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Welcome travelers!

We have been working on the game’s setting, lore and story for quite a while now and it is time we present it to you.

We will not spoil the main plot of the game with these, but spoilers concerning the setting and backstory are inevitable. So if you prefer to explore the world completely un-spoilered once the game is done, do not read any further!

Today, let's talk about…

Sky Village

Village of Knowledge

Far above the dense jungle, nestled safely between the rock pillars and tree branches, lies the lofty Sky Village. Skillfully constructed hanging houses surround the entrance to a big cave, which once served as one of the first shelters for the stranded humans after the crash.

As such, the Sky village is one of the only places where information about these early days can still be found today: many old paintings line the walls of their cave, an attempt by their ancestors to preserve knowledge for future generations. While much has been lost to time, the Sky Villagers still consider it their duty to gather and preserve any knowledge about the ancient technology that crashed with the ship.

With their village being in such an easily defended location and with an ample, if simple, food source in the form of cave mushrooms nearby, the Sky Villagers can afford to direct all their energies towards scientific pursuits, tinkering, inventing and contributing to the central library. Widely known as the village of knowledge, it is often visited by people from other villages, who seek their advice in all sorts of matters.

A visitor to the Sky village will soon notice a peculiar detail though, compared to all other villages - there are no Kerpali here. This is due to an unquestioned iron rule which has been in effect ever since the founding days: Whoever shows any signs of transformation must leave and will remain banished, along with their parents, so that the feral curse may never take hold in their fragile community.

Needless to say, any romantic contact between Sky Villagers and Kerpali from outside the village is heavily frowned upon as well - if any such relationship were to blossom, it would need to be kept secret...

When Max arrives at this village, he is met with friendly interest. Maya, however, will have no such warm welcome, having been cast out of this village after her Kerpali transformation. A brief visit may be tolerated, but she better not overstay her welcome.

That’s it for today - next time, we will tell you more about a different important location of Kerpal, so stay tuned! As always, thanks for your support and we hope you enjoy these little peeks into the lore of the game :)

- Wild Life Team



Sébastien Guyot

Interesting. I was wondering if we would see bird-like kerpali at the Sky Village. Now I have my answer. However my biggest question about this world concerns the strange giant pink head

Chris Jacks

Oh damn! Hype meter is rising fast!


Again, we have a very nice picturesque background story. I myself wish that this will not only be readable here or inGame, but that the course of the story will be designed so that this information (perhaps even from different characters) is gradually transmitted to the respective played MC in the village or on the way there. To provide the story with a corresponding depth and to make the way or the journey comprehensible. I could also imagine a kind of storytelling, a narrator, who starts at different trigger points, to make a long journey interesting, or to give a little intro to a particular place, or to drop the one or other joke. Whereby I can also imagine that difficult, because I suspect that simple German jokes, or phrases could be misunderstood in English. Of course, I would find a German syncro super, but a solution á la GTA with German subtitles is also no problem.


cant wait to visit the village!


Its great seeing you are working in the main game. Sometimes I wonder if the development of the sandbox mode will slow down the development of it. Glad to see each new piece of info from lore and story.