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Hey all, an other month has passed and we have made quite some advances again. We want to thank you all for the awesome support you are giving this project.
As you may remember we announced a big update a few times ago. I want to quickly let you know again that we did NOT mean the september build with that. It refers to something greater about the project in general and the direction its heading. We are putting a lot of effort into working out the game as a game and shaping out our visions into clear plans that we can really organize work from. This is in terms of story, gameplay and mechanics, character designs, quest designs, combat, world design, etc. etc. etc. All that is slowly starting to take shape and we will soon start to revamp our patreon page to reflect that and really showing what this game will be about and how we want to get there.
With that being said, youll soon start noticing some changes in the OP text and descriptions for the project and all that and new screenshots that better represent the Idea of the game.

On the more detailed side of things we have:
-Our shader guy doing an awesome job on giving our character look a second pass and making them look even bettern than what we currently have.
-Our writer working a screenplay-ish document that describes what the content of the first actual game version will be
-Guuii revisiting some animation work on the pantherod combat animations
-Our friend Puppetmaster also has been jumping on some animation work [more anims] and is currently taking care of a few more sex animations for our characters
-A coder is starting soon and will help us restructure the game framework to make sure we have a nice and scaleable and optimized base which we can extend with content as we go
-Myself doing some animation work too, implementing  an animation package for spear style combat and fitting it to our character

So thank you so much again for making sure all these awesome people can work on such a cool project with us, we have something great going, lets not slow down now.

-Wild Life Team


Terebonkoff Game Studio

Sounds interesting! You do a great job friends! I'm very interested in watching the development of your project!


Awesome. Take the time to make this game all it can be!


After being mesmerized with the (T25) September build, I'm drenched in anticipation. My expectations of this project is very high. I look forward to future news and builds ahead. Great work, Adeptus Steve

Icarus Media

I think the player character already gets speared enough! ;-)


I don't know if this has been asked before, but will the game also include male playable characters? Was never interested in roleplaying as a wandering whore :-P


Yes, the game will also feature a male playable character. But we are first concentrating on the female MC as our resources cant work on both at the same time.


Your so good :D


this game looks great! so excited for future releases! Is there any opportunity for cum animations in near future?