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Assault in the Alley
At the dwarves' workshop, Sister Emilia and I discussed tool making with Emmy until early afternoon.
Realizing we might be interfering with her work if we stayed longer, we decided to leave the workshop.

As we walked through narrow alleys toward the main street, I sensed something amiss around us.
Feeling a sense of unease, I grabbed Sister Emilia's hand and quickened my pace.

"Why are you walking so fast all of a sudden?"

"I sense something strange. Be careful, Sister."

Despite trying to shake off the strange presence by turning several corners, the feeling didn't go away.
Just when I started to worry, figures appeared in front of us in the alley.

Looking back, I saw more figures closing in from behind.
It seemed we were completely surrounded.

A man with the look of an adventurer, licking his lips, brandished a sword.

"Heh, heh, trying to escape is useless."

"Who are you people?"

"As I thought, up close, you're both quite the lookers. The woman is a bit older, but once trained, she'll be fun at night."

"I'm only sixteen!"

Emilia, that's not the point to be upset about!

It was clear from their demeanor that these men weren't interested in talking.

"Just give up and get captured. I don't want to waste effort on brats."

"I'll protect Ian, no matter what!"

As Emilia shouted, she raised her hand and cast a light magic spell towards the sky.

A burst of light filled the surroundings, blinding the men who were caught off guard, making them scream and roll on the ground in pain.

At the same time, I activated my Assassin's Blessing, enhancing my body, and used my strengthened legs to swiftly move behind the still-dazed men, knocking them out with a hand strike.

In about five minutes, the light dissipated, leaving the narrow alley littered with unconscious men.

We, the Royal family, have been rigorously trained in swordsmanship and martial arts since childhood, and even now we receive guidance from the Royal Knights when we have free time.

Additionally, each of us possesses unique blessings, making it difficult for ordinary opponents to defeat us.

Sister Emilia looked down coldly at the men on the ground, clapping her hands together.

"What should we do now?"

"We need to find out why they attacked us, and we can't just leave them here. Let's get the city guards."

"Understood. I'll go get them."

With a smile, Sister Emilia ran towards the main street.

I hope she doesn't trip on her way with that much enthusiasm.

After a while, she returned with the city guards.

The guards quickly tied up the men with ropes, slapped them awake, and then led them away in chains.

Although we could leave it to the guards, not knowing why we were attacked would leave us uneasy.

Sister Emilia and I decided to visit the guard post where the men were taken.

At the guard post, a different guard stood at the entrance.

"This is the guard post. Kids shouldn't be here. Go away."

It's understandable that a common guard wouldn't recognize us.

I took out a dagger with the Royal family's crest from my pocket and showed it to the guard.

"My name is Ian Critonia. I'd like to know about the men who attacked us earlier. Can you let us in?"

"That crest is from the Royal family... You must be Prince Ian. Please forgive my earlier rudeness. I have a sick mother and young children. Please spare me from a charge of lèse-majesté."

In this kingdom, insulting the Royal family is a crime punishable by death.
It's no wonder the guard is trembling with fear.

"It's alright, you didn't know who we were. Now, can you let us in?"

"Yes, right away."

As we entered the post, the guard raised his hand and shouted to his colleagues.

"Prince Ian has come for an inspection! Everyone, show proper respect!"

"I'll inform the Captain!"

A young soldier jumped up from his chair and dashed out of the post in a panic.

This is becoming a bigger deal than I expected.

As I felt nervous inside, Sister Emilia placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"For the guards, it's unusual for theRoyal family to visit their post. It's only natural for them to be flustered. Let's just accept it this time."

"Y-yes, you're right..."

Images of my elder Brother Roland and the Prime Minister’s Sylberg’s angry faces floated in my mind.

I should just apologize honestly when we get back to the castle.

Guided by the guards, we descended the stairs to the basement, where the men who attacked us were being interrogated.

After finishing the interrogation, the soldier taking the statements stood up and saluted us with a hand over his chest.

"From the attire, they judged you two to be wealthy children and intended to abduct you. The men who attacked you are known kidnappers. It appears they were selling children to an organization called the 'Spider.'"

The 'Spider' organization!?
An organization is active in the Capital!?"

I've never heard of it before, just what kind of organization could this be?

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