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Good evening folks,

To our pleasure we noticed a very nice engagement from you, the community regarding our logo design. Some good feedback happened and we will continue to work on that based on your comments.

Further, as mentioned in a previous update, we have worked on a re-design for our creatures and we have made some nice progress on that end too. We want to make a nice and versatile full faction out of the creatures. Along with that we want to add some nice coverage of cool races like the already known Pantherods but also ones like Tigroids, Lionides and so on (you get the idea), with full characters and quest lines and story etc.
Here is the current state of one of our female Lionides, a Hunter named Kira.

Link to HD version of facial range of motion test:  https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/LimitedResponsibleBengaltiger

Thanks for being a part of this, you rock :)

-Wild Life Team




Not too crazy about furries...


looks kinda like the furry/anthro version of the female lion from the lion king kira or something like that. Umm overall not a huge fan personally i wasn't really following this project for this kind of content i've got other sources for the furry stuff i:e Fek,yiffallcious and that lot! But to each their own i guess. One positive i guess is it looks High quality?


Cool model)))


Something for everyone! MORE KIRA


Nyla from lion king LOL! Anyways looks promising xD


Would love to see what will you do with the lore/World of the game it looks promising just by graphics and the updates quickly coming in for that type of huge game :D


Keep spamming furries, that's the way i like it. <3 She looks very promising.


Will there be male protagonist characters to choose from/play as?


I like where this is going, she's quite pretty


Fantastic model! Are we expecting more animal like npc in the future?


Loving the concept, and your guys' hard work toward a game that's shaping up to be something very unique. Can't wait to see the end result.


I wouldn't be surprised if you got hit with copy write from disney for this... Dunno if it's too close but that looks very much like a cg of Nala..

Icarus Media

The temptation to start singing lion king songs is only a whim away, a whim away, a whim away....


It would become a problem if it were the same character. We have a different character here, different name, different universe, different story being told, different physical appearence and style, different personality etc. etc. so Id say this is at most, a transformative use. Im not entirely sure tho so I have already contacted a legal advisor.


for a second I tought a really long dong was hanging on the left pic lol


it made me think of the Lion King of Disney xD <a href="https://labelleestlabete.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/le-roi-lion-situation-initiale.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://labelleestlabete.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/le-roi-lion-situation-initiale.jpg</a>


Is this an NPC or will players actually be able to use her?


Not to be a hater, but that looks like an exact rip of Nala from "The Lion King."

Wesley Gunder

Well since its supposed to be anthro lioness there is only so much can be done without getting away from the look. Maybe give her some mane options?


furries just wet their pants XD


Will this release on steam?


looks too much like lion king stuff. dangerously furry


Have to say that your models do seem a bit Disney inspired, but in a good way and like your work. Although I do have to agree that the head does seem like a rip off of the Lion King head with the only difference being the teeth and eye shape IMO. Forgive me if the author is on the team, but it actually seems more like a rip off or an attempt to mimic the v1.0 of this model in the link bellow which I consider to be better. The images were also named Nala at one point when it was fist showed off. <a href="https://thirteeenth.deviantart.com/gallery/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thirteeenth.deviantart.com/gallery/</a>


Wesley Gunder mentioned that there is only so much that you can do for a lioness head, but have to strongly disagree and doesn't have to look cartoony either. You can take the Skyrim Khajiit for example, although not a lion. There are many mod morphs I did for the Khajiit heads and a lion is planned, as well as the only big cat I didn't do.