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Hey peeps,
hows it rolling?
Going fine here, making process. Just a quick little update, we have spent a bit more time on the logo/banner, check this new WIP out :)

Stay tuned, stay merry,

-Wild Life Team




I like the blue! It’s different from the usually red logo you see now and days.


yea agree with SpookyTre the blue is something Different


Nice work


hm i don't know, i think the red looks better, but i agree, that it might look more like other logo's with the red. I would actually like to see it in either brown or green. Since it's "Wild Life" wouldnt green fit better? And its all going down in a desert map atm, so maybe brown aswell? xD just my thought.

Little Oni

The blue just looks better. The red has a dissonance so improper it even hurts the eyes. The game doesn't use rich color, or high contrast, strong cellshading or sharp edges, or anything that would warrant a logo that has an element so balantly standing out.


yeah, the blue is great!


Blue looks the best! But the art and font looks amazing!


Blue for sure it's nice the red it's too much of a color a lot of games took it already so it begins to be old but blue now is the best :)


Blue looks amazing.


Red is overused, plus Blue is more calming a color and so far this game seems pretty chilled out overall. Maybe that might change at some point but I think for now for sure, Blue fits best and is not as commonly used


Great logos, red logo rules)))


I like blue better, but something about looking at the logo makes me feel chilly, and the thought of being naked suddenly seems less appealing when I have an impression of cold and frost. The red logo feels hot and sultry, so I think it probably does a better job evoking the appropriate feeling for me. My two cents.


Red logos are overused? There are far more blue logos then red ones. I would like to see how it looks with a colour between orange and brown.


I don't think either color really fits the game. Something more natural like green or brown would look better.

Wesley Gunder

You already have blue tones through the reflection effect on text so I would make the underlining graphic use a brown, then as alternative you could place it on top of parchment paper that has a a tan or near yellow color and make the underlined graphic have a green color.


Looks nice. You can also combine the arguments from others here and just combine the two colors making it purple...your call.


On a black backdrop, both look great. I like the logo, but if both had a backdrop of the sand dunes or of a lush jungle, the red would be my preference.



deez nutz

have you tried green? I think the blue gets lost with the black background and red is overused but because its a good color with black it stands out more.