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Hey all,

New dev update!

Level: The Level Designer finished the early blockouts for the Sky Village and is currently working on the Pillar Region.
Our 3D Artist is currently helping out with the blockouts and finished most of the large rock assets for 3 of our biomes before that. We will be working on the last 2 sets in the following weeks (Mountain Tops/Overhangs/Desert).
Continued work on our landscape textures for the desert and canyon regions, plus some added functionality to our landscape material to give Artists more control over the look of our terrain.

Code: Our sandbox 2.0 coder has taken some well earned vacation so only a few small QoL additions have been made. The inventory refactoring is pretty much done until we do a proper stress testing further down the line. The current focus is preparing and optimizing quest, item, npc and routine editor workflows for our developers to populate the world once we begin work there.

Character: The male hyena Kerpali is done, his name is Scrof and you can check him out here. Next up is finalizing the female version, her name will be Sadora. Additionally the new human female named Lee and her body model and outfit is in the final stages. We also finished a sandbox outfit for Maya: the pirate, check it out :)

Animations: Max x Shey minigame is done and implemented and the Maya goatmen scene is in its final steps. Next, we will work on a new batch of sandbox animations.

Story: The next lore post will be about the Alpha Camp of the arriving faction and will come on Friday. NPC list is now final, all characters, names and locations of the world are defined.

That's it for now, thanks for all your awesome support,

-Wild Life Team




Will we get autofellatio animations in future?


Great work I can't wait to see what you guys do next. Also the new girl is giving me pre time skip Robin vibes nice.


Autofellatio Vark/horseman, please.


Steve! Aquatic folk? Any thoughts on that?


Tried to create custom char from Max and realized that there are not so much clothes options to do that. It would be great to have some regular cloth variation, so no need to stick to original lore and I can tell different story.


This is going to be very good! I just have a question : Do you plan to add other kinks (feet related themes, domination, handjob ect...) in the main or the sandbox?


Lookin forward to checkin out the Hyena Kerpali. When it is released, is there an update patch to download - or redownload the whole game again?


No idea for specific animations other than upside down or bending over. Definitely for the Kerpali males though. Almost forgot to ask; Will we ever see bisexual m/m/f animations?


Do you plan to add more futa characters/ animations?


Currently its always needed to re-download the whole thing. We dont have a diff-based patching system yet.


Small suggestion for the Kerpali. Wehn making love to the Kerpali all we hear is the moning of a sexy young woman, the puring is cute. But we need to remember they are part animal and need to show that. When making love we should hear them roar and grown. Also when going from a walk to a sprint they should be down runnung on all fours. Get in touch with your wild side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfi_ovwCPRU


Does Lee have the Shey skeleton?