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Catastie Day 1: Arrival at the Inn
We arrived at the port city of Catastie with about an hour to spare before the sunset as planned.
Catastie was also within the territory of Marquis Vardmoi, and it's directly governed by Marquis Vardmoi himself.
The actual administration seemed to be carried out by a steward, but annual inspections were rigorous, and any hint of irregularity leads to intense investigation.
Being a person of influence seems quite challenging.

When passing through the city gate, the size of the Lumite Grand Wing indeed stood out, but the guards made sure not to let onlookers get too close.
The movements of the guards seemed remarkably practiced, which isn't a mistake—they deal with large vehicles several times a year.
Despite being commonplace for the city residents, it's unusual for those outside, and the curiosity to approach is understandable.
However, the Lumite Grand Wing is an anti-monster machine, and if it accidentally involves pedestrians, it could lead to a catastrophe.
Therefore, it's better for people not to get too close.

Eventually, we received permission to enter the city, and we proceeded into the heart of Catastie.
The buildings near the entrance retained the architectural style of Vardmoi, but as we moved deeper, the architectural styles changed.
It's like various architectural styles from different countries have come together to create something beautiful.
Strangely, it was a well-balanced scenery in its own way.
I would like to take my time and explore.

"Lady Lily, shall we head to our inn for today first?"

"Oh, yeah, let’s do that."

"You were captivated by the view outside the window, weren't you?"

"Well… yeah."

"It's understandable. Not only from Vardmoi, but goods gather here from around the country and even from beyond the sea. This city is brimming with more excitement than Vardmoi."

I see, so it's not just an ordinary port city.
Alizée instructed me to always ride on Talat and move with the members of the Wildcat Claws whenever I go out.
It seems to be a precaution for the dangerous surroundings.
I wonder if places like this tend to have poor public safety?

"It's mostly just pickpockets on the main street. However, if you enter the back alleys, you might encounter kidnappers and such."


I got the gist of it from Alizée's explanation.
It's dangerous to approach dark places.

"Now, let's put an end to these dark stories. We're arriving at the inn we'll be staying at from today."

"The inn... Is it a flashy hotel around here?"

"No. I've found that despite the high price, the services there are not up to par. The inn we're heading to is more modest, but it's a good one with dedicated parking space for large vehicles."

I wonder what kind of inn Alizée praises.
We continued for a few minutes through the inn district, reaching the outskirts of it.
However, without paying much attention, Alizée turned right and parked the Lumite Grand Wing in front of a wooden inn.
Is this the intended inn?

"We've been expecting you, Lady Lily, Lady Alizée, and the entire party of the Wildcat Claws.”

"Lady Lily, your greetings."

"Ah, I'm Lily, a copper merchant. We will be in your care for the next week."

"Yes, understood. We'll provide you with the best hospitality our inn has to offer. First, if it's not too much trouble, could you move this large magic vehicle to the parking space at the back?"

Well, that makes sense.
Having this huge box in the way would be inconvenient.
Alizée and I hopped back in, smoothly moving to the designated parking space at the back.
Truly remarkable, the latest vehicles can sense the shape of the parking space and automatically park.
Alizée double-checked for any misalignment, but everything seemed fine.
Now, we can officially stay at the inn.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Water and Moon Inn. I'm Claude, the owner of this hotel. I'll guide you to your room. Please follow me."

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