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Sneaking Out from the Castle.
The large order for magic vehicles from the Bardhain Empire fell through thanks to the cooperation of the Seventh Prince Adolf.
As expected, the Empire's diplomats returned to the Capital.

Prince Adolf remained as a guest at the Royal castle.

Given how busy things had been with the magic vehicle issue and my frequent stays in my room, I decided to stretch my legs and slip out of the castle.

I opened my door, stuck my head out to check the hallway, and confirmed no one was around.
I then carefully made my way downstairs, trying to avoid running into anyone, heading for the first floor of the castle.

Instead of heading toward the main gate in front of the castle, I walked through the garden and along the wall to find my intended spot.

"There it is! It hasn't been repaired yet!"

The spot I was looking for was a hole in the wall hidden by the garden's trees.
The outer wall of the castle, being old, had been repaired many times, but this hole hadn't been patched yet.

As I crouched down to pass through the hole, a voice suddenly came from above.

"Oh, that hole is still there. The two of us used to sneak out of the castle through it often. Brings back memories."

Startled, I turned towards the voice to see Sister Emilia smiling mischievously.

"Why are you here, Sister?"

"It's a woman's intuition. I always think about you, Ian."

That's scary!

I planned to sneak out alone, but if things go on like this, my plan will fail!

As I hesitated, Sister Emilia pointed her finger sharply at me.

"Take me to the city with you. That way, we’ll be accomplices. I need a break from all my duties, too. Please."

With that request, there was no way I could refuse.
So, Sister Emilia and I sneaked out from the castle together.
We descended the hill, passed through the noble district, and headed towards the main street of the city.

On the main street, carriages were frequently passing by, and occasionally, magic vehicles were seen.

Whenever a magic vehicle passed, people on the street would stop and watch with sparkling eyes.
Some children even chased after the vehicles.

It seems like the magic vehicles are gradually blending into the city.

As I watched this scene with a smile, Sister Emilia spoke up brightly.

"It's so much fun to be in the city after so long. Walking together like this is the best."

Indeed, as Royalty, we usually can't just walk around the city.
If we have business in the city, we're always surrounded by guards and can't move freely.
So, just walking together in the city is a joy for us.

We bought some grilled bird meat from a street vendor and ate it as we walked.
The sweet and salty sauce and the meat's juices filled our mouths, making it delicious.

This kind of street food is one of the joys of exploring the city.

Enjoying the city's scenery, Sister Emilia and I headed to the workshop where the dwarves lived.
Entering the workshop and opening the door at the very back, we found Emmy grinning as she crafted tools.

Noticing us, Emmy excitedly spread her arms.

"Ian, look at these. I tried recreating magic tools from the Elfast Magic Kingdom using miasmic water."

As instructed, I looked around the room and saw various tools lined up.

Magic fans, magic lamps, magic vacuum cleaners, magic washing machines—these are all magic tools created by the Elfast Magic Kingdom using magic formulas.
Emmy had apparently recreated them using miasmic water.

Indeed, Emmy has exceptional talent.

"That's amazing, Emmy! To think you could re-create magic kingdom’s tools using miasmic water!"

"If we can mass-produce these tools, we won't need to rely on the magic tools from the Elfast Magic Kingdom."

Sister Emilia's eyes sparkled as she spoke excitedly.

Certainly, if we can mass-produce the tools Emmy developed, it would be beneficial for the Kingdom of Critonia.

However, if the magic tools don't sell well in the kingdom, it might upset the Elfast Magic Kingdom.

If we're not careful, they might perceive our actions as opposition, which would not be good for the kingdom.

Even if we decide to set up a factory and establish a mass production system, it would be best to carefully consider the timing.

"Sister Emilia, let's leave the decision to mass-produce to Brother Roland."

"You're right. It's not something we can decide."

As expected, Sister Emilia understood my thoughts.

Then, the three of us—Emmy, Sister Emilia, and I—discussed tool making.
According to Emmy, she's been struggling with the materials for making tools recently.

"Wood is light and easy to work with, but lacks durability. Metals like iron can be heated in a furnace for processing and are durable, but they are too heavy for tools. Glass can break with a slight impact. While I'm carefully selecting materials, it's still quite difficult."

Come to think of it, I've never seen materials like plastic or rubber in this world.

From my previous life in Japan, I remember plastic is processed from petroleum, but replicating it here is impossible.

However, this world is a fantasy realm with magic and magical creatures, so there might be similar materials out there somewhere.

If I ever go on a journey, searching for materials suitable for tool making might be a good idea.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104467550


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