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Hello people,

It is time for a new development update. Last week we announced a big step we are making now to perform a feature split between story mode and sandbox mode. We have started this step and will keep you updated on its progress over the coming weeks.

Additionally we are working on these things:

  • Combat and AI improvements
  • Cinematic sex system
  • Villager clothing for the fisher village
  • New hair pipeline to create hair with consistent visual style and better physics
  • Implementing the questlines for the demo
  • Various new sex anims (both for the demo and for the patreon sandbox)
  • Improvements to the fisher village and jungle level
  • Performance
  • New human male characters that will play a role in the demo
  • Cargo ship model

We have also updated our Patreon main page with better descriptions of the game.

Have a great day,

-Wild Life Team




Nice! The game's vision is finally coming together, it seems.


Looking good Steve. Looking forward to March being a great month. 👍


I wish I had a time machine to play the final version of the game!


The gunship looks great. Jumping ahead futuristically speaking, will we be able to fly or control it in any fashion? Will we be able to open and close doors and such? P.S, cannot wait to see the new hair physics. I hope to see the long rope braid, if not its all good. I wish only the best for you guys and thanks for all the work you do. Simply awesome.


Hmm. Improvements for the fisher village and Jungle, and performance, sounds good.


love what i see and was wondering if there will be a setting to make the game windowed. i multitask with multiple windows open all the time


Keep it up lads!

Master Yoda

good job ! keep going on and kudos to the whole team !


Holy ship!


I just changed clothing while gliding in flight via the i/key. It works and Maya looked kind of trippy in the picture box. It's fun to try little things like that and see it work.


Can't wait to see how the new hair physics turns out. Not sure what the term pipeline actually is but it sure sounds like a good thing to have. By having it sounds like you guys will always be making hair better and even better for a long time.



Frank Leo



Hope everything goes great with the big step you started. I like the update of the Patreon page as well.


Steven, it would be neat looking if during combat mode Maya's fingernails morphed into majestic eagle talons. That would look good when she is crouched. Maybe she could jump on an enemy's back, scream like a banshee and start ripping. While sneaking up from behind she could have a have a silent slow and stealthy move where she gently pulls the head back a bit and makes a fine yet deadly slice across the neck. Yea, I could see that little vixen doing that. She could glide, land crouched and then sneak her way up to an unsuspecting guard and then you know, do what she doe's best.


Maybe you could assign a key to morph the talons like same as the j/key is for a male erection or maybe be able to equip them in inventory same as weapon's before making a silent attack. Assigning a key for a morph would be more preferable. Retractable is the word I was looking for, retractable talons.


Please enhance Shey make her curvier and less muscles.


I was wondering if you could add new sex sound and better moans increasing the intensity a bit maybe more realistic to the poses


Cool ship design


Yeah we would like to do that for the new sex system, but thats going to take a lot of time still.


Steve I have a question about Maya, full blown kerpali and combat. Other than hand held weapons will they also have natural defensive abilities? I see animalistic kerpali have sharp teeth and claw. Rhino and minotaur have horn and size. Could then Maya have retractable talons as her natural defense? Would that be lore friendly and if so, would you guys be able to create that? Not oversized but easy to see when crouched and sneaking. I like to practice the glide, land and sneak approach and that would be a really neat feature I do believe. It would be great to have it in the final game when its completed.


Just for G.P, maybe she could rake those talons across a sex partners back during certain animations and leave scratch marks. Mabey it could happen randomly or even rarely.


Have you been working on the "boobjob" animations, specifically fixing the hands that sink into the breasts when they're enlarged?


I find that during that type of animation and during the animation tap the y/key and it matches up hands, fingers and Boobs. You can also change the size under body selection during the act.


awesome 🤩


there is literally an entire roster of hyper feminine women, why would you even contemplate this?


Not sure but is this Maya as lead singer in this band, Gunlöd - Gunlöd (Full Album 2021) sounds like lyrics she would come up with. That weeeee little vixen.


Hey Steve, what if Maya using her wild and seductive ways could kill with a poison kiss derived from a certain mixture of plants and herbs used for her poisonous lipstick? After all, what standing guard or even a king or queen for that matter could resist her beauty. It could be used for a part in story mode at sometime maybe. Covert operation? Could a poison kiss be part of her arsenal used as art of seduction?


Will Maya ever be able to throw a spear and make it stick for a kill? Maybe then locate and grab another one for her inventory after that. Maybe from a stockpile location or two.


For females could a set of fantasy type of small, slim and sexy Pauldrons be lore friendly? Could be leather, steel, copper, bronze or a combination of material. Thinking mostly of Maya and kerpali females and looking like something they would make. Turtle shell even or something like that? Could go left, right or both shoulders.


is vr broken? unless i have to do something special to launch it, i don't see anything really being said about vr. I'm trying it with quest 2 with the occulus link and the game just doesn't want to launch in vr, despite the game having vr options. Please help!


With the VR headset plugged in you need to press Alt+0 (zero) to switch to VR view mode. Note that VR controllers arent supported.


Question. As you create more combat moves for Maya will you be thinking about any type of a quiet sneak from behind and grab type of move like maybe a choke out or even a snap of the neck? Could even be a knife stab or slice. Knife would do nicely.


Maya, long rope braided ponytail, petite segmented pauldrons, standing proud and holding a spear would equal one badass looking kerpali girl. Ohoooo yea. Maybe a little on the hip as well, two or 3 segments at most. Nothing on breasts though, leave them bad puppies alone I say.


A, who doe's the girl on this cover remind you of? Helestios - Your Pain Tastes Good (Full Album 2020)


Steve, have you ever planned of adding any more sets of wings for Maya? Not that you need to, just curious.


Looks like The Unreliable's smaller sistership. Love it :)


We have different materials for different looks, but not different shapes like bat wings or so. You can test the alternative colors out yourself by setting the wing material in the customizer for maya :)


How do I disable censorship in the $ 10 version? I don't even have an item in the settings with censorship.


Check the version at the bottom right of your game ui, make sure it actually says its a 10$+ build.


Just for G.P, I checked for a color slider for wings. Thought maybe I was missing something. I thought maybe I could color slide black wings to have white, gold or even green tips for instance. It would be a cool thing to slide the color of feathers for the different materials of highlights and such. Glow in the dark feather highlights would be interesting but not if it took time away from everything you got going at any given time.


Just using the imagination, it would be fun to have a new character of Maya finding an evil sister or twin who was long lost at birth. Not sure what to do with that but it would be fun if due to her being evil that she had some disheveled looking feathered wings. Maybe her feathered wings could be thicker, more tattered or something like that. Anything to set her apart from Maya in the way of looks and personality.


If you see Censoring Severity in settings, set it to minimal and apply? Go to Settings/Game/Censoring Severity/ then select [minimal]. Also, Censoring Type in settings should be set to [none]. That is if its the 10 dollar build you downloaded.


She could be Maya's alter ego of sorts. Twins at birth yet different in so many ways due to her being raised by the evil one who stole her away at birth.


Steve got a Maya question. Maya now has 3 weapons, Max has his, would or could it be possible for her to have a bullwhip that hangs from her hip and be able to strike with it? It would be cool if when in her hand it would hang down to ground and crack forward when she strikes with it inflicting cuts on her opponent. Maybe she could even sneak from behind and choke out her victim.


when i update the browser i don't get any of the test versions past December. is it a different browser for it?


Wow, I actually killed two feral lions until they didn't get back up/no more life to them. Bow and spear work, mostly bow. Also, Maya continued to hold bow in hand in a cool stance. I can still hear footsteps though. Every great now and then Maya will hold the knife, bow, or spear and not auto place on back or hip. Its some kind of glitch but I do like it whenever it happens. If that glitch could be a purposeful permanent addition it would look good while crouched, walking and running, especially while holding the bow.


Such a system hasnt been planend in no. The design for the main game is pretty much done so this is something that we need to add on a wild life addon wishlist once we make one :)


P.S, I alt tabbed back to the game where Maya is still holding the bow so I went to crouched position and walked forward. I figured bow would just revert to her back but instead she continued holding the bow out in front of her and in left hand. It looks fantastic/natural and moves perfectly. I just tried sprinting and it works great as well/perfect. Using the x/key for weapon switch not working and she is still holding bow. Even jumping won't break the spell. I am sprinting out of the little area and running down paths and she is still holding bow in left hand continuously. I just took 3 shots with the bow and that broke the spell, oh well, fun while it lasted. Nice glitch, looks really cool.


I have never had that glitch last that long or even act like that for that matter. I can count on one hand how many times its happened. So Steve, my question to you is, can or would you consider looking into maybe making that glitch happen just to see if it could be added to the movement/combat system? I know this is long winded but I thought you would like to know about this random glitch.


Just for G.P, before I quit the game I flew back to check on the feral lions in that little area and they are still dead/just laying there. I pulled out the bow and low and behold she is doing it again holding it in left hand. I took a shot with bow and the same, still holding. I left click for spear and she switched to it and is now continuously holding it now. The x/key works and she switched to the knife and after swiping witch it she is still holding with that cool attack stance. Its in the feral lion area behind Max and other side of waterfall.


I just quit the game and started a new one just to see if it would happen again without killing the feral lions an it did happen a little bit but not like it did before but that little area with those lions seems to be a hot spot for it.


I had my son to help me save and send you a video of it but not sure how to do it. Tried to scan build with invidia Gforce but that didn't work. If I figure out how to do it I'll try to make it happen again. Maybe if you bring game up and draw a weapon in that little area it might happen for you. Sorry about that.


I will say one thing and that is I have killed those feral lions with the bow from those rocks above many, many times and only today has that glitch ever happened in that little area. Actually, today is the only time that glitch has ever happened in that little area. Also, the glitch has only ever happened on the wildlife map and never on the fisher village map and certainly never with a continuous hold like that.


how do i get the test ones for a $25 patron?


Download the wildlife launcher from this patreon, and within the laucher you will see a test build option. Click the drop down bar and you can select a test build, then you can click build. But you don't need it yet, since the newest build is from December is available in the $10 build.


I duuno! I bought the $25 ver from the $10 yeterday and now I got some scaffolding over the creek chasing homeboy down!! My name in the game will be "kApItAlIsT". Progress!