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Hello friends!
Here is a quick post, updating you on whats been going on this week, some nice stuff happened:

1. We researched some hardware, bought and built a new computer and turned it into our development server for source-and version control. Now we can properly work as a team directly in the game engine from multiple computers! A big step towards making our pipeline more professional.

2. We started to look deeper into some costume Ideas for Maya (our first main character). I made some sketches to test out some different looks. This is just the beginning of some really cool stuff and Im looking forward to pass this matter down to our modeler.

3.  I have finally started to work on a female pantherod. This has a bit more background info I want to explain: Since most of our creatures were (in my opinion) at the brink of conflict with patreon's new(old) guidelines and that was keeping me somewhat worried, I decided to make a step towards them being true characters. For that Ill be trying some things to make them look more relateable and human without taking away their animalistic traits. Quite a challenge for sure,  but Im on it.

Thanks for being there for us ;)
Expect an other small update on wednesday.

-Wild Life Team




Female Pantherod? Oh boy...this sounds frikin sexy. <3


Looks great))


sounds awesome!

Didi & Nok' Tus

Just wanting to make sure: There will be no game update this month?


No sry, If you read this post, I mentioned it there in more detail: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/14995883">https://www.patreon.com/posts/14995883</a>


About the new patreon rules, I'm a little worried about how this is impacting the devolpment of the game, how much does this is changing your original idea of the game?, this new character makes me think, there is not going to be any new monster/animalistic character in the game? and for sure we won't be seeing any raping implementation right?


Hard to say. Especially with any non consensual we need to be very careful. So its nothing I can currently comment about :/


So what other characters model (NPC) are y’all planning to put in the game?


Well I sure hope the game can still come together as planned or better. Some good post reading from others here. I like the outfit designs for Maya. I think some outfits that show nipples would be great too.


Definitely an Asian looking girl is quite high on our priority list. Some more will be announced in time then :)


Great amazon armors :D my preference goes to the 3rd (bottom left) one :D


Does this mean you'll have to change the genitalia? I hope not;(


I agree, the third option or bottom left looks great. Nice work.


Just a quick question will a Elven race in the game.


ood ideia, online civilization: war sex or peace sex!