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Check out the current state of development for Wild Life, here we go over the current updated roadmap and the development plan for this year.  

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Wild Life - Development Update

Wild Life is the first real High Quality Open World Adult Action RPG currently in development by Candy Valley Network. Check out the current state of development for Wild Life, here we go over the current updated roadmap and the development plan for this year. If you want to support our project please find us at https://www.patreon.com/adeptussteve You are free to quote, re-distribute, share, re-upload or embed this video in parts or its entirety as standalone or as part of a larger work on any suitable online-platform - spread the word, it really helps us :)



Looks great!


Incredible! :o


Thanks for the video, you all are doing such a great job at keeping us abreast of the games development. Have a great day.

VR AnimeTed

Wow, really interesting to see the move to a combat system, though makes sense to beef up the more mainstream gameplay elements.


you look like 'have french accent'


Awesome! 1 question: Flying will be only Maya's ability? And if yes, how will the other characters get across big distances? Are there vehicles planned?

Matthias Zimmermann

i know this is one of the last things you'll do but i wanna know if it will be in the game at all: character creation


Currently the plan is to have a moderate level of customization including Hair style, color, eye color, skin paint, pubic hair, clothing, muscle toning, and chest/butt size. So the game will feature pre-designed characters that you can customize in the game itself as you progress.


Yes, how other characters move about longer distances is something we will deal with for the second story line. Vehicles, mounts is all considered.


Based on clothing,Is cloth simulation possible?


Love that you added keys to go through progressive sex states, could you add keys to animation speed to that be great.


Sweet, looking forward to an inventory system, and the quests. Not really a high priority or big deal but a thought crossed my mind, for more then 1 save per char for customization, like 2 or 3. Maybe something for further down the line.


Are you planning to add more male human x female kerpali sex animations to the game? Right now, there are very few such options in the game and the choice of positions is quite limited. I would also love to see a group scene with Max, Kira, and Zuri. :)


I totally want a armor/cloth-breaking system D:


Has anyone told you how handsome you are


Will we ever see/play any males from Maya's tribe, or is there a lore reason why that won't be possible?

Ryan Helmbold

how do I use this in VR? I can't really find anything on it


Will there be some Note diverse Body shapes for the Girls? Even with shey and the current sliders for Body modification, the Girls still pretty much Look all the Same.


The first storyline will be about maya, maybe in an other release after that there will be one about a male character, or we release mini-stories for that. Not sure what itll be but a goal is to have a versatile cast of playable characters in the long run.


The game has a simple vr video support. If you have an HMD plugged in you can press Alt+V (Newly changed to Alt+o) while ingame and it will switch output form your regular monitor to stereo vr. Currently only video output is supported so control still goes via Mouse+Keyboard which can make UI navigation a bit troublesome, but we will work on improving that as well. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ul9wsr6ndf4opgg/WLVRsetting.JPG?dl=0


Would an option to hide the characters head be a reasonable request? It would be really nice for VR + POV :)


Will the game be fully voice acted including contextualized dialogue during intercourse?


Yeah but its gonna be tricky, we are still looking for efficient methods of doing that and it isnt very high on our priorities list right now.


Are you ever going to add feral animations outside of Patreon?


I just sing up to patreon for this game and I wanna ask you guys something. first I must admit this game is one of most greatest adult game I have ever played. one of the best thing with this game is we can change almost everything with the characters. eye color, breast size, hair,skin... and mostly sex animations. now I want to say passeges between Anal-Vaginal part is absolutely ingenious part if you ask me. because that can give you guys a chance to put more details like X-RAY( I know we can zoom into ladies body and see it that way but you know what I mean ;) ) and KİSSİNG(normal kiss with men and french kiss with creatures). for example I know there is some good animations with kissing. speacially with creatures. but I just counted 3 or 4 positions of them. Here's my İdea. as there is a passege between anal to vaginal. you guys also can put kissing-notkissing passages (same for X-RAY) and Im sure that would be giving more hot and realistic details and it would be great if we can choose it during all the intercourse. some people likes it and clicks kiss but some of them not so they can click notkiss and it goes with standard animation. but surely everyone would LOVE! to have a chance to choice kissing animations. I think you guys should really think about it :) now its kinda embrassing to found you guys very late. but I want to support you guys as soon as I Learn more things about this Patreon thing. :) Greetings from Balkan Peninsula and sorry for grammar :D


What kind of kinks do you plan to add to the game? Bestiality, (sexualized) pregnancy?


I shared this with my friends and enemies. Surprisingly my friends turned into enemies and my enemies into my new friends.


Thanks for the support mate :) Thats an interesting Idea you have there, would definitely add nice versatility and feel to some animations. We will definitely consider it.




Do you​ have plan​ about​ inflation?


Currently there are no plans for inflation however their is a slight chance for it in the future.


I agree that the dissemination of information in social networks helps further work. Sure I will try to share this video.


Good day. First of all thank you for high qulity product. Even there is no plot or gameplay, I enjoyed sex animations a lot. Second of all I am writeting here in order to ask for help. Me and one more guy are creating porno game on UE4. Currently we are searching for one more person with small experience on modeling area. We can provide small amount of money in order to prove that we are serious about this. Also we can help with your project because we have experience from sculpting and modeling to destructible mesh and physics. If you are interesting in this idea and would like to have "work agreement" , we can discuss about this by voice channel and I can provide my work and the link to the game. I don't no police on this webpage so I will not post it right now. Thank you for attention. Here are my contacts arkadiy.tregubenco@gmail.com and discord ArkadiyTRGMT+2H#5366 . Usually I am in Discord because everyday working with project.


I don't think promoting on another person's game is a good idea. This sounds like a scam lol


Design idea feedback Don't know if you guys have looked at Honey Select, but that game has a decently well defined clothing Slot system, that covers a LOT of variable clothing combinations. Video mentioned "feet, legs, torso, hat, arms, necklace areas." Just to compare to what has been done successfully: HS has broken down its clothing slots to tops, bottoms, bra, panty, pantyhose, socks, shoes, and gloves. The way that overlaying costume parts work in that game was done decently well. Pantyhose objects usually cover panty objects, but remain covered by sock objects. And I played another flash game (no wait, i think it was unity lol, sprite game) that has togglable overtop clothing to display underclothing (that control is really hot for some reason).


Honey Select has the best character customization system out there but sadly Wild Life dev's said customization isn't a priority for them. It's why I cancelled my pledge for the time being. If a "sex" game doesn't have long-term replay value, like Honey Select does, what's the point? Instead you'll be getting combat, story & RPG elements... pfft. It's sad because the sex animations & fluid "droop" effects in Wild Life are second to none in current adult games.


no, key is the mods support