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Hey everyone! Many of us have found ourselves with a lot more free time than we ever expected. It has been a great chance for personal growth and healing! Part of the process for me has involves trying out new things, or rediscovering with old hobbies.

When I was a student I use to oil paint every single day for like... 4 years!! crazy!?! right?! Well, I have decided that it's time I *brush up* my skills enough to eventually do an updated self portrait at the end of the Summer. While I get back on the horse (literally), I intend to pass on my knowledge while streaming exercises in technique, color theory, and the emotional fortitude/coaching necessary to oil paint like the renaissance masters.

If you're interested in doing so yourself... (I highly recommend everyone try oil painting at least once in their lifetime) -this is my list of materials I think you should pick up in order to get started! It's even written from the perspective of my staving student self, so if you're strapped for cash, this is the cheapest easiest way to get your toes oily. ;)

I love you guys! Stay safe and let me know if you end up painting spheres at any point!


Oil Painting Prep!

Filed Under robohemian I've found that mostly everyone I meet wishes they had gotten a letter from a mysterious owl prompting an adventure to a fantastical college of wizardry and magic.


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