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Please make me a lady - Equipment Edition
Dance was no longer a problem, and it was decided that Yue-chan would finish up the practice with Fizz.

"Alright, let's get you changed, Yue-chan."

Yue-chan was comfortably wearing a boy's uniform.


Yue-chan tilted her head.

"You have some masculine mannerisms, Yue-chan. Wearing skirts regularly will help you master natural feminine movements!"

"I see."

Moreover, Sylvester's girls' uniform is a simplified dress with a long skirt, perfect for practice. No need to change into a dress specifically for etiquette lessons.

"Make sure to wear skirts at home too. If you don't have any, I'll make them for you."

"At home too!?"

"Natural feminine manners can't be mastered overnight."

For Milfi, Miss Leticia, and me, it’s practically second nature by now.

So, let's get changed!

"I-I feel so uneasy… how do girls manage in such defenseless attire..."

Yue-chan was trembling, holding down her skirt.


Secret technique, Skirt Flipping!

Let me explain! This is a mischievous move often done by elementary school boys to the girls they’re curious about!



"Miss Rosarin!?"

Yue-chan collapsed in shock.

"Listen, Yue-chan. If you let your guard down, you'll be subjected to such humiliation. That's why girls always maintain a beautiful posture to fend off scoundrels! No one dares to flip my skirt!"

"… It's impossible to do that to Rosary in more ways than one…"

"Is that so?"

"Even if someone succeeded, Dirk-sama would definitely be furious, and they'd suffer terribly."

"… I see."

Milfi, what do you mean? But you're not wrong.

This tactic worked quite well. Because of the unreliable skirt, Yue-chan’s steps became smaller and her movements more refined. With her naturally good posture and height, she looked stunning.

"She’s so cute…"


"Yue-sama… you look so dignified today…"

As a result, Yue-chan gained fans of both genders. Her confusion over the unfamiliar skirt and the compliments she received created a charming gap from her usual dignified self, making her quite popular.

"Yue-chan has a fiancé, remember. She’s wearing that skirt for her fiancé."

I dealt with any troublemakers myself, but persistent fans remained. An unexpected twist also emerged.

"Rosarin, ever since Yue-chan started wearing skirts, crossdressing boys have become popular in the rotten world."

"You inhabit a different world! I don't care about your rotten world! You’re the one who spread this crossdressing trend, aren’t you!?"


"You idiotic lassss!!"

I dealt Rinka a stern fist. I don't care about the trends among rotten girls!

While I was sulking at my desk, Yue-chan approached.

"Rosarin, Fizz complimented me on how well I looked in a skirt. Since you made the clothes, I wanted to thank you…"

Yue-chan looked adorable. I hugged Yue-chan, feeling mentally exhausted because of Rinka. Yue-chan's presence was soothing and she smelled nice.

"I'm glad, Yue-chan."

"Yeah, thanks!"

I began discussing what clothes would suit Yue-chan, tips on coordination, and current trends...

Thump, thump.

"……… Huh?"

Thump, thump.

"………… What?"

Thump, thump, thump.

My dear Dirk was watching from a distance, his tail thumping. Why is he unhappy... Oh, it’s because I hugged Yue-chan!

"What's Dirk-san doing?"

Yue-chan tilted her head, seeing Dirk-san not coming over.

"That’s because, despite having him, he’s jealous that I hugged someone else."

"… Is that so?"


I felt Yue-chan was giving me a look of pity. I went over to Dirk.


"………… (Pout).”

While pouting, his tail wrapped around me. My dear is the cutest in the world today, too.

"I'm happy to see you, Dirk. Hug me, please."

"Just a little, then…"



I eagerly hugged… or rather, leapt at him, and Dirk caught me properly.

"… Looks like Rosarin's interpretation was right. Sorry for being disrespectful to your precious wife."

Even though I hugged her, Yue-chan apologized.

"No, I’m sorry too… I just can’t control myself when it comes to my wife…"

Dirk also apologized. After that, we talked about clothes Fizz might like, with Dirk joining in.

After Yue-chan left, Dirk said,

"Rosarin, maybe you shouldn’t prepare clothes for Yue-chan anymore."


"Fizz complained. He said he’ll take care of Yue-chan’s clothes himself. Curtis spilled the beans about Yue-chan suddenly becoming popular, and now it’s bothering him because she’s too cute."

"… I see."

"That's a mischievous smile."

Later, I gave Yue-chan a set of refined and elegant outfits, perfectly matching Fizz’s tastes, including shoes and accessories.

I was later told that Fizz, feeling frustrated, went shopping with Yue-chan. Yue-chan was very pleased with Fizz’s compliments. Good job, me!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108842448


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