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Effects of joint management.
The day after the discussions at the Royal castle, a notice was posted on the bulletin board.

"Our Sylvester Magic Academy will begin a joint management partnership with the Royal Magic School starting next month. Further details will be distributed to students in writing at a later date."

That was fast—just what you'd expect from Alphage-sama... Wait, next month!? That's way too soon! How did he pull that off!? He's incredible!

"The Royal Magic School? Isn't that the shabby, commoner-filled school? Why go through the trouble...?"

A male classmate (whose name I can't remember right now) muttered, so I decided to enlighten him.

"Oh, but the Royal Magic School was the first to introduce an accelerated advancement system, and they have strong connections with the Knights, the Magic Institute, and various merchant guilds."


The other students, who had been listening in, seemed to be convinced by this explanation.

"I'm not particularly knowledgeable about merchant guilds, but a friend of mine collaborated on a product with them. As for the Knights Order and the Magic Institute, I've actually been on practical training with them before, so I'd be happy to share more details if you'd like."

"Please do!!”

Whoops, I shouldn’t have said anything.

Ever since then, students have been constantly coming to ask me about the Royal Magic School, and I've been stuck explaining everything. However, it seems that my diligent explanations have paid off, as the students are accepting the news positively.

It was lunchtime, and everyone gathered to eat. Leticia-sama, Duke Carlisle's son, and Amaha-chan were also present.

"I'm exhausted..."

Dirk looked completely worn out.

"The staff have strong objections. Implementing the advanced placement system means they have to create new tests, and especially in etiquette, the number of students will clearly decrease. The etiquette teacher is elderly and set in her ways, so convincing her will be difficult."

"I'll go and talk to her."

I didn't dislike the etiquette teacher Dirk mentioned. In fact, I quite admired her because she taught with strong convictions.

"I've convinced her."

"How did you manage that!?"

"Oh, I just explained the benefits of having fewer students. The teacher often complained about wanting to give more attention to students who struggled. I told her that with fewer students mastering the basics, she could conduct more intensive lessons and that I had high expectations for her skills."

"Wow, you're a genius manipulator!"

"No, I'm not! By the way, I asked her to give you special lessons, Rinka."


Fool, it's a ten thousand and two centuries too early for you to try and tease me!

"Rinka-sama is particularly weak in etiquette. I'll teach you, so let's work hard. If you don't, even the people important to you might be mocked."

"I'll do my best!"

"Um, could I also learn from you if it's okay?"

Amaha-chan raised her hand.

"Having a study buddy will help Rinka-sama progress, so I don't mind."

"Please teach me too!"

"Thank you, both of you."

Rinka had already become quite close with Amaha-chan. Rabisha-chan, who was in the same class as her at the start, was also fairly friendly with her.

"By the way, have you made any progress with Fizz?"

"Well, it's a bit difficult."

"I could give advice if it were an otome game..."

"Yeah, real life is different, huh..."

"For what it's worth, I even failed at those otome games. I trained too much and ended up with a normal ending, which made my friends laugh. I couldn't even clear an easy game."




"Tell us more about that!"

Amaha-chan's unusual playthrough of the otome game was too funny. She always stayed true to herself and never tried to please anyone. While I respected her unwavering character and integrity, it's just a game, you know? Just a game!

When I explained that otome games are meant to be played by taking on another character's role, she was astonished. Seriously?

And so, the enjoyable lunch came to an end.

I thought the staff would resist a bit more, but it seems that the female teacher I convinced switching sides had a significant impact. The joint management was implemented without any major obstacles.

I reunited with my former classmates, and thanks to the advanced placement system, I was able to start working as well.

Moreover, it seems other schools have also started adopting the advanced placement system. Alphage-sama's skills are truly remarkable. While he would be a formidable enemy, he is an incredibly reliable ally.

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