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The Senior's teachings and practice.
Kurarin was going to learn how to use her powers through practical application from Lavita.

"The key is to unravel the entanglement. Imagine using the stored power to 'correct the shape of the thread.' That sparkly prince is difficult, so how about Yue? That one isn't as complicated."

"I understand."

Just to be sure, I decided to get consent from the person in question.

"... I don't like using other people's powers, but..."

"The power of the God of Love is merely a catalyst, and divine power is born from human prayers... in other words, it's human power."

"I see."

"Also, it's to revive the power of the God of Love. So if possible, I'd like your cooperation."

"In that case, I don't mind."

Yue is quite manly. A handsome lady.

"Kurarin, choose a crystal that suits her current self."

"Got it! Let's go, Yunyun!!"

Kurarin began to glow pink.

"Divine God☆Transform!! Miracle KuruKura☆KurarinRin☆"

Pink light surrounded Kurarin, and her costume changed with heart effects.

"Divine God of Love☆Miracle Kurarin, has descended☆☆"

Kurarin struck a perfect pose.

"Bravo! Bravo, Kurarin!!"

I gave Kurarin an unreserved round of applause and praise. She had added her own twist to the transformation lines and poses I once devised, reaching new heights.

"Wonderful!! It's amazing, Kurarin!!"

"Thank you, Rosarin! Thank you, Rinka!!"

Kurarin responded to us with a blown kiss.

"... I can't keep up with this..."

"It's okay, I don't quite get it either."

The two serious ones were left behind. They lack enthusiasm. This is one of those things where you don't think, you feel!

"With courage! And honesty! To you!!"

Kurarin chose the love of the Mistress and Sage, and mother’s love.

A gentle light enveloped Yue.

"What's this... It's a gentle power... Yes, I'll talk to Fizz. I feel like I can talk properly now."

Yue smiled gently and left.

"In this case, how will we know the result?"

"Kurarin... give me your hand."



Lavita's irritation was evident.

"Short-tempered men aren't popular, you know."

"They aren't popular."


Lavita got even more irritated... but he declared proudly.

"I only need to be popular with Rinka! There's no point in being popular with Rosarin and Kurarin!! I only want Rinka's love!!"

"Lavita-kun! I'm madly in love with you!!"

Lavita looked triumphant. Damn, as expected of the God of Love!

"Anyway, let's do this! We can see how the person we've given power to is doing!"

Lavita seemed to use Kurarin's power, and an image of Yue appeared in the space.

Probably the knight commander's office?? It seems like it's been cleared of people.

"Fizz, I like you."

"Whoaaa!? W-W-whawhahat are you–!?"

We were all shocked by the unexpected preemptive strike. A super direct approach without any preamble. Fizz was so shaken that he tore his documents! It's surprising to see such a meticulous person do that, indicating how disturbed he was.

"Fizz–”Yue, you're mistaken."

"No, I'm not."

"You are. I've always… wanted someone to love and be loved by, like my friends who are married."

"And I responded to that. I truly fell in love with you. Why won't you believe me? My heart is mine! I love you by my own will! Even your seriousness, and your inflexibility!!"

Yue slammed Fizz's desk in frustration and glared at him.

"... Yue ... really?"

Fizz looked like he couldn't believe it. He touched Yue's cheek as if to confirm it.

"I'm serious."

They were facing each other across the desk... but Yue leaned over and kissed Fizz.


"It's my first kiss. If anything, take responsibility and marry me."

"................... Fine. Let's get engaged for now."


"I've made up my mind."

Fizz stood up and knelt before Yue.

"Amaha Yue... I love you with all my heart. Will you be my fiancée?"

"With pleasure!!"

Yue smiled broadly and hugged Fizz. Fizz lifted Yue and kissed her happily.

I heard later that Fizz had always thought Yue's affection for him was due to some divine power.

"Congratulations, Commander!"

"Down with happy couples!!"

Fizz was mobbed by the Knights who had barged in until he snapped in about five seconds.

Yue's love was successfully realized. I looked at Kurarin with relief.


Kurarin was glowing pink. The silhouette looked very familiar... it looked more like a peach than a butt.

Kurarin had turned into a peach.

"Lavita-kun, what is this?"

"I don't know. Maybe something like a chrysalis...?"

"Should we crack it open? Or wait?"

"Wait. Why crack it?"

Lavita looked bewildered. Not knowing the famous story of the peach-born hero, he probably saw our actions as the reckless behavior of schoolboys breaking open a chrysalis.

"Or should we float it down the river?"

"That's it!"

"Which is it!? Aren't you supposed to be Kurarin's friends!?"

"We're soul friends."

"Rather, heart friends."

As we were having this ridiculous exchange, the peach split open with a dazzling light.

"First! Teach love to people. Second! Preach the happiness of couples. Third! Make everyone lovey-dovey! Lovo-love Peach Samurai!! Kurarin!!"

"That's the direction you went!?"

Rinka and I immediately retorted. Lavita was flustered.

As a result of fulfilling Yue's love, Kurarin had turned into a samurai.

How did it come to this!?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107584070


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