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Departure for Catastie
While heading towards Catastie, initially, we were riding along the highway, but soon we deviated from the road and entered into the grasslands.
Alizée was checking the car navigation system diligently, so there shouldn't be any issues.
However, even though it's winter, the grass here was lush.
Is it characteristic of this region?
Let me ask.

"Oh, about that? The land around here is fertile, and it remains warm even in winter, so the grass doesn't wither."

As soon as I asked Alizée, she immediately responded.
But if the land is fertile, why not cultivate it into fields?
I asked, and the answer came promptly.

"Due to the richness of the land around here, there are many monsters. The most common ones are small herbivorous monsters, but larger carnivorous monsters also appear, targeting them. Flying monsters and nocturnal monsters also frequently appear, making it a harsh land for human habitation."

I see, having overly fertile land has its challenges.
Even during our journey with the Lumite Grand Wing, we often spot monsters.
Usually, it's rabbits or horse-like creatures that raise their heads, distracted by the engine noise.
Additionally, there were monsters resembling jaguars, panthers, and lions.

According to Alizée, these monsters rarely attack humans.
The herbivorous monsters in the grasslands provide enough food without the need to attack humans.
They seem to be aware that attacking humans would lead to the formation of hunting parties, endangering their own lives.
They only target those who accidentally wander into the grasslands.
Even though there are safe highways maintained by the Adventurers' Guild, deliberately entering the dangerous grasslands is considered one's own responsibility, an unspoken agreement.
Nevertheless, it's not uncommon for adventurers aiming for the monsters in this grassland to enter, and many of them never return.
Well, reality can be harsh.

Despite the dangers of the grasslands, there were no monsters trying to attack the Lumite Grand Wing, a large and fast vehicle.
Our journey continued peacefully.
When a group of monsters appears in the direction of our path, we change the course to avoid a direct collision with the herd.
According to Alizée, the Lumite Grand Wing can easily repel most of the monsters in this grassland while progressing.
Still, she doesn't want the new vehicle to get scratched.

We also don't stop to hunt monsters.
We didn't come here to hunt the monsters in this grassland.
Moreover, these monsters typically act in groups, displaying sophisticated coordination.
In simple terms, risking danger for a little reward is foolish.
Alizée also didn't recommend hunting these monsters while traveling, so there's no need to defeat them.
We don't know the exact value of these grassland monsters, but ensuring a safe journey is the top priority.

At this pace, we should reach Catastie before sunset.
I wonder what kind of place the port city of Catastie is.
It would be great if there are many interesting things there.

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