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Hiiro (42)
I didn't even want to bring Rikimaru here, and now he's telling me to stand back? Does he have a death wish, this brat?

"If he has the energy, he can move, right? Your Highness spoils him too much, you are just in the way."

Even though I glared at him, he didn't back down. Though he did look away eventually.
He placed the Naruhito on the bed, making him sit down. He surrounded him with cushions to keep him from slumping over.
I was watching closely, worried if it would be okay, when I felt a push on my back. Remember this, Rikimaru.

"Naruhito, let's eat while it's still warm."

Rikimaru handed a spoon to Naruhito. Can he really eat on his own? I was anxious watching him.
Rikimaru opened the fridge and put water and ice into two cups.


Naruhito’s face lit up. He dropped the spoon and reached for the cup, but Rikimaru caught his hand.

"Later. Eat your meal first. I'll leave it here for you."

He handed the spoon back to the sulking Naruhito.
Watching him with a dissatisfied expression, Rikimaru began eating his own meal.
It looked like omelette rice and corn soup. Quite yellow...

"Naru? If you don't hurry, the ice will melt and disappear."
"Take a look. Ice melts and turns into water if you leave it."

There were only four pieces of ice, so they wouldn't disappear too quickly, but they would gradually melt into water.
Naruhito seemed to get anxious. With shaky hands, he started to scoop the corn soup. He spilled most of it on the way to his mouth, but he drank the soup desperately.
Rikimaru skillfully slipped some porridge into the Naruhito’s mouth when there was an opportunity.
When he looked dissatisfied, Rikimaru handed him water. He also ate his own meal properly.

He's quite good at this.
I thought, but somehow it annoyed me.

"Let's eat too, Your Highness."

Before I knew it, Ikumatsu had set out two servings of omelette rice and corn soup.
I sat in a cheap chair, taking a plate from the small table.

"He's eating..."
"By himself..."

When I looked up at the choked voice, I saw Ikumatsu holding back tears while watching the Naruhito.
Just a moment ago, he had been so weak, but now he was leaning over the soup, eating it earnestly without slumping.

"Ikimau. Wice, the wice..."
"Naru, hurry up. Do your best. You can drink the melted ice water."

With a clink, the spoon fell, and Naruhito grabbed the cup. He drank it down and shivered, then smiled faintly.

"Sho cold."

Ah, he's moving.

"From the bottom of my heart, thank you."
"... Yes."


Hiiro (43)
"Still, to be able to move with just willpower."
"Yes. Though I simplified it, that’s essentially the idea. Humans are greatly influenced by their emotions, and the brain governs those feelings."
"Mutsumine might become quite remarkable."
"Although you are brothers in name now, what do you think?"
"Being told I have a brother doesn’t mean much to me, as I grew up in an orphanage. We’re not living together like children or anything. But Father was pleased. He mentioned having a banquet soon."
"Haha. He just wants an excuse to drink."

It seemed Naruhito had finished his soup.

"All done. Wice."
"And the porridge?"

Before Rikimaru could say anything more, Naruhito grabbed the cup of ice and began drinking. The ice, now much smaller, rattled.
He choked, having drunk too quickly, causing the water to go down the wrong pipe. The ice popped out of his mouth, and he hurriedly caught it and put it back in.
He's moving...
That smile, so innocent and cute, made me stand up and approach him.
Naruhito tried to say something, but the ice almost fell out of his mouth, so he quickly shut it.
As I tried to lift him, Rikimaru stopped me. Do you want to see my serious side? I glared at him, and he whispered in my ear.

"He should be able to stand soon, so please don't intervene."

I raised my voice and glared.

"That's not befitting of a prince."

He said, stepping back.

"What do you mean?"
"You'll see if you wait."

I stared intently at the Naruhito. He was happily rolling the ice around in his mouth. He’s just so cute...


Naruhito spoke once the ice melted.
Rikimaru smiled slyly.
As I moved closer again, Rikimaru held me back, then deftly moved the bed’s table and cleared the blanket tangled around Naruhito.

"You don't know where the toilet is, right? I'll help you there. Come on."

Ah, I see. Naruhito wants to go to the toilet by himself.
He wobbled as he turned. His feet reached the edge of the bed.
As he was about to fall, I almost reached out, but Rikimaru held my arm.
Naruhito slid off the bed and landed on his bottom. It seemed he had some strength in his legs as he didn’t seem hurt. Saying "toilet, toilet," he placed his right hand on the bed and unsteadily stood up. He stood...
He was standing.
As I watched in amazement, he took a step, but his knee buckled. Before I knew it, Rikimaru caught him, gently rubbing his cheek.
With the Naruhito’s head wrapped in bandages, he must have been too scared to touch it.
Oh, once he debuts as a guard in April, the title of "fastest" will be his in no time.
The martial arts clan will quickly understand why Senmonin Mizuchi has always refused that title.

"Your Highness."

Rikimaru handed Naruhito to me.

"This is enough, right, Doctor?"

Ikumatsu nodded, tears of joy openly streaming down his face.


I carried the anxious Naruhito to the toilet.
Feeling a mix of frustration at Rikimaru's intervention, joy that Naruhito could move, and a jumble of other emotions, I couldn't help but feel conflicted.


Hitachimaru (2)
Suddenly, I got a day off. I was told that I wasn't needed since Rikimaru was taking Naruhito to visit. His HIghness is not fond of how close the Naruhito and Rikimaru are, so if he's taking Rikimaru along, it means Naruhito’s condition must not be very good.

In any case, having a sudden day off is a bit inconvenient. Usually, I coordinate my days off with Otoha. If she's reading, I hold her and serve as her chair. If she goes shopping, I carry the bags. If she cooks, I watch and taste her dishes. But today, Otoha has work, so I have nothing to do.

Old man Kujou has already gone to the military training grounds for some fun, and joining him halfway would make it obvious that I'm just killing time.

After some thought, I decided to watch Otoha at work. The detached palace is spacious, with several servants cleaning, making beds, doing laundry, and hanging it out to dry. In the ruined mansion, Otoha, Yoshino, and Murakano used to handle these tasks leisurely, but now, Otoha seemed to be in a supervisory role.

Yoshino, being of a good age, has decided to retire and now spends her time enjoying her hobby of sewing.

Murakano has been helping in the kitchen more often. With more people living here, Hirosue has had to prepare more food than before, which keeps him quite busy. It's a good arrangement, and I envy them being together all the time.

Otoha was going around speaking to the working servants, thanking them individually. She wasn’t just checking on them; she was genuinely expressing gratitude, saying things like "Thank you for your help" and "You're doing great." The servants would naturally pause their work to respond and then return to their tasks. It was clear she had built good relationships with them.

My wife is such a wonderful person.

Feeling moved, I followed at a distance, not wanting to get in the way. Spending such a delightful day off, today is a good day.

While walking in high spirits, a composed man in his fifties, one of the head servants, approached Otoha and bowed. It was Ichinose Murashige, who oversees the other servants.

"Excuse me, Lady Otoha. There is a guest whom I cannot turn away."

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106535752


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