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Panties and Divine Power.
Actually, after Lavita purified the taint of the Evil God, Dirk transformed into a Great Demon God. Huh? Why was he so angry?

It seems that Darkness-sama... Yue and Mondo were worried about me, so they infiltrated together and witnessed the whole incident. Dirk asked Yue why I got separated even though Chita was there. Unable to lie, the honest Yue spilled the beans. I wanted to say it myself after hearing the reason. However, Dirk was not satisfied with that.

As a result, the Dark Darling descended.

Somehow, through a prank or another, we managed to calm down the Great Demon God, but Dirk-san was now more on edge than a bear parenting its cubs due to the crisis with his partner.

For now, I decided to rely on him and soothe his worries. I'm sorry for causing concern.

"So, in the end, what did Roasrin do to me?"

Lavita asked after Dirk had calmed down. He's quite perceptive.

"I extracted the power of the God. Since you want to live with Rinka, a human, you don't need it, right?"

"I object! Even so, stabbing Lavita-kun with a sword out of nowhere is unacceptable!"

Rinka gathered herself and interjected promptly.

"Well then, try reversing your perspective."


※ The following is Rinka-san's fantasy.

- In the case of a proper explanation:

"This sword, ‘Godless,' can extract the power of Gods☆"

"Wow, that's amazing~☆"

"So, that's why I'm going to stab Lavita with it!"

"Noooooo!! Splatteeerrr!! Nooo! Nooo!!"

※ End of fantasy.

"... Even if it's explained, I would still do my best to stop it."


"But, just because of that, you can't suddenly stab someone!! Besides, why a sword in the first place? There are too many issues with the shape and method!!”

"That was the only magic tool that seemed effective against Gods. It was easy to modify into a sword since I needed an image of cutting."


I've never seen someone say "guh" in real life before.

"However, my body feels lighter now.”

Lavi grasped his palms and opened them.

"Chita was fused with roses. Being a God and a Spirit, the magic was unstable. Now, it's stable because only the power of the spirit remains within you.”

"I see. But, did you rehearse beforehand? It's a bit scary."

"Nah, I did a god-body (human) experiment."

“......... Huh?”

"I extracted and inserted Shiva's divine power. I found out that when Shiva's divine power is removed, he turns into a haniwa face. Mystia became flat-chested, Slenght, in a sense, also became flat-chested... and Ingens went, 'Wait! Wait, wait, wait!! What are you doing!!'"

"That's why a god-body experiment."

"Don't do thaaaat!!"

Well, everyone was very cooperative. They willingly... I mean, they volunteered for the experiments. Thanks to them, everything is under control.

I thought it might be a way for Lavita... Lavias to make amends, so I did it without hesitation. Well, only after the Sage assured me that it was safe, of course.

At that moment, I, Rosarin, thought everything was going well and was completely off guard. I didn't notice what was behind me.



Nom, nom.




The sword... Godless felt light.

Stuck on the tip of the sword was something about the size of a peach-colored and black marble, and it was one now–I mean, the core of Lavias's divine power was gone.

When I turned around, it seemed like Kurarin was munching on something.

Pardon me??

"Don't eat it!! Spit it out! Spit it out!!"

Rinka, who regained her sanity faster than anyone else, tried to make Kurarin spit it out.


"Ahhhh!? You swallowed it!? Ahhh, you clearly swallowed it!? You swallowed it, didn't you!?"

Umm... so, in a conjecture…

Godless became lighter.

➡ Upon inspection, the core of Lavias's divine power was missing.

➡ Someone behind me apparently stole it.

➡ Kurarin was behind me.

➡ Kurarin wasn't holding anything in her hands. Her mouth was munching on something.

➡ Rinka was telling Kurarin to spit out whatever was in her mouth.

➡ Kurarin swallowed it.

"Whaaaaat!? Kurarin, why did you eat it!? Are you okay!?"

Why is it that when you know someone doesn't look okay, you still want to ask, "Are you okay!?"

"Kurarin, vomit it out! Spit it out!"

I grabbed both of Kurarin’s ankles and performed a giant swing.



Aldin-sama, who was too slow to escape, collided with us, but I didn't care about the details. With the power of centrifugal force, I'll make her spit it out!

"Stop! Rosarin-chan, stop!! There are things that shouldn't be seen!! The panties... Kurarin’s panties are flashing through, fully exposed!!"

Due to the centrifugal force, Kurarin’s panties are fully visible. However, I can't stop now!! It's the time to act!!


I gave it my all. I spun around with all my might.



"You did something reckless..."

I felt like vomitting. Rinka was patting my back. Thanks... burp... circular motion sickness is immune to abnormal status nullification.

Kurarin didn't vomit. Well, why didn't she get motion sick? Is it a difference in constitution?

"Kurarin, become an angel spreading love."

"... I see."

"I don't want you to agree!"

I don't know what to do anymore. Seriously, it was a perfect fusion. Maybe it worked well because Kurarin and Zonosuke-san had two separate souls.

"Jouchan, even if you seal the power of the God, there will always be those who try to misuse it. I'll protect the power of the Evil God."


It seems Kurarin passed the baton to Zonosuke-san, and the samurai-style Zonosuke-san spoke quietly.

"I made a promise to my late wife. To watch over the fate of the world... I cannot die on my own. So, I want to watch over the world with a new purpose."

"... Yes. I understand. I will leave it to you."

"To prevent impurities from accumulating, can you turn this sword into a purifying one?"

"... Yes."

A sword cuts, severs, and purifies. I quickly modified Godless and handed it to Zonosuke-san.

"Now, farewell."

Zonosuke-san's form changed to Kurarin. Godless transformed into a magical girl-like sword.

Hey, don't tell me you're transforming too.



"Kurarin will be always watching over you, Rosarin. She'll pray a lot so that Rosarin can be happy. As the Goddess of Love, Kurarin will bring a lot of happiness."

"Yeah... do your best, Kurarin."

"Non, non, no tears allowed. We will surely meet again."

Wings grew from Kurarin’s back.

"See you later, Rosarin."

"Yeah! See you, Kurarin!!"

Kurarin soared high into the sky.

Kurarin’s panties were white lacy strawberry panties.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100464398 


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