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Hey everybody, we have finally updated our patreon goals to accomodate our future plans ;)

Also we have released an FAQ document you can view here.

Thanks for the big support so far,

-Wild Life Team


mark bermudez madrigal

The best sex mode right now... thanks guys I hope you make a lot of animations


Good luck on reaching the new goal ;)


Sounds better than Anthem's game development

Nothing to see here

"Single player focus making it as good as we can." Yes, you guys do you, keep it up, the game is great!


I played the game for about two hours, trying to discover the new environment and combat system. frankly, it looks promising, Cheers, mate!. But still, limiting my choices to one character (Maya), seems a bit frustrating; unless you are thinking of adding a character creation sort of engine, instead of having to possess every single breathing creature in the game!

Icarus Media

'Q: Will it be possible for NPCs to have sex without the players involvement? A: Yes, we think it's essential for a world like that to feel alive to make such relationships between npcs also be possible. ' The sneaky voyeur in me is positively delighted with this one.


Nice to see a team that's actually dedicated to finishing a project as best as it can be and not just dragging things out with occasional updates.


Will there be a feature where you can toggle male erections outside of sex animations.(i.e. walk around with as a male with a boner)


love the answer of blood and gore XD


Very nice! One question I did not see but wondered is, will there be support for controllers like Xbox pads or keyboard and mouse only? Keep up the great work!


I'm waiting for a real rpg guys. if I have a suggestion to make, it is that you take an example of the illusion for the poses


Hi, i had 3 minor questions that I didnt see on the FAQ: 1. What does each Graphics Setting do specifically (especially "Effects"; I dont see a difference between the Low & Max setting)? 2. Are you going to animate the transitions between sex positions (either way, it's kinda hot)? 3. Do you guys plan Avian Kerpalis, such as an Owl creature?

Lee Thompson

The game stutters a lot on high settings, even on good hardware - I realize optimizations are a ways off but thought I'd mention it in case it's something weird.


Effects sets these inetrnal scalability variables: r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim=64 r.RefractionQuality=2 r.SSR.Quality=1 r.SceneColorFormat=4 r.DetailMode=2 r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur=1 r.MaterialQualityLevel=1 Explaining it all would take too long but you can check out the general things here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Performance/Scalability/ScalabilityReference/index.html Animated transitions are planned but we still have to figure out how to pull it off as it will be a ton of work. We will probably start working on some for the story-based sex encounters to make sure those look as best as they can and then see from there. No avian kerpali are currently planned.


How can we get the second maya ?


I would like you to do more animations with iljah.


and threesome animations for sex get hotter


and keep up the great wild life team work :)


Does this game have Guy on Guy stuff, or is it strictly straight?


yason model looks like a bad ass will he have some kerpali action as well i think the guy might want som fur in his life?


I am pretty new here, I just sign on to the 25 dollar sponsor or whatever you like to call it. I have had access to two builds. Patreon Shipping Test 4 and Patreon build 3.


So far I have enjoy both but I saw many improvements that could made to the world. One I would like to see more creatures roaming around. Like sand bugs or something related to each environment. Also while I was flying and flying over the ocean, I thought wouldn't it be cool to see a whale or something splashing out the water. It would be also be cool if since you are playing as Maya that she can talk to the animals and the animals can talk to her and give her insight to the world around or maybe if there is a problem that they can be helpful to her.


Also interactions, I notice that I wasn't able to sit down on benches or chairs. I also thought during some of the sex scenes, depending on your location it would take into account of the surroundings. I notice that one of the guys I was engaging in sex with was laying back and his hands were planted in the air like he was leaning against a object. But overall the sex scenes were incredible and very detailed.


Swimming is another thing, I notice while swimming she just floats around. It would be cool if you add animations to her swimming under water. Not sure if you are making her breath underwater but an air gauge of sorts. So she will need to come up for air at some point. Also add fish in the water or sea monkeys or something that would be cool. Creatures that fit the world.


I don't know the scale of the story you guys had in mind but not sure if you have cutscenes in mind with voice actors and actresses but it would be cool, if you could incorporate a dialog tree. I know right now its pretty limited but I can see it grow like a full rpg game. Another thing do you guys have plan are boss fights or boss battles?


Okay I am just rambling on now but so far, the game looks promising and I love to see where you guys take it. You have my support, thank you !


Can player interact with characters directly? (like touching or squeezing their bodies.) in the future update?.


Thanks mate, nice feedback, we will take it all into consideration :) We aim for a fully voiced story line and npc interactions, boss battles are planned, more creatures that fit each environment will also come in time.


I hope you'll make dynamic clothings to characters they look very cool! :)


in some of the earlier build we had more settings for the breast than just the size, could you add those again


Sadly no. The whole system changed and doesn't offer those settings anymore. We are looking for ways to bring them in but that's hardcore code stuff that we don't have resources for atm


Yeah from I saw was the only time I could edit my character was when I chose to have sex with another. Will you guy implement a way to edit your character without doing a sex scene? Also I think the ideal of finding loot chests within the world that have armor or clothing pieces would be cool.


Hey, I was curious if you'd considered other races being added. I assume the Kerpali are more of a tribe rather than a species since they include both canine and feline members, so did you have plans for other tribes or species? Lizards, sharks or horses for example?


more max x antros (female) animations anytime soon?


I just wanted to say that i seriously love your game its awesome! Especialy i like the kerpali X human scenes. Keep up the good work!


Hi Steve, can this game have some Sexy Ryona Animations? Like Resident Evil?

Spazzle Dusky

Well I don't know about others, but I'm super excited to see the lizard people you've mentioned!


In a future update can switch the Cum button to a toggle or make an option for it in controls menu? would be appreciated.


There is a toggle for it, I believe it is 'F' by default


Two questions one. Will you guys continue work on the lesbian/strap-on animations two. Will their be any sort of mounts in the game ie. Horses


When will new kerpalis be included?


Hello, Wild life team I found your game after my friend's advice and I've been observing you guys for some time. and must say this game greaatly seems very detailed and hard to make. I want to congrat you guys. now if you guys need some advice for future. I must say Im an SFM animator. and I mostly make adult animations. I usually animate the most popular monthly adult tags. and theese months(Yes, literally theese months) only 1 tag is most popular. Bestiality. well its kinda interesting why the heck this tag is most popular? what does it make it so popular? well the answer is 'animators'. Between 2013 and 2016 'Monster' sex was the most popular one. most of them made by StudioFow and right now most favourited animations are Female Human X Dog and Female Human X Horse. now please Pay attention to ''Horse'' point. few years ago almost all animators were making only dogs. but after one animator group cames around. (AnimoPron) this has changed. thoose Dudes. came with 'Lara with Horse' stuff and that was it. if right now there is been making 10 animations by users 4 of them is Bestiality. Well coming to most important part. now I just realised StudioFow and Animopron start to make 'Big' RPG adult games. and its not hard to understand where did they get that idea ;) believe it or not they are making those games because of you and if you guys dont put more details more Beasts,Creatures,Animals,Tentacles I mean every thing without Human X Human. you guys cant survive until 2020... You guys should show much more passion to this game. make people literally believe that can nobody do a better game than yours. thats Why You guys put it on Bestiality. Like Heyena X Female Human as 'Dog' part. Put a Horse that Girls can Mount and Sex with it.(you can use that idea: Horse has an energy and its lost it when he runs too much and the Girl needs to discharge his balls so she fucks with it or give a blowjob and then he's gets his energy back.) make Some İnflation. Especially Bloated Belly after Kerpali and Animal Cums. and gets pregnant and make her belly swelling every game day. Put more feeling during the sex. game Also needs more Beast X female human and Less Female Beast X male Human. Finally Best part. Do this innovations Slooowly ;) You guys gonna get 3 things with doing this. first you gonna guarantee your payment until 2020-21.Secondly you'll get much 'more' patreons for theese much 'more' fantasies. Im talking about min 100k per month until middle of 2020. and most importantly the third one is that nobody but literally nobody cannot challange with your game anymore. You guys wont let them have any new things. so also the players wont gonna need them so everyone just gonna follow you! Think about This! and Thanks if you read all of my message. waiting your answer.


Hey man, thanks for the lengthy comment is this wont happen as the patreon ToS dont allow for such content to be funded. So the whole topic kind of ends right there anyway.


when new bulid ?


Hello just wanted to make a few comments and ask a few questions. Is the Minotaur model gonna get updated? I've noticed all but 2 skins have bald patches around the hands and hips that are human skin like on Bol. When the game is released are we going to have a more in depth form of character customization? While I love Maya's outfits, Im not a fan of Maya's model as she is to thin for my tastes. I love Tanya's model as she seems to be the "THICCest" of the cast of girls. While Jenny and Aoi are also favorites as they seem to share Tanya's Boob and butt ratios respectively. Are you going to introduce a reptilian beast tribe? Are you going to do anything more with the tentacle guy? I think it would be good to introduce him as something of a trap in forested areas or caves as he seems to be plant based. Finally, are there plans to work on the performance of the game in the near future?


Have you planned to add an soundtrack ? i imagine already something similar at principle talos or something like that ( antique theme )


Any plans for adding vehicles in the game? :)


Hey mate thanks for the questions. here the answers: Yes Unlikely Yes Hopefully Yes


Ideas so far, but vehicles most liekly will be added in the second storyline. (Wild Life 2 so to speak)


Are we going to get more animations for Rasha? She hasn't been included in any of the new animations that I've noticed.


how do you enable Vr in this build


Great work. Really need some more slooty outfits.


Have you thought about putting a horse race in? Also will there be any other variations of tentacle monsters?


Hey Steve will you ever consider adding non-humanoid creatures as sex partners? Besides the tentacle thing.


Thought about it yes. But not planned for anytime soon. Tentacle stuff we still need to figure out to implement in a way that works and isnt too controversial.


Just do what Subverse is doing and make lots of unique aliens to bone. If they can get away with it you can.


I'd rather see the Wild Life team sticking to their guns; hold onto their vision and plan, and not copy - too much - from what others have done and/or are doing currently. In my opinion, its better if they complete this whole thing according to their plans, and then add on top of it all if they see there is both enough demand for something extra and its viable to implement that something into the greater whole, without messing things up. Doing otherwise could risk just snowballing the whole project, just like what has happened with the Star Citizen game – the farther they got, the more ideas they developed, the more their timetable stretched as they went ahead and started implementing them into the greater whole. It’s always better to build atop a solid base than on something that has not had the time to solidify – in a manner of speaking – yet.


I am very disappointed that there is no multiplayer. Even light.


Hey man it's been 10 days since the last update post and this update was just an FAQ update. How about you post a story update?


Please respond


Why no love for max and kerpalis?


Yo gotta chill man. Sundays are for taking a break after all. We will post an update soon, probably not be story, but update after all. Chill for once please.




when can we expect next release in September?


how about you chill, if you don't like their frequency of updates no one is forcing you to be a part...


can we see some WIP for the upcoming build? :)