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A girl’s problem.
Once we had settled on a simple plan, lunchtime was almost over, so we decided to disband.

"Just between us, Rosarin-chan, who do you think the culprit is?"

"... I don't have any proof, but I don't think it's the daughter of Count Diner."

That ritual is too complex for an individual to develop. Even though she's a member of the Rotten Women's Association, Rinka testified that she's not knowledgeable about magic, so she probably isn't the culprit.

I told Rinka that it might be someone other than the suspects. The most likely candidate is probably a spy from another country... The Carlisle Duchy has a sea, and if I were to use it as a foothold for invasion, I'd choose that territory too. Render the lord powerless, provoke his pride, and manipulate him...

"My head hurts."

I pray that this prediction doesn't come true.

And then, I found myself spending time with the Duke Carlisle's son, one way or another...

"How about growing rice in the territory next time?"


I was promoting rice cultivation. I had become quite friendly with the Duke Carlisle's son, and we ended up expanding into several partnership projects. But don't worry! I haven't forgotten about finding the culprit!

"Sorry, um... Ah, Aldin-sama... um..."


We tilted our heads. What happened to the Duke Carlisle's son?

"It seems the Duke Carlisle's son wants to go to the bathroom."

Rabisha-chan, unable to stand it, came to the rescue... or not. She was grinning and seemed to be teasing. But apparently, it was true that he needed to go to the bathroom.

"I see! Then shall we go to the bathroom together!"

Aldin-sama's voice was loud. It's better to stop because the Rotten Women's Association will be delighted, right?

And so, they returned from the bathroom...


Both of them looked pale. Especially Aldin-sama seemed to be frightened.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't understand uke or seme, but it felt gross... I felt like I was going to be eaten!"

Aldin-sama clung to me. I somehow understood and patted him on the back. Well... it's partly my fault for telling him to accompany the Duke Carlisle's son to the bathroom. Sorry, Aldin-sama.

"That's... indecent!"

Leticia-sama protested. Indecent?? We tilted our heads again.

"Aldin-sama is like a younger brother, so it's not... indecent."

"Rosarin is like an older sister, so it's not... indecent, is it?"

"Saying that you don't have any improper thoughts about such an attractive man as Aldin-sama must be a lie! Even though you already have Marquis Barton as a fiancée!!"


"Was that a compliment? Huh? Fiancé??"

Once again, we tilted our heads.

"Yes, that's right! Miss Rosarin, you are the worst!"

Yes, indeed! Leticia-sama's followers criticized me too...

"I only love my husband. I swear I have nothing but affection and friendship for Aldin-sama. I have dedicated my body and soul to my husband... Marquis Dirk Barton."

"Indeed. Rosarin is already married and has a close relationship with her husband. While I'm happy to be called attractive, it's unthinkable for Rosarin and me to become lovers."


"That's impossible, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is."

I, Milfi, and Rabisha-chan nodded.

"Um, even though Aldin-sama is so cool, don't you feel any excitement?"

"I don't. The only one who makes my heart flutter is my darling Dirk."

I replied seriously to Lilian.

"Marriage?? But, but... embracing each other in public... uh, that's cheating!"

"Oh, sorry. Dirk might punish me for that..."

"Punishment!? Sorry, there was a really scary lady. Rosarin, you are uselessly strong, which is comforting..."


Why... all of a sudden, they started looking at me with pity, as if I'm not seen as Lady Rosarin anymore! Well, they're not wrong, but please stop looking at me like I'm some pitiful creature!!

"Um... I'm sorry."

In the end, even Leticia-sama apologized to me.

"Is it okay if I cry?"

I earnestly long for comfort from Dirk...! I'm on the verge of tears! Speaking of which, Aldin-sama, the strong one = me, right? That image hasn't changed, huh!

"Rosary is cute."

"You are the greatest master in the world, milady. Indeed, you're unnecessarily strong and resilient, but you're also a wonderful lady."

Milfi hugged me. She's an angel! I love Milfi!

"Rabisha-chan, are you raising her up? Or are you putting her down?"

"I'm lifting her up by putting her down. But it's not just flattery, it's the truth. It's unimaginable for milady to cheat. It's as unthinkable as milady trying to conquer the world."


"That's right."



Rabisha-chan had a smug look on her face. Indeed, it's unimaginable.

"... Does Miss Rosarin plan to conquer the world?"

"... Wouldn’t she be able to if she wanted?"

"That’s right.”

"I think she could. After all, she single-handedly subdued Saintya.”


Leticia-sama and the rest of my classmates started to keep their distance from me.

"Oh, um, well, that was because the Gods helped me...!"

"... So you're not denying that you single-handedly subdued it, huh?"


Rabisha-chan burst into laughter at me, who had managed to dig my own grave.

My peaceful school life is slipping away...!

I ended up scaring my classmates for a while.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104947106


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