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The Response of the Seventh Prince Adolf.
For a while, the Seventh Prince Adolf remained motionless, stiffened.
But somehow, he regained his consciousness and wobbled over to sit on the sofa.

I called out to the Seventh Prince Adolf, who was still in a daze.

"Are you alright?"

"Ah... this is the first girl to clearly reject my confession. I'm a bit shocked, but I'll be fine."

"My sister is still not ready to let go of her younger brother."

"No, no, Princess Emilia, who loves her brother, is a wonderful woman."

"Then, about this engagement..."

"I want to get engaged to Princess Emilia even more. I am also a prince of the Empire. I can't give up just because I've been rejected once. I will definitely make the engagement happen."

Come to think of it, once the Seventh Prince Adolf makes up his mind, he is stubborn.
He might not give up so easily.

Brother Roland, Sister Emilia, and I each sat on the sofa facing the Seventh Prince Adolf.
Brother Roland looked at the Seventh Prince Adolf with a serious expression.

"Regarding the Empire's request for a thousand magic vehicles, what does the Empire intend to do with them?"

"I don't know the details. But I have heard that they are considering military applications."

As expected, it seems they plan to modify the magic vehicles into tanks or something and use them for military purposes.

Hearing the Seventh Prince Adolf's words, Brother Roland slowly shook his head from side to side.

"If the intention is to purchase a thousand magic vehicles for military purposes, while it is free to buy them from the country's merchants, the Kingdom of Critonia cannot sell magic vehicles to the Bardhain Empire. The magic vehicles were devised as a means of transportation for the people, and we cannot support their use for military purposes."

"This is an imperial command from His Majesty the Emperor. I can't just back down and say 'yes' so easily."

"Prince Adolf, please think carefully. Imagine the magic vehicles we devised being used in wars, leading to the suffering of soldiers and residents. The flames of war will grow larger, and the damage will be immense. And if the Empire turns its blade towards our kingdom, we would have to face a thousand modified magic vehicles as weapons. We cannot comply with such a dangerous act."

Listening to Princess Emilia's words, the Seventh Prince Adolf fell silent with a difficult expression.
Maybe he understood the dangers of using magic vehicles for military purposes a little.

Prince Adolf stroked his chin and asked Brother Roland.

"The problem is that the Empire might wage war on the Kingdom of Critonia, right? In that case, we can form an alliance between the Empire and the Kingdom. The kingdom's technological prowess is essential for making magic vehicles. Right now, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor would probably allow an alliance."

"That's not the only issue. We're saying that it's a problem if people lose their lives in wars using magic vehicles made in our kingdom, regardless of the country. We didn't create magic vehicles for such slaughter."

"A country pursues its own interests. Whether the Bardhain Empire goes to war with another country is none of the Kingdom of Critonia's concern. Why should you bear responsibility for the citizens of other countries? That is for their leaders to consider."

Prince Adolf didn’t seem to grasp Brother Roland's compassionate words.

Brother Roland is only explaining that the inventor of a tool should be responsible for ensuring it isn't used for dangerous purposes.

Unfortunately, this difference is due to the education and environment one grew up in, making mutual understanding difficult.

In the continuing awkward silence, Sister Emilia opened her mouth.

"There's no distinction between our lives and the lives of others. The magic vehicles are a dream vehicle devised by Ian. It's unforgivable for them to be used for military purposes."

"Indeed. We must not trample on your brother's dreams. I will send a messenger to the Imperial Capital to convey that the negotiations have broken down and that the thousand magic vehicles cannot be purchased."

Prince Adolf, who had been deliberating with a troubled expression, suddenly changed his mind.

Probably because he's in love with Princess Emilia, but his quick change of heart is surprising.

Is it really okay for the Empire's negotiator to be like this?

Brother Roland asked the Seventh Prince Adolf with a worried look.

"But won't this worsen your position, Prince Adolf?"

"Indeed, I have already been forsaken by the Emperor due to the defeat in the recent border battle. That's why I was given the role of diplomatic negotiator. Failing the negotiations now won't lower my evaluation any further. Moreover, I do not intend to return to the Empire until I receive a favorable response about the engagement from Princess Emilia."

"What! Are you planning to stay in the kingdom like this!"

"Since I am complying with your demands, you should offer me some convenience in return."

Prince Adolf smiled wryly at Princess Emilia.

This is becoming a bit complicated.

However, if the Seventh Prince Adolf stays in the kingdom, it might serve as a deterrent against further coercive negotiations from the Bardhain Empire.

It's all about perspective.

I looked around at everyone and smiled warmly.

"Since it might be difficult for the Seventh Prince Adolf to return to the Empire, perhaps he can stay in the kingdom for a while."

"No way! He's a wolf targeting me! Don't abandon your sister!"

Misunderstanding something, Sister Emilia stood up from the sofa, spread her arms towards me, and hugged me tightly.

I'm happy that she cares for me, but let's try to let go of your little brother a bit.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104467548


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