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Hello Folks,

this is a big one for us, so brace yourselves.

As you know we started WildLife with Unreal preset Blueprints. After realising that what we wanted to do was way bigger than that, we set out on the journey of rebuilding the entire project into C++ in September. With new people on the team we finally managed to reach a point where we can now proudly announce:

It’s time for actual game play content!

This stepping stone (and believe us - it’s a huge one) is the first of many. It’s the beginning of a gaming-experience that will not bottleneck because of hacky blueprint tech that sets boundaries (I’m pretty sure a lot of you guys have rooted for projects that were eventually never finished because of things like  that.)

It’s finally time for a new build!

And this one is different to the ones before: Say hello to our first quest. With this one we want to introduce you to the basic core loop of WildLife.

We hope you’ll enjoy this one - let us know what you think. Without you guys this wouldn’t happen.

Thank you once more.

  • WildLife team

Here are some more mirrors:








Thanks mate, we are working on all those things and they should be more or less adressed for the next build. Thanks :)


Good start. Wee bit too much wiggle and jiggle to the boobs. Real boobs have gravity xD


Why are there censors during the sex scene?


Awesome! Will get my hands on this ASAP and test it out to my hearts content!


Thank you very much, you very good team:-)


Okay I admit the Holocaust happened now go.. I mean guys


I love you guys!

Thom Hurley

Awesome, glad to hear this is moving along, and yeah as far as Unreal and Blueprints is concerned, its great for some types of games, but for anything advanced you really need to move into C++, my devs and I learned that the hard way a while back, not to say Blueprints are not great, but it makes the difference when you can write the code and do more of what you actually want to do, not stuck within the constraints of Unreal Blueprints.

Red Flare

I've run into a bug where your character continues to slide forward a good bit after I've stopped moving.


you can talk to this panther-guy the same way as you talk to max. there is no difference


Yep, the current level is so far away from the origin that there seems to be some floating point precison issues with movement. We will look at that soon.


Whats the difference between the builds?


Public: Censored, clothed maya, some sex scenes. 5: Censored, maya can take clothes off (still censored), some sex poses. 10: Uncensored 25: a lot more sex poses (static yet, but will be animated eventually)


is it just max you can interact with?


This is absolute trash. You riddled down the options menu, added ONE quest, only a couple of scenes, added very little to the world. It seems very half ass-ed and on top of that you make 3 different builds, each with an increasing amount of content (very little). Almost more of a shitty tech demo than anything else. You should make the pledges way WAY less than it is. This "game" doesnt deserve more than 3 dollars a month at the moment.


You fail to even remotely grasp the amount of work this is taking and the state its in. You talk like we just shipped a final game for its full price without even thinking how much it costs in time and money and capable people to develop something like what you (and we) expect.


I'm still impressed about the 3d work and animation you guys are creating. After deciding to develop a rather big game from this, I was kinda sceptical to be honest. No matter how much skill one has, It's always hard and frustrating to develop a big open world game, especially with high quality renders. Depending on content, graphics and Animation, It'll have tons of bugs and performance issues, which is understandable. That being said, unfortunately I'm not a fan of this build... I absolutely know and can imagine how hard is it to build a completely new system from scratch. However, this test build is full of bugs and doesn't work quite right which might give the user a bad impression. But aside from that I'm looking forward to see more work from you guys. Even though It's a rough way, I'm pretty sure you guys can create something unique, which many others couldn't. Keep up the great work.


This is looking very promising. Just please, on the next builds don't tie the resolution to the graphics presets. I'd like to run high on 1080p as the current ultra settings tank my fps to 45.


Thanks for your understanding man. I respect that and I understand too that this might not be the biggest build content wise and its rather buggy still. It looks very much like we should slow down our release schedule to make sure we deliver well rounded working builds. Its something we have figured out for ourselves at least. And the community reaction certainly proves us right. But in the end all that counts is that we certainly want to make this an awesome and are working really hard to get there. We WILL make this game, no matter whats in the way.


I cant seem to pledge to unlock the $25 build (had to change payment option)


So, I don't know exactly what is and isn't in this demo (public build), but I think I'm encountering some pretty hardcore glitches. While gathering fruit, the panther man leaps out of the tall grass, then walks really slowly for about thirty seconds to a minute, then runs away over a hill. The whole cutscene(?) lasts several minutes, and when 'control' is finally returned to me, none of the keys do anything. I'm just stuck in place. Trying to download from another mirror in case the file was corrupted, but I definitely didn't get very far in the game.


everything is same, except censorship ( if i get it correctly)


ok small question :) , did you plan anything "special" for valentine day ? it coming slowly but i think you can do something like for christmas, kind of small mini fanservice material stuff :D . you know.... for peoples who didnt have someone for this love day .


It seems to soft lock every time the black panther spawns. There is also a momentum bug where the character is constantly sliding in one direction or another.


Just to confirm. I'm seeing the soft lock as well when the panther spawns


To begin, I kindly apologize for my approximate English. I would just like to congratulate you for your amazing work. I just have a problem with the latest version: when I start collecting fruit, the panther comes to me and then the game bug. I can not move or use the menu. I have to leave the game by doing Alt + F4. What can I do ? Thank you in advance. Sincerely, a friend.


Hi, As a supporter for around 6 months now (even through the no-build face from September to January) pledging 10$ every single month, i'm honestly really bummed out that the 25$ version gets so much more animation content even after pledging months that were nothing but infrequent and short updates. I understand the fact that you guys couldn't work on new builds till you rebuild the game with a better code base and a bigger team, completely understandable. But after pledging for months on end with no actual content to see the 10$ pledgers get such a large cut-back on content for the January build? I'm not asking to receive all the 25$ pledgers rewards every single months, but for this January build release so long after the last one...wouldn't it be nice to semi-evenly distribute the build's content? Just feel like I kind of regret pledging in the months I knew I wasn't getting content now that there is no recognition to everyone who's stuck around while you rebuild...even if it's just for this one first build. I hope you know where I'm coming from, thanks!

Rüdiger Püschel

Sieht alles sehr gut aus!! Aber warum läuft der Panther weg und macht keinen aggressiven Sex mit Ihr und als Belohnung darf sie die Früchte einsammeln.Ich weiß es ist viel arbeit warum können die Mädels nicht richtig schwimmen das ist mir schon bei den anderen Versionen aufgefallen.


I have some inkling of how much work it is to completely rebuild a project's code. So I see this for what it is, the very beginning of real game. Good work guys and I look forward to your future builds now that you have a foundation of your own code to build on.


The Panther is gliching around and nothing happend more.. :/


It's probably best to drop your pledge to a lower tier until there's enough content for you to feel comfortable then


The game looks good but I get to the panther cut scene and it glitches out.

Hannah Pixie

Omg omg omg eeeeek!!!! Are we playing a set character or can we pick


[SPOILERS] Go to the Panther first. He won't move and u will be able to talk to him, but in reality u will be talking with Max xD. Then proceed to gathering items without Panther bothering you. Go back to Max or Panther, doesn't really matter xD. Have sex. ??? Profit.


You should've just kept adding characters and sex animations. This build is a total disaster: the interface, the dialogues, the static images, the bugs. Panther's animation - it's just beyond horrible. And all of this took 3 months? Disaster.


Why in the game the graphics became blurry?


Too many bugs needed to be fixed.... Character keeps walking automatic. Nothing happens with the panther he just moonwalks over and runs away. I only had the dialogue with the guy and my game broke 3 times. Damn..


Holy crap man, you dont know how much I appreciate this comment right now. We wont let you down!

Thom Hurley

Had a lot of the same issues being described here, also the sex animations are not really fluid or working it seems or at least not very well. My biggest issue here is that I feel like the previous build was actually better, though I get going from Blueprints to C++ must have hacked a lot of functionality it was probably a mistake to issue this as a stable build at this time. I will continue to support this, but I would rather go a year with no updates or builds and see a good build next year then see you guys rushing to push out builds like this just to appease some of your supporters. I am not speaking for everyone here, but these are some of the issues I found in my play time. 1. The Panther does get you stuck, but if you wait the control eventually comes back to the player about 90% of the time. 2. The last bit of dialogue that starts the "sex" animation with Max is odd, if you mouse over the choice you want it actually highlights the opposite choice. 3. When you stop walking you continue to glide/slide. 4. Small bug with Maya's clothes around her butt, the clothes appear to clip through her when she walks, but come to think of it, the previous build almost every character had clipping issues like this...but hey some finished games have clipping (which is just terrible in my opinion), but not a huge issue for most. 5 Picking up objects is a bit annoying as you have to be right on top of them to do it, and the text appears and disappears rather quickly. Other than that, performance seemed fine, the sex sequence could have been better, but my understanding is that the $10 patrons only get part of that...so I guess I will wait and see what the next build offers, but I will continue to support this for now.


I definitely agree about only putting out builds every once in a while. While playing this one I had to constantly remind myself that this was very early in the game's development, because it was severely turning me off to the whole thing. I know it's a hard balance for Patreon developers to strike, since too little to show loses patrons. But putting out something as barebones as this also has the potential to scare off would-be supporters. I don't know the answer, or if there is even a right answer, but I do cast my vote for less frequent but more substantial builds. Short videos or even GIFs of new animations/characters/creatures etc. would tide me over in the meantime, as well as feature discussions/feedback sessions.


So, a thought I had as I replayed this build: the quest was very stereotypical RPG fare, and not necessarily the good kind. It was just a standard fetch-quest, but instead of gold or items as a reward you get sex. Since I (and I'm sure many of your supporters) are interested in this game primarily because it's a high-quality porn game, I'd suggest making the quests more sex-oriented. How? Not sure. But I feel like it's important to me (and I'm sure many others) that sex is the central theme of the game, not just a reward for completing non sex-related quests. The earlier character you guys came up with that was visiting the planet in order to collect sperm samples from the native inhabitants is a good example of sex-themed quest types, I think.

Lee Thompson

Is there any documentation on controls/how to play?


hi guys, great work! love this game


uff, that demo sure is clunky and broken af Controls are really, really clunky, but i'm sure you are aware of that, Sex Scene with Max is broken: the animation takes a couple of seconds to start. runs for a second or two, and stops again. Poses cant be changed most of the time. Controls stop responding, etc. When you straight up go to the catguy and talk to him, he has the same dialogue as Max


Just had a look in the build, tried a couple of times since the game just got stuck in the panther running animation. Couldnt get passed that. There s also an always present slide in your position. Chars feel less...there, then in the sept. build. Liked the hair on Maya, shading in the face seems like shes been doing crack when she doesnt look into the sun tho. Liked the face on sept. build maya better tbh. seemed a bit more 'real'.


very nice work guys!


It's great. Glad you seem to be taking this seriously - from the BGM, to different picture qualities, to having an extant system for dialog and such. Overall, great job! Obviously, it could use some more work, but I'm hooked!


It seems absolutely amazing, but is there a way of executing on 32bit? I can't make it work


i want controler : )