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Extra Edition / Mob Perspective: The Troubled Entourage Life of a Certain Viscount's Daughter 4
"W-Wait! Alicia-sama is in the middle of a conversation with us!"
"A conversation, you say? Alicia-sama... Did I intrude?"

Cristea-sama asked, puzzled, while Alicia-sama shook her head.

"No, not at all. I was merely being approached by these individuals. Now, let us not be late for class... Seniors, would you please step aside?"

Trixie-sama glared at Alicia-sama, clearly displeased by her refusal to comply.

Then, Cristea-sama stepped forward, shielding Alicia-sama.

"... By the way, I overheard something about a Repulsive food eating young lady earlier. I was surprised; rumors like that are still circulating?"

Oh no, she heard it after all!
I could see Trixie-sama gasp, but she quickly recovered and adopted a defiant stance.

"Oh... Well, isn't it the truth rather than just a rumor? A noble young lady willingly eating livestock feed is something unheard of."

Cristea-sama fell silent at those words, and Trixie-sama, feeling triumphant, continued her attack.

But it wasn't going to be a one-sided victory for Trixie-sama. Cristea-sama calmly explained that the food in question, Lars, wasn't originally animal feed. It was a staple in the distant island nation of Yahatul and had been imported to our country. The lack of knowledge on how to prepare it had led to its use as animal feed. She added that Lars was, in fact, a delicious grain that even nobles could enjoy, and that a certain café on campus had become popular for its Lars-based dishes.

Seeing Cristea-sama's confident smile, Trixie-sama's face turned red with anger. She clenched her fan so tightly that it creaked. How terrifying!
However, Cristea-sama continued, seemingly unfazed by Trixie-sama's reaction.

Cristea-sama revealed that Crown Prince Raymond himself had tasted dishes made with Lars. Furthermore, just the day before, she had served Lars dishes to the Crown Prince and her brother, Norman, at the special dormitory, where they had competed with the Sacred Beast for seconds.

"Calling me the Repulsive food eating young lady is an act of disparaging the Prince, who praised my cooking as delicious... It wouldn't be unreasonable to interpret it as disrespectful, would it?"

Cristea-sama's words visibly shook Trixie-sama.

"W-What?! D-Disrespectful? I-I never meant...!"

Trixie-sama trembled, her face pale.
Of course, those of us assumed to be Trixie-sama's followers were trembling as well.

"Oh, should I inform His Highness that I have been advised that eating Lars is akin to consuming animal feed and therefore cannot serve it anymore? By the way, may I have your name to tell him who advised me?"

As Cristea-sama stepped forward with a smile, Trixie-sama flinched and stepped back, causing us to follow suit.

"Eek! Th-that's... that won't be necessary at all! If it's delicious, please feel free to enjoy it as much as you like! Oh, I'll be late for class! I-I must excuse myself!"

Trixie-sama turned on her heel, abandoning her usual ladylike demeanor and nearly breaking into a run. We hastily followed her.

"W-Wait, your name..."

When Cristea-sama asked for her name, Trixie-sama let out a small scream and replied, "I-I'm nobody worth mentioning!" before quickly disappearing around the corner without slowing down. We struggled to keep up with her.

After that, attending class was out of the question, and an emergency tea meeting was held at the salon building.

"... What a disaster. We were just supposed to eliminate Alicia-sama from the engagement competition... Now it's only a matter of time before they find out who we are. It's all over..."

Trixie-sama, pale-faced, said this, causing a commotion among everyone present. Of course, everyone there had been seen as bullying Alicia-sama and mocking Cristea-sama. No, since we stood behind Trixie-sama without reprimanding her, we were clearly guilty by association.
Oh, if we were to be expelled, what would I tell my family...

"... I have a suggestion."

Everyone turned their attention to the young lady who timidly spoke up.

"What!? Do you have a way to avoid the retribution of the Ellisfeed Ducal House!?"

She flinched at Trixie-sama's sharp tone but seemed to have made up her mind as she continued.

"To prove that we did not intend to be disrespectful, all of us should go to the café that Cristea-sama mentioned and eat Lars."
"Wha... what did you say!?"

Wait... we are to eat Lars?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106431131


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