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Aria’s Protection
Under the persuasion of Boss Sylas, the girl obediently decided to come to the Royal Castle.

After leaving the Black Ravens hideout, I thanked Mr. Kernel and Orlan.

"Thank you again for this time."

"It's all right. Come by the ruins again."

Mr. Kernel smiled cheerfully and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Then, as Sister Emilia, the girl, and I began to walk, Orlan, for some reason, decided to come along.

"Huh? Orlan, where are you going? We're heading to the Royal castle."

"I'm coming with you."

"Why are you coming? Entry to the castle is restricted to only a few people. You can't come in."

Orlan and Sister Emilia started bickering again.

It's a usual occurrence, so there's no need to stop them.
They seem to get along surprisingly well.

I decided to leave the two of them and talk to the girl.

Her name was Aria, and she was nineteen years old.
She looked a bit young, so I thought she was around the same age as Sister Emilia, but she was older than I expected.

She was born in a town on the edge of the Elfast Magic Kingdom.
At the age of five, she received the Magician’s Blessing and was taken to the Elfast’s Royal Capital at the age of ten.
Since then, she had been researching magic circles in the magic research institute.

She escaped from the research institute, and as she crossed the border, pursuers began to appear.
When she reached our Royal Capital, she was almost killed.

That's when Orlan happened to pass by and took her to the Black Ravens.

Perhaps because Aria escaped to the Royal Capital, the Elfast Magic Kingdom changed its approach from capture to assassination.

This means that Aria's life will be in danger from now on.

Even though the security at the Royal Castle is strict, since Orlan can enter so easily, there's a possibility that assassins could infiltrate the castle as well.

"Orlan, I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Could you protect Aria?"

"I will. Leave it to me."

Orlan nodded firmly.

Her casual acceptance made me, who asked, feel uneasy.

Instead of entering through the main gate, the four of us entered the castle through a hole in the wall.
Since it was still early morning, we headed to my room.

In the room, we decided to take a nap.
I ended up sleeping on the long sofa, while the three girls slept in my bed.

In the morning, when I woke up, I found Orlan snuggled up next to me.

When Sister Emilia discovered this, they started arguing again, but somehow it was endearing to see the two of them like that.

After breakfast, we headed to the throne room, where Brother Roland and Prime Minister Sylberg were sitting and chatting.

I bowed my head and sat opposite them.

"I've safely protected the magician who escaped from the Elfast Magic Kingdom. She's waiting in my room now."

"What, you've already secured her? It's only been a short time since I discussed it."

"It was a coincidence that an acquaintance knew where the magician was hiding."

"Is that so? Tell me more about it."

Brother Roland's eyes sparkled with excitement.
I explained in detail how I, along with Mr. Kernel and Orlan, went to the hideout of the Black Ravens.

After hearing this, Brother Roland held his head as if he had a headache, with one hand on his forehead.

"You went to the hideout of the Black Ravens'? They're infamous outlaws within the Capital, much like the Spider. Even though Emilia was with you, why did you go to such a dangerous place? I asked you to search for the magician, not to put yourself in danger."

"Boss Sylas didn't seem to be as bad as you think."

"That's not the issue."

"To think you have formed an alliance with the Black Ravens... I'm at a loss for words every time."

Prime Minister Sylberg also looked exasperated.

I never expected to go to the hideout of the Black Ravens, either.

But if we hadn't gone there, we wouldn't have been able to protect Aria, so I hope they'll forgive the minor details.

"I think we should focus more on Aria's future rather than my actions."

"That's right. She's already been targeted by assassins in the Royal Capital. If the Black Ravens’ guess is correct, the Elfast Magic Kingdom must have hired assassin guilds both inside and outside the Kingdom. Their spies would also search the Royal Capital, and if they can't find the magician, they'll assume she's in the castle. We should strengthen the castle's security for a while."

"Then let's make the arrangements."

Prime Minister Sylberg stood up with a stern expression and left the throne room.


Father’s Return
The discussion between Brother Roland and me in the throne room focused on Aria's fate and the future direction of our Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Critonia lags behind in magic circle technology.

Up until now, we've relied on magic tools from the Elfast Magic Kingdom.

Thanks to the cooperation of the dwarves from the Primitive Sea of Trees and Emmy, we've managed to develop magic vehicles and magic pools, but we still can't create complex magic tools on our own.

Aria, who researched magic circles at the Elfast Magic Kingdom's research institute, is an invaluable asset.

With her help, we could significantly advance in the analysis and development of magic circles.

For Critonia, she's a highly desirable resource.
Personally, I'm also very interested in magic circles...

With magic circles, we could imbue various machines with magic properties.

For instance, we could make a magic vehicle emit flames like a flamethrower from its front.
It's something that truly excites the child in me.

Brother Roland placed his elbows on the desk, clasped his hands together, and wore a troubled expression.

"We've already secured Aria. If we persuade her repeatedly, she'll likely cooperate with us. But the real problem is the Elfast Magic Kingdom."

"Yes. The fact that Aria was in the Royal Capital will eventually reach the Magic Kingdom. If they can't find her, they'll suspect the castle is hiding her."

"We can hide her from the Magic Kingdom temporarily, but we can't shelter her forever. Eventually, they'll find out."

"Exactly. We can't keep her hidden indefinitely, and confining her like a caged bird in the castle would be no different from what the Magic Kingdom did. Though we have no choice while she's being targeted by assassins."

Upon hearing my words, Brother Roland's expression turned grim.

"So, considering that Aria's presence will eventually be known to the Elfast Magic Kingdom, we should plan for the future."

"Right. The Magic Kingdom might see us as an obstruction and friction could arise. If Aria's magic circle technology advances Critonia's magic tools, we might clash with not just the Magic Kingdom, but also the Bardhain Empire."

"Developing our Kingdom will draw the ire of these two powerful nations. But we can't let that fear hinder our growth. We need to make a decision now."

Brother Roland sighed deeply, furrowing his brow in thought.

As the Crown Prince and Acting King, Brother Roland bears the heavy burden of deciding the Kingdom's direction, a weight far greater than I can imagine.

However, I voiced my long-held thoughts.

"If we continue to cower between the Empire and the Magic Kingdom, Critonia will eventually be invaded and destroyed. We need to take action now to prevent that."

"I agree. But I've been conflicted about changing the direction of Critonia that His Majesty Linus has protected. However, we can't hide Aria indefinitely. I'll make up my mind. I'll report to Father now. Ian, will you come with me?"

"Let's bring Sister Emilia along. She'll surely support us."

"Yes, having the consensus of us siblings will help convince Father."

Nodding firmly, Brother Roland stood up, and we left the throne room together.

The notion of sibling consensus... completely overlooks our brother Adel.

Adel is currently investigating Spider with the Royal Knights and isn't in the castle.

Brother Roland and I met up with Emilia in my room and headed to the top floor of the castle.

The top floor is reserved for the King, and even Royal family members usually avoid entering.
Since Father fell ill with an unknown disease, I've rarely been up here.

Healers' magic and alchemists' potions can cure minor illnesses like injuries or colds but struggle with severe diseases.

Sister Emilia frequently visits Father's room to use her Saint's Blessing and healing light magic.
Thanks to her efforts, his condition has been gradually improving.

We knocked on the heavy door and entered the room in the order of Brother Roland, Sister Emilia, and me.
The room was empty except for our Father, lying in a large, luxurious bed.

Brother Roland sat on a chair beside the bed and spoke softly to Father.

"I've come with Emilia and Ian. We have something to report."

"... Hmm... speak..."

Father opened his eyes slightly and looked at us kindly.


Regarding Magic Circles
Brother Roland relayed the discussion we had in the throne room to Father, who was lying quietly in bed.
Listening silently, Father propped himself up with his arms.

"Father! Moving around will strain your body!"

"It's fine. I can't listen to such matters while lying down."

Sister Emilia, surprised by this, reached out to help Father sit up.
Seated on the bed, Father slowly looked at each of us, one by one.

"I understand. You want to develop the Kingdom of Critonia, to stand as equals with the Elfast Magic Kingdom and the Bardhain Empire, maintaining peace with both. Is that what you three agree on?"


"If that's the case, there's no other way but to strengthen the Kingdom of Critonia. Military power, technological prowess, economic strength, and diplomatic skill—without any of these, we cannot stand as equals with those nations."

"If we continue to meekly follow the commands of both nations, in a hundred or two hundred years, the Kingdom of Critonia will be destroyed."

"Indeed, I often thought about this when I was younger. At some point, I became complacent with the status quo."

"As I mentioned earlier, the Kingdom of Critonia is on the verge of development. Hence, I want to steer the Kingdom towards that path."

Brother Roland responded confidently, chest out.
Father nodded deeply upon hearing his words.

"Then, Roland, I appointed you as my deputy. Lead the Kingdom's future in my stead. Emilia, Ian, support Roland in his efforts."

We continued discussing recent events with Father for a while before leaving his room.

Brother Roland left to discuss Aria's protection with Commander Bamberg and Captain Lyshiria of the Royal Guard.
Sister Emilia returned to her room, and I went back to my room, where Orlan and Aria were waiting.

Entering the room, I found the two of them asleep, leaning against each other on a long bench.
I was tired too, so I decided to take a nap.

As soon as I lay down on the bed, I was quickly drawn into sleep.

When I woke up in the evening, Aria was the only one in the room; Orlan was gone.

"Huh? Where's Orlan?"

"She said she was going to the city and jumped out of the window a little while ago."

I had tasked her with guarding Aria, but since she's with me now, it's fine.

Changing my mindset, I sat on the sofa across from Aria and asked her a question.

"I have a question. Why is it that only magicians can analyze and develop magic?"

"Well... to put it in terms of magic incantations, when using large-scale magic, the incantation becomes long and complex. Similarly, multiple magic circles are needed, and they have to be drawn layered upon each other. A magic circle might look like a single pattern at first glance, but it's actually a multi-layered structure."

So, a single magic circle is like a part of an incantation.

The larger the magic, the more parts there are to the incantation.
It's like overlapping multiple incantations into one.
I understand why analysis is difficult now.

I straightened my posture and looked directly at Aria.

"Aria, the Royal family will take responsibility for protecting you. You can stay in the Kingdom of Critonia for as long as you want. While there's danger, you'll be prohibited from leaving the castle, but once it's safe, you'll be allowed to wander the Royal Capital as you please. In return, I have a favor to ask."

"In other words, you want me to analyze and develop magic circles. The only reason to shelter a magician like me is for that. If I can go out into the city once it's safe, I'll accept."

I thought she would be more resistant, but I'm glad she agreed easily.

"One more question: how are magic circles drawn and how do magic tools operate?"

"Generally, a magic circle is drawn on a metal plate, and magic is released from that circle. Sometimes, the metal plate is positioned vertically or diagonally. The size of the metal plate and the magic circle varies depending on the magic tool."

"Do you need special paint to draw the magic circles?"

"Yes. At the Elfast Magic Kingdom's research institute, we used the body fluid of farmed magic insects. If unavailable, the blood of magic beasts can be used, but it must be fresh, or the magic circle might not activate."

Hunting magic beasts every time a magic circle is drawn would be time-consuming.

I never thought of farming magic insects.
The Elfast Magic Kingdom is impressive.

Although many magic beasts inhabit the Primitive Sea of Trees, it would take about six weeks to transport them to the Royal Capital.
If fresh blood is needed to draw the magic circle, transporting it from that forest would be impractical.

There are forests other than the Primitive Sea of Trees occupied by magic beasts within the Kingdom of Critonia.
I will consult with Brother Adel when he returns.

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