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First, I hope everyone out there is doing well, and that your tribe is safe and healthy.

No matter what your take on things is, it's been a hell of a year so far. In many cases, an emotional rollercoaster of sorts. 

Amidst the shit storm of social-unrest and disease... I have been on something of a healing journey, where I have taken time to myself to just, exist and try to pull myself together so that I can function better in the future. Today, the journey involved some word dumping, and I thought I'd share what my thoughts formed into once everything was pushed into a word processing document. Maybe it will be helpful to some who find themselves in a similar headspace as me. 

Again, take care of yourselves. Eat a vegetable. Hug someone you care about. Pause for a minute are really look at the world around you. 

I'll get back to making soon enough... once the 'ol battery is recharged and I feel stronger. Thank you for sticking around and being there for me in the mean time. I can't express enough how much I appreciate you <3 


Things We Whisper to Ourselves

Filed Under therapy Early this year, I decided to dedicate the Spring to personal healing. I committed to do so when my plans for 2020 completely vaporized in a matter of days due to the COVID pandemic, and I could no longer put off addressing my declining emotional health by burying myself in commitments and deadlines.


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