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Hey all, it is time for another dev update :)

UE5: The engine is now officially upgraded for everyone on the project. Now we need to really dive into every aspect of the game and identify and fix all the little issues we can find, then we can get to work on upgrading materials, lighting setups and such.

Level: We are working on improving model details for the Lake Village houses and planning the material and texture implementation for the new world map.

Code: Due to numerous UI changes in UE5, this week was filled with work to update our existing UI to function well with the new engine. Some features like custom material and character preset previews had to be rewritten to work as they did prior to the upgrade. Some of our editor tools were also affected and needed to be updated.
Since SteamVR was deprecated in UE5, OpenXR is now the default runtime for Virtual Reality.

Character: Work on a new creature has started and is already at a very presentable stage. What we are still missing here however is a fitting name. If you have a cool suggestion for the name that would be very much appreciated :)
We also implemented the Shiva and Karu models into the engine while our hair-artist has been very busy making awesome hair upgrades for our existing models.

Animations: Maya Locu minigame animations are finally completed and we will begin implementing it soon. Smaller Maya x Rawn minigame finished, including a first test of adding dialogue to minigames. We now have 3 minigames for this coming build ready and are now focusing more on sandbox animations again. On the creature side of things we now started animation for the Blackwing creature. There should be some cool previews available for next week.

Design: Our design focus this week was on the following topics:

  • Combat system design: Editing workflow (Animation notifiers)
  • Combat system design: Dead and unconscious NPCs / finishing moves
  • Side quest + dialog implementation progresses
  • Further work on the Alpha Camp blockout

That's it for now, thanks for all your awesome support,

-Wild Life Team




"Drek" was the first name that came to mind. love what you guys have done so far its amazing. cant wait to see future updates. really hoping for more chunky models. tigers especially :3


Name suggestion for this beast - "Bellodon" Thanks for the update! I'm a new user of about 2 weeks and I'm absolutely amazed by this unique tool. Looking forward to more Sandbox mode updates!


"Slugroth" came to mind.


Question! Will our saved character presets carry over the the Unreal 5 upgrade? 😊 I've got like 20 different Maya variations saved and it'd be a shame to lose em. Same goes for Sandbox showroom scenes...


It should all carry over just fine :) At least thats the plan, so if anything doesnt work as expected in the 25$ release, we will investigate and try to fix it for the 10$ release.


Anguiscerotis, snake in Latin is anguis and rhinoceros in latin is rhinocerotis. So I suggest Anguiscerotis.


I might have missed it but, any timeline for when the first UE5 update will be released?


Wow wildlife coming to VR? Unless it’s already out “I haven’t been keeping up with updates” I can’t wait!




If all else fails you can always name the new creature Kevin


Any chance to get some shiny bikini like : golden , blue , purple etc ?


I have a name for the creature... Hakadun