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Hey all, Ill keep it a quick one today.
Stuff is steadily moving into good directions. The biggest thing this week was a few meetings we had with some of our guys to talk about a few core structure things like  Source/Version Control, Development Documentations, Task Management, Back up systems etc. etc. Now that the team is slowly starting to size up, its about time we get those things up and running so we hope to get that all working asap.
We're also now looking more and more into the texts for our patreon page refresher which is planned to happen soon.

Also, ive gotten many new attack animations for Maya's spear combat system ready. Here is a quick preview of a few of them :)

Along with those ive started to read up some more about combat system implementation techniques and am confident we can make something really cool out of this so I hope you are as exited as we are.
Have a great week everyone <3

-Wild Life Team



OK this kicks some serious ass! :D


Oooh, I'm liking the look of this a lot! Just remember not to get too ambitious with the combat system, guys! Solid and simple would be nice but as long as things don't get messy I'm sure you'll all do fine. ;)

Terebonkoff Game Studio

Good job! It looks very interesting! Your team works fine as always!


Hey! Do you have any time frame for when we can expect male pov's and cum?


Those moves are pretty wicked. Will you implement a way to replay the fight scenes after the battles? Those might be cool to watch as a third person camera. Keep up the awesome work.


Unfortunately not, Ill try to implement malePOV as soon as possible. But cum is something that wont be happening for some time.


I have a question the only npc i see are the one in the begining i was flying arround and nothing just desert or can some1 tell me where i can i find more thanks in advance


Man that animation is fucking awesome!


wow, great work looks very nice :) well done.


Animation looks great. Keep it up!


very great animation, but when you can create orgasm system ? xD


Thanks man, not sure when the orgasm system can be done tho, but rest assured, its definitely going to happen

Western Canadian Guy

it looks amazing, its like a BioWare game with less alistair taking in the butt mods, i know a game like this can take sometime to make and i'm more then happy with what i'm looking at, if i can afforded, i may bump my patron to 5 or 10 per-month.


Hello. So glad I stumbled on to this game. Looks like a great work of art in the making. ... Big fan of Jenny ! She could do with some shoulder length hair though. lol. ... Be glad to help in any way I can. (Just Became Member).


I would like to know if there will be any way of enhancement to the characters, like, bigger boobs and/or booty, i say this because i am a fitness' lover. and BTW, Wild Life is great, already tried public build, and it is exactly what i always dreamed about. thanks for what you have been doing for mankind xD


great update)))


Just going to say this.. that is not how you use a spear(or halberd for that matter). She's using it like a sword and is gripping it so close to the tip that it might as well be a sword, and is a complete waste of a spear's superior reach.