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Hello Patrons!

We’ve been asked by a few of you about the Japanese style Funtanari, which we don’t see fitting for the Wild Life concept at this moment in time. 

Our good friend Puppetmaster who supports Wild Life with animations from time to time - and is Lead Animator at Affect3D - recently released a Futanari game demo on Patreon just a few days ago!

If you’re interested in something a bit different, be sure to check out his Patreon and the trailer for his game project and let us know what you think in the comments!







I also don’t see this in this spectacular game, you guys should just focus on finishing the game and not get side track. Another popular adult game (not going to mention) kind of got side track and now having updates getting delayed. Anyway just keep up the great work and keep us updated!


I personal don't like futa and I think that context wouldn't fit with WL.


Futa and Wild Life? That can't be good. Imo you should focus on more important stuff right now. :/


I support you decision regarding Futa as I think it would distract from the game. There are many other sources of this to be found elsewhere.


you did understand the post right? im giving a shoutout to a mate that is doing a futa project. That doesnt mean that im spending time on futa myself. Just wanna clarify that.


Thank you for this. Far from everyone is into futa and it's getting shoehorned in just about everywhere. It's nice to get a reprieve from it.


Please, no futas. Add m/m. Or at least an ability to play male character.


Also, I have a question about morphs. Is it planned that character shapes can be change during the game - get stronger/weaker/fatter/taller, etc. ?


Hey Steve, thanks a lot for the shout out! @Everyone: Don´ t worry, my game is totally independent from Wild Life! :) Steve just was so kind to let you people know that I exist and develop my own stuff as well so whoever is into Futa will have a chance to get a high quality game for that. It´ s also focused on mobile devices (Android) and does not even come near to the awesome PC-quality of Wild Life.


Sincerely, Puppetmaster, I wish you much success with your project. Personally, I think you will do good with it. However, just my humble opinion, adding a futa to Wild Life would, to me, be the same as adding a centaur to Ark: Survival Evolved. But, who knows.. maybe after the game is finished it can be a mod, adding a different tribal species. I'm still waiting to see what path they intend for this game. Just my 2 cents.


Hey Adeptus Steve, i have a question. Since you do a wonderful job with those 3D models and the animations...do you plan to add a giant western dragon (the feral ones, like the Black Dragon Kalameet from Dark Souls 1 as an example) into the game? There aren't that much big 3D porn games out there with dragons and people normally love to see dragons. I guess it's way too early to think about that but i just want to hear your opinion about that idea for the future.


Wow, it is great project!!!! Love it!!! I wish you good luck, guys!!!!


thanks a lot :) but I think you got that wrong: no futa will be added to wild life. I am developing my very own, completely independent game. it´s a totally different project so don´t worry :) my game and wild life are 2 totally different stories and have nothing to do with each other.


Will there be snooze-juice animations in the future?


I am glad some people have the integrity to pursue their own artistic vision without caving into a craze. Keep up the good work without succumbing to the dark side.


the demo is fine, but your project is bigger and more interesting!) i'd love to see the plot))

Icarus Unleashed

I am disappointed but I support your vision 100%. Keep up the great work.