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All of this is love, and that too is love.
Here we can't miss, so we made a surprise visit to Rinka's rented house.

"Excuse me!"

"Rosarin-chan, welco... Kurarin!?"

"It's been a while, Rinka. It's good to see you looking well."

"Kurarin... Kuraaaaariiiiin!! I've missed you so much!!"

"Rinka, tears are a maiden's ultimate weapon. Don't cry so easily."

"Sniff... I got it."

"……… What's the situation here?"

"... A moving reunion."

"I can see that. Why is Kurarin here?"

I explained. Here's the gist.

"By the way, as a senior God of Love, we seek your advice."

"Please, Senior."

"... Advice, huh... It's an ability I've been using instinctively, so... well, I could see threads from people who were meant to be together. Kurarin, can you see them too?"

"... You two are wrapped up in threads. You already seem to be bound together."


Lavita turned bright red. So, you can see if people are spiritually connected?

"Kurarin, what about me?"

"A sacred rope."

It was no longer a thread. It was a rope. A thick one. In other words, Dirk and I are deeply and strongly bound together! (I thought positively!)

"A sacred rope... haha."

Rinka was laughing, so I gave her a shining wizard.

"Don't attack Rinka so casually! Thicker threads just mean stronger connections!"

Lavita scolded me. Now, onto the main event.

"Please tell us about your love... that is, how you met."

"Th-then I'll start..."

Lavita spoke about how, even after becoming a Evil and regretting it, Rinka was indeed a ray of hope. Knowing it was unforgivable, he still wished to be with Rinka... and now... even now, he sometimes doubts if it's all just a dream because he's so happy.

"Lavita-kun! It's not a dream! I'm definitely here!"

"Hey... Rinka!? I-I get it!"

Lavita was flustered as Rinka hugged him tightly.

"I'll tell my side too!"

Rinka had correctly predicted the true nature of the Evil in the game. The former God of Love couldn't be saved, even in the true ending of the game. Only Judas-sama could be saved, and the Evil had to be destroyed. Rinka couldn't accept that ending.

Then, Shiva approached her. You want to change the future, don't you? If you wish, the ending will change. Please save that child... Shiva's wish was also Rinka's wish, so Rinka agreed.

What Rinka didn't anticipate was falling in love with the Evil for real. She thought he was just a character she admired, but every time she touched the real Evil, Lavita, she was drawn to him and eventually fell in love.

She was once jealous, thinking the woman who triggered Lavita's transformation into the Wicked God was someone else, but now it's a fond memory.

"I never thought I'd fall in love in another world."

"Me neither... I've seen many people fall in love, but I never thought I'd fall in love myself."

The two looked at each other with happiness. I'm glad for them.


Rinka was surprised by Kurarin's transformation. I'm already used to it. I decided not to care.

"Oh, it seems Kurarin cosplays when she charges love."

"Why does that happen!?"

"I don't know."

Honestly, I want to ask that. By the way, Kurarin had transformed into a magical girl style with angel wings. The angel wings might represent Lavita, and the magical girl might represent Rinka. I'm scared of how calm I've become. Getting used to things is scary.

Rinka and Lavita's love... was shining gold.

"Maybe it's a special feature because she’s a god... Oh, Rinka, why don't you talk with Kurarin about moe and stuff in another room? I wonder if that also counts as love?"

"Leave it to me!"



The scream was Rinka's, but Kurarin was in a dire situation. She looked like a rotten corpse... no, she was alive. Kurarin was rotting.

"It counts as love, but... this love might be better not used."

“”We're sorry!!"”

Kurarin, unfazed by her own appearance, is amazing. We learned that fujoshi love is unusable. We'll never do it again!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107154386


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