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The behind-the-scenes of dance practice.
Leticia’s Point of View

Miss Rosarin is a mysterious woman. Despite my awful behavior, she never showed any displeasure and became my friend.

Such a rare Miss Rosarin… she asked me and Miss Milfilia to instruct Yue-sama on manners.

"If I can be of service, would be delighted."

"M-me too!? I-I will do my best!"

Miss Milfilia readily accepted. Yue-sama is also a friend of mine, so I gladly agreed.

The four of us discussed and decided to rent a dance hall to first assess Yue-sama's dance level. The partner was His Highness Aldin, who supposedly has a similar build to Yue-sama’s fiancé. I’m so jealous...

Marquis Burton, who was free at the time, also came along.

We immediately had Yue-sama dance with Aldin-sama, but...


"... Indeed, it is stiff. Even though the steps are fine..."

"The posture is good too, but..."

"How to put it... it feels too manly?"

Miss Rosarin, Miss Milfilia, myself, and Marquis Burton spoke in that order.

Yue-sama had good posture and accurate steps, but there was a lack of fluidity. It felt more like watching a peculiar march than a dance.

"Could it be… because she practices kendo and has strong muscles? Dirk, let’s show them how it’s done!"

"Huh? Okay."

Miss Rosarin and Marquis Burton started dancing. Their light steps and evident enjoyment were heartwarming. Miss Rosarin’s dance, with its trust in her partner, conveyed a feminine softness and suppleness and was truly splendid.

It was splendid, but… as the music became more mood-setting, their gazes and movements turned… how should I put it… sensual, alluring. Though neither Miss Rosarin nor Marquis Burton’s clothes were disheveled, their dance felt like witnessing an intimate moment one shouldn't see.

The gentle movements… the gestures that seemed to caress without touching… it was...

"Um… uh…"


"… Ugh…"



Yue-sama’s comment froze the atmosphere.

Exactly! It was indeed erotic!

How accurate! No one could deny it. Both Aldin-sama and I blushed deeply from the sheer sensuality...


I noticed an odd expression on Aldin-sama's face.

"N-no, but that softness is necessary!"

Miss Milfilia hurriedly tried to smooth things over. Indeed, that feminine movement should be a model. Miss Rosarin, seemingly trying to change the mood, took Yue-sama’s hand.

"Alright, Yue! Dance with me!"


Miss Rosarin instantly transformed into a man. Was it magic? Her rich wavy hair was tied up, and the male attire only highlighted her excellent figure. The cross-dressed Miss Rosarin was breathtakingly beautiful… a feast for the eyes.

Initially, it seemed she was stepping messily. Since Yue-sama was slightly taller, it looked a bit difficult to dance. Yet, they both seemed to be having fun.


"Heh, haha, hahaha!"

With Miss Rosarin’s lead, Yue-sama seemed to relax, losing the rigid feeling from before.

"Milfi, music."

At Miss Rosarin’s instruction, the dance music began, and Yue-sama danced almost perfectly. But the fact that Miss Rosarin could also perform the male part so well was truly impressive!



Miss Milfilia and I clapped excitedly.

"The stiffness is gone. Sometimes, it's also good to leave it to your partner. Honestly, if the man is good at dancing, the woman can just twirl, and it will still look great."

Miss Rosarin's advice to rely on the partner was surprising, but undeniable.

"I can't deny that. You'd be surprised how often it works."

Prince Aldin agreed. He mentioned how Prince Alphage once forced Miss Rabisha, who hadn’t learned to dance yet, to dance, and it looked surprisingly good. Prince Alphage can be cruel.

"Fizz is good at dancing, so if you can dance this well, you'll be fine."

Marquis Burton also gave his approval, but Yue-sama wanted to learn more, so we instructed her on the finer points. Thanks to Miss Rosarin’s precise advice, Yue-sama made remarkable progress afterward. With this, dancing shouldn’t be a problem.

Seeing Yue-sama becoming quite accustomed to dancing, Miss Rosarin remarked,

"Yue, you're amazing."

"... I think it’s Rosary’s skills that are amazing. Although Yue-sama is impressive too."

"I share Miss Milfilia’s opinion."


"Well, it’s Rosarin after all."

Marquis Burton chuckled. Miss Rosarin didn’t seem to realize how impressive she was.

After that, since it was a rare opportunity, I also danced with the cross-dressed Miss Rosarin. She led very skillfully, making it easy to dance. Beautiful, cool, and an excellent dancer—how unfair.

"P-Prince Aldin! W-would you dance with me too!?"

"Hmm? Sure."

I gathered the courage to ask Prince Aldin to dance. Suddenly, Prince Aldin seemed distracted. When I saw what he was looking at, my previous suspicion was confirmed.


I deliberately stepped on Prince Aldin’s foot for a moment.

"… You got distracted during the dance. Can you keep up with me?"

I smiled slyly and started performing a step I used to lament was impossible with my tutor.


Prince Aldin hurriedly matched my steps.


"Haha, ahahaha!"

Oh, the radiant smile I fell in love with. Lost in a dream, I soon ran out of stamina.

Prince Aldin hurriedly supported me.

"Are you alright!? But Miss Leticia, you’re quite amusing!"

"I’m glad to hear that."

Feeling happy from his smile directed at me, I sighed inwardly at how fickle love can be.

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