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Hey everyone,

Today we come to you with the latest Wild Life development updates.

We are pretty much done with the crashed dropship model and it is already in the engine. We still want to add some mud and dirt textures to it so it feels actually crashed ;)
Take a look at this awesome showcase screenshot.

The villager clothing for the fisher people is getting the final touch-ups, here is a picture showing male and female models.

The new cinematic sex system is making some very nice progress. More on that in a future post.

Further work is also being done on combat with Max being able to use a bow now.

The demo quests are making good progress and some of them will be ready for you to try when the next version comes out :)

Speaking of which, it is going to be ready sometime in the second half of March. We are going to outline the expected content in more detail in one of the next posts.  Thanks for all your support,

-Wild Life Team



Thanks for keeping us updated, good work!


Great work!❣️


Gotta luv them loin cloths. Looking good.

Jon R



Nice awesome Job! Can't wait to see what we can do with the wild lion running around :P


Very nice ❤️


Alright! The natives are starting to look like natives! Nicely done. Gonna hide any items in the crashed bird or around the crash site later?


It's gonna rape us. And by that I mean, it's gonna kill us over and over like the hyenas did my first playthrough. :x



New Frontiers

Looking forward to sexing all the villagers ! ! !


Question. As the story go's, is the crashed dropship a recent, old or much older crash site?


in the demo where it appears its a very very recent event - happens right before you step out of it to explore the jungle you landed in


Ah, right on man. So then, is that where Max's story begins as far as being planet side go's? Is that crash site where the very first raider steps foot on the planet representing the first step for all raider kind? It would be cool if it is Max who bravely takes that first step. I suppose it could also be a crashed dropship but only one of many that have already landed before it. Sorry, can't help it, the curiosity is killing me.


Not really no, and the plot of the demo also doesnt necessarily represent any part of the final games story.


Wow, I like that. It's like holding a suspense novel in you hand that you can't wait to read but you got to wait and so it's something to look forward to see what it's going to be all about. Have fun with it and enjoy the making. Good luck and have a nice day.




Sweet. Looking forward to the next build. Hope there's a good amount of scenes. It's been a while since the last build. Maybe we'll get some more Kerpali x Human Female scenes? Anyway hope everything is running smoothly.


Very excited about the progress of this game ♥


Hey, would it be a copy wright violation if I made me one of those loin cloths in real life. I got a hankern to wear one of those in the grocery store. Foot loose and fancy free I would be.


Lol of course not, we dont have a copyright on having a piece of cloth around your waist.


Question. About how far in time are we from being able to create or even be able to piece together in game jewelry, that is if it will be a thing we will be able to do?


Gacha, so doe's that mean there will not be any kind of crafting of anything at all other than food and drink? Not that there needs to be but just curious about the subject of crafting in general.


just became a $10 member and i am wondering if there is a lag time between patreon and the game launcher because i cant install the $10 version


Usually there is a bit yes, where the payment needs to go through and update in the patreon api.


ok ill try again later thanks for the info


Question. Sometime down the road and after you introduce the raider mothership you showcased earlier into the game engine would you consider introducing a new alien presence maybe even with a ship of their own? Seems like outer space could still be an open field for new idea's and still remain lore friendly as a new addition. Would you find that an interesting subject?


Interesting subject indeed, but it has no room for in this initial release of Wild Life. Maybe as a huge add-on way down the line.


Oh yes indeed, maybe even a couple years or so down the road. The possibilities are literally out of this world or at least the kerpali world that is. You would have lots of time to ponder such a thing. The little grey's are so iconic maybe a bit bigger than diablo. It would be a mind blowing addition to the game and a big draw for people who are into the subject, especially when sex would be involved. Anyway, just a thought.


You want an unreal starbound of puss eh! Capital idea old sport!


Yea, in a way I suppose an alien presence having a high level of technology would be a good counter balance to the obvious raider technology. Maybe an accidental crash of one of their alien scout ships would be a good introduction somewhat the same as the raider introduction but with a different twist. As far as the aliens go there are all kinds of real life descriptions to go with according to the reports of actual alien abductees. Seems like a good logical choice for one more race to enter into the game. Their motives could be good, bad or some of both. It would make for a killer story line I imagine. Last but not least, a male alien protagonist would be a very effective character as he has to deal with the huge female population of planet Kerpali. Ah yes, space the final frontier.


I realize this would be a huge undertaking and if it could be a possibility it would happen way, way, way on down the road so to speak. As far as being lore friendly the orbit of the planet is actually part of the environment and could be up for grabs between raider and alien alike. They could either compete or merely coexist. Again, it's just an imaginary thought, something to ponder.


The stunning graphical possibilities are endless with Unreal. What you are envisioning is very attainable with this platform. That is exactly why I am excited about this project. The last paid alpha winner I endorsed was Fortnite. They found great success but was not what was promised to the adult financiers during development. We didn't even get a mini game in the end let alone the MMO. Just five year olds dropping N bombs and silly dances. All while they took our pet project Paragon and killed it. I had a $350+ alpha on Paragon as well. So I am done with "Epic". But not the engine. I hope one group of men can cut the globalist micro transaction CCP approved nudity/ Slave taking bullshit and make the game we all want with genuine replay value. I like Adeptus Steve's team, watching their streams I saw real free human men with emancipated brains. Looking to provide a much wanted/ requested service. Not some more industry guys trying to tell us what we want for only $29.99 OR a $49.99 season pass. No we wont tell you what content we will produce this season if any. But here is a rainbow unicorn hat. XDD Im good. Or the the other end, modders will spend hundreds if not thousands of hours compiling something like Conan Sexiles just to have the DEVs remove it once they sell their ten bullshit $2.99 value clothing DLCs for $19.99 A PIECE!. STILL NO FUGGING AI ON THE MAP YEARS AFTER RELEASE! But you'll remove sex, the only thing that makes Conan Exiles playable. No not this group! Fingers crossed!


As soon as I saw the raider mothership rendering and the raiders story it hit me like a ton of bricks of there being an alien presence. Supposedly, Earth has ben visited since the beginning of human history so why wouldn't they follow us out there, continuing their observation of us. In real life it seems they need us for some reason. There are currently all kinds of theories as to what those reasons might be but to this date no one really knows. So yea, they are in orbit around Kerpali, merely continuing their age old research on us.


Sumerian tablets refer to ancient aliens as gods. Could this orbiting alien presence be the Anunnaki, merely observing their children's evolutionary progress in the universe? Yes, it would be a big addition to the game and allot of time and work but wow, if done right it would most likely make this game the greatest of all time. As far as an alien mothership it could be a simple as a giant glowing orb, sporting scout ships being tear drop or egg shaped. Maybe the team could incrementally chip away at it over a couple of years. Well anyway, just a thought, something to ponder.


Did you name Max and Maya after Autodesk's 3ds Max and Maya animation software? Or is it just a coincidence?


Bit of both :) I always liked the name Maya and it fitted this character really well. The Idea to name Max Max then actually came from the coincidence that the softwares are also named like that and it would be kinda fun to make that connection.


when the next update? :(


Hey Steve & Team Thank you for your great work so far, really looking forward to the next update. Is it planned to make every piece of clothing available for every character? Or to make it possible to adjust the clothing? ( change the colors, remove layers of clothing, etc.. )


Hello, thanks for all your supporting :) There arent plans to make all clothes available to all characters. Just doing the math on the number of clothes and characters makes me dizzy. Customizable clothes on the other hand that modify colors and such could be a thing later on.


Hey Steve, I hope you don't ever feel to pressured by those of us out here as we give our advice, thoughts or wants. I feel guilty sometimes as I have a tendency to go off the rails so to speak. I am sure we all appreciate all the hard work you guys put into this. Just keep going with what you want to do and it will be great. Again, don't feel pressured but be assured and that is we all like your work. Have a nice day and remember to just have fun doing your work.


sex with aliens would be coool:)


I have high hopes that someday they will create the alien presence, especially after all the trouble aliens have gone through with us for over an eon now. How could they not have followed the raiders to Kerpali. Something like this will be way down the road, that is if they deem it worth the cost and time. It would be fun to see how the team would envision the concept of it.


Question. Have you or any of the team ever in the past considered an animal with wings? Maya having developed wings as others developed as animals and as far as lore go's, was or is there such animals as birds or other animals that were native to planet kerpali/before humans ever arrived, which developed on the planet due to natural selection over time and variation due to environment and so on? Seems there would have been current Dna from which the humans to evolve from. Will there ever be creepy crawlies on the planet?


There are planned to be other flying creatures that make the skies a rather unsafe place to be, so Maya will have her challenges while flying.


Ah, indigenous was the word I was looking for. I thought there would be. Nice to know.


When it comes to the adult animation will it be more dynamic instead of fix in the future or a combination of both?


As far as aliens go I hope they would make them bipeds.


The chances for that are almost zero.


I think they mean to ask if you will be able to change the positions of characters and directly control the movements rather than selecting a position and changing the speed of the animation


As in the user can make adjustment to one specific animation sorta like being more in control instead of waiting for one animation to play out or changing the speed.


Do you have an example of where this was already done? Im still unsure. The plan now is to have a rather cinematic approach. The poses wont be editable like with IK controls for individual arms or legs if thats what youre asking.


Not sure if this is a good example but there a crpg game called Exanima where its makes use of dynamic procedural animation that lets the character react to everything based on the player controls.


Got a link to a demonstration of that? Sounds a bit too fancy, we dont have procedural animation systems.


Here a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwVHwFoytyU&t=38s&ab_channel=R.I.P. I seen people do some procedure animation on unreal engine before


Question. The structure up above Maya's spawn point on the wild life map and next to the village, it must be the crashed space craft of the early humans marooned on planet kerpali/Maya's ancestors. Will it ever be used in the final game in any which way shape or form? Will it ever be opened up for any reason?


Ok i see, no we dont plan for anything like that in the story mode. Maybe as a little system to toy around with for the sandbox but way way in the future.


Maybe yes, the setting changed a bit from since when we made that, but there will still be a crashed space artifact in the world that you get to explore.


That will be super great, can't wait to see it. Especially getting to go inside and explore. Will there be some good places inside the ship for sex scenes, that is with interesting interior and flat/level flooring?


That far hasnt been planned out yet. Maybe, maybe not, depends on how much time it would cost.


Do you think there will ever be any ships of any types big or small where sex scenes would be possible? Just curious.


Oh man, I can't wait to see it. Will we eventually be able to fly/operate a dropship or an even a bigger type of ship?


Wow, I believe your game is going to be a masterpiece 3 years from now. I have often wondered about weapons. Have you ever thought of a particle beam rifle or any type of beam weapons? Maybe a sonic percussion beam as a nonlethal stun weapon?


We have plans for a stun gun, but not as a beam weapon no, altho its not a bad idea, who knows maybe we add it one day :)


I suppose something like that would have an effective range of what, about 50 to 100 meters.


It would be badass if Maya during flight could unfurl her wings and freefall backwards wielding max's rifle and start blazing upward at her target/shooting it down. Then tap space bar to engage her wings and promptly barrel left roll left or right. Also, it would be a nice feature if Maya during high altitude freefall could spread her hands, arms and legs just a bit in order to slow down and glide left or right. High altitude freefall is fun but it could be more fun and maybe useful for infiltration of enemy camps. Also, it could be a quick maneuver to get distance from a high altitude enemy if she gets in a bad spot.


Any plans on adding more customization options to the characters, specifically to the way certain body parts look? Also, do you plan on updating / adding more futa options in the future? Finally, I think the game could benefit from additional voice lines and sounds to diversify encounters. Just my two cents, I love what you guys have so far!