdain and snorted.

“Prince Ian seems quite confident in the magic tanks. If you say so, then the Royal Knights will advance across the battlefield ravaged by the tanks. But who will command this reckless plan?”

“That would be me. After all, it was my proposal.”

“Wait a moment! I will take command! Let me do it!”

“Ian, you can’t! A ten-year-old child on the battlefield is too dangerous!”

“Ian, I have not heard of this plan!”

Brother Adel, my Sister Emilia, and Brother Roland all stood up and shouted in response to my words.

I anticipated they would try to stop me if I decided to lead the magic tanks.
But this plan was conceived when I consulted with Emmy about creating the magic tanks.

I took three deep breaths to calm myself and began to speak.

“The pride of the Kingdom of Critonia is at stake in this battle with the Elfast Magic Kingdom. Therefore, it is fitting for a member of the Royal family to serve as the commander. Since Brother Roland is the regent, he cannot leave the castle. Naturally, Brother Adel will become the commander-in-chief. Sister Emilia will be busy treating the wounded with the Saint’s Blessing. Thus, I am the only one left from the Royal family. Since I devised the magic tanks, no one knows their workings better than I do. Therefore, I decided to lead them.”

“Forget the logic, just switch the command with me!”

“That’s not possible. By the order of succession, you are next after Brother Roland. It’s more appropriate for me to lead the magic tanks.”

I argued back against Brother Adel’s shouting.

It seemed unfair that only my siblings would go to the battlefield.

While the battlefield is a place of killing and is terrifying, I also want to witness the performance of the magic tanks firsthand.
No matter what anyone says, I am determined to go to the battlefield.


Towards the War
When I declared that I would lead the magic tanks, Brother Roland, Sister Emilia, and Brother Adel opposed the idea.
However, since I refused to back down, the meeting became contentious.

I looked around at everyone present and bowed my head.

“Everyone is worried, but as I said earlier, the inside of the magic tanks is safe. So, please leave it to me.”

“Even if the magic tanks are safe, there is still a chance they could break down on the battlefield. In that case, I will accompany Prince Ian in his magic tank. The role of the Royal Guard is to protect the Royal family. It’s appropriate for me to be his escort.”

Lyshiria stood up and convinced everyone.

Since my three siblings had roles to play in this battle, I was the only one who knew the magic tanks’ workings well enough to lead them.

After some consideration, Brother Roland bowed his head to Lyshiria.

“Please take care of Ian. Make sure he returns safely from the battlefield.”

“Even if it costs me my life.”

Lyshiria placed a fist on her chest and saluted sharply.

With my issue resolved, we moved on to the next topic: selecting the battlefield.

At Brother Roland’s signal, Prime Minister Sylberg stood up and cleared his throat.

“It’s only a prediction, but it’s likely that the Elfast Magic Kingdom’s army will head towards the Kingdom of Critonia via the western highway. In that case, the hilly region along the western border will be the battlefield.”

“Why do you think so? Although unlikely, what if the Elfast Magic Kingdom’s army sets up in the mountainous region? If they take the high ground, our cavalry and infantry will be at a disadvantage and become targets for their magical troops.”

Commander Bamberg asked expressionlessly.

The Royal Knights of the Kingdom of Critonia mainly consist of cavalry and infantry with few magic troops, making us vulnerable in a magic battle.
It’s understandable why Commander Bamberg would be concerned.

As if anticipating the question, Prime Minister Sylberg replied.

“If the Elfast Magic Kingdom chooses the mountains, we should ignore them. The impatient enemy will eventually come down from the mountains into our territory. We can then intercept them.”

“There’s no need to fight on unfavorable terrain and fall into the enemy’s trap. The Magic Kingdom isn’t foolish either, so they’ll likely avoid mountain battles.”

“Indeed. Thus, the Elfast Magic Kingdom will likely use the highway for easy transportation of supplies and choose the hilly region for long-range magic attacks.”

“In the plains, our cavalry can fully utilize their speed, but in the hilly region, the hills will slow them down. If they take the hilltops, they can freely use magic attacks on our advancing troops. It’s likely the enemy will choose the hilly region as the battlefield.”

After much discussion, we concluded that the Elfast Magic Kingdom’s army would likely choose the hilly region along the highway and set up on the hilltops.

We then strategized on how to corner the enemy.

The meeting continued for some time, and we finalized our strategy and plans.

That midnight, I snuck out of the castle, met with Mr. Kernel, and headed to the Black Ravens hideout.

I met with Leader Cyrus and informed him about the clash between the Kingdom of Critonia and the Elfast Magic Kingdom, requesting that he prevent the Spider from acting within the Kingdom while the Royal court focused on the war.

Leader Cyrus, already aware of the rumors of the war, gladly agreed.

The next day at noon, I went to Aria’s room in the castle and informed her about the impending war and that Commander Bamberg of the Royal Knights and Captain Lyshiria of the Royal Guard would be absent.
I also asked Orlan, who was with her, to strengthen her security.

Five days later, an envoy from the Bardhain Empire visited the castle.

According to the Kingdom’s diplomats, the Empire offered to send reinforcements upon learning of the conflict between the Elfast Magic Kingdom and the Kingdom of Critonia.

The Kingdom’s diplomats politely declined the offer.

As the Empire’s envoy left, they forcibly took back the seventh prince, Adolf, who had been staying as a guest in the castle.

It seemed the Empire intended to send troops, assess the situation within the Kingdom under the guise of an alliance, and if the Magic Kingdom gained the upper hand, betray us and invade our territory.

They probably took Prince Adolf back to avoid him being taken hostage if the Kingdom of Critonia and the Bardhain Empire went to war.

Two days after the Empire’s envoy left, Brother Roland ordered twenty magic tanks to head to the eastern border to keep the Bardhain Empire in check.

A week later, we received information from our spies in the Elfast Magic Kingdom’s Capital that their army had completed preparations and departed.

The Magic Kingdom’s army numbered approximately ten thousand.

Two days after receiving this report, ten thousand Royal Knights and forty magic tanks, led by Commander-in-Chief Adel, departed for the western border of the Kingdom.



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