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Hello everyone,

time for another update on what's going on here at the studio.

Animation-wise we started to work on some new Idle animations for all characters, each one now has at least one personalized Idle animation that seeks to accentuate the character. We also are now working on other animations such as sitting by the fire, chilling around, and will work on some activity (like different actions for working around the camp/village) animations this week.

We started to work on modeling some Tribal male characters as well. They are currently based on Max’s and Sethros skeletal proportions so all animations can be shared directly without much (if any) loss of quality. We now have a total of 10 Tribal males with different body and face which makes a good base to populate camps and villages. Next up is to make some basic clothing for them.

The village area is currently receiving a second pass on the general look, we are improving the landscape by gradually upping the quality of stones and cliffs and adding some waterfalls. 

Our coders are working on implementing the first set of quests to the game and we are in the process of making it playable for the september demo. The combat is also receiving some attention as we continue to polish it more and more.

Thanks for sticking with us, it's great to see the support for this game still growing :)

-Wild Life Team

For anyone interested, we changed up the Eccentric support tier a little bit, it now reads:
When your total support in this pledge reaches 500$ you can pick an animation pose that we will add to the game
So yes, it does pretty much what it says, you can send us an animation pose you wish for an existing character combination and we will implement it to the game. Of course we need to make sure submitted animations are suitable.

Quick reminder that if you are a Members-tier or higher patron and are interested in getting your name in the credits of the game, please see this post:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/members-tier-22530215 



Miy Eterp

Thanks! Want to buy the game!

Justin Morales

What if you put a total of 500 in other tiers


I would like to know this too but, sadly I already know the answer... NOTHING. :(


Thanks a lot for keeping us in touch. Anyway, have question for you. Will you implement some more animations in next build as well or only quests and details for village? Thanks a lot for your answer in advance. 😊🤜🤛


is there any plans to add animations for other fetishes like futa, loli, inflation, etc? and will other lesbian pairings be getting the make out animation? shey needs kisses <3


Awesome, I can't wait for the Sept build! Keep the good work up!


Looks fantastic! Keep it up, you guys are pros.


I hope no more lesbian/gay. Waste of time better spent on straight content...


I'd still prefer to see additional human female skeletons as my #1 preference for future content. And focus on a good looking butt. And maybe 1.55-1.60 in height


Hello guys, I don't know where is my last comment but in doubt I'll post again. So first, thank you very much for keeping us in touch. I really apreciate it. And I have another question for you: Will you implement as well some animations? What about Kerpali's animations? And when will you implement another female Kerpali? :3 Thanks a lot in advance for your answer and thank you very much for the game you're building. :D


You guys do awesome work. My preference however would be focusing on more adult content.


I think idle animations are a great idea! They sure makes the sandbox experience more complex and fun. In that sense, can´t you guys make some of the poses used in sex animations (doggy, knees mouth open, standing with penis on hand) available for idle?


Love the detail put into this project and the high quality nature of the animations. I don't know too much about scripting, but would it break the game if NPCs randomly had sex with each other? Would be fun to walk or fly around and see NPCs slapping thighs together.

kevinflum 2077

will their be fuckable/playable sneak characters in the game ?


My most anticipated game, besides Cyberpunk 2077! :D One question: In the poser options we have a lot of dance animations. What will be the purpose of dancing? Will we be able to dance with friendly NPCs? And if yes, will it be some kind of rythm based mini game, just like it was in GTA San Andreas? The salsa animations are my favorites, 'cause im an amateur salsa dancer myself, and i must say they are quite accurate ;) Keep up the good work.


so when will we see this update for download?


Not sure if it was mentioned before but the trees are way off from the cliffs hanging half way through the cliff and the sky and some of the terrain in the village has overlapping textures on the ground, though i let you guys know seeing that your working on improving the terrain.


Yea we are aware of that, there are several different things that need second and third passes ;) Itll all be done in time.


Pretty impressive updates this time. I really liked that you created 10 Tribal males, and now a new stage is already beginning - their settlement.


No new sex animations this time? :(

Icarus Media

Steve, I have nothing to say about the game except it is progressing well, but....as a German and my friend are you able to read this sentence: Am Zehnten Zehnten um zehn Uhr zehn zogen zehn zahme Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo?


Okay I saw that waterfall in the picture. You know that waterfalls don't come out off rocks. You need to add like some water trail on top of the cliff. The water needs to be coming from somewhere and not out of thin air lol.


Story update when?


Hi adeptus! Just join this month and have become a big fan of the game so far! the quality is fantastic and really enjoy the concept and will continue to support the project for as long as I can. I was just wondering if it's possible in the future we can see some of the clipping issues with the outfits when you're adjusting the body parts. It would just help it feel more aesthetically pleasing. I enjoy recording videos for the hell of it and would just like them to feel as real as possible. also would it be possible to throw in the hat and idea of maybe being able to adjust facial animations in the scenes. like having multiple options of how people are reacting to the scenes on top of the animation just a thought! Looking forward to what comes next! Cheers!


I like game has good quality graphics I enjoy playing and exploring with the characters open world rpg supporting the project good job I have some ideas can help improve the game it is possible you can create more furry characters and monsters example the furrys races lizards or dragons horses cats foxes and can also create more villages or temples or medieval city castles and do game missions to improve levels and magic and weapons ? Thank


You guys are awesome!


Can all of you just relax with the furry, monsters etc.. bulshit, let them do their thing first these kind of stuff arent make in one day for everyone who knows a litle bit of code and game making its a large process, let them finish the game with their ideas before asking for castels etc..


Looks great ❤️


Hey Steve,it would be great to know if it would be possible to add gentle breeze in the environment,like those tents cloth materials wave a little bit.. (like in rise of tomb rider game)...maya's hair can gently blow by wind turbulence.These tiny things would give immense look and feel,any plans about this?


Is there a way to keep track of how much we contributed?

Icarus Media

Creators have a screen called patron manager that tells us how much people have donated. Steve will be able to see how much you have given him in your lifetime.

Puffy Joyana

getting better and better!


It would be nice if there is a separate button for switching to strap-on animations,can that be done? :)


We will see, our plan is something more controllable, if its an extra button or an equippable item that you do beforehand will remain to be seen.

Mr. L

Would you elaborate further upon "you can send us an animation pose you wish for an existing character combination and we will implement it to the game"? For instance, in what form do you want these animation poses sent? Is the idea that we provide a brief descriptive outline, and you animate it appropriately? Or is "pose" meant in the sense of a single stationary posture?


You make a suggestion for a sex pose animation you would like to see implemented and we do it (conditions apply, we cant do forbidden stuff)


Two questions: 1. How to start sex with strap-on? 2. Will there be more animations with salivarius?


1. Strap on sex is currently an animation between Maya X Maya pairing (maya being any of the girls that shares her proportions) Its a doggy animation. Youll have to manually turn on the strap on for the respective character in the customization menu. 2. I hope yes.


During the sex scenes the characters don't blink. Will this be addressed in a later release?


Impressive... needs a stacked lanky girl next ;)


I just tried this and from everything I've seen so far I'm blown away. I'm very, very impressed. I can't wait to see how this looks down the line. Amazing work with lots of potential!


I really like the way this game developed, you did great work. But i wish there would be more female characters like Widowmaker from Overwatch.


The blinking is in some animations, in others it isnt, some loops are rather short and we thought blinking in short looks might look weird. Our desired solution in the future is to have the facial animations run on a separate layer so they have a better context with everything and enable the characters to speak during act.


Thanks mate, happy you enjoy it. I hope you understand tho that we cant do that due to copyright reasons :D


good game rpg open world should put more animal breeds Furry and also put medieval castle city and missions and put more sex posture on new people ??


Any chance of getting some girls with longer labia? I'm pretty sure physics wise that may be a bit of a pain. But I do love a variety of kitty styles...

Ryuun The Planedragon

Please ignore the morons who are begging you to stop making gay/lesbian content. Your LGBT supporters appreciate what you're adding in for some of us

Nikolaos of Chaldea

It's going to be interesting. I would love to see girls with a flat chest (so far all of them have large breasts), or lower height than previous models. Or a crossbreed od people and kerpali. They could create their own society of exiles, as they do not fit either one or the other. But.... These are just my nerd dreams.


Hello good sir! i have two questions today.. so, the most important one: is the minotaur character in the 10dollar tier yet? i can't seem to find him. Also, another important question: when the time comes for the game to be officially released, will we be able to create our own characters? Maya is great and all, however character creation is an aspect of many famous and succesful RPGs out there, such as Skyrim or KOTOR. It would be awesome to make my own player character in this game, especially with those wings!

Ryuun The Planedragon

Just a reminder for anyone angry about the gay animations: They were always planned to be in this from the very beginning. Go back to the original announcements and FAQs and Q&A sessions. There were always going to be gay/lesbian animations. If you don't like that, then don't start the animations. If you still don't like that, you're more than welcome to stop supporting the project, and go find something else to jerk off to.


Hello dude, yes the minotaur is in the build, he is on one of the platforms above the arena, mostly infront of his throne room. If you want to spawn him right away just open the character spawner menus (using T key). Full character creation like skyrim is not planned.


Random question, with us playing Maya in the main game, currently we are able to posses the other girls in order to run around and have fun with them. Are we going to be able to do that in the full release as well or will it be strictly set to Maya at all times?


Can you get back to making straight animations? You know, the ones that 95% of people are going to enjoy instead of focusing on that 5%?


Can you focus on the gay Kerpali animations? You know, the ones that 95% of people are going to enjoy since they are mostly gay furries. No need to focus on the other 5%?


if i pay for the uncensored version this month will i still have it next month despite ending my pledge?


No, I don't think so. I'm not part of the development team, but I seem to recall having access to all of the uncensored versions (10$) as soon as my payment went through. I recall the same happening when I upgraded myself to the 25$ tier. Still, I'd wait for one of the developers to confirm this, as I have no way of guaranteeing that this is accurate.


Hi what’s the link to access the Discord?


How about the improved creampie animations or new animations in general in the next update? Any further progress on that?


Thank you for adding gay/lesbian animations! I've been waiting for them a long time and can't wait to see more!


I would love to have tits out while clothed sex, also larger nipples


I think that could be nice if you find out how to change character without leaving sex mode :) This way we can leave more than 2 characters having sex :P






when u add partial undress ? and all existing cloth share to all girl?

New Frontiers

Thank you! Having a lot of fun with this game. I would like to learn more. Is there a FAQ posted somewhere? Any instructions?


Thanks mate, here is an FAQ :) https://docs.google.com/document/d/15QaeoBvQOKSfmUt3O94u80NlIy1rSl8Hs64lf5onEg4/edit#


Hello, i have a question. I know that this is not something can come when it releases but will modding be available at some point or is that not planned? (don't know if it has already been answered). Edit: never mind i just got the answer by reading the last FAQ that i completely forgot was posted


Aye, modding isnt planned right now but that doesnt mean its completely off the table for the future.


So steve, I'm wondering something, and i don't want you and the team to take this as impatience, more than raw excitement for the outcome of the game... i upgraded recently to Members tier, and noticed it stated we will have early access to later versions with experimental content, however the link for the members tier is actually a month older than the other tiers. i did notice that is has more experimental content, i was just wondering have there been problems regarding the newest releases for august and september? It seems the latest members tier version is from July


Hey mate, welcome to members tier :) The Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public, 5$ and 10$). Currently that cycle is complete and the latest version is the non-members tier. The next version we will release in a about 1-2 weeks will be the new member version.


So are we finally done with the gay stuff? i mean you always said it mas going to be a minority of the content.


Hiya Steve ! Any plan for like Hole in the wall animations? Like female stuck int he wall type? Love the content and looking forward to sept build! Also perhaps it could be a trap. in one of the dungeons puzzles?


You know what would be cool. I think you need to add some music in the game. Obviously it would be created for the game.


is there any website with mods? : )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


this was in 2017 september bulid but just gone like many GOOD things gone idk why...


2 weeks without an update? Come on guys go back to weekly updates like you used to.


If this graphics card requirements for this end game go up I think I’m gonna have to stick to the latest demo for 2019


Any more lesbian animations planed soon? also looking good so far boys keep it up!


Yes, more lesbian anims are planned :) Not sure when exactly but I think this year will still see some more releases for that.


Can you make a small cutscene of some facial expression just before the starting of love making?.. it'll create a cool transition :)


Help enable censorship, there is a function, but one point.


Probably because you have the public version. Public builds are locked on censoring. If you want to try uncensoring you need to get the builds from here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32459015