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Whats up dear supporters :)
Thank you for being part of the community that enables us to work on this. Here is the link to your version of the game.
You can undress the character using N-Key.


Enjoy ;)





Love your work so far, but please bring back options and bigger dicks. I can't relate to the little hut-pencil-fucker at all.


Suuuuuuure brother. We'll bring back some bigger dicked characters soon anyway. ;)


Hey hey :) Awesone job so far :) Question is it just me or when that purple tiger comes and runs off my game just sits there. i can't move at all and the game is still running i see Maya being idle. Did i break it :(


No you didnt break it.. we did :( Its quite nasty bug in this version. You just need to wait for a while. Altho yeah that bug really ruined the build.


I'm a new patron and I've been trying to download this build. I'm getting the error that too many people have downloaded this file recently, so its blocking additional downloads. I see this build is from several months ago though, so is the link broken? I'd be surprised if there was still a large number of downloads happening ~4 months later.


Very strange, but I see you have 10$ membership, you should get the build from here: 10$: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/25321923">https://www.patreon.com/posts/25321923</a>