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Hey travellers,

It is time for a new dev update. The next build is only 2 weeks away and we are getting ready for an internal review of the latest progress with focus on performance and environment/level art.

Additionally, these are some of the areas we are currently working on.

  • The sex scene between Max and Jadeen the huntress are well on their way. A sneak peek will be posted on discord ;)
  • We are adding the new fisher villager outfits to the game. They will be available for Maya, Indra, Lala, Jadeen, Milanna, Gunjar, all TribalAs and all TribalBs.
  • Our work on the new hair material and model system is also making progress. A crucial test will be to port Maya’s hair over to the new system since that is pretty much the most challenging style in the game. We are also beginning to look into ways to make actual fur for the Kerpali. That will be a longer task so updates on that front may be a bit further out.
  • The demo level is getting further work done, improving lighting and layout of assets,  working on the crash site which will be the game start region (check the pictures out) and the Fisher Village is getting some more love too, our artists are working on assets to add life to the villager houses.
  • In the cutscene department we are working with the mocap data from the latest shoot to layout the first few cutscenes for the demo.
  • Code has been busy doing some optimization processes, such as improving the render target behaviour, which should reduce the VRAM load. Further we have optimized our ocean material which hopefully gets the framerate up a bit.
  • We are doing some improvements to the combat for ranged and melee on the feral kerpali encounter. The goal is to have something that is nice and playable for this coming build.
  • Quests are being worked on and there will be a handful for you to play through in this build.
  • The showroom level has received additional lighting setups for more diverse conditions.
  • We have added some combat, movement and other poses and animations to various characters' poser tool animation list.

Additional notes:

Due to the current lighting progress it is likely that the fisher village level will not have editable daytime and cloud levels for this release.

Thanks for the support as always, you are great!

-Wild life Team




This all sounds great, I'm particularly looking forward to seeing how the optimisation improves the GPU load, mines sounding like a jet engine while I play


Mine too, I dont expect it to change that tho, I get that on every UE4 game, even an idle engine editor causes that.




Game start at crash site, wow, that's going to be great. Hair. Super interesting.


So excited, can't wait!

Glen Risk

Wondering if there will be any further VR development?


Good to hear about VRAM improvements, the main map is using up all 8GB of my card and crashes if anything else is running in the background.


Since you're planning on doing more work with the kerpali models I was wondering if that means they'll eventually get paw and hand pads? Also, will you eventually be updating the roundness of their toes and feet to have more knuckle formations at some point?


Well, I think yes, you will have to work hard on actual fur for the Kerpali, but I am sure the result will be overwhelming.


Question. Steve, I think I remember you once saying you got Maya as an idea from seeing her in a dream. In the dream, can you remember if her wings sprouted from her arms or did her wings sprout from between her shoulder blades, separate from her arms thus freeing her arms up while in flight? About how long ago did you have the dream?


The wings were her actual arms, anatomically speaking as it should be. The dream happened early 2016.


Wondering if there will be any further VR development?


i keep seeing all these updates but have there been anything playable released? im still only seeing december on my client and non of the test ones are on it. is there a new client that im not aware of?


are you guys eventually gonna make it so that the choice of nude or different clothing stays saved like the other customizations


No, Wild Life Team specifically said they're going to take a couple of months to focus on new changes and updates before releasing another version of the game. Patience, Nextra, you only have to wait another 2 weeks. :D


Shots of the crashed ship looks so good! Looking to see how you guys improve the combat animations.


That would be nice. Most likely in late alpha or sometime in beta.


I must admit I can't wait to see the new build but for news kerpali's animations (if there is some). I'll be disappointed if nothing has been done in this category. But anyway I know you're working well then I trust you. ^^


Amazing, can’t wait!!!!


I hope the 10$ tier build will be launched at the same time as the $22 build. Its taking pretty long now although I understand it takes alot of efford to create a game like this. Though in total I spend alot of $ for this game so far.


If you have been with us for a while now then you know how our build release process usually works. The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public and 10$).


Is it a glitch that the interiors of the caves in the kerpali village get much darker almost impossible to see in when you enter them but look normal from the outside?


No, thats intended. Just not very smartly executed. You have a torch that will help with dark caves.


helllo, i just downloaded the wildlife launcher, but impossible to log in how am i supposed to login ? the thing keep closing


also when i download the last build on mega i can launch the game but my mouse not working


i just downloaded the christmas build on mega, and then i install it, when i launch the game it open with steam vr ,i can see borders of the windows becoming green , and while in game i cannot look around with the mouse...


i open wildlife launcher , it say log in to download , when i log in it close ...


You make almost $ 100,000 a month and this is what you managed to pull out of from the last "release" ? (some quests, a couple of fixes and hair models ?? What the hell are you spending all this money on? Guys, give yourself a wake up call.


We are, but cretain things just take time and cant be rushed. I know its going frustratingly slow, trust me I feel the same. But we have to be patient, all good things come to those who wait (or who work hard in our case)


it's weird because my mouse work when i am on menu and pause too, but in game i cannot look around, please help me , i have older builds and i do not have this problem


You said that with the money you raised you would be hiring high-profile professionals. It has been done? how many people are currently working on the game? I ask again .. What is almost $ 100,000 a month spent on?


We have hired and our team is currently 18 fulltime and a few on-off freelancers. 60k goes to salaries. 20k to rent and licensing. The remaining 20k is other expenses such as office supplies, electricty, water, internet, security, marketing, insurances and all things such as that. Also a big expense is taxes. People tend to forget about those.


I just downloaded the latest build and it seems to stutter constantly. Is there a way to fix this? I've already uninstalled it and did a fresh reinstall with no improvement. Plz advise. Thanks.


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @2.20 GHz. 2.21 GHz 16 GB RAM GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 1070 with Max-Q Design Running the latest version of Windows 10(64)


So excited ❤️


Sounds solid enough tbh. You may have problems with the xmas build on the fisher level, the performance there is rather broken


It's happened in the Kerpali Village as well. I've never had this problem with any of the builds up to this point so I'm kind of at a loss. Up until now, it's been smooth sailing and the graphics and performance have been nothing short of phenomenal. Guess I may have to wait for the next build to see if it returns to normal because I really don't know what else to do at this point. Thanks for taking the time to respond!


Hm the kerpali village hasnt changed at all in the recent time. Sure its not something outside of the game?


That's what I'm trying to figure out. My hardware hasn't changed since I started out. The only thing I did differently this time was use the MEGA desktop app because when I tried to download it the traditional way thru the MEGA site it paused and said there wasn't enough browser space or something of that nature.


One thing I can help you rule out is that, the method of download shouldnt affect the actual build performance at all. Thats practically impossible.


New build THIS FRIDAY ?!!! Right


Can't wait!


Hey Steve, the character march 15 character poll was fun. Interesting to read all the idea's of us 10 dollar players. It was fun to see what people think about your game with all their different interjections. Some of it was very serious and some of it was pretty darn funny. I like how your game gives people an out to let their imaginations flow, at least that's how it works for me. We be so close now. I'm excited as all of us are to see what you've done, no pressure lol. Have a nice day and have fun with it.


P.s, thanks for letting us all have a say.